This document discusses growth hacking strategies for startups. It begins with an introduction to growth hacking and how to visualize the customer journey as a funnel with different steps. Common growth hacking tactics like A/B testing and optimizing bottlenecks are explained. Two examples are provided of hacking a mobile app funnel and a website registration path to improve conversion rates at different steps. Tools for growth hacking and takeaways about an iterative testing process are also covered.
What's your plan in 2015 to make your accounting firm stand out?
If your firm is still doing the following marketing activities:
Email newsletters
Relies on word of mouth
Print advertising
Website says "we" more than "you"
You should attend this workshop.
Learn how to gain new clients by leveraging social media marketing via:
How to leverage Facebook & Social Media
A website that attracts new business
At this hands on workshop you learn the why and how.
Who should attend from your firm?
Partners, practice managers, business development managers and marketing managers.
If you continue to do the same in 2015, the result will be the same.
This document provides an overview of WordPress, including what it is, why people use it, how to get started, and resources for using it. Specifically, it notes that WordPress is an open source blogging and website application, highlights reasons for its popularity like being simple to use and having great community support, and outlines the basic steps for downloading, installing, and customizing a WordPress site.
How to earn money writing reviews quicklyCarol Manse
This document provides step-by-step instructions for earning money by writing product reviews online. It recommends signing up for a free account with the writing platform iWriter, which allows writers to choose projects and ensures payment. Writers can earn $8 or more per 300-500 word review by spending 1-2 hours per evening researching products and writing reviews. With regular work, annual earnings of $4,000-$8,000 are presented as achievable goals.
This presentation was created for small and medium sized business owners and professionals to learn more about Twitter and how to use the social network.
Topics covered are, design & branding, the twitter bio, twitter lists, following, favorites, images & video, management tools, and strategies.
This document provides instructions for real estate agents on how to add testimonials from satisfied customers to their Jumptools website. It explains that testimonials are a quick way for potential clients to learn more about an agent from others' experiences. The steps outlined include logging into Jumptools, editing site content, navigating to the testimonials page, adding new testimonials with client details, and including a testimonial widget on other pages. Customer service contact details are also provided.
An individual is not born with a defined personality, but rather develops one through the interaction of their innate traits and environmental influences as they grow. Personality refers to the unique combination of tangible and intangible characteristics that distinguish one person from another, such as physical traits like height and weight, mental traits like intelligence and learning ability, emotional traits like how one handles different situations, and social traits regarding how one interacts with and relates to others. Personality types can include extroverts who are happy around others, introverts who prefer solitude, and ambiverts who fall in between.
Why are those who should ostensibly know better so frequently and spectacularly wrong? Why are expert predictions basically coin flips? Here's the talk
Zbadano wydajność wyszukiwania informacji muzycznej zapisanej w plikach MusicXML, opisano formalnie strukturę pliku oraz kluczowe zalety zastosowania MusicXML. Przeanalizowano jego przydatność nie tylko jako formatu do zapisu standardowej graficznej notacji nutowej, ale również jako struktury pomocnej przy indeksowaniu dużych zbiorów muzycznych wg różnych cech, m. in. tempa utworu, czasu trwania czy tonacji. Na bazie parsera MusicXML (mxmlplay 0.1) opracowanego przez Xenoage powstało narzędzie pozwalające na przetworzenie zbioru plików, odtworzenie i podsumowanie wydajności struktury MusicXML. Wysunięto wnioski dotyczące: łatwości wyodrębnienia informacji; indeksacji i zastosowania jej do podziału plików muzycznych na zbiory o pewnych cechach; wykorzystania narzędzia lub jego części w stworzeniu oprogramowania do wizualizacji pliku MusicXML oraz zdalnej edycji kompozycji; bardzo dobrego współczynnika kompresji (>100x) – dzięki temu można zaadoptować narzędzie do użytku w telefonii komórkowej.
This document is a curriculum vitae for Karuna Joshi, who has an MBA in HR and Marketing. She is currently a Sales Executive at Atul Ltd in Delhi, Noida, and surrounding areas, where she is responsible for meeting with architects and consultants, targeting industries and converting leads to orders, and handling various projects. Previously, she worked as a Business Development Executive at Alstrong Enterprises India Pvt Ltd. She is looking to obtain a position that will allow her to utilize her initiative, capabilities, and contribute to an organization.
