Ryan Law is a 24-year-old graduate seeking full or part time employment in video production, specifically with cameras and lighting. He has a BA (Hons) in Television and Radio from the University of Salford and relevant experience through coursework and projects. His experience includes work as an assistant camera operator on a documentary in South Africa, runner on cycling video shoots, and studio camera operator on an educational game show.
Este documento compara la pedagog鱈a y la andragog鱈a. La pedagog鱈a se refiere a la ense単anza de ni単os y j坦venes y se basa en una comunicaci坦n vertical del maestro al estudiante. La andragog鱈a se enfoca en la ense単anza de adultos y se fundamenta en principios de horizontalidad y participaci坦n activa del aprendiz. La andragog鱈a busca que el individuo alcance la autorrealizaci坦n aplicando de manera inmediata los aprendizajes a lo largo de la vida.
The document discusses four keys to small business success: owner's character, strategic business plan, organizational structure, and operational support systems. It emphasizes that successful businesses have the right systems in place, including accounting software, cash management forecasts, budgets, variance reports, and other tools to support operations and improve efficiency. These systems provide critical information, relieve management of routine tasks, and help address issues before they become problems.
The future-ready CPA: Waves of change, oceans of opportunityBill Sheridan, CAE
How can we become future ready if we dont have enough time? Even worse is that everyone expects this pace of change to accelerate. The latest trends in research indicate we are in a period of exponential change with no signs of slowing down. So how do we stop the insanity? Its about turning around and looking into the future waves of change coming at us instead of the shoreline, learning how to avoid being swamped by the
waves and, even better, learning how to look for the opportunities in each wave and how to ride them. The alternative is to stay stuck in the present and risk being left behind in the same change of forces accelerating before our eyes.
Presentation at the "International MARCH Workshop" on油6th October 2015, at Goethe Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria
Life Long Learning Project March "Making Science Real in Schools"
Wolfgang Tillmans is a German photographer known for his abstract and documentary style photography. His work explores concepts of authenticity and reality through staged photographs. In his 2008 photo "Paper Drop (London)", Tillmans uses the properties of glossy paper to depict his ideas about legitimacy and authenticity, with the paper's edge demanding attention through sharp lines and contrasting colors. The photo reflects Tillmans' view that staged photos can be as authentic as documentary photos by capturing a real moment.
Este documento proporciona una introducci坦n al uso del programa IBM SPSS Statistics para realizar an叩lisis estad鱈sticos de datos recolectados a trav辿s de encuestas. Explica los pasos para cargar y organizar los datos, incluida la codificaci坦n de variables cualitativas y cuantitativas. Tambi辿n describe c坦mo generar estad鱈sticas descriptivas simples como frecuencias y medias, as鱈 como tablas de contingencia y gr叩ficos para el an叩lisis de datos cualitativos y cuantitativos individuales y cruzados. El objetivo final es
Ryan Law is a 24-year-old graduate seeking full or part time employment in video production, specifically with cameras and lighting. He has a BA (Hons) in Television and Radio from the University of Salford and relevant experience through coursework and projects. His experience includes work as an assistant camera operator on a documentary in South Africa, runner on cycling video shoots, and studio camera operator on an educational game show.
Este documento compara la pedagog鱈a y la andragog鱈a. La pedagog鱈a se refiere a la ense単anza de ni単os y j坦venes y se basa en una comunicaci坦n vertical del maestro al estudiante. La andragog鱈a se enfoca en la ense単anza de adultos y se fundamenta en principios de horizontalidad y participaci坦n activa del aprendiz. La andragog鱈a busca que el individuo alcance la autorrealizaci坦n aplicando de manera inmediata los aprendizajes a lo largo de la vida.
The document discusses four keys to small business success: owner's character, strategic business plan, organizational structure, and operational support systems. It emphasizes that successful businesses have the right systems in place, including accounting software, cash management forecasts, budgets, variance reports, and other tools to support operations and improve efficiency. These systems provide critical information, relieve management of routine tasks, and help address issues before they become problems.
The future-ready CPA: Waves of change, oceans of opportunityBill Sheridan, CAE
How can we become future ready if we dont have enough time? Even worse is that everyone expects this pace of change to accelerate. The latest trends in research indicate we are in a period of exponential change with no signs of slowing down. So how do we stop the insanity? Its about turning around and looking into the future waves of change coming at us instead of the shoreline, learning how to avoid being swamped by the
waves and, even better, learning how to look for the opportunities in each wave and how to ride them. The alternative is to stay stuck in the present and risk being left behind in the same change of forces accelerating before our eyes.
Presentation at the "International MARCH Workshop" on油6th October 2015, at Goethe Institute, Sofia, Bulgaria
Life Long Learning Project March "Making Science Real in Schools"
Wolfgang Tillmans is a German photographer known for his abstract and documentary style photography. His work explores concepts of authenticity and reality through staged photographs. In his 2008 photo "Paper Drop (London)", Tillmans uses the properties of glossy paper to depict his ideas about legitimacy and authenticity, with the paper's edge demanding attention through sharp lines and contrasting colors. The photo reflects Tillmans' view that staged photos can be as authentic as documentary photos by capturing a real moment.
Este documento proporciona una introducci坦n al uso del programa IBM SPSS Statistics para realizar an叩lisis estad鱈sticos de datos recolectados a trav辿s de encuestas. Explica los pasos para cargar y organizar los datos, incluida la codificaci坦n de variables cualitativas y cuantitativas. Tambi辿n describe c坦mo generar estad鱈sticas descriptivas simples como frecuencias y medias, as鱈 como tablas de contingencia y gr叩ficos para el an叩lisis de datos cualitativos y cuantitativos individuales y cruzados. El objetivo final es
This document discusses pipelining in computer architecture through a five-stage pipelined datapath example. It includes:
1) An overview of the five stages - instruction fetch, instruction decode, execute, memory, and writeback;
2) An example of how the lw (load word) instruction progresses through each stage;
3) How pipeline control signals are added to coordinate execution across stages.
Este documento presenta los conceptos fundamentales de la mec叩nica y la cinem叩tica. Explica la diferencia entre mecanismos y m叩quinas, y proporciona ejemplos de cada uno. Tambi辿n describe las etapas del proceso de dise単o de mecanismos, incluida la identificaci坦n de necesidades, investigaci坦n preliminar, planteamiento de objetivos y especificaciones de desempe単o. El objetivo general es introducir los conceptos b叩sicos necesarios para comprender y aplicar la mec叩nica y la cinem叩tica en el dise単o de m叩quinas y
Este documento describe el s鱈ndrome de Brugada, una enfermedad card鱈aca hereditaria caracterizada por alteraciones en el electrocardiograma y un riesgo aumentado de muerte s炭bita. Se define el s鱈ndrome de Brugada y sus tres patrones electrocardiogr叩ficos. La fisiopatolog鱈a involucra mutaciones gen辿ticas que afectan los canales i坦nicos del coraz坦n y producen un desequilibrio en las corrientes el辿ctricas. Los pacientes pueden presentar s鱈ntomas como s鱈ncope o muerte s炭bita,
This document describes a simulation of a quadcopter's dynamic system and interactive control system created by researchers at George Mason University. The simulation models the quadcopter's behavior in different environments based on parameters like payload, desired altitude, ascent/descent speeds and hover time. It includes equations of motion for the quadcopter in the z-axis and models forces like thrust, drag, weight. The simulation was able to follow user-specified altitude profiles within 1m of accuracy even with payloads over half the quadcopter's weight, demonstrating the potential for quadcopters as safe and effective delivery systems.