9. Model formula inkjet ink
Water-Based Ink Jet Ink formulation
Ingredients Amount Function
Water 50%-90% Ink Solvent
Colorant 1%-15% Color Source
Co-Solvent or Humectant 2%-20% Ink vehicle, prevents evaporation
Fixative or Penetrant 0%-10% Assist fixing the ink to the substrate
Surfactant 0.1%-6% Surface tension and wetting
Resin 0.2%-10% Durability and adhesion
Biocide 0.02%-0.4% Prevents bacterial growth
Fungicide 0.01%-0.4% Prevents fungal growth
Buffering Agent 0.05%-1% Control ink pH level
Other 0.01%-1% Controls ink specific characteristics
15. PH meter
pH meter digital
berfungsi untuk
keasaman tinta.
Jika terlalu asam
atau terlalu basa
akan merusak
cartridge. pH tinta
inkjet berkisar
antara 8-9.5.
17. Tensiometer
Tensiometer adalah
alat untuk mengukur
tegangan permukaan
tinta. Karakteristik
surface tension tinta
inkjet adalah 30 Nm/m
untuk piezo dan 35-40
Nm/m untuk thermal.
19. Daftar pustaka
1. Preservation of inkjet hardcopies, martin c jurgen, rochester institute of technology.
2. Stability issues and test methode for inkjet materials, barbara vogt, university of applied scince
3. Studies on fastness properties of ink jet prints on coated papers, katri vikman, helsinki university
of technology
4. Waterbased inkjet inks, Agus tri widodo, duraposita chem.
5. Inkjet formulation the art of color chemistry, mike andreottola, american inkjet corporation.
6. www.cabot.corp.com
7. www.basf.com
8. www.clariant.com
9. www.lexmark.com
10. www.canon.com
11. www.epson.com
12. www.hp.com
13. www.rohmhaas.com
20. Color Matching
1. www.colorcube.com
2. www.taci.ac.uk.com
3. www.normankoren.com
21. Trouble shooting
Bronzing, Solusi
1. Penggunaan bahan PUD
2. Penambahan bahan anti bronzing agar pH tinta
3. Merubah komposisi kertas.