Introdução às redes sociaisJohn MayconO documento lista as principais redes sociais desde 1997 até 2011, descreve características como compartilhamento de informações e ausência de estrutura formal de relacionamentos, e aponta perigos como hackers, informações falsas e exposição excessiva de dados do usuário.
MecanicaSir2215El documento describe los principales componentes de un motor de combustión interna, incluyendo el pistón, anillos, biela, culata, válvulas, bujías y cilindro. Explica brevemente la función de cada parte, como que el pistón impide la filtración de lubricante y gases, la biela transmite el movimiento, la culata cierra las cámaras de combustión, las válvulas abren y cierran los conductos de gases y las bujías encienden la mezcla de combustible y aire mediante una chispa.
PLNTiffany WhiteheadThis document discusses building a personal learning network (PLN) and provides tips for how to do so. It explains that a PLN involves consuming information from blogs and social media, connecting with others in your field, and contributing your own ideas. The key aspects of a PLN are presented as consuming information from various sources, connecting with others, creating your own content, and contributing to the field. Blogging, using hashtags on Twitter, leaving comments, and sharing resources are some recommended ways to engage with your PLN.
Zoom Out for Customer CentricityOwen HoddaPresentation for 7th IQPC Customer Experience Managers conference held in May 2014 (
Putting the customer’s environmental needs and goals at the core of your product strategy
Properly understanding where your product sits in the customer’s world
Identify opportunities for innovation through empathy rather than measurement
Use customer data to futurecast possibilities through synthesis
jQuery (intermediate)Madhukar AnandThis document provides an overview of jQuery and JavaScript concepts for intermediate learners. It covers: 1) the past, present and future of JavaScript, 2) the difference between JavaScript and jQuery, 3) what a JavaScript engine is and examples of engines used in different browsers, and 4) key JavaScript concepts like values and identity, prototypes vs classes, objects, delegation, closures, and variable scope. The document is intended to expand understanding of JavaScript and jQuery beyond basic usage.
Crucifixion and resurrectionskilesThe document summarizes key events from the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ according to the gospels. It describes how Jesus was scourged, mocked with a crown of thorns, and crucified between two thieves despite being innocent, fulfilling prophecies. It discusses how he endured great suffering to pay for humanity's sins. The document then describes Jesus' death and the earthquake and resurrection of saints afterwards, concluding with the empty tomb and Jesus' resurrection appearances.
Boletín XII marzo 2015 1Nueva Canarias-BCEl portavoz parlamentario de Nueva Canarias critica la reforma de la ley turística propuesta por el gobierno de CC y PSOE, afirmando que se vuelve al fracasado modelo de masificación sin garantizar la calidad. Además, denuncia que el III Plan de Salud de Canarias llega tarde y forzado al Parlamento, siendo una irresponsabilidad aprobarlo en sólo 15 días. Finalmente, critica también la candidata del PSOE al Consejo Rector de Radiotelevisión Canaria por ser incompatible con el cargo.