Did you get everything done you wanted to yesterday? What about the day before? Here are some words of wisdom from our favorite psychologists and behavioral economists.
Read the full article here https://www.lemonade.com/blog/productivity-tips/
5. Once we start asking why (were
doing something), small tasks
become a larger constellation of
meaningful projects, goals, and
Charles Duhigg - Author of Smarter, Better, Faster
7. Our judgments dont improve
as we are given more and more
info in fact, our decisions
often become worse!
Malcolm Gladwell - Author of the Tipping Point
9. If youre more positive, your brain
will have a happiness advantage.
That means itll perform significantly
better than it would at a negative,
neutral, or stressed state.
Shawn Anchor - Author of The Happiness Advantage
11. When you feel the tug of
procrastination. You can quickly
complete a task, which gives you a
little energy boost, helping you
transition into working on a more
challenging or complex project.
Carson Tate - Psychologist, founder of Working Simply
13. By combining an enjoyable ritual
with something you need to get
done, your brain will create a
positive association with the task
making it much easier to get it
Dan Ariely - Behavioral Economist, Prof. Duke University
15. Our cognitive functioning
fluctuates throughout the day, so
the better you are at matching tasks
to your energy level, the more you
can get done with less effort.
Ron Friedman - Psychologist, author The Best Place to Work