Gdz 11 geometriya_rilov_2004Lucky AlexThe document discusses the history and current state of renewable energy development in the United States. It notes that while renewable energy sources like solar and wind power are increasingly cost competitive with fossil fuels, they still only account for around 11% of the country's total energy generation. The document calls for continued policy support and investments to help renewable energy sources scale up further and play a bigger role in the US energy landscape.
Confira a ação civil movida pelo MPPE para assegurar a distribuição de Insuli...pepontocomConfira a ação civil movida pelo MPPE para assegurar a distribuição de Insulina Glargina (Lantus)
Sustentabilidad del sistema en estas políticasCristian FeldkampEste documento resume las perspectivas macroeconómicas y políticas para la ganadería argentina, así como estrategias y dimensiones de la sustentabilidad del sector. En primer lugar, analiza las proyecciones de producción y exportaciones a nivel global y local. Luego, examina el impacto de ciertas políticas como el poder adquisitivo de los salarios en el consumo interno. Finalmente, propone medidas para mejorar la eficiencia productiva y considerar la sustentabilidad desde una perspectiva económica, social y ambiental.
Behavior contractAllison Edwards, LPC, RPTThis document appears to be a behavior contract created by a licensed professional counselor for a client. It lists the client's name at the top and includes a schedule for morning and afternoon sessions on weekdays. The contract leaves space for the client to write behaviors they commit to and sign at the bottom to acknowledge their agreement.
Doc01Carla hilarioEste documento presenta una ficha de aprendizaje sobre cómo ingresar a la sala de cómputo. Explica las normas que los estudiantes deben seguir, como ingresar de forma ordenada, consumir alimentos fuera de la sala, y levantar la mano para hacer preguntas. También cubre los elementos básicos de una sala de cómputo e incluye actividades como identificar dichos elementos y completar un crucigrama.
Efinteres Enuresis y Encopresis lesvitis nieves galindoEste documento describe diferentes tipos de enuresis y encopresis en niños, así como ejercicios y tratamientos conductuales para controlarlos. Explica que la enuresis primaria ocurre cuando un niño nunca ha dejado de orinarse por la noche, mientras que la secundaria ocurre después de un período de control. También describe la encopresis primaria, secundaria, retentiva y no retentiva. Finalmente, recomienda ejercicios como aguantar la orina y levantarse para ir al baño, así como tratam
Sudharsan_Resume_Sep'16Sudharsan PThe document provides a summary of Sudharsan Pattabiraman's professional experience and qualifications. It details over 11 years of experience managing projects, delivery, and processes in the banking domain. Key achievements include effective migration of several bank portfolios, cost savings through automation, and high client satisfaction ratings. Professional experience includes roles as a senior manager, project manager, functional analyst, and project leader at companies such as Tata Consultancy Services, Deutsche Bank, and Citi Bank. Pattabiraman holds a PGDBM from MATS School of Business and IT in Bangalore and a BCOM from Ramakrishnamission Vivekanandacollege.
Amin - CV Sep -2017Amin NawazAmin Nawaz is seeking a management position and provides a resume summarizing his qualifications and experience. He holds an M.A. in Economics and has over 10 years of work experience in administrative and document control roles in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. His resume details his education history, computer skills, and work history in roles supporting project documentation, records maintenance, and office administration.
Realidad aumentada aplicada a la radiologíaDOCENCIAEste documento describe la aplicación de la realidad aumentada en radiología. Explica conceptos como realidad aumentada desde teléfonos inteligentes, gafas especiales y desde un PC. Luego detalla cómo la realidad aumentada puede usarse en ecografía, para representar imágenes externas sobre el cuerpo humano y en formación. El objetivo principal es desarrollar un sistema que pueda visualizar y diagnosticar problemas internos, predecir resultados y definir tratamientos. Finalmente, resalta ventajas como precisión diagnóstica y desventajas como el alto costo
nova/batataBeatriz VivancoO documento propõe a criação de uma websérie cômica chamada "Os Egotranzi" para educar o público sobre os problemas do trânsito em São Paulo de forma leve e reflexiva. A websérie apresentaria uma família que personifica os piores comportamentos no trânsito de forma exagerada para que as pessoas se reconheçam nela e pensem em como melhorar.
SugarCRM Survey Rocket Plugin: User ManualBiztech StoreGet your customers’ surveys (feedback, reviews, comments, answers) combined with CRM data & know what makes your customers satisfied. Survey Rocket, a feature rich tool automates feedbacks and augments business relationships with your customers
OELManish Singhal MD, DM(AIIMS), ECMO (Gold Medal)This document discusses occupational cancers and preventive strategies. It defines how carcinogens are identified and classified differently across countries. Approximately 2-8% of cancers are related to occupations, with certain chemicals and industries linked to increased risks of specific cancer types. Biomarkers can help assess exposure to known carcinogens like tobacco smoke and aflatoxin. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies agents as Group 1 (carcinogenic to humans), Group 2A (probably carcinogenic), Group 2B (possibly carcinogenic) or Group 3 (unclassifiable) based on evidence from human and animal studies. Preventive measures include banning known carcinogens from industry and replacing them with safer substitutes when possible
Our Evolving Classrooms: Involving Students with Autism in Social StudiesSusan SantoliThe document provides information and suggestions for involving students with autism in social studies classes. It begins with background on autism as a spectrum disorder impacting communication and social interaction. It then discusses general considerations for students with autism, such as communication difficulties, sensory sensitivities, preference for routine, and challenges with social interaction. Examples are provided of adapted social studies assignments, like a group activity on labeling Canadian provinces and a think-pair-share on the Great Depression. Suggestions are offered for each assignment to support students with autism, such as written instructions, visual supports, and explicit directions. Resources on teaching students with autism are also referenced.
CisticercosisNieves FernandezEste documento trata sobre la neurocisticercosis, una enfermedad parasitaria causada por la infección del estado larvario de la Taenia solium en el sistema nervioso central. Describe el ciclo de vida del parásito, los síntomas como convulsiones y déficit neurológicos, y el diagnóstico a través de exámenes de sangre, líquido cefalorraquídeo y resonancia magnética. También cubre el tratamiento médico con medicamentos antiparasitarios y quirúrgico para casos donde el tratamiento mé
Lecture for landsatGeoMedeelelThe document discusses properties of Landsat satellites and remote sensing data. It provides details on:
- The history and timeline of Landsat satellites and their sensors from Landsat 1 to Landsat 7.
- How Landsat data is processed to convert digital numbers to radiances and reflectances and apply atmospheric corrections.
- How different surface features like vegetation, soil and water absorb electromagnetic radiation differently, enabling their identification in remote sensing imagery.
NTPC Ramagundam Station Blackout and Action PlanNTPCThe document provides information about station blackout procedures and restoration of power supply at NTPC Ramagundam power station. It defines types of power outages like transient faults and brownouts. It describes the status of units during a blackout and emergency equipment that can be started. The action plan details starting DC equipment, preventing steam entry into condensers, starting emergency AC equipment and restoring station power supply. It also provides summaries of the Southern Region power grid and procedures for starting up the individual subsystems in Andhra Pradesh.
Amin - CV Sep -2017Amin NawazAmin Nawaz is seeking a management position and provides a resume summarizing his qualifications and experience. He holds an M.A. in Economics and has over 10 years of work experience in administrative and document control roles in Pakistan and Saudi Arabia. His resume details his education history, computer skills, and work history in roles supporting project documentation, records maintenance, and office administration.
Realidad aumentada aplicada a la radiologíaDOCENCIAEste documento describe la aplicación de la realidad aumentada en radiología. Explica conceptos como realidad aumentada desde teléfonos inteligentes, gafas especiales y desde un PC. Luego detalla cómo la realidad aumentada puede usarse en ecografía, para representar imágenes externas sobre el cuerpo humano y en formación. El objetivo principal es desarrollar un sistema que pueda visualizar y diagnosticar problemas internos, predecir resultados y definir tratamientos. Finalmente, resalta ventajas como precisión diagnóstica y desventajas como el alto costo
nova/batataBeatriz VivancoO documento propõe a criação de uma websérie cômica chamada "Os Egotranzi" para educar o público sobre os problemas do trânsito em São Paulo de forma leve e reflexiva. A websérie apresentaria uma família que personifica os piores comportamentos no trânsito de forma exagerada para que as pessoas se reconheçam nela e pensem em como melhorar.
SugarCRM Survey Rocket Plugin: User ManualBiztech StoreGet your customers’ surveys (feedback, reviews, comments, answers) combined with CRM data & know what makes your customers satisfied. Survey Rocket, a feature rich tool automates feedbacks and augments business relationships with your customers
OELManish Singhal MD, DM(AIIMS), ECMO (Gold Medal)This document discusses occupational cancers and preventive strategies. It defines how carcinogens are identified and classified differently across countries. Approximately 2-8% of cancers are related to occupations, with certain chemicals and industries linked to increased risks of specific cancer types. Biomarkers can help assess exposure to known carcinogens like tobacco smoke and aflatoxin. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classifies agents as Group 1 (carcinogenic to humans), Group 2A (probably carcinogenic), Group 2B (possibly carcinogenic) or Group 3 (unclassifiable) based on evidence from human and animal studies. Preventive measures include banning known carcinogens from industry and replacing them with safer substitutes when possible
Our Evolving Classrooms: Involving Students with Autism in Social StudiesSusan SantoliThe document provides information and suggestions for involving students with autism in social studies classes. It begins with background on autism as a spectrum disorder impacting communication and social interaction. It then discusses general considerations for students with autism, such as communication difficulties, sensory sensitivities, preference for routine, and challenges with social interaction. Examples are provided of adapted social studies assignments, like a group activity on labeling Canadian provinces and a think-pair-share on the Great Depression. Suggestions are offered for each assignment to support students with autism, such as written instructions, visual supports, and explicit directions. Resources on teaching students with autism are also referenced.
CisticercosisNieves FernandezEste documento trata sobre la neurocisticercosis, una enfermedad parasitaria causada por la infección del estado larvario de la Taenia solium en el sistema nervioso central. Describe el ciclo de vida del parásito, los síntomas como convulsiones y déficit neurológicos, y el diagnóstico a través de exámenes de sangre, líquido cefalorraquídeo y resonancia magnética. También cubre el tratamiento médico con medicamentos antiparasitarios y quirúrgico para casos donde el tratamiento mé
Lecture for landsatGeoMedeelelThe document discusses properties of Landsat satellites and remote sensing data. It provides details on:
- The history and timeline of Landsat satellites and their sensors from Landsat 1 to Landsat 7.
- How Landsat data is processed to convert digital numbers to radiances and reflectances and apply atmospheric corrections.
- How different surface features like vegetation, soil and water absorb electromagnetic radiation differently, enabling their identification in remote sensing imagery.
NTPC Ramagundam Station Blackout and Action PlanNTPCThe document provides information about station blackout procedures and restoration of power supply at NTPC Ramagundam power station. It defines types of power outages like transient faults and brownouts. It describes the status of units during a blackout and emergency equipment that can be started. The action plan details starting DC equipment, preventing steam entry into condensers, starting emergency AC equipment and restoring station power supply. It also provides summaries of the Southern Region power grid and procedures for starting up the individual subsystems in Andhra Pradesh.