IN-NOVATION ofrece talleres y programas de capacitaci坦n en emprendimiento e innovaci坦n. Sus programas ense単an metodolog鱈as como Design Thinking y Lean Canvas para ayudar a las empresas a crear nuevos productos, servicios y modelos de negocio disruptivos. El personal de IN-NOVATION incluye emprendedores y consultores con experiencia en startups y empresas grandes.
Propuesta enfocada en que las empresas adopten herramientas de Innovaci坦n para Crear Nuevos Productos y Servicios Que sean L鱈deres del Mercado enfocados en el Cliente.
La aplicaci坦n de viajes compartidos propone una soluci坦n para conductores que viajan solos y gastan en gasolina, y para pasajeros que encuentran los medios de transporte p炭blicos inc坦modos e ineficientes. La aplicaci坦n permite compartir viajes con gente que tenga intereses en com炭n a trav辿s de una p叩gina web y una aplicaci坦n m坦vil, e implementa innovaciones como el seguimiento de rutas y un bot坦n de alerta para ofrecer un entorno de mayor confianza.
Los archivos JAR permiten empaquetar varios archivos como clases, sonidos e im叩genes en un solo archivo comprimido para facilitar el despliegue de aplicaciones Java. Se crean archivos JAR usando el comando jar y especificando un archivo MANIFEST que identifica la clase principal. JCreator tambi辿n puede crear archivos JAR para proyectos Java.
From quantified selves to the Fitbit-free massesClaire Billings
Is it time we stopped indulging the quantified selves to focus on the bigger prize of improving the health of nations?
Behaviour change expert Stuart Bowden highlights how to use passive data from open sources to guide health decisions. He will illustrate how this data can be used to actively move people who are disengaged with their health to make and sustain positive change.
In 20 years experience, Bowden has worked with and consulted for numerous government bodies and private sector businesses using geographical search, emotional and social response data to trigger people into action. In the session, he will discuss how the scale of this opportunity far outweighs the quantified self.
This document contains the resume of Amit Sharma, who has 2 years of experience in QA and testing of web applications. He is ISTQB certified and has worked on projects for clients like IDC and IBM. He has expertise in manual and automation testing as well as experience across the SDLC, including test case design, defect tracking, and ensuring quality in Agile environments.
A presentation I made for a class of exchange students. I DO NOT CLAIM ANY RIGHTS TO ANY PHOTOGRAPHS OR INFORMATION USED IN THIS PRESENTATION. A works cited paper can be provided if this becomes an issue.
The Technion Library as a physical environment - July 2012Dalia Dolev
A lecture by Dalia Dolev, the Elyachar Central Library director, givven at "The Physical Library in the Digital Age" conference, taken place at Haifa University, on July 10th 2012.
The document discusses the vision, mission, and challenges facing the Technion Library System in Israel. It aims to be a leading scientific and technological information center that promotes excellence in research, teaching, and study. Its mission is to support research and teaching through professional information services. It operates using a distributed centralized model with a central library and 15 faculty libraries. It is working to transition to being more digital as publishing moves online, including developing a new library portal and mobile interface. The library faces challenges in managing its large print and digital collections and redesigning library spaces for the future.
BillingViews Facebook Success Index - Benchmarking the OperatorsBillingViews
The document summarizes benchmarking data on major mobile operators' performance on Facebook. It finds that only a small number of top operators exceed industry averages in terms of percentage of subscribers who "like" the operator's Facebook page and in total likes. When comparing parent companies, Vodafone operators consistently rank highest across different metrics and measurements, while Orange also performs well overall.
The document discusses virtual reality (VR) experiences on the open web compared to closed VR systems, and some early experiments with VR on the web. It notes that while VR today relies on closed platforms, the open web may enable high-quality VR without downloads by using technologies like WebGL, WebSockets and browser extensions. It also introduces some VR experiments built with tools like vr.js, Three.js and GLAM that allow VR experiences to be built for browsers.
Hoe uw online project meten, beoordelen en verbeteren
Of het nu om een bedrijfswebsite, online shop of social channel gaat, u heeft een doel nodig. Een doel dat u kan meten 辿n bereiken. Want u wilt natuurlijk weten of uw online project rendeert en hoe u de resultaten kunt verbeteren.
Tijdens deze sessie leert u David Bintein CEO Lodestar alles over de best practices voor continue verbetering:
- Wat met doelstellingen, doelgroepen, funnels, flows, KPIs, KSFs, ?
