This document summarizes a research study that compared the efficacy of Shadbindu taila Nasya and Azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray in treating allergic rhinitis. 60 subjects with allergic rhinitis were divided into two groups. Group A received Shadbindu taila Nasya treatment while Group B received Azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray treatment, both for 21 days. Results showed that Shadbindu taila Nasya was more effective at reducing symptoms of dryness, crusting, and blocking of the nose compared to the nasal spray. Both treatments significantly reduced symptoms, but Shadbindu taila Nasya appeared to have longer-lasting relief of
2. Hypothesis
H0- shadbindu taila Nasya & Azelastine hydrochloride nasal
spray do not have any effect on Allergic Rhinitis.
H1-shadbindu taila Nasya & Azelastine hydrochloride nasal
spray do have effect on Allergic Rhinitis.
Patients having signs & symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis was
randomly enrolled from the OPD of department of Shalakya-
Tantra (ENT) of the institute after thorough scrutiny, proper
consent & permission from ethical committee.
Grouping: 2 groups
Group A: The Subjects of this group was treated with
shadbindu taila Nasya
Group B: The Subjects of this group was treated with
Azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray.
Examination of the patient
Nasal examination of the patient includes.
ï‚· Examination of external nose.
ï‚· Examination of Vestibule.
ï‚· Anterior Rhinoscopy
ï‚· Posterior Rhinoscopy
ï‚· Functional examination of nose.
Criteria of Diagnosis
ï‚· Foul Smell
ï‚· Anosmia
ï‚· Dryness of Nose
ï‚· Crusting
ï‚· Nasal discharge
ï‚· Blocking of Nose
Grading (0-Absent,1-occasional,2-frequent,3-continuous)
Composition of trial drug
Table 1. Shadbindu Taila
Sr. Name of Family Latin Name Proportion
No. Dravya
1. Bhrunga raja Compositae Eclipta alba 1
2. Yashtimadhu Leguminasae Glycyrrhiza glabra 1
3. Sunthi zingiberaceae Zinziber Officinale 1
4. Kushta Compositae Saussurea lappa 1
5. Lavan - - 1
6. Tila taila - - 4
Table 2. Azelastine Hydrochloride nasal spray
Sr no. Drug Content (%) Per spray dose
1. Azelastine Hydrochloride 0.15% 205.5mcg
Drug Analysis
Table 3. Group A drug Shadbindu taila analysis
Sr. No. Test Result
1. Description -
Brown colour oil
2. pH(2gm in 100ml water) 4.86
Method :by pH Meter
3. Refractive Index at 400
c 1.465
Method: as per IS-548
4. Viscocity at 400
c cps 77.44
Method : by Ostwald viscometer
5. Iodine value gl/100gm 116
Method : as per IS-548
6. Acid value mgkoh/gm 5.53
Method : as per IS-548
7. Saponification value mgkoh/gm 182
Method : as per IS-548
Study Design
Table 4. Study design Chart
Grouping Group A Group B
Sample size 30 30
Intervention shadbindu taila Nasya Azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray
Duration 21 days 21 days
Follow up 7 days 7 days
Dosage 6 drops in each nostrils One spray in each nostril
Timing Once daily in a morning Once daily in a morning
Interval 3 days after every 7 days 3 days after every 7 days
9984 Gangaprasad A Waghmare, Shadbindu taila nasya in allergic rhinitis: a controlled clinical trial to compare its efficacy
with topical azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray
3. Investigation
ï‚· Pathological- CBC, BSL, HIV
ï‚· Radiological- x-ray PNS
ï‚· Endoscopic- Functional nasal endoscopy.(Rigid)
Criteria for assessment
Criteria for selection
ï‚· Diagnosis of Allergic Rhinitis was based on clinical
examination which will be supported with Radiological
& pathological investigation.
ï‚· Age group between 20 to 50 years.
ï‚· Both male & female subjects, having sign & symptoms
of Allergic Rhinitis, irrespective of their socio-
economic status, educational status, caste & religion.
Criteria for rejection
ï‚· Subjects having previous history of nasal surgery.
ï‚· Subjects suffering from nasal polyposis, nasal
carcinoma, epistaxis.
The data collected from all the 60 Subjects of both groups was
summarized & statistically represented in terms of Vital
Statistics, Observations during study, Results of the study &
Statistical comparison of both the groups.