The document discusses social changes to the traditional Nordic family institutional model. It notes that families are increasingly diverse, with divorced couples remarrying and children having custody agreements between multiple parents. It questions whether the Nordic welfare and equality policies fully support all types of modern families. The document examines how the family model has become more interconnected and less dependent on traditional gender roles, with policies aimed at equal rights and responsibilities for both parents.
Vincent Demers is seeking an opportunity for an electrical apprenticeship. He has experience working summers in trades such as electrical co-ops and has training in areas like manlift operation and fall arrest. He highlights strengths like a good attitude, ability to learn, not being afraid of challenges, and not quitting easily. He is available to start immediately upon giving notice to his current employer.
Modern businesses need to restructure and reorganize themselves in order to be able to respond effectively and timely to the changes in the environment they operate in.
User Experience Design (Travel Portal) - Akbar TravelsAkash-Srivastava
The document discusses the user experience design for the travel website Akbar Travels, including the navigational structure, hotel booking flow, design of individual pages like the hotel room and search results pages, and the hotel booking confirmation page. The overall goal is to optimize the user experience for booking hotels on the Akbar Travels website.
The document describes the design of a circular journey ticketing application for Indian Railways. It involves researching the existing circular journey ticketing process, understanding user needs through personas, scenarios and interviews. Key features of the application include route selection, train selection, break selection while ensuring ticket availability. Wireframes were created for the application flow and important screens like route suggestion, station search, itinerary creation and booking. The design focuses on understanding user requirements, providing smart suggestions and options, while giving users full control over their journey planning.
Topics: How consumer needs drive innovation in retail. Evolution of e-commerce SaaS and opportunities. Social media and on/offline purchase attribution.
"Solving business challenges with open-source applications - OroCRM and OroCommerce"
Oro is the company behind OroCRM the most flexible Open Source Customer Relationships Management platform and OroCommerce The only True Open Source B2B e-Commerce application. Oro approach to solve business challenges is that no two businesses are alike. That is why OroCRM and OroCommerce are built with flexibility and extendibility in mind. Our goal is to provide organizations the ability to extend core product functionality and customize features to fit their business needs. This presentation will discuss Oro’s ground breaking application and will highlight cases where OroCRM’s open source approach and flexibility was the driving force behind our ability to deliver innovative solutions.
Steigern Sie Ihren Umsatz - mit dem perfekten Zahlungsartenmix für Ihren Onli...UNIVERSUM Group
Über Erfolg oder Mißerfolg eines Onlineshops entscheiden viele Faktoren - unter anderem die zur Verfügung stehenden Zahlungsarten.
Kann ein Kunde nicht auf die von ihm gewünschte Art und Weise bezahlen, ist er schnell bei der Konkurrenz. Die Auswahl der richtigen, für die jeweilige Zielgruppe passenden Zahlungsarten ist daher essentiell.
Sprchen Sie mit unseren Payment-Experten und erfahren Sie mehr unter
This document discusses how blogging can benefit retail businesses. It notes that search engines and people both love blogs. Search engines appreciate blogs for their use of long-tail keywords and extra website pages, while people enjoy blogs for their free advice and shared content. The document provides tips for writing blog content and leveraging social media to promote the blog. It also presents a case study of how blogging brought more traffic and brand visibility to a retailer called Kaleidoscope. Statistics are given showing how blogs can drive more traffic and links to a website. The conclusion emphasizes that blogs must be consistently updated to provide benefits.
Writing Imaginative B2B Editorial Content for Websites and BlogsEmily Hill
1. B2B editorial content like blogs and white papers can justify the investment by improving online visibility, building authority and trust, and generating leads. Studies show websites with blogs receive more traffic and links, and content marketing leads convert more often than outbound marketing.
2. When determining if a company is too boring for content, the focus should not be on the company but on providing solutions to customer problems. A variety of content types should be created like blogs, white papers, guides and curated content from other sources.
3. To get people to read content, it needs a unique voice and angle rather than just rehashing company information. Both short and long form content can be effective depending on the goals.
