This PowerPoint presentation discusses the themes of love, risk-taking, and living according to one's dreams. It provides many quotes and reflections on love as an untamed force that cannot be controlled or understood but gives life meaning. It encourages taking risks and challenges, accepting changes, and not being disappointed by what we encounter along the spiritual path. Overall, it conveys messages about embracing life, love, and following one's dreams despite fears or mistakes.
This short document provides two web links for meeting friends again at and The links are to presentation sharing websites where one could potentially find and reconnect with friends through shared content.
The author finds it difficult to preserve animation and background music on the new 狠狠撸Share format, so they are leaving for another site called AuthorStream for now but hope to return in the future. They say goodbye to friends and provide a link to their new AuthorStream page while also stating they will be back.
15. From May 30 to June 3, 1973, an estimated 3.2 million people attended the Billy Graham Crusade in Seoul, South
Korea, with 1.1 million traveling—mostly by foot—to the final service on the airstrip at Yoi-do Plaza. Some 75,000
inquirers made a decision for Christ during that Crusade.
3:24 靈進到我裡面,使我站立起來,耶和華對我說:“你進去,把自己關在家裡。
3:25 人子啊!人要用繩子把你捆綁起來,使你不能出到他們中間去。