In the Group A the Mean Foul Smell of Nose was observe to
be 2.133 before treatment that reduced to 0.9333 after
treatment (p value <0.05) , the Mean Anosmia of Nose was
observe to be 1.633 before treatment that reduced to 1.567
after treatment (p value >0.05), the Mean Dryness of Nose was
observe to be 2.5 before treatment that reduced to 0.6667 after
treatment (p value <0.05),the Mean Crusting of Nose was
observe to be 2.467 before treatment that reduced to 0.7000
after treatment (p value <0.05), the Mean Nasal Discharge of
Nose was observe to be 1.333 before treatment that reduced to
0.5667 after treatment (p value <0.05), the Mean Blocking of
Nose was observe to be 2.133 before treatment that reduced to
0.9000 after treatment (p value <0.05). In the Group B the
Mean foul smell of Nose was observe to be 2.233 before
treatment that reduced to 1.067 after treatment (p value <0.05),
the Mean Anosmia of Nose was observe to be 1.500 before
treatment that reduced to 1.400 after treatment (p value >0.05),
the Mean Dryness of Nose was observe to be 2.333 before
treatment that reduced to 1.367 after treatment (p value <0.05),
the Mean Crusting of Nose was observe to be 2.300 before
treatment that reduced to 1.067 after treatment(p value <0.05),
the Mean Nasal Discharge of Nose was observe to be 1.467
before treatment that reduced to 0.8333 after treatment(p value
<0.05), the Mean Blocking of Nose was observe to be 2.033
before treatment that reduced to 1.167 after treatment (p value
<0.05). To examine either the groups differs from each other
significantly or not, further data are treated by Mann whiteny
U score test. For Foul Smell of Nose the mean difference in
value in group A was 1.200 while that in Group B was 1.167(p
value >0.05). For Anosmia of Nose the mean difference in
value in group A was 0.06667while that in Group B was
0.1000(p value >0.05). For Dryness of Nose the mean
difference in value in group A was 1.833 while that in Group
B was 0.9667(p value <0.05). For Crusting of Nose the mean
difference in value in group A was 1.767 while that in Group
B was 1.233(p value <0.05). For Nasal Discharge of Nose the
mean difference in value in group A was 0.7667 while that in
Group B was 0.6333(p value >0.05). For Blocking of Nose the
mean difference in value in group A was 1.233 while that in
Group B was 0.8667(p value <0.05).
In this series, 60 patients of Allergic Rhinitis were studied out
of which 36.66% patients found in Aged group between 20-30
yrs & 40-50yrs respectively, No any difference in sex ratio is
found i.e. both male to female ratio is equal, 73.33% patients
belonging to Hindu religion, maximum number of patient are
educated up to mid school & high school i.e. 26.66% each.
80% of patients are from lower socio-economic level, 50%
patient were suffering from Allergic Rhinitis since more than 5
yrs, 71.66% patient were having kaphavataj prakriti, 38.33%
patient were having mandagni, 78.33% patients were taking
sheet gunatmaka Ahar while 71.66% patient were taking
rukshagunat mak Ahar, 48.33% patient were taking dominant
katu rasatmaka Ahar and 83.33% patients were taking mixed
type of diet. In this study 100% patients of both groups were
having vata dosh dushti while 75% patient were having kapha
dosh dushti, 100% patients of both groups were having Rasa
dushya dushti while Mansa & Rakta dushya dushti were 80%
& 71.66% respectively.85% patients were living in
Unhygienic residential area, 58.33% patients were doing labor
work and 35% patients were having history of addictions.
After doing inference confidently by Wilcoxon Sign Rank
Test, it is found that in group A except for Anosmia difference
between before treatment & after treatment are statistically
highly significant for foul smell, dryness, crusting, nasal
discharge & blocking of nose. Also in group B treatment with
Azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray are effective relieving
symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis except for symptom anosmia.
After doing Mann-Whiteny U Test to examine difference
between effect of treatment in both groups it is found that for
dryness, crusting & blocking of nose the inference is highly
significant. I.e. for above symptoms Group A shows better
result than Group B .But for foul smell, anosmia & nasal
discharge the inference are in-significant. The properties of
shadbindu taila i.e. acidic nature, excess of hydrogen ions are
useful for capillary circulation. Increased H+
concentration dilate the capillary. As shadbindu taila is having
excess of H+
ions concentration it causes dilatation of
capillary. Irritation of the skin produces vasodilatation in the
locality. In neurology this reflex is known as Axon reflex. As
shadbindu taila is being acidic in nature, it acts as irritant to
nasal mucosal membrane, which produces vasodilatation. The
acidic nature of shadbindu taila also inhibits the photolytic
organism & also helps in removing crust. Thus shadbindu taila
acts as vasodilator & Germicidal. Which are helpful in
minimizing the symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis. From the above
discussion, it is clear that Subjects having clinical features of
Allergic Rhinitis are more significantly reduced in Group A
than Group B which itself prove that treatment with shadbindu
taila Nasya is better than treatment with Azelastine
hydrochloride nasal spray in Allergic Rhinitis.
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9985 International Journal of Development Research, Vol. 06, Issue, 11, 9983-9986, November, 2016
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9986 Gangaprasad A Waghmare, Shadbindu taila nasya in allergic rhinitis: a controlled clinical trial to compare its efficacy
with topical azelastine hydrochloride nasal spray