The document outlines 7 strategies to increase traffic, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, blogging, lead generation, slideshow presentations, ebooks, and media buying. It provides details on each strategy such as submitting slideshow presentations to sites like ºÝºÝߣShare and converting articles into ebooks to submit to directories. The strategies are meant to help companies target, attract, engage and convert prospects into customers through customized marketing solutions.
The document provides an overview of blogging best practices. It begins with definitions of blogging and explores its history. Key topics covered include the benefits of blogging for business, strategies for an effective blogging plan, common blogging problems and how to overcome them, and important tools and resources for bloggers. The presentation aims to equip attendees with essential information for launching and optimizing a successful business blog.
This document describes how to quickly create your own blog network using Shopping Cart Elite. The network will include multiple blogs across platforms like Blogger and WordPress. Content will be automatically syndicated and posted to these blogs to build high-quality, relevant backlinks to the main website. This strategy provides a scalable way to rank websites by taking advantage of the multiplier effect of an expanding blog network.
Integrated Marketing: Why a Website Isn't Enough Webspec Design
In the complex new word of digital marketing, having a website isn’t enough – you need clients to get there. Learn a few tips to give your customers as they seek to fully take advantage of their shiny new website.
Redefine your Digital Marketing Strategy with Organic Content Marketing Websites PERFECT for Digital Marketing Agencies, SEO Experts and Content Writers
#contentmarketing #seo #digitalmarketing #contentmarketingwebsites #OrganicContentMarketing
This document provides tips from an online marketing company, Ajax Union, on how to promote being recognized on the Inc. 500 or Inc. 5000 lists. It recommends optimizing your website, blog, social media profiles, email signature, 404 page, hosting a webinar or event. It also offers a free press release and information on Ajax Union's services including RankZen and asks the reader to request a free quote.
The crafty gentleman etsy introduction to blogging seminarMike Aspinall
The document provides an introduction to blogging, discussing why people blog, how to start a blog, and tips for blogging. It explains the benefits of blogging such as building relationships with customers, increasing your brand presence, exploring your brand personality, and learning new skills. Advice is given on choosing a domain name, installing WordPress, setting up Google Analytics, selecting a theme, and writing core pages. Dos and don'ts of blogging are also outlined.
An individual is not born with a defined personality, but rather develops one through the interaction of their innate traits and environmental influences as they grow. Personality refers to the unique combination of tangible and intangible characteristics that distinguish one person from another, such as physical traits like height and weight, mental traits like intelligence and learning ability, emotional traits like how one handles different situations, and social traits regarding how one interacts with and relates to others. Personality types can include extroverts who are happy around others, introverts who prefer solitude, and ambiverts who fall in between.
Why are those who should ostensibly know better so frequently and spectacularly wrong? Why are expert predictions basically coin flips? Here's the talk
Zbadano wydajność wyszukiwania informacji muzycznej zapisanej w plikach MusicXML, opisano formalnie strukturę pliku oraz kluczowe zalety zastosowania MusicXML. Przeanalizowano jego przydatność nie tylko jako formatu do zapisu standardowej graficznej notacji nutowej, ale również jako struktury pomocnej przy indeksowaniu dużych zbiorów muzycznych wg różnych cech, m. in. tempa utworu, czasu trwania czy tonacji. Na bazie parsera MusicXML (mxmlplay 0.1) opracowanego przez Xenoage powstało narzędzie pozwalające na przetworzenie zbioru plików, odtworzenie i podsumowanie wydajności struktury MusicXML. Wysunięto wnioski dotyczące: łatwości wyodrębnienia informacji; indeksacji i zastosowania jej do podziału plików muzycznych na zbiory o pewnych cechach; wykorzystania narzędzia lub jego części w stworzeniu oprogramowania do wizualizacji pliku MusicXML oraz zdalnej edycji kompozycji; bardzo dobrego współczynnika kompresji (>100x) – dzięki temu można zaadoptować narzędzie do użytku w telefonii komórkowej.
