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3/5B, Sri Gurupriya, Norton 2nd
Street, 1st
Trust Main Road, Mandavalipakkam, Chennai  600028
Email:getsudharsan@gmail.com ;Phone:+918939783567; Linkedin
A successful project and delivery manager with over 11 years of experience managing people,
Projects, deliveryand processesinbankingdomain;PMP trained,SigSigmagreenbelt,SCRUM(83%)
credentials;PGDBM;strongleadershipand interpersonal skills; managed clients from Belgium, US,
Philippines, UK, UAE and Asia Pacific
 Achievedclientsatisfactionbytakingtactical decisionmaking,SLA monitoring, adhering to SOP,
weekly/monthly client interaction, using various strategic communication channels, kept
attrition at 2% through effective communication strategies and mentoring
 Effective change management through weekly governance calls, document management,
forming, training, developing and appraising excellent workforce
 As an independent contributor, greatly involved in automation of the key processes with the
help of the technical expertise resulted in Cost Savings of approximately US$ 2500
 Appreciatedforthe effective migration of card portfolio for Bank of Queensland, SunCiti bank,
Diners International and Virgin Money
 Always succeeded in KT, transition of deliverables through cross functional collaboration,
infrastructure set-up,KPIadherence,technologyimplementation, keen Project monitoring and
 Received On the spot award for September 2013 for exceptional client delivery
 Achieved 85%CSS resultduringtransitionphase followedby 94.5% CSS resultpost go live phase
within 2 years of vintage process
 Identifiedas HiPotcandidate forthe consistentperformance andcontributiontowardsbusiness
requirement and need
 With 4 months of transition experience working from client location, migrated over 100 FTEs
worth projects from various location like US, Philippines, Mumbai and Bangalore for Deutsche
Bank business

 Resource Estimation&Calendar
& Re-Engineering)
 EscalationsandCorrective ActionPlan
 Governance & Documentation
 Communication (Dailyprojectcall,
 QualityAssurance &Management
 Onsite-Offshore Collaboration
 Cost Management
 Schedule Management
Senior Manager, Tata Consultancy Services Mar 07-Till Date
Project Manager - BPaaS, Tata Consultancy Services Sep15Till Date
Representingprojectmanagementoffice,contribute to project management function Supportive,
ConsultedorDirective depending up on the project category. Responsibilities include Stakeholder
management, Communication management, Scope management, Quality / Risk Management,
Human resource management,Drivingprocessimprovementinitiatives,Presentations/ Governance
reporting, Provide testing / requirement documentation / Operational support.
Functional Analyst, BNPP Fortis Oct14Aug15
Involvedinpreparationof analysisdocumentbasedonbusiness requirement and expectation. As a
SPoC,managed documentation torecordall userstories.Reported toprojectmanager,Project head
on the daily delivery, Market research and other activities required from time to time.
Senior Manager, TCS Apr14-Sep14
Delivered domain knowledge (Banking) towards RFP and RFI and assisting in deck preparation for
Pre-sales team.
BusinessTransitions / Project Manager, Deutsche Bank Aug 13-Mar14
Functional reporting to TCS consultant who heads Deutsche bank and Global transitions and
operational reportingtoAssistantVice President,Deutsche Bank.Withshortspanof time, took over
as a project manager, executed projects for Global Financial Service businessacross UK, US, Manila
and India, Delivering monthly project management dashboard to Global Financial Service director
Project / DeliveryManager, United Arab Bank Account Jul 11-Jul 13
With 16 months of presence at Sharjah, migrated the consumer portfolio (account opening, loans,
clearing,collections,cards,Correspondentbanking,etc.,) of UnitedArab bank to TCS BPO. Reported
to a seniorVPat onsite (Sharjah) andaseniormanagerat offshore (Chennai,India). Managedateam
of 35 with 4 direct reports to manage end to end United Arab bank account.
Project Leader, Citi Bank Mar 07  Jun 11
Managed 9 direct reports and 30 vendors to handle Chargeback for Citibanks credit cards and
disputesinIndia.Earlier,managedateam of 12 process leaders with a subgroup of 24 members for
end to end banking functions such as settlements, exception and reconciliation processes for the
clients in Australia.