- Welke tools en methodes best gebruiken?
- Welke technologie kan u best inzetten?
- Hoe segmenteren en personaliseren?
- Welke valkuilen vermijden?
This document provides information about Kena Roots, a natural treatment for vitiligo. It contains several active ingredients that can help treat vitiligo symptoms. Coconut oil contains fatty acids and vitamins that moisturize the skin. Psoralea corylifolia, barberry root extract, and picrorhiza kurroa root extract stimulate melanin production in the skin. Tea tree oil, emu oil, and vitamin E have anti-microbial and antioxidant properties. When combined, these natural ingredients provide an alternative to PUVA therapy by stimulating pigment production without harsh side effects. The treatment aims to safely and cost-effectively address vitiligo through natural active substances.
This portfolio summarizes the student's work from their second semester English class. It covers areas such as being a self-directed learner through independent projects, working collaboratively on group projects, critical thinking skills by solving problems, producing high quality work, effective communication, and use of technology. The student demonstrates growth and highlights favorite projects involving video production. Educational and career goals are also mentioned, such as internships, attending UCLA for architecture and digital art, and potentially commissioning in the Navy.
Email Advertising is a segment of Email Marketing is is the best place to get started to grow your website/brand. It's inexpensive and can target hundreds of thousands of people at one time.
This document provides a summary of a 1525 German language book titled "Vnderweysung der Messung" held in the collections of the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University. The book was written by Albrecht D端rer and contains 180 pages of text and illustrations on the topics of measurement, lines, planes, and geometric shapes. It is complete work that has been digitized. The record for this resource can be found in Yale University's catalog.
Stirling Henry Us Aust Corp Immi May 2010tim_denney
The document provides an overview of recent trends in American and Australian immigration. It discusses various visa options for business visitors, temporary workers, permanent residence, and citizenship. It focuses on visa pathways for US citizens, including business visitor visas, temporary skilled worker visas, work and holiday visas for youth, and pathways to permanent residence through employer sponsorship or general skilled migration points tests.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang metrik pengukuran proses dan produk pengembangan perangkat lunak. Beberapa metrik yang dijelaskan adalah metrik berorientasi ukuran seperti baris kode dan biaya per baris kode, metrik berorientasi fungsi seperti function point, serta perluasan metrik seperti 3D function point yang mempertimbangkan dimensi data, fungsional, dan kontrol.
El documento trata sobre la metodolog鱈a de investigaci坦n educativa y la atenci坦n a la diversidad. Repite continuamente el t鱈tulo "METODOLOGA DE INVESTIGACIN EDUCATIVA Y ATENCIN A LA DIVERSIDAD" sin proporcionar m叩s detalles sobre el contenido.
Spolenost Sipral je pedn鱈 esk箪 dodavatel obvodov箪ch pl叩邸泥哲 budov ze skla a lehk箪ch kov哲. Nezamuje se na syst辿mov叩 e邸en鱈, ale preferuje individualitu a kreativitu. D鱈ky sv辿mu p鱈stupu m叩 ji転 dv desetilet鱈 mo転nost pod鱈let se na realizac鱈ch projekt哲 v箪znamn箪ch svtov箪ch architekt哲 nejen v esk辿 republice, ale i v zahrani鱈.
From quantified selves to the Fitbit-free massesClaire Billings
Is it time we stopped indulging the quantified selves to focus on the bigger prize of improving the health of nations?
Behaviour change expert Stuart Bowden highlights how to use passive data from open sources to guide health decisions. He will illustrate how this data can be used to actively move people who are disengaged with their health to make and sustain positive change.
In 20 years experience, Bowden has worked with and consulted for numerous government bodies and private sector businesses using geographical search, emotional and social response data to trigger people into action. In the session, he will discuss how the scale of this opportunity far outweighs the quantified self.
This document contains the resume of Amit Sharma, who has 2 years of experience in QA and testing of web applications. He is ISTQB certified and has worked on projects for clients like IDC and IBM. He has expertise in manual and automation testing as well as experience across the SDLC, including test case design, defect tracking, and ensuring quality in Agile environments.
A presentation I made for a class of exchange students. I DO NOT CLAIM ANY RIGHTS TO ANY PHOTOGRAPHS OR INFORMATION USED IN THIS PRESENTATION. A works cited paper can be provided if this becomes an issue.
The Technion Library as a physical environment - July 2012Dalia Dolev
A lecture by Dalia Dolev, the Elyachar Central Library director, givven at "The Physical Library in the Digital Age" conference, taken place at Haifa University, on July 10th 2012.
