Este documento resume los estadios iniciales del desarrollo grupal seg炭n Gerald Corey. Explica que el 辿xito del grupo depende de la selecci坦n y preparaci坦n de los miembros. Luego describe el primer estadio como de orientaci坦n y exploraci坦n, donde los miembros se conocen y establecen confianza. El segundo estadio es de transici坦n y manejo de resistencias, donde surgen ansiedades y conflictos que deben manejarse positivamente. El terapeuta juega un rol clave en ambos estadios para establecer estructura, modelar conduct
Holiday 'Toy' Story with the 26th District PoliceHyperion Bank
Hyperion Bank employees collected toys to donate to the 26th Police District's annual toy drive for local children. The bank's employees shopped and filled a bin with toys like Barbies, action figures, and games. Joe Matisoff, President and CEO of Hyperion Bank, said it's important for the bank's employees to get involved in the community where they work. The toy drive is part of Hyperion Bank's efforts to become an active member of the local Philadelphia neighborhood.
The document summarizes the winners of a lottery that benefits the Dorset and Somerset Air Ambulance. It also announces upcoming local events, including a wildlife gardening awards ceremony, bird show at a swannery, and talk at a literary society dinner. The document aims to raise awareness of threats to local wildlife from human activities like pollution and encourages support for conservation efforts.
This document provides an activity plan for a pre-school music lesson in France. The goal is for 5-year-old students to learn to differentiate between short and long musical sounds. The teacher will play short and long sounds on instruments and have students identify the sounds. Students will then sort sound-making objects, like pots and glasses, by sound length. Finally, students will invent symbols to represent short and long sounds and play music using the symbols on flashcards.
El documento contrasta 叩tomos y bits, donde los 叩tomos representan lo material y tangible mientras que los bits son herramientas informativas como m炭sica, pel鱈culas y videos que pueden enviarse digitalmente a largas distancias de forma m叩s segura, pr叩ctica y accesible, evidenciando el impacto de las nuevas tecnolog鱈as.
The song is about being completely in love and feeling overwhelmed by those romantic feelings. The singer feels weak, breathless, and swept away by their love for their partner, saying their love is what allows them to survive and that they can't imagine life without their partner's love, feeling like forever wouldn't even be long enough with their partner. Their heart beats again every time they breathe in their partner, and they feel they are drowning in and can't help but be overwhelmed by their love.
This document outlines the learning outcomes and agenda for a session with Dons. The session aims to help Dons demonstrate how the skills they have gained through their Residence Life role can transfer to future professional roles. It includes activities like an elevator pitch where Dons discuss the skills they practice as Dons and how they relate to job requirements. A world cafe activity has Dons discuss the skills and activities that have brought them success and where they see themselves in the future. The document also provides a table matching Residence Life skills to parallel skills required for other jobs, such as communication, time management, and problem solving.
El documento presenta los resultados de una encuesta de 40 preguntas de investigaci坦n. Muestra las frecuencias e intervalos de las respuestas, as鱈 como la frecuencia relativa de cada intervalo. Tambi辿n incluye un gr叩fico de sectores que representa el puntaje de criterios de innovaci坦n basado en una escala del 1 al 4. Finalmente, lista 5 grados acad辿micos.
El documento contrasta 叩tomos y bits, donde los 叩tomos representan lo material y tangible mientras que los bits son herramientas informativas como m炭sica, pel鱈culas y videos que pueden enviarse digitalmente a largas distancias de forma m叩s segura, pr叩ctica y accesible, evidenciando el impacto de las nuevas tecnolog鱈as.
The song is about being completely in love and feeling overwhelmed by those romantic feelings. The singer feels weak, breathless, and swept away by their love for their partner, saying their love is what allows them to survive and that they can't imagine life without their partner's love, feeling like forever wouldn't even be long enough with their partner. Their heart beats again every time they breathe in their partner, and they feel they are drowning in and can't help but be overwhelmed by their love.
This document outlines the learning outcomes and agenda for a session with Dons. The session aims to help Dons demonstrate how the skills they have gained through their Residence Life role can transfer to future professional roles. It includes activities like an elevator pitch where Dons discuss the skills they practice as Dons and how they relate to job requirements. A world cafe activity has Dons discuss the skills and activities that have brought them success and where they see themselves in the future. The document also provides a table matching Residence Life skills to parallel skills required for other jobs, such as communication, time management, and problem solving.
El documento presenta los resultados de una encuesta de 40 preguntas de investigaci坦n. Muestra las frecuencias e intervalos de las respuestas, as鱈 como la frecuencia relativa de cada intervalo. Tambi辿n incluye un gr叩fico de sectores que representa el puntaje de criterios de innovaci坦n basado en una escala del 1 al 4. Finalmente, lista 5 grados acad辿micos.