Executive Finance, Caritor India Pvt Ltd Apr 04  Sep 04
Managed Periodic MIS, Payroll Processing and Employee monthly reimbursements
Junior Processing Executive, E-serve Ltd Oct 02  Mar 04
Key task included processing of corporate payment for Citi US customers and corporate
Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance Ltd, Chennai (Summer Project)
Keytasks included Portfolio analysis, Comparative financial statement analysis and P&L, Ratio and
balance sheet study & analysis
 PGDBM - MATS School of Business and IT, Bangalore  2007
 B.COM(BachelorsinCommerce) - RamakrishnamissionVivekanandacollege (MadrasUniversity)
- 2002
 Successfullyaccomplishedthe educationaltourtoThailand,Malaysia&Singapore tounderstand
the global corporate culture & various organizational operations

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  • 1. SudharsanPattabiraman 3/5B, Sri Gurupriya, Norton 2nd Street, 1st Trust Main Road, Mandavalipakkam, Chennai 600028 Email:getsudharsan@gmail.com ;Phone:+918939783567; Linkedin EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A successful project and delivery manager with over 11 years of experience managing people, Projects, deliveryand processesinbankingdomain;PMP trained,SigSigmagreenbelt,SCRUM(83%) credentials;PGDBM;strongleadershipand interpersonal skills; managed clients from Belgium, US, Philippines, UK, UAE and Asia Pacific KEY ACHIEVEMENTS Achievedclientsatisfactionbytakingtactical decisionmaking,SLA monitoring, adhering to SOP, weekly/monthly client interaction, using various strategic communication channels, kept attrition at 2% through effective communication strategies and mentoring Effective change management through weekly governance calls, document management, forming, training, developing and appraising excellent workforce As an independent contributor, greatly involved in automation of the key processes with the help of the technical expertise resulted in Cost Savings of approximately US$ 2500 Appreciatedforthe effective migration of card portfolio for Bank of Queensland, SunCiti bank, Diners International and Virgin Money Always succeeded in KT, transition of deliverables through cross functional collaboration, infrastructure set-up,KPIadherence,technologyimplementation, keen Project monitoring and Reporting Received On the spot award for September 2013 for exceptional client delivery Achieved 85%CSS resultduringtransitionphase followedby 94.5% CSS resultpost go live phase within 2 years of vintage process Identifiedas HiPotcandidate forthe consistentperformance andcontributiontowardsbusiness requirement and need With 4 months of transition experience working from client location, migrated over 100 FTEs worth projects from various location like US, Philippines, Mumbai and Bangalore for Deutsche Bank business PROJECT MANAGEMENT DELIVERY MANAGEMENT ProjectManagementProcesses (Initiation,Planning,Execution,Control, Monitor,Closure) Resource Estimation&Calendar ProcessManagement(Design,Mapping & Re-Engineering) EscalationsandCorrective ActionPlan Governance & Documentation Communication (Dailyprojectcall, Dashboardreporting) DeliveryManagement RiskManagement QualityAssurance &Management StakeholderManagement Onsite-Offshore Collaboration Cost Management Schedule Management PostDeliverySupport
  • 2. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Senior Manager, Tata Consultancy Services Mar 07-Till Date Project Manager - BPaaS, Tata Consultancy Services Sep15Till Date Representingprojectmanagementoffice,contribute to project management function Supportive, ConsultedorDirective depending up on the project category. Responsibilities include Stakeholder management, Communication management, Scope management, Quality / Risk Management, Human resource management,Drivingprocessimprovementinitiatives,Presentations/ Governance reporting, Provide testing / requirement documentation / Operational support. Functional Analyst, BNPP Fortis Oct14Aug15 Involvedinpreparationof analysisdocumentbasedonbusiness requirement and expectation. As a SPoC,managed documentation torecordall userstories.Reported toprojectmanager,Project head on the daily delivery, Market research and other activities required from time to time. Senior Manager, TCS Apr14-Sep14 Delivered domain knowledge (Banking) towards RFP and RFI and assisting in deck preparation for Pre-sales team. BusinessTransitions / Project Manager, Deutsche Bank Aug 13-Mar14 Functional reporting to TCS consultant who heads Deutsche bank and Global transitions and operational reportingtoAssistantVice President,Deutsche Bank.Withshortspanof time, took over as a project manager, executed projects for Global Financial Service businessacross UK, US, Manila and India, Delivering monthly project management dashboard to Global Financial Service director Project / DeliveryManager, United Arab Bank Account Jul 11-Jul 13 With 16 months of presence at Sharjah, migrated the consumer portfolio (account opening, loans, clearing,collections,cards,Correspondentbanking,etc.,) of UnitedArab bank to TCS BPO. Reported to a seniorVPat onsite (Sharjah) andaseniormanagerat offshore (Chennai,India). Managedateam of 35 with 4 direct reports to manage end to end United Arab bank account. Project Leader, Citi Bank Mar 07 Jun 11 Managed 9 direct reports and 30 vendors to handle Chargeback for Citibanks credit cards and disputesinIndia.Earlier,managedateam of 12 process leaders with a subgroup of 24 members for end to end banking functions such as settlements, exception and reconciliation processes for the clients in Australia. Executive Finance, Caritor India Pvt Ltd Apr 04 Sep 04 Managed Periodic MIS, Payroll Processing and Employee monthly reimbursements Junior Processing Executive, E-serve Ltd Oct 02 Mar 04 Key task included processing of corporate payment for Citi US customers and corporate Royal Sundaram Alliance Insurance Ltd, Chennai (Summer Project) Keytasks included Portfolio analysis, Comparative financial statement analysis and P&L, Ratio and balance sheet study & analysis
  • 3. ACADEMIC QUALIFICATION PGDBM - MATS School of Business and IT, Bangalore 2007 B.COM(BachelorsinCommerce) - RamakrishnamissionVivekanandacollege (MadrasUniversity) - 2002 Successfullyaccomplishedthe educationaltourtoThailand,Malaysia&Singapore tounderstand the global corporate culture & various organizational operations