This document is a curriculum vitae for Karuna Joshi, who has an MBA in HR and Marketing. She is currently a Sales Executive at Atul Ltd in Delhi, Noida, and surrounding areas, where she is responsible for meeting with architects and consultants, targeting industries and converting leads to orders, and handling various projects. Previously, she worked as a Business Development Executive at Alstrong Enterprises India Pvt Ltd. She is looking to obtain a position that will allow her to utilize her initiative, capabilities, and contribute to an organization.
The document discusses social changes to the traditional Nordic family institutional model. It notes that families are increasingly diverse, with divorced couples remarrying and children having custody agreements between multiple parents. It questions whether the Nordic welfare and equality policies fully support all types of modern families. The document examines how the family model has become more interconnected and less dependent on traditional gender roles, with policies aimed at equal rights and responsibilities for both parents.
Vincent Demers is seeking an opportunity for an electrical apprenticeship. He has experience working summers in trades such as electrical co-ops and has training in areas like manlift operation and fall arrest. He highlights strengths like a good attitude, ability to learn, not being afraid of challenges, and not quitting easily. He is available to start immediately upon giving notice to his current employer.
Modern businesses need to restructure and reorganize themselves in order to be able to respond effectively and timely to the changes in the environment they operate in.
User Experience Design (Travel Portal) - Akbar TravelsAkash-Srivastava
The document discusses the user experience design for the travel website Akbar Travels, including the navigational structure, hotel booking flow, design of individual pages like the hotel room and search results pages, and the hotel booking confirmation page. The overall goal is to optimize the user experience for booking hotels on the Akbar Travels website.
The document describes the design of a circular journey ticketing application for Indian Railways. It involves researching the existing circular journey ticketing process, understanding user needs through personas, scenarios and interviews. Key features of the application include route selection, train selection, break selection while ensuring ticket availability. Wireframes were created for the application flow and important screens like route suggestion, station search, itinerary creation and booking. The design focuses on understanding user requirements, providing smart suggestions and options, while giving users full control over their journey planning.
Topics: How consumer needs drive innovation in retail. Evolution of e-commerce SaaS and opportunities. Social media and on/offline purchase attribution.
"Solving business challenges with open-source applications - OroCRM and OroCommerce"
Oro is the company behind OroCRM the most flexible Open Source Customer Relationships Management platform and OroCommerce The only True Open Source B2B e-Commerce application. Oro approach to solve business challenges is that no two businesses are alike. That is why OroCRM and OroCommerce are built with flexibility and extendibility in mind. Our goal is to provide organizations the ability to extend core product functionality and customize features to fit their business needs. This presentation will discuss Oro’s ground breaking application and will highlight cases where OroCRM’s open source approach and flexibility was the driving force behind our ability to deliver innovative solutions.
Steigern Sie Ihren Umsatz - mit dem perfekten Zahlungsartenmix für Ihren Onli...UNIVERSUM Group
Über Erfolg oder Mißerfolg eines Onlineshops entscheiden viele Faktoren - unter anderem die zur Verfügung stehenden Zahlungsarten.
Kann ein Kunde nicht auf die von ihm gewünschte Art und Weise bezahlen, ist er schnell bei der Konkurrenz. Die Auswahl der richtigen, für die jeweilige Zielgruppe passenden Zahlungsarten ist daher essentiell.
Sprchen Sie mit unseren Payment-Experten und erfahren Sie mehr unter
This document discusses how blogging can benefit retail businesses. It notes that search engines and people both love blogs. Search engines appreciate blogs for their use of long-tail keywords and extra website pages, while people enjoy blogs for their free advice and shared content. The document provides tips for writing blog content and leveraging social media to promote the blog. It also presents a case study of how blogging brought more traffic and brand visibility to a retailer called Kaleidoscope. Statistics are given showing how blogs can drive more traffic and links to a website. The conclusion emphasizes that blogs must be consistently updated to provide benefits.
Writing Imaginative B2B Editorial Content for Websites and BlogsEmily Hill
1. B2B editorial content like blogs and white papers can justify the investment by improving online visibility, building authority and trust, and generating leads. Studies show websites with blogs receive more traffic and links, and content marketing leads convert more often than outbound marketing.
2. When determining if a company is too boring for content, the focus should not be on the company but on providing solutions to customer problems. A variety of content types should be created like blogs, white papers, guides and curated content from other sources.
