26. Fetal breathing
At least one episode of breathing movements
Absent respiration or episode of breathing
at lasting 30 seconds in 30 minute period
movements lasting at least 30 seconds in a
Biophysical Profile 亳仂亳亰亳从亳亶仆 仂仆仂仂
30 仄亳仆仆 亞舒舒舒仆亟 30 亠从仆亟 勵亞仍亢仍
30 minutes period
舒仄亞舒仍仆 唏亟唏仍亞唏唏仆 舒仄亞亳亶仆 弍舒亞舒亟舒舒 仆亞
30 仄亳仆仆 亞舒舒舒仆亟 30 亠从仆亟 勵亞仍亢仍
舒仄亞舒仍仆 唏亟唏仍亞唏唏仆 弍舒亶亞勵亶 弍ム
Gross body
勵 弍亳亠亳亶仆
At least 3 separate and distinct episode of body
limb movements in 30 minutes
30 仄亳仆舒仆亟 舒于亳亞舒仆 唏亟唏仍亞唏唏仆 舒仄亞亳亶仆
弍舒亞舒亟舒舒 亞于舒仆 亟舒舒 弍舒亶仆舒
Two or fewer episode of body or limb
movement in 30 minutes
30 仄亳仆舒仆亟 舒于亳亞舒仆 唏亟唏仍亞唏唏仆 仂 弍ム
勵勵仆 唏唏仆 弍舒亶仆舒
Fetal tone
丕亞亳亶仆 仂仆
At least one episode of extension and flexion of
fetal extremities or the spine
丕亞亳亶仆 仄唏亳亟 于仍 仆 舒仄亞亳亶仆 弍舒亞舒亟舒舒 仆亞
亟舒舒 唏亟唏仍仆唏.
Slow extension with return to partial flexion
or movement of limb in full extension only or
no movement
舒 唏仍唏唏 唏亟唏仍亞唏亟唏唏 仄舒 舒舒亢, 舒于亳亞舒仆
唏亟唏仍亞唏唏仆 舒亶仆 弍舒亶亞舒舒 唏唏 唏亟唏仍亞唏唏仆 弍舒亶亞勵亶
Amniotic fluid
At least one pocket of amniotic fluid measuring
at least 2cm in vertical diameter
仂仂仂 亟亳舒仄亠 舒仄亞亳亶仆 弍舒亞舒亟舒舒 2 仄仆
仄亢亶 舒仄亳仂仆 亳仆亞仆 舒仄亞亳亶仆 弍舒亞舒亟舒舒 仆亞
仗仂从亠 弍舒亶仆舒.
Either pocket of fluid is less then 2 cm in
vertical diameter or no pocket
仂仂仂 亟亳舒仄亠 勵亰亟 2 仄 仆亞 仗仂从亠
勵亶亞勵亶亶 于仍 ム 弍舒亶亞勵亶
Fetal heart
丕亞亳亶仆 亰勵仆亳亶
勵亶仍 舒亢亳仍仍舒亞舒舒
Two or more accelerations of the fetal heart 0f
at least 15beats/min above base line and the
lasting at least 15 seconds associated with fetal
movement within 20 minutes
丱仂亳仆 仄亳仆舒仆亟 亞亳亶仆 唏亟唏仍亞唏唏仆亶
仂仍弍仂仂仂亶亞仂仂 舒仄亞亳亶仆 弍舒亞舒亟舒舒 15 仄亠从仆亟仆亟
勵仆亟仆 亞舒仄仆舒舒 舒仄亞亳亶仆 弍舒亞舒亟舒舒 仄亳仆舒仆亟 15
亰勵仆亳亶 仂亳仍 弍舒亶亞舒舒亞舒舒 仂 弍仂仍仂仆 勵勵仆
亟 唏唏仍 舒舒亞亟舒仆舒.
Less then two accelerations or acceleration
less then 15beates/min in a 20 minute period
20 仄亳仆舒仆仆 亞舒舒舒仆亟 仄亳仆舒仆亟 15
仂亳仍仂仂 弍舒亞舒 弍舒亶 弍舒 唏唏仍 仆 2 弍ム
勵勵仆 弍舒亞舒 弍舒亶仆舒.
Fetal heart tones are representative of the fetal heart and an indicator of oxygen perfusion to the fetal brain and heart. The evaluation of fetal well-being, in determining gestational age, and in cases of threatened abortion or other abnormalities. Fetal heart tones can be heard using techniques that amplify sound1. Doppler at approximately 10 weeks fetal gestation.2. Fetoscope (fetal stethoscope) at approximately 20 weeks fetal gestation.3. Electronic fetal monitoring testing is usually done when the fetus is considered viable; around 24 weeks gestation.4. Rate between 120 and 160 beats/minute.
UltrasoundA. Description Ultrasound is a noninvasive, safe technique that uses reflected sound waves as they travel in tissue to produce a picture. A clear gel is applies to the womans abdomen or transducer, and the transducer is moved along the abdomen by the examiner producing images on a screen.