This document provides code examples for performing CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations in Java Server Pages (JSP) and MySQL. It includes code for JSP files to display and edit records, as well as Java servlet classes and DAO classes containing SQL statements to interact with the database and implement the CRUD functionality.
This document provides code examples for performing CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations in a MySQL database using JSP and Java servlets. It includes SQL code examples for updating, deleting records from a table. It also includes Java code examples for a MemberDAO class with methods to get, update, delete members, and servlet classes to handle edit, update, and delete requests.
The document discusses connecting Java applications to a MySQL database in 5 steps. It provides the necessary information for connecting to a MySQL database including the driver class, connection URL, username, and password. It then shows an example of connecting to a MySQL database, executing a query, and retrieving and printing the results. It also provides examples of connecting two Java frames/forms by passing data between them on a button click event.
The document provides instructions on how to use MySQL to create databases and tables, insert data, and delete databases and tables. It includes commands to show databases, create a new database, use a database, create a table, describe a table, insert data using INSERT and LOAD DATA, delete a table, and drop a database. An example is provided to create a database called SN1_LATIHAN1, make a table T_Buku with 5 columns to store book data, insert 4 rows of sample book data, and create a report file of the exercises.
Working with Databases and Groovy
This document discusses how to work with databases using Groovy. It covers:
- Connecting to databases and using groovy.sql.Sql to execute queries and statements
- Performing reads and writes like inserting, updating, deleting rows
- Calling stored procedures
- Advanced techniques like transactions, batching, pagination
- Using groovy.sql.DataSet to treat tables as collections
It also briefly introduces using MongoDB and Neo4j with Groovy.
This document discusses agile database access with CakePHP 3. It covers types of object-relational mappers (ORMs), setting up associations between tables, performing simple and complex queries, formatting and debugging queries, modifying JSON output, using value objects, and more advanced topics like custom serialization and associations between databases. The goal is to provide an ORM that is quick, flexible, and easy to work with for both simple and complex database needs.
The Ring programming language version 1.7 book - Part 32 of 196Mahmoud Samir Fayed
This document provides documentation on MySQL functions in the Ring programming language. It describes functions for connecting to a MySQL database, executing queries, retrieving results, and managing transactions. Key functions covered include MySQL_Connect() for connecting to a database, MySQL_Query() for executing queries, MySQL_Result() and MySQL_Result2() for retrieving query results, and MySQL_Commit() and MySQL_Rollback() for managing transactions. Examples are provided to illustrate how to use these functions to perform common tasks like creating databases and tables, inserting and retrieving data, and handling transactions.
ESNext for humans - LvivJS 16 August 2014Jan Jongboom
The document discusses new features in (ECMAScript 2015) that improve on existing JavaScript capabilities. It describes how proxies can be used to intercept operations on objects, allowing properties to be returned dynamically or exceptions thrown. It also covers other new features like maps, destructuring, arrow functions, and let/const that address issues with older variable scoping and iteration behaviors. Overall it presents as providing solutions for things that used to require frameworks as well as enabling new functionality not previously possible in JavaScript.
The document discusses configuring Tomcat connection pools. It describes preparing Tomcat by adding jar files, configuring the server.xml file and context.xml files, and testing connection pools using JSP. It also covers how Tomcat 6 supports connection pools using dbcp and how JdbcRowSet can use connection pools.
The document contains code examples demonstrating the use of Knockout.js to build single page applications with dynamic user interfaces. It includes examples of binding input elements to observables, building a reservations app with a view model and computed values, and routing with Sammy.js.
Internationalizing CakePHP ApplicationsPierre MARTIN
The document discusses internationalization in CakePHP, including:
- Using methods like __() and __n() to translate text strings, and Configure::write() to set the application language.
- The Translate behavior, which allows translating database records into multiple languages and automatically filtering by the current language.
- Generating translation files using the i18n extractor, editing them with POEDIT, and caching translated elements.
The Ring programming language version 1.6 book - Part 31 of 189Mahmoud Samir Fayed
This document provides documentation on Ring programming language functions for working with SQLite databases. It includes functions for initializing a SQLite object, opening a database, executing SQL statements, closing the database connection, and an example showing how to create a database, insert records, and retrieve data.
