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Forest Tenure, Governance and Enterprise
                                            Non-Timber and Timber Enterprises in The
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The Gambia

                                                          Kanimang Camara
                                                     Cameroon, May 25th  29th, 2009
General Country context:
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                     The Gambia is a sub-tropical country in
                                     West-Africa with a total land area of
                                     approximately 10,689km族.
                                     Population of about 1.4 million (Gambia
                                     Population Profile 2003) people and
                                     population growth rate of 4.2% per annum.
                                     Climate Sudano-sahelian type (rainy season
                                     June-October & dry season November-May)

                                     General Country context Cont.

                                      The Gambia with a GNP of about US $ 37.5 M
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                       The economy is characterized by its small size,
                                      narrow economic base, low level of literacy and
                                      overall skills
                                       Re-distributive trade, agriculture and tourism
                                      build the main sectors of the economy.
                                      Tourism contributes 16% of the GDP

                                     General Country context Cont.

                                      43% of total area is forested  460,000 ha.
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                      (excluding mangroves)
                                      78% of this is tree and shrub savannah
                                      Since central control did not work, Gambia moved to
                                      participatory management approaches in 1990s
                                      Gambia Forest Management Concept and National
                                      Forestry Fund made state forests nuclei of
                                      knowledge for community forest management
                                      Goal of 30% forest cover, 200,000 Ha. of it
                                      community owned and managed.
Steps of passing land and tree tenure rights to local
                                     communities                    the Regional forest officer approves

                                                                             the management plan and the
                                                                             Director approves the PCFMA
                                                                             application. Upon

                                       Villagers and local authorities       approval the PCFMA is concluded
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                       agree on setting land aside for       and the forest committee is
                                       the purpose of community
                                       forestry and testify that this land   registered with the FD
                                       is free from any individual                  
                                       claims and is subject to              the forest committee may
                                       common management                     establish by-laws and agreements
                                                                            with the local authorities on a final
                                       villagers establish a formal          community forest boundary
                                       body or forest committee acting
                                       on their behalf                            
                                                                            the Regional forest officer in
                                       the forest committee                  collaboration with the PFM unit
                                       establishes a preliminary forest      conducts the PCFMA evaluation
                                       management plan and applies           with other stakeholders
                                       for PCFMA conclusion

                                     Steps of passing land and tree tenure rights to local
                                     communities Cont.

                                       The final survey of the           The order is published and
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                       concerned CF is conducted         announced in the gazette
                                       The notice of the CF is
                                       concluded and gazetted
                                       the CFMA is concluded
                                       between the forest committee,
                                       on behalf of the community or
                                       group of communities and the
                                       Director, on behalf of the SoS,
                                       provided that the committee
                                       performed well and that the
                                       community forest boundaries
                                       are fixed

                                     Case Study 1: Jombong Bantang Cultural Camp,
                                     Berefet village
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The
General Enterprise Information

                                      Jombong Bantang Cultural camp owned by Berefet
                                      Registered with FD, AG Chambers & GTA
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                      Located on Folonkojang CF (63.5Ha.)

                                     General Enterprise Information Cont.

                                      The Ecotourism enterprise has set goals which are to:
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                        improve the livelihoods of the community members;
                                       fight against rural urban drift;
                                       build the capacity of members of the enterprise in
                                       group management and entrepreneurial skills;
                                       create economic benefits for the community through
                                       Sustainable Forest Management as well as providing
                                       access to micro credit facilities at community level.
General Enterprise Information Cont.

                                     Seed money of 5,600 Euros  German Grant

                                     Profits from Log Enterprise
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                     VDC main umbrella body
                                     CFC  Environmental issues (CF)
                                     IG Members  mgt. Forest-based Enterprises
                                     Profits generated equally divided in 2 parts ( vill. & ent.
                                     dev. )

                                         Infrastructure, Assets, Partners, and Community Ties
                                         Enterprise owns the following:

                                     -   boat and out boat engine, generator, water pump and
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                     -   tank, freezer, refrigerator, plastic chairs, tables,
                                         buildings, kitchen utensils, video, television and
Offer and Value Proposition

                                                   Production value (GMD) 2003 -2008

                                                               2007-2008         2006-2007          2005-2006      2004-2005    2003-2004

                                     Accommodation              427,500.00         248,750.00        121,500.00    31,125.00    16,000.00
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                     Food                      1,852,500.00      1,400,000.00       1,020,000.00   627,750.00   323,000.00

                                     Soft drinks                142,500.00         130,875.00         96,000.00     19,800.00    10,500.00

                                     Mineral water              299,250.00         211,225.00        135,000.00     95,850.00    80,000.00

                                     Beer                        34,200.00          29,400.00         33,000.00     30,000.00     2,400.00

                                     Boat trips                  18,000.00          12,500.00          8,000.00      6,000.00     1,500.00

                                     Paddling                     1,800.00           1,500.00            700.00       400.00        200.00

                                     Forest walk                 21,000.00          16,800.00         13,750.00     11,000.00     7,500.00

                                     Tailoring                    2,400.00           1,925.00          1,050.00        0             0

                                     Total                     2,799,150.00      2,040,475.00       1,429,000.00   821,925.00   425,100.00

                                                   Exchange rate 1US$ = 19.30 Gambian Dalasis (D)
Customers & Market that the Enterprise Services

                                       Major customers of the Enterprise are:
                                         Group researchers, European students on

                                         educational tours (arts and culture), musicians, eco-
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                         friendly visitors, birdwatchers, GOs and NGO
                                       Promotional Strategies:
                                         Sign boards, media, participation in National Tourism
                                         fares & promotional trips to the TDA
                                         Domestic market
Finance  Flow of Money In and Out of the Enterprise

                                         Profit margin 2007-2008 projected at D2,799,150.00

                                         (US$139,957.50) 56.16%
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                         50% salaries for IG members & 50% ROI & Village Dev.
The future  Opportunities, Challenges

                                     and General Options

                                      Internal challenges                 External challenges
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                      Proper management of revenue        Establish and maintain
                                      generated