3. To get people to read content, it needs a unique voice and angle rather than just rehashing company information. Both short and long form content can be effective depending on the goals.
The document outlines 7 strategies to increase traffic, including search engine optimization (SEO), social media, blogging, lead generation, slideshow presentations, ebooks, and media buying. It provides details on each strategy such as submitting slideshow presentations to sites like ºÝºÝߣShare and converting articles into ebooks to submit to directories. The strategies are meant to help companies target, attract, engage and convert prospects into customers through customized marketing solutions.
The document provides an overview of blogging best practices. It begins with definitions of blogging and explores its history. Key topics covered include the benefits of blogging for business, strategies for an effective blogging plan, common blogging problems and how to overcome them, and important tools and resources for bloggers. The presentation aims to equip attendees with essential information for launching and optimizing a successful business blog.
This document describes how to quickly create your own blog network using Shopping Cart Elite. The network will include multiple blogs across platforms like Blogger and WordPress. Content will be automatically syndicated and posted to these blogs to build high-quality, relevant backlinks to the main website. This strategy provides a scalable way to rank websites by taking advantage of the multiplier effect of an expanding blog network.
Integrated Marketing: Why a Website Isn't Enough Webspec Design
In the complex new word of digital marketing, having a website isn’t enough – you need clients to get there. Learn a few tips to give your customers as they seek to fully take advantage of their shiny new website.
Redefine your Digital Marketing Strategy with Organic Content Marketing Websites PERFECT for Digital Marketing Agencies, SEO Experts and Content Writers
#contentmarketing #seo #digitalmarketing #contentmarketingwebsites #OrganicContentMarketing
This document provides tips from an online marketing company, Ajax Union, on how to promote being recognized on the Inc. 500 or Inc. 5000 lists. It recommends optimizing your website, blog, social media profiles, email signature, 404 page, hosting a webinar or event. It also offers a free press release and information on Ajax Union's services including RankZen and asks the reader to request a free quote.
The crafty gentleman etsy introduction to blogging seminarMike Aspinall
The document provides an introduction to blogging, discussing why people blog, how to start a blog, and tips for blogging. It explains the benefits of blogging such as building relationships with customers, increasing your brand presence, exploring your brand personality, and learning new skills. Advice is given on choosing a domain name, installing WordPress, setting up Google Analytics, selecting a theme, and writing core pages. Dos and don'ts of blogging are also outlined.
This document provides an overview of using Instagram for real estate professionals. It discusses Instagram statistics that show its popularity and relevance for real estate. Key recommendations include creating an engaging bio, posting daily photos and stories to build followers, using hashtags and carousels to showcase listings, and leveraging apps to enhance content creation and scheduling. The goal is to establish an active online presence to attract buyers and sell properties more effectively through social media.
Advanced Blogging For Business Tips - HubSpotHubSpot
You've launched a business blog and you're ready to take the next step. How do you promote your blog to increase subscribers? What do you write about and how do you brainstorm new blog post ideas? This webinar will cover tips on how to turn your blog into a powerful tool for your business, helping you engage customers in a conversation while also improving your search engine rankings.
Topics include:
* How to create top-notch, keyword-rich content
* How to use your blog to generate leads and sales for your business
* How to build your blog's subscription base
* How to strengthen your blog's community of readers
* What and how to measure the performance of your blog
View the video presentation at
Beginning a business blog can be difficult when looking at content creation, strategy and optimization. In this presentation, we talk about how to build your business blog using strategy. We also talk about the do's and don'ts of business blogging, blog optimization and how to calculate your return on investment for your blog.
How to Create Awesome Blog Content That Generates Traffic Year-Over-YearRosemary Brisco
What makes an awesome blog post—a post that keeps generating traffic month after month? It’s a matter of looking at the data. Our Quick Wins guide will help you get started writing blog posts that continue to deliver traffic long after launch.
Learn how to answer these questions:
What do you want visitors reading the post to know?
Why is it important and relevant to your audience?
Why is it important and relevant to them NOW?
Are you reaching the right audience?
This document discusses the importance of having a website and digital strategy for businesses. It notes that a website should be considered one part of a company's digital presence, which also includes social media, email marketing, reviews, and other online channels. The document provides tips for creating valuable content for a website, such as blog posts, videos, and guides. It stresses that a website needs regular updates and optimization to drive traffic from search engines.
This document discusses search engine optimization (SEO) and social media marketing strategies. It recommends optimizing webpages and social media pages with keywords and key phrases. Proper HTML formatting and regular posting of content on websites, blogs, Facebook pages, Google+ pages, YouTube channels, and other social media can help businesses rank higher in search engine results pages and promote their brand across multiple online platforms.
This document provides tips for redesigning a website. It discusses how websites should attract prospects through inbound marketing, convert visitors into leads and sales, and produce measurable ROI. It provides four tips for a successful redesign: audit existing website assets and protect them; spend more on creating content than design; make conversion experiments easy to run; and make results easy to measure. HubSpot software is presented as a way to implement these tips by facilitating blogging, SEO, lead generation, analytics and more. Customer examples show proven ROI from increased leads, conversions and traffic using HubSpot.
This document provides tips for redesigning a website. It discusses how websites should attract prospects through inbound marketing, convert visitors into leads and sales, and produce measurable ROI. It outlines 3 keys to a successful website and 4 tips for redesigning a website. The tips are to audit website assets and protect them during redesign, spend more on content than design, make conversion experiments easy, and make results easy to measure. The document promotes HubSpot as an all-in-one marketing software that can help with content, search optimization, lead generation, and analytics to put all the pieces together for an effective website redesign.
This document discusses strategies for using various social media platforms for marketing purposes. It provides overviews of Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Google+, and YouTube, outlining their key features and user statistics. For each platform, it describes why businesses should use it and provides 3-4 essential tactics, such as developing Facebook page likes, optimizing LinkedIn business pages, engaging on Twitter through organic and promoted tweets, and optimizing video content on YouTube. The overall document aims to explain the value of an integrated social media strategy for business marketing.
Write My Site - A to Z of content marketingEmily Hill
Content marketing is a marketing strategy that involves the creation and sharing of online media to attract customers and promote a business. This document provides definitions for important terms related to content marketing, listed alphabetically from A to Z. It aims to be a helpful reference guide for those looking to learn more about key concepts in content marketing.
Using Google Analytics to Generate B2B Content IdeasEmily Hill
The document discusses how to use Google Analytics data to generate B2B content ideas. It provides examples of widgets that can be included on a content inspiration dashboard, including widgets showing new vs returning visitors, top cities, traffic sources, site search terms, and most popular content. The widgets help with content planning by revealing insights about visitors that can be used to identify topics, formats, and targeting strategies for new content.
How to establish and populate a WordPress blog that improves your Google ranking, establishes you as an expert, and opens up PR and social media opportunities. Presentation delivered at The British Library on 12th February 2015.
This document discusses the history and evolution of search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine algorithms. It describes how Google developed PageRank and how SEO strategies evolved in response, including the rise of black hat SEO techniques. It outlines Google's launches of algorithms like Panda, Penguin, and Hummingbird to address low-quality content and spammy links. The document then focuses on semantic search and how SEO must now focus on understanding user intent through techniques like predictive search, voice search, and image search. Key recommendations include using natural language in content, claiming profiles on knowledge graphs, and continuing to publish high-quality articles.
TAM AdEx-A Glimpse into Print Advertising Trends for Y 2024.pdfSocial Samosa
TAM AdEx reports 58% rise in print ad space since 2020
Overview of Print Advertising Trends
The latest TAM AdEx report reveals a 58% increase in print ad space in 2024 compared to 2020, with a modest 1% rise over the previous year. The quarterly trends show a 9% growth in ad space per publication in the fourth quarter of 2024 compared to the first quarter.
Leading Sectors and Categories
The auto sector led print advertising in 2024, contributing 15.2% of the total ad space, followed closely by the services sector at 14.9%. Within the auto category, cars accounted for 8% of ad space, while two-wheelers secured a 6% share. Notably, two-wheelers recorded the highest growth among the top 10 categories, increasing by 29% year-on-year.