Pontos para criar_instancia_data guard_11gLeandro Santos
1) The document provides steps to create an Oracle database instance and configure Data Guard protection. It describes using DBCA to create the primary instance, enabling archiving and setting initialization parameters.
2) It then describes configuring the listener and tnsnames files on both the primary and standby servers.
3) Steps are provided to enable archiving on the primary, create a backup, and copy files to the standby to restore the database and register it as a managed recovery standby.
This document describes how to configure Spring Security for authentication and authorization in a web application. It defines a WebSecurityConfig class that configures HTTP security with roles like OWNER and MANAGER for access control. It also defines a UserDetailsManager service for loading users and a User entity class implementing UserDetails. Tests are shown for security configuration, login, access control and more using Spring Security's test utilities.
The document contains a summary of PHP data types, variables, arrays, operators, strings, cookies, sessions, errors, control structures like loops and conditionals, functions, and classes. It covers basic syntax for variable and array declaration, common array functions, operators, string manipulation functions, setting and retrieving cookies and sessions, try/catch error handling, and structure for if/else, for, foreach, while, switch, and do-while loops, functions, and classes.
This document provides an overview of common string, data structure, file, operating system, security, XML, SQL, and web service operations in PowerShell. It discusses how to work with strings, arrays, dictionaries, hashtables, files, environment variables, events, services, WMI, encryption, XML processing, SQL queries and transactions, sending emails, downloading files from URLs, and using proxies. The document is a helpful reference for many PowerShell tasks.
The Ring programming language version 1.5.2 book - Part 28 of 181Mahmoud Samir Fayed
This document describes MySQL functions available in the Ring programming language. It provides examples of using various MySQL functions such as MySQL_Info(), MySQL_Init(), MySQL_Connect(), MySQL_Query(), MySQL_Insert_ID(), MySQL_Result(), MySQL_Columns(), MySQL_Escape_String(), MySQL_AutoCommit(), MySQL_Commit(), and MySQL_Rollback(). It also shows how to connect to a MySQL database, execute queries, retrieve and print results, handle errors, and work with transactions.
The Ring programming language version 1.5.3 book - Part 29 of 184Mahmoud Samir Fayed
This document describes various functions for security, encryption, hashing and internet usage in the Ring programming language. It covers functions for calculating hashes using MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and SHA512. It also covers functions for encryption/decryption and generating random bytes. Additionally, it describes functions for downloading content from the internet and sending emails.
The Ring programming language version 1.5.1 book - Part 27 of 180Mahmoud Samir Fayed
- The document describes MySQL functions in Ring programming language for connecting to and interacting with MySQL databases. It provides examples and explanations of functions like MySQL_Connect(), MySQL_Query(), MySQL_Result(), MySQL_Insert_ID(), MySQL_Columns(), and others.
- It also demonstrates how to save and retrieve images from a database by encoding/decoding with MySQL_Escape_String(), and how to use transactions with MySQL_Autocommit(), MySQL_Commit(), and MySQL_Rollback().
This document describes the Database Abstraction Layer (DBTNG) introduced in Drupal 7. DBTNG provides a unified API for database queries that works across different database backends like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. It supports both static and dynamic queries. Static queries use placeholders and prepared statements for security, while dynamic queries are built programmatically using a query builder object. Methods are provided for SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE queries. Transactions and reading from slave databases are also supported.
This document provides an agenda and slides for an advanced PHP tutorial covering topics like PHP-MySQL integration, cookies, dynamic images, sessions, security, and optimization. The slides include code examples for connecting to and querying a MySQL database, setting and reading cookies, generating dynamic images with GD, and other tasks. The slides also discuss best practices for topics like escaping data, database abstraction, and HTTP headers.
The document discusses HTTP and security topics related to web applications. It provides an overview of HTTP basics including methods like GET and POST. It then covers security threats like cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, sensitive data exposure, and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). The document recommends approaches to protect against these threats, such as input filtering, prepared statements, encryption, using tokens, and more. It also discusses how these security concepts apply to PHP and WordPress applications.
With over 3400 available built-in function, PHP offers a tremendously rich environment. Yet, some of these functions are still unknown to most programmers. During this session, Damien Seguy will highlight a number of functions that are rarely used in PHP, but are nonetheless useful and available within standard distributions.
This PHP code loads data from a MySQL database based on a selected purchase order (P.O.) number. It displays key information about the P.O. such as the supplier, order date, arrival date, list of products with codes, descriptions, quantities, categories. It also calculates and displays subtotals and totals for product quantities by status (initializing, declared, cancelled, cancelled due). The code uses multiple SQL queries to retrieve the data and populate the HTML table for display.
The document discusses best practices for managing asynchronous code with promises in JavaScript. It explains how to consume promises, produce promises, and chain small tasks together using promises. Managing multiple asynchronous database queries with promises is demonstrated using Promise.all to read race standings data in parallel and then render the results. Partial application and closures are also covered as alternatives to chaining promises.
The Ring programming language version 1.9 book - Part 36 of 210Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The document describes SQLite functions in Ring for connecting to and interacting with a SQLite database. It includes functions for initializing a SQLite object, opening a database connection, executing SQL statements, and closing the connection. An example shows how to create a database, insert records, retrieve data via a SELECT statement, and display the results.
The candidate is seeking a competitive work environment with mentors to guide and challenge their skills in software development. Their education includes a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering with skills in various programming languages, databases, and technologies. They have 6 months of experience developing Android applications and have worked on projects involving design, simulation, and analysis using software like Solidworks and ANSYS.
This document discusses using JSP and servlets to connect to a database and perform SQL queries. It describes creating a dynamic web project with a servlet called DataServlet to handle database connections and queries. The servlet uses a controller class with methods like insert() to execute SQL statements like insert, update, delete and select queries and return results.
The document contains code examples demonstrating the use of Knockout.js to build single page applications with dynamic user interfaces. It includes examples of binding input elements to observables, building a reservations app with a view model and computed values, and routing with Sammy.js.
Internationalizing CakePHP ApplicationsPierre MARTIN
The document discusses internationalization in CakePHP, including:
- Using methods like __() and __n() to translate text strings, and Configure::write() to set the application language.
- The Translate behavior, which allows translating database records into multiple languages and automatically filtering by the current language.
- Generating translation files using the i18n extractor, editing them with POEDIT, and caching translated elements.
The Ring programming language version 1.6 book - Part 31 of 189Mahmoud Samir Fayed
This document provides documentation on Ring programming language functions for working with SQLite databases. It includes functions for initializing a SQLite object, opening a database, executing SQL statements, closing the database connection, and an example showing how to create a database, insert records, and retrieve data.
Pontos para criar_instancia_data guard_11gLeandro Santos
1) The document provides steps to create an Oracle database instance and configure Data Guard protection. It describes using DBCA to create the primary instance, enabling archiving and setting initialization parameters.
2) It then describes configuring the listener and tnsnames files on both the primary and standby servers.
3) Steps are provided to enable archiving on the primary, create a backup, and copy files to the standby to restore the database and register it as a managed recovery standby.
This document describes how to configure Spring Security for authentication and authorization in a web application. It defines a WebSecurityConfig class that configures HTTP security with roles like OWNER and MANAGER for access control. It also defines a UserDetailsManager service for loading users and a User entity class implementing UserDetails. Tests are shown for security configuration, login, access control and more using Spring Security's test utilities.
The document contains a summary of PHP data types, variables, arrays, operators, strings, cookies, sessions, errors, control structures like loops and conditionals, functions, and classes. It covers basic syntax for variable and array declaration, common array functions, operators, string manipulation functions, setting and retrieving cookies and sessions, try/catch error handling, and structure for if/else, for, foreach, while, switch, and do-while loops, functions, and classes.
This document provides an overview of common string, data structure, file, operating system, security, XML, SQL, and web service operations in PowerShell. It discusses how to work with strings, arrays, dictionaries, hashtables, files, environment variables, events, services, WMI, encryption, XML processing, SQL queries and transactions, sending emails, downloading files from URLs, and using proxies. The document is a helpful reference for many PowerShell tasks.
The Ring programming language version 1.5.2 book - Part 28 of 181Mahmoud Samir Fayed
This document describes MySQL functions available in the Ring programming language. It provides examples of using various MySQL functions such as MySQL_Info(), MySQL_Init(), MySQL_Connect(), MySQL_Query(), MySQL_Insert_ID(), MySQL_Result(), MySQL_Columns(), MySQL_Escape_String(), MySQL_AutoCommit(), MySQL_Commit(), and MySQL_Rollback(). It also shows how to connect to a MySQL database, execute queries, retrieve and print results, handle errors, and work with transactions.
The Ring programming language version 1.5.3 book - Part 29 of 184Mahmoud Samir Fayed
This document describes various functions for security, encryption, hashing and internet usage in the Ring programming language. It covers functions for calculating hashes using MD5, SHA1, SHA256 and SHA512. It also covers functions for encryption/decryption and generating random bytes. Additionally, it describes functions for downloading content from the internet and sending emails.
The Ring programming language version 1.5.1 book - Part 27 of 180Mahmoud Samir Fayed
- The document describes MySQL functions in Ring programming language for connecting to and interacting with MySQL databases. It provides examples and explanations of functions like MySQL_Connect(), MySQL_Query(), MySQL_Result(), MySQL_Insert_ID(), MySQL_Columns(), and others.
- It also demonstrates how to save and retrieve images from a database by encoding/decoding with MySQL_Escape_String(), and how to use transactions with MySQL_Autocommit(), MySQL_Commit(), and MySQL_Rollback().
This document describes the Database Abstraction Layer (DBTNG) introduced in Drupal 7. DBTNG provides a unified API for database queries that works across different database backends like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite. It supports both static and dynamic queries. Static queries use placeholders and prepared statements for security, while dynamic queries are built programmatically using a query builder object. Methods are provided for SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE, and MERGE queries. Transactions and reading from slave databases are also supported.
This document provides an agenda and slides for an advanced PHP tutorial covering topics like PHP-MySQL integration, cookies, dynamic images, sessions, security, and optimization. The slides include code examples for connecting to and querying a MySQL database, setting and reading cookies, generating dynamic images with GD, and other tasks. The slides also discuss best practices for topics like escaping data, database abstraction, and HTTP headers.
The document discusses HTTP and security topics related to web applications. It provides an overview of HTTP basics including methods like GET and POST. It then covers security threats like cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, sensitive data exposure, and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). The document recommends approaches to protect against these threats, such as input filtering, prepared statements, encryption, using tokens, and more. It also discusses how these security concepts apply to PHP and WordPress applications.
With over 3400 available built-in function, PHP offers a tremendously rich environment. Yet, some of these functions are still unknown to most programmers. During this session, Damien Seguy will highlight a number of functions that are rarely used in PHP, but are nonetheless useful and available within standard distributions.
This PHP code loads data from a MySQL database based on a selected purchase order (P.O.) number. It displays key information about the P.O. such as the supplier, order date, arrival date, list of products with codes, descriptions, quantities, categories. It also calculates and displays subtotals and totals for product quantities by status (initializing, declared, cancelled, cancelled due). The code uses multiple SQL queries to retrieve the data and populate the HTML table for display.
The document discusses best practices for managing asynchronous code with promises in JavaScript. It explains how to consume promises, produce promises, and chain small tasks together using promises. Managing multiple asynchronous database queries with promises is demonstrated using Promise.all to read race standings data in parallel and then render the results. Partial application and closures are also covered as alternatives to chaining promises.
The Ring programming language version 1.9 book - Part 36 of 210Mahmoud Samir Fayed
The document describes SQLite functions in Ring for connecting to and interacting with a SQLite database. It includes functions for initializing a SQLite object, opening a database connection, executing SQL statements, and closing the connection. An example shows how to create a database, insert records, retrieve data via a SELECT statement, and display the results.
The candidate is seeking a competitive work environment with mentors to guide and challenge their skills in software development. Their education includes a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering with skills in various programming languages, databases, and technologies. They have 6 months of experience developing Android applications and have worked on projects involving design, simulation, and analysis using software like Solidworks and ANSYS.
This document discusses using JSP and servlets to connect to a database and perform SQL queries. It describes creating a dynamic web project with a servlet called DataServlet to handle database connections and queries. The servlet uses a controller class with methods like insert() to execute SQL statements like insert, update, delete and select queries and return results.
This document discusses Java Server Pages (JSP) and how to perform searches on a database using JSP. It covers key aspects of JSP including using JSP tags to generate HTML, the JSP lifecycle, and separating dynamic and static content. It then discusses using SQL queries in JSP, including SELECT, WHERE, LIKE, and other SQL statements. It provides code examples for the SearchServlet class, MemberDAO class with database methods, and Search.jsp page to allow users to search the database and view results. The document focuses on using JSP and SQL to build a search feature that queries a database and displays results on a web page.
The document provides information about the JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL). It discusses that JSTL is a tag library that offers tags to control flow, format dates/numbers, parse XML, and execute SQL queries. The core JSTL tag library includes commonly used tags for accessing and modifying data, making decisions, looping, and error handling. Specific tags discussed include <c:out> for outputting data, <c:set> for setting variables, <c:if> for simple conditions, and <c:forEach> for looping over collections.
Description of all types of Loaders from System programming subjects.
eg. Compile-Go Loader
General Loader
Absolute Loader
Relocating Loader
Practical Relocating Loader
Linking Loader
Linker Vs. Loader
general relocatable loader
The document describes how to connect a PHP script to a MySQL database and perform CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operations. It explains how to connect to the database, create tables, insert, update, delete and select data. Code examples are provided to create PHP files that connect to the database and perform each operation through a web form interface. The output displays the results of running the PHP scripts to interact with the database.
PDO provides a common interface for accessing multiple database systems from PHP. It aims to simplify database access, support modern PHP features, and provide a consistent interface across different database extensions. PDO's main advantages include prepared statements which improve security and performance, flexible result fetching, and metadata access. Developers can use PDO to execute queries, retrieve results, and interact with databases in a standardized way regardless of the specific database system.
The document discusses Java and the benefits of Groovy compared to Java. It covers boilerplate code and ceremony in Java that can be reduced using Groovy. Examples are provided demonstrating Groovy's syntax for primitives, collections like lists and maps, closures, IO operations, XML processing, and a DSL. The document recommends Groovy for its duck typing, operators, and safe navigation operator to avoid null pointer exceptions.
PDO (PHP Data Objects) provides a common interface for accessing databases in PHP. It uses prepared statements to separate SQL structures from user-supplied input, improving security and performance. PDO supports databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, and Oracle. It offers flexible fetching of query results as arrays, objects, or callbacks. PDO also includes features like transactions, metadata retrieval, and error handling via exceptions.
When working with enterprise applications, you want to have the same user experience that you know from for instance office applications and browsers. People know how to use the features that can be found in browsers such as bookmarking, favorites, and working with tabs. The search mechanism provided by Google, that uses suggestions based on the text typed by the user, is so common that people expect this in every application. And there are more of these UI patterns. In this session, you will learn how to implement some of the common UI patterns in your ADF application.
The document provides an overview of advanced SQL injection techniques, including blind SQL injection, data exfiltration, privilege escalation, command execution, uploading files, internal database server exploration, port scanning, and evasion techniques to bypass firewalls and web application firewalls. Specific examples are given for each technique using SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, and other databases. Prevention methods are also discussed, such as input sanitization, prepared statements, stored procedures, principle of least privilege, and using a web application firewall.
Finding and fixing bugs is a major chunk of any developers time. This talk describes the basic rules for effective debugging in any language, but shows how the tools available in PHP can be used to find and fix even the most elusive error
Debugging: Rules And Tools - PHPTek 11 VersionIan Barber
The document provides rules and tools for debugging. It discusses understanding the system, making failures reproducible, quitting thinking and closely observing behaviors, dividing problems into smaller pieces, changing one thing at a time, and maintaining an audit trail of changes. Tools mentioned include Xdebug, Selenium, PHPUnit, strace, and source control systems. Logging, instrumentation, and testing techniques are also covered.
This document describes a quiz management system created by Joyita Kundu. It includes details on the database tables, menu design, form design and event coding. The database contains tables for login information, questions and results. The menu system allows users to take IP or GK tests. Forms are used for login, registration, the quiz and results. Event coding handles form interactions and database queries. The system allows users to take timed tests, view results and track performance over time.
Luc Bors presented ways to bring common UI patterns to Oracle ADF applications, including implementing tabbed navigation, context menus for tabs, closing tabs, and most recently used functionality. The document also discussed implementing real-time updates using database change notification and the active data framework. Finally, it covered patterns still under investigation such as grouping tabs, drag and drop tabs, duplicating tabs, and adding sticky notes.
The document discusses various components and techniques for developing extensions for Joomla! 1.5, including using libraries, retrieving data from requests, multilingual support, querying and retrieving data from the database, routing URLs, handling errors, security practices, and redirecting users. It also mentions tools for development like Aptana and resources on the Joomla! API and extension development.
Corephpcomponentpresentation 1211425966721657-8PrinceGuru MS
The document discusses various components and techniques for developing extensions for Joomla! 1.5, including using libraries, retrieving data from requests, working with databases, routing, errors, security, and redirects. It also mentions tools like Aptana and J!Dump that can aid development and covers methods for querying, loading, and receiving results from databases.
Ten useful JavaScript tips & best practicesAnkit Rastogi
In this presentation there are ten useful JavaScript techniques which can be included in your application easily with less friction along with some AngularJs tips and best practices as a bonus. These tips and best practices are accompanied by examples & will cover script loading, design pattern, performance optimization and other areas.
Since best practices are very subjective topics, proper benchmarking needs to be done.
This document discusses using Perl stored procedures with MariaDB. Key points include:
- Perl stored procedures are implemented as Perl modules that use DBD::mysql to access the database from within the MariaDB process. This makes them easier to debug than SQL stored routines.
- Examples are provided for simple "Hello World" procedures, handling errors, reading and returning data from queries, and modifying data by inserting rows.
- Perl stored procedures allow extending MariaDB's functionality by leveraging thousands of modules on CPAN. As an example, the document shows how a procedure could implement a basic monitoring server using HTTP::Daemon to expose server status data via a JSON API.
This document provides an overview of using JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) to access databases from Java applications. It covers the main JDBC concepts like drivers, connections, statements, result sets, and transactions. It also describes the typical steps for querying and updating databases using JDBC: establishing a connection, creating statements, executing SQL statements, processing result sets, and closing resources. The document includes examples for connecting to Oracle and ODBC databases and using prepared statements. It discusses best practices like using connection pools, tuning transactions, and optimizing SQL queries.
The document discusses changes and new features in Drupal 7 related to APIs, database queries, and file handling. Key points include:
- Database queries are now built using query objects that support features like placeholders, joins, conditions, and multiple inserts.
- Files are now first-class entities with a files table, managed and unmanaged file types, and stream wrappers for various locations.
- Functions like db_query, db_insert and file_load were updated, and new APIs allow altering queries and copying/deleting files.
Quick introduction into react and flux followed by a comparison of redux and alt flux frameworks and a simple hello world application implemented in each of them. Last two slides present a microservices approach to client side applications as one of approaches how to make transitions between frameworks easier.
The document discusses Java Beans, which are reusable components used to separate business logic from presentation logic. It describes common tags used to work with beans in JSP pages, including <jsp:useBean>, <jsp:setProperty>, and <jsp:getProperty>. It also covers bean scopes like page, request, and session scope. An example bean class for a database connection is provided, along with a sample JSP page that uses the bean to execute and update SQL queries.
20. public static MembersBean getMember(String ID){
MembersBean mem = new MembersBean();
String sql = "SELECT * FROM membersbook
WHERE member_id="+ID+"";
try {
dbc.createConnection(); //
stmt = dbc.getStatement();
// getStatement() stmt
rs = stmt.executeQuery(sql);
// rs
while ( {
mem = new MembersBean();