The document discusses the vision, mission, and challenges facing the Technion Library System in Israel. It aims to be a leading scientific and technological information center that promotes excellence in research, teaching, and study. Its mission is to support research and teaching through professional information services. It operates using a distributed centralized model with a central library and 15 faculty libraries. It is working to transition to being more digital as publishing moves online, including developing a new library portal and mobile interface. The library faces challenges in managing its large print and digital collections and redesigning library spaces for the future.
BillingViews Facebook Success Index - Benchmarking the OperatorsBillingViews
The document summarizes benchmarking data on major mobile operators' performance on Facebook. It finds that only a small number of top operators exceed industry averages in terms of percentage of subscribers who "like" the operator's Facebook page and in total likes. When comparing parent companies, Vodafone operators consistently rank highest across different metrics and measurements, while Orange also performs well overall.
The document discusses virtual reality (VR) experiences on the open web compared to closed VR systems, and some early experiments with VR on the web. It notes that while VR today relies on closed platforms, the open web may enable high-quality VR without downloads by using technologies like WebGL, WebSockets and browser extensions. It also introduces some VR experiments built with tools like vr.js, Three.js and GLAM that allow VR experiences to be built for browsers.
Hoe uw online project meten, beoordelen en verbeteren
Of het nu om een bedrijfswebsite, online shop of social channel gaat, u heeft een doel nodig. Een doel dat u kan meten 辿n bereiken. Want u wilt natuurlijk weten of uw online project rendeert en hoe u de resultaten kunt verbeteren.
Tijdens deze sessie leert u David Bintein CEO Lodestar alles over de best practices voor continue verbetering:
- Wat met doelstellingen, doelgroepen, funnels, flows, KPIs, KSFs, ?
- Welke tools en methodes best gebruiken?
- Welke technologie kan u best inzetten?
- Hoe segmenteren en personaliseren?
- Welke valkuilen vermijden?
This document provides information about Kena Roots, a natural treatment for vitiligo. It contains several active ingredients that can help treat vitiligo symptoms. Coconut oil contains fatty acids and vitamins that moisturize the skin. Psoralea corylifolia, barberry root extract, and picrorhiza kurroa root extract stimulate melanin production in the skin. Tea tree oil, emu oil, and vitamin E have anti-microbial and antioxidant properties. When combined, these natural ingredients provide an alternative to PUVA therapy by stimulating pigment production without harsh side effects. The treatment aims to safely and cost-effectively address vitiligo through natural active substances.
This portfolio summarizes the student's work from their second semester English class. It covers areas such as being a self-directed learner through independent projects, working collaboratively on group projects, critical thinking skills by solving problems, producing high quality work, effective communication, and use of technology. The student demonstrates growth and highlights favorite projects involving video production. Educational and career goals are also mentioned, such as internships, attending UCLA for architecture and digital art, and potentially commissioning in the Navy.
Email Advertising is a segment of Email Marketing is is the best place to get started to grow your website/brand. It's inexpensive and can target hundreds of thousands of people at one time.
This document provides a summary of a 1525 German language book titled "Vnderweysung der Messung" held in the collections of the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library at Yale University. The book was written by Albrecht D端rer and contains 180 pages of text and illustrations on the topics of measurement, lines, planes, and geometric shapes. It is complete work that has been digitized. The record for this resource can be found in Yale University's catalog.
Stirling Henry Us Aust Corp Immi May 2010tim_denney
The document provides an overview of recent trends in American and Australian immigration. It discusses various visa options for business visitors, temporary workers, permanent residence, and citizenship. It focuses on visa pathways for US citizens, including business visitor visas, temporary skilled worker visas, work and holiday visas for youth, and pathways to permanent residence through employer sponsorship or general skilled migration points tests.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang metrik pengukuran proses dan produk pengembangan perangkat lunak. Beberapa metrik yang dijelaskan adalah metrik berorientasi ukuran seperti baris kode dan biaya per baris kode, metrik berorientasi fungsi seperti function point, serta perluasan metrik seperti 3D function point yang mempertimbangkan dimensi data, fungsional, dan kontrol.
El documento trata sobre la metodolog鱈a de investigaci坦n educativa y la atenci坦n a la diversidad. Repite continuamente el t鱈tulo "METODOLOGA DE INVESTIGACIN EDUCATIVA Y ATENCIN A LA DIVERSIDAD" sin proporcionar m叩s detalles sobre el contenido.
Spolenost Sipral je pedn鱈 esk箪 dodavatel obvodov箪ch pl叩邸泥哲 budov ze skla a lehk箪ch kov哲. Nezamuje se na syst辿mov叩 e邸en鱈, ale preferuje individualitu a kreativitu. D鱈ky sv辿mu p鱈stupu m叩 ji転 dv desetilet鱈 mo転nost pod鱈let se na realizac鱈ch projekt哲 v箪znamn箪ch svtov箪ch architekt哲 nejen v esk辿 republice, ale i v zahrani鱈.
The presentation describes CNG infrastructure investments by Bonett Gas Investments in various cities in the Czech Republic, including Prague and Kladno. Many of these investments focus on fueling stations.
2. Obsah
vod a strun叩 historie
Marketingov箪 mix 4P
C鱈le, strategie do budoucna
03/06/12 16:08
3. O spolenosti Metrostav
Univers叩ln鱈 stavebn鱈 spolenost
P哲sobnost na cel辿m 炭zem鱈 R
len skupiny DDM group
Nkolik dcein箪ch spolenost鱈
03/06/12 16:08
4. Historie
1971 zalo転en鱈 n叩rodn鱈ho podniku
Od 31.12.1990 Metrostav a.s.
2000 - vstup majoritn鱈ho vlastn鱈ka -
spolenost Doprastav Bratislava
2004 zakl叩daj鱈c鱈 len asociace PPP (Public
Private Partnership)
03/06/12 16:08
6. Product
v箪stavba 120 kilometr哲 tra泥ov箪ch
tunel哲, 57 stanic podzemn鱈 dr叩hy
Jako jedna z m叩la firem v esk辿
republice zaji邸泥uje vysoce
specializovan辿 innosti prov叩dn辿
klasick箪m hornick箪m zp哲sobem.
03/06/12 16:08
10. Place
P哲sobnost v R i v
Metrostav p哲sob鱈 ve
v邸ech oblastech
pokr箪v叩 t辿m
polovinu trhu
03/06/12 16:08
11. Promotion
CZECH TOP 100 dr転itelem :
FORUM - nejlep邸鱈 mezin叩rodn
esk叩 firma v oboru platn辿ho certifik叩tu
stavebnictv鱈 za rok 鱈zen鱈 jakosti na
2009 gener叩ln鱈 dod叩vku
tyn叩sobn箪 dr転itel staveb
ocenn鱈 Bezpen箪 certifik叩tu
podnik N叩rodn鱈ho
03/06/12 16:08
13. Promotion - PR
Podpora Sport
Kultura Vzdl叩n鱈
Divadlo Na z叩bradl鱈 a
Dejvick辿 divadlo
03/06/12 16:08
14. C鱈le a strategie do budoucna
sp邸n dokonit projekt Blanka,
Prodlou転en鱈 trasy metra A z V鱈tzn辿ho n叩mst鱈
do Motola
Strategie do budoucna:
Zdokonalen鱈 schopnosti stavt,
Nalezen鱈 voln箪ch m鱈st na stavebn鱈ch trz鱈ch
Zamen鱈 se na zahranin鱈 zak叩zky pedev邸鱈m z
oblasti dopravn鱈 infrastruktury a tunelov箪ch
03/06/12 16:08
15. Zdroj
03/06/12 16:08
#3: --------------------------------------------------- Obsahem prezentace bude strun辿 pedstaven鱈 firmy a nkolik nejv箪znamnj邸鱈ch historick箪ch mezn鱈k哲, pot辿 rozebereme z叩kladn鱈 slo転ky marketingov辿ho mixu a na z叩vr uvedeme nkolik c鱈l哲 a strategii firmy v budoucnosti --------------------------------------------------- Nejd鱈ve bychom v叩m chtli pedstavit firmu metrostav jako celek a 鱈ci v叩m to ned哲le転itj邸鱈 z jej鱈 historie. V dal邸鱈 叩sti rozebereme jednotliv辿 叩sti marketingov辿ho mixu a na z叩vr uvedeme hlavn鱈 c鱈le a strategie na kter辿 by se chtla firma v budoucnu zamit.
#4: --------------------------------------------------- Akciov叩 spolenost Metrostav je univers叩ln鱈 spolenost鱈 zaji邸泥uj鱈c鱈 鱈zen鱈 a realizaci n叩ron箪ch stavebn鱈ch dl. Na esk辿m trhu stavebnictv鱈 pokr箪v叩 Metrostav nejvt邸鱈 叩st tohoto segmentu a za posledn鱈ch 10 let se d鱈ky spolupr叩ci s dal邸鱈mi firmami podailo v箪znamn proniknout tak辿 na slovensk箪 trh. Metrostav realizuje tak辿 mnoho zahranin鱈ch projekt哲. Tak v箪znamn辿ho postaven鱈 ve stavitelstv鱈 dos叩hl Metrostav hlavn d鱈ky kontrolov叩n鱈 nkolika nem叩lo v箪znamn箪ch dcein箪ch spolenost鱈. Ze v邸ech dvan叩cti bych uvedl stavebn鱈 firmy Subterra, Pragis, d叩le slovensk辿 stavebn鱈 firmy Doprastav a Metrostav SK, developersk辿 firmy Metrostav Development a.s. , CCE Praha i SQZ. Mezi dcein箪mi spolenostmi je pak tak辿 nkolik dodavatelsk箪ch firem. Upevnn鱈 dominance trhu bylo tak辿 doc鱈leno vytvoen鱈m nadn叩rodn鱈 skupiny DDM Group, t鱈m 転e je metrostav lenem t辿to nadn叩rodn鱈 skupiny pat鱈 k nejvt邸鱈m a nej炭sp邸nj邸鱈m stavebn鱈m firm叩m v esk辿 republice a stedoevropsk辿m regionu. --------------------------------------------------- Seri坦znost, kvalita a stabilita, to jsou z叩kladn鱈 atributy, s nimi転 si odborn叩 veejnost spojuje jm辿no Metrostav. Podnik, zalo転en箪 v roce 1971 pro v箪stavbu pra転sk辿ho metra, se do dne邸n鱈ch dn哲 pemnil ve stavebn鱈 spolenost univerz叩ln鱈ho zamen鱈
#5: --------------------------------------------------- Z v箪znamn箪ch historick箪ch dat bych uvedl zalo転en鱈 n叩rodn鱈ho podniku metrostav, jeho転 hlavn鱈m 炭kolem byla - ji転 podle n叩zvu - v箪stavba pra転sk辿ho metra. Metrostav akciov叩 spolenost byla pak od roku 1991 pr叩vn鱈m n叩stupcem Metrostavu K vytvoen鱈 DMM Group do邸lo ped deseti lety V roce 2004 byla zalo転ena asociace PPP, kter叩 m叩 zaji邸泥ovat spolupr叩ci veejn辿ho a soukrom辿ho sektoru ---------------------------------------------------
#6: --------------------------------------------------- Marketingov箪 mix, ili tyi taktick辿 marketingov辿 n叩stroje, nebo tak辿 4P firmy Metrostav si nyn鱈 rozebereme ---------------------------------------------------
#7: ============================= Metrostav krom specializace na podzemn鱈 stavitelstv鱈 prov叩d鱈 tak辿: rekonstrukce pam叩tkov箪ch objekt哲, pr哲myslov辿, bytov辿 i obansk辿 v箪stavby D鱈ky spolupr叩ci s dcein箪mi firmami nab鱈z鱈 Metrostav kompletn鱈 stavitelsk箪 servis vetn naprojektov叩n鱈 i samotn辿 v箪stavby ============================= Pro tet鱈 tis鱈cilet鱈 programov zkvalituje trvale vysokou 炭rove v hlavn鱈ch stavebn鱈ch technologi鱈ch jako jsou 転elezobetonov辿 konstrukce, izolan鱈 syst辿my i r哲zn辿 metody ra転en鱈 podzemn鱈ch dl pro n叩ron辿 z叩mry investor哲.
#8: 1. Obr叩zek vnj邸鱈 podoba stanice metra C st鱈転kov 2. Obr叩zek- vnitn鱈 prostory stanice metra C L叩dv鱈 3. Obr叩zek obloukov箪 most pes Oparensk辿 炭dol鱈 ============================= Metrostav se nad叩le zab箪v叩 dostavbou 叩st鱈 pra転sk辿ho metra, posledn鱈m dokonen箪m 炭sekem metra jsou 3 nov辿 stanice St鱈転kov, Prosek, Letany V邸echny 3 nov辿 stanice maj鱈 krom modern鱈ho exteri辿ru tak辿 v邸echny bezpenostn鱈 prvky vetn nap鱈klad bezbari辿rov辿ho p鱈stupu. (cena za 4,6km trasy a 3 stanice byla 11mld) Prob鱈haj鱈c鱈 v箪stavba tunelu Blanka s celkovou d辿lkou tunel哲 (obr叩zek trasy?!) 5,5km image spolenosti Metrostav v箪razn nevylep邸ila, sp鱈邸e naopak bhem hlouben鱈 do邸lo dvakr叩t k propadu tunelu, za co転 byl Metrostav pokutov叩n milionovou pokutou. K dal邸鱈 kritice do邸lo kv哲li celkov辿mu zdra転en鱈 zak叩zky, zp哲sobenou inflac鱈 a zmnou DPH, o titvrt miliardy na necel箪ch 22mld K ============================= Posledn鱈m dokonen箪m 炭sekem metra je
#9: Vy炭stn鱈 strahovsk辿ho tunelu na ki転ovatce malovanka na praze 6. Tunel za鱈n叩 v Tr坦ji pokrauje pes Letnou a Dejvice kde 炭st鱈 do strahovsk辿ho tunelu.
#10: Cena se utv叩鱈 podle zad叩vac鱈ch podm鱈nek, kter辿 ur鱈 investor a podle nich se vypracov叩v叩 konkr辿tn鱈 projekt. Nap鱈klad .. Tabulka uv叩d鱈 kolik se zaplatilo v jednotliv箪ch segmentech stavebn鱈 v箪roby za obdob鱈 2005 2009. V roce 2006 vyhr叩l metrostav tendr na v箪stavbu 14km dlouh辿 silnice propojuj鱈c鱈 2 Islandsk叩 msta. Na cel辿 trase je celkem 11km tunel哲, jejich転 ra転bu prov叩dl Metrostav, povrch silnice (1/3 zak叩zky) pak zajistila m鱈stn鱈 stavitelsk叩 firma.(p哲vodn鱈 hodnota zak叩zky 1,3mld K se musela kv哲li zmn kurzu zv箪邸it na zhruba 1,9mld K)
#11: (Bulharsko, finsko, chorvatsko, island, maarsko, nmecko a polsko)
#12: Mnoh辿 projekty, na nich転 Metrostav zanechal svou vizitku, pat鱈 k evropsk箪m i svtov箪m unik叩t哲m, ohodnocen箪m mnoha cenami v dom叩c鱈ch i zahranin鱈ch sout転鱈ch. M哲転e se uch叩zet o v箪znamn辿 arm叩dn鱈 zak叩zky a realizovat investin鱈 z叩mry jin箪ch bezpenostn鱈ch slo転ek R i zem鱈 NATO, nebo泥 mu byl udlen certifik叩t N叩rodn鱈ho bezpenostn鱈ho 炭adu tyn叩sobn箪 dr転itel ocenn鱈 Bezpen箪 podnik garantuje Metrostav tak辿 dodr転ov叩n鱈 nejp鱈snj邸鱈ch po転adavk哲 v oblasti bezpenosti pr叩ce, od roku 2001 se m哲転e py邸nit certifik叩tem environment叩ln鱈ho managementu - ochrana 転ivotn鱈ho prosted鱈, a bezpenost a ochrana zdrav鱈 pi pr叩ci, umo転uje 鱈zen鱈 rizik v oblasti ochrany 転ivotn鱈ho prosted鱈, a tak pisp鱈v叩 k ochran ovzdu邸鱈, vod a krajiny. Metrostav a.s.
#14: Metrostav se jako jedin叩 stavebn鱈 firma u転 tyi roky za sebou ad鱈 mezi 15 nej邸tdej邸鱈ch esk箪ch spolenost鱈, pisp鱈vaj鱈c鱈ch soci叩ln potebn箪m. V 転eb鱈ku TOP Filantrop 2009 se pi porovn叩n鱈 v箪邸e p鱈spvku k hospod叩sk辿mu v箪sledku um鱈stil na osm辿m m鱈st.
#15: Z hlediska marketingov辿ho a obchodn鱈ho je pro Skupinu d哲le転it辿 dokonit projekt Blanka, na邸i nejvt邸鱈 stavbu. Do budoucna se Metrostav a.s. zam鱈 na zahranin鱈 zak叩zky pedev邸鱈m z oblasti dopravn鱈 infrastruktury a tunelov箪ch staveb tak, aby byly uplatnny zejm辿na znalosti a kapacity v邸ech vnitropodnikov箪ch nosn箪ch technologi鱈.