Advertisers and Brands
Over 78,000 advertisers and 104,000 brands utilised print advertising in 2024. Among them, Maruti Suzuki India emerged as the top advertiser, while Honda Activa H Smart led the brand rankings. The top 10 advertisers collectively contributed 14% of the total ad space, with notable entries from Hero Motocorp, Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India, and Tata Motors.
Sales Promotions
Sales promotion ads played a significant role, occupying 32% of total ad space in 2024. Multiple promotions accounted for the largest share at 48%, followed by discount promotions at 39%.
Over 78,000 advertisers and 104,000 brands utilised print advertising in 2024. Among them, Maruti Suzuki India emerged as the top advertiser, while Honda Activa H Smart led the brand rankings. The top 10 advertisers collectively contributed 14% of the total ad space, with notable entries from Hero Motocorp, Honda Motorcycle & Scooter India, and Tata Motors.
Sales promotion ads played a significant role, occupying 32% of total ad space. Multiple promotions accounted for the largest share at 48%, followed by discount promotions at 39%. Brand promotion ads, without additional incentives, made up 65% of the ad space.
Festive Advertising
Deepavali remained the most prominent festival for print advertising, capturing 28% of the total ad space in 2024. It was followed by Navratri/Durga Puja at 21% and Christmas/New Year at 15%.
Ad Innovations and Positions
Ad innovation also marked a notable trend, with figured outline emerging as the leading innovative ad layout, followed by French window and tab formats. The top five innovative ad layouts collectively accounted for 0.6% of total ad space.
In terms of ad positioning, jacket-full page ads were the most preferred, with more than 8,400 brands opting for this format, led by Allen Career Institute.
The report highlights the resilience of print advertising, with sectors like auto, services, and education driving ad volumes, while festive themes and promotional strategies continue to shape the landscape.
Personal Brand Development: A Digital Marketing Strategyyeshwimbu
This presentation explores the journey of creating a personal brand built on creativity, authenticity, and collaboration. Learn how I defined my strengths, values, and professional identity to create a compelling brand message that resonates with employers, clients, and audiences. Through strategic use of Keynote and digital marketing principles, I’ve developed a clear framework that positions me for growth and meaningful engagement in the digital space. Whether you’re looking to refine your own brand or gain insights into the process, this presentation offers valuable takeaways for anyone looking to make a lasting impact in the digital world.
2025 March - High Performing Landing Pages - Greeville HUG.pptxBoundify
Learn how to create stunning, high-converting landing pages with HubSpot’s intuitive drag-and-drop editor!
Join us for our next Greenville HUG event where we’ll explore proven strategies and practical tips for designing landing pages that drive action. From layout design to optimizing for mobile and incorporating smart content, you’ll discover how to make the most of HubSpot’s tools to elevate your marketing efforts.
Whether you’re new to HubSpot or a seasoned user, this event will provide actionable insights to improve your landing pages and boost your conversions!
Why Landing Pages Matter
Key Elements of a High-Converting Landing Page
HubSpot’s Drag-and-Drop Editor Overview & Best Practices
Advanced Techniques for High-Converting Pages
Common Mistakes to Avoid
Who Should Attend:
👤 Marketing professionals
👤 Sales professionals
👤 Business owners
👤 Anyone interested in learning more about HubSpot Landing Pages!
David Kircus serves as the Chief Operating Officer (COO) at TEAM Strategies, where he combines his experience as a retired NFL wide receiver with a strong leadership mindset to guide the company. In addition to his executive role, he is passionate about helping young athletes develop and often spends his summers volunteering at recruiting camps. During these camps, he works with incoming athletes to perfect their drills and techniques, preparing them for future challenges in their athletic careers. His commitment to helping others succeed is a key aspect of his leadership style.
How Does a Digital Marketing & Advertising Agency Create Engaging Content.pdfWhiz Marketers
At Whiz Marketers, creating engaging content is more than just words and visuals—it's about crafting an experience that resonates. We dive deep into audience behavior, leveraging data insights, emotional storytelling, and strategic execution to create content that captivates and converts. From interactive social media campaigns to SEO-optimized articles, we ensure every piece is tailored to drive engagement and brand growth. In the fast-paced digital world, content isn’t just king—it’s the key to connection. Let’s make yours unforgettable.
The Power of Digital Marketing: How to Grow Your Business Onlinesreemanreddymallu07
In today’s fast-paced digital era, businesses must adapt to the ever-evolving online landscape to remain competitive. Digital marketing has become an essential tool for reaching potential customers, increasing brand awareness, and driving sales. Whether you’re a small business owner or an entrepreneur, leveraging digital marketing strategies can significantly enhance your online presence and growth.
How Audiences use Technology and its Impact on their Livesamiejulianoamaral
In this presentation, "How Audiences use Technology and its Impact on their Lives", I explore how audiences (or people) engage with technology and its profound effects on individuals, society, and the world at large.
l examine the evolution of technology and the rise of the internet and its profound effect on human interactions, reshaping personal relationships, business practices, and global connectivity over the past two decades. A mix of key statistics and case studies will highlight the significant changes in how we communicate in the digital age.
- Introduction
- Access to the Internet
- History of the internet and technology
- Internet Connection Types
- Types of Electronic Devices
- Digital Device Applications
- Digital Devices used by Audiences
- How Consumers Search for Information
- What Consumers Buy Online
- Online Buyer Process
- Online Video Trends
- Consumer Trends
- Top Strategic Technology Trends
- 5 Biggest Changes Technology has Made to Modern Life
- Pros & Cons
- Summary
- References
In conclusion, we have the unprecedented ability to shape and envision different future through technology. As we continue to innovate, it's crucial to reflect on the ethical implications these advancements have on society and the diverse groups it affects. The rapid pace of technological change brings both opportunities and challenges, making it essential to consider how our decisions today will influence the world of tomorrow.
Get Creative Ideas to Grow Your Business With us!Amrit Web
Get creative ideas to grow your business with us! 🚀 From innovative marketing strategies to smart customer engagement, we help you stand out. Leverage digital trends, social media, and unique branding to attract more customers. Optimize operations, explore new revenue streams, and enhance customer experience for long-term success. Whether you're a startup or an established brand, our expert insights will fuel your growth. Let's innovate together and take your business to new heights!
EEAT your way to the top of Google - Enhance your SEOQuibble
If you're looking to enhance your SEO and conversions, consider EEAT. Showcasing your experience, expertise, authority and trust is vital in helping your stand out against your competitors. During this session we take a look at the steps you can take to ensure you cover all of these elements and maximise your results.
Professional Digital Marketing Agency | Boost Your Online Presenceanshika49913
Looking for a results-driven digital marketing agency? Our expert team specializes in SEO, social media marketing, PPC, content strategy, and more to help grow your business online. We create customized strategies that deliver measurable results, driving traffic, increasing conversions, and building your brand’s presence in the digital world. Let us help you achieve your marketing goals and stand out in a competitive market.
Digital Marketing Workshop Florence Fashion Society.pdfNicoleJaroscak
This slideshow explores the fundamentals of digital marketing in fashion, covering its purpose, key elements, and what makes a campaign successful. It includes case studies of standout fashion campaigns from the past year and a hands-on assignment where members created their own digital marketing strategies for their favorite brands.
Presented at Florence Fashion Society, this workshop was designed to help students understand branding, visual storytelling, and consumer engagement in the digital space.
Check it out to gain insights into how fashion brands craft compelling marketing campaigns!
Turn client websites into revenue enginesAnton Shulke
Discover how interactive features elevate websites, transforming them into lead generators and revenue creators.
Gain strategies to upsell these increasingly necessary features to your clients in a way that enhances your value proposition.
Explore what success looks like out in the field, with real-life examples of clients and agencies employing transactional features on their sites.
1. 7 Types of Content
You Need On Your Website
The British Library
27th August 2015
2. Emily Hill: About Me
• Set up Write My Site in 2006:
• New copywriting training
website launching 2015:
16. Blogging works!
• Adding between 21 and 51 blog posts to your site
boosts traffic by up to 30% …
• … And when you’ve added at least 52 blog posts,
your traffic increases by 77%! (TrafficGenerationCafe)
• Companies that blog receive 97% more inbound links
• … and 434% more indexed pages than businesses
which do not blog (HubSpot)
From 34 Blogging Statistics for Small Businesses: