1. The document discusses regulations and procedures for government procurement in Thailand between 1999-2001.
2. It outlines the responsibilities of various government agencies in overseeing procurement processes and ensuring transparency and accountability.
3. Rules are established for bidding on government contracts by private companies to promote fair competition while preventing corruption.
4. 犖犖犖園 RW -> RW P4P
犢犖犖∇犖犖犖迦犖犖犖÷弦犖ム犖刻犖犖о権犖犖犖犖犖.犖犖犖犖犖ム険犖 6 犢犖犖劇賢犖
犖犖迦犖迦犖犖ム元犖朽犖∇犖犖 M t i l cost : Instrument-
Material t I t t
犖犖迦牽 8,000 (Base rate : UC 犢犖犢犖犖)
犖犖園犖犖犖犖犖迦 RW 犢犖犖巌検 -> RW P4P
犢犖犖 >
Chemotherapy = RW 犖犖犖 URI
犖∇犢犖э犖 Leukemia & Lymphoma 4
5. DRG RW RW for P4P
06070 1.3054 0.8805 Appendectomy, no CC
06072 1.7011 1.2762 Appendectomy, w mild to mod CC
pp y,
06073 3.7702 3.3453 Appendectomy, w severe CC
06074 4.2422 3.8173 Appendectomy, w catas CC
Material Cost+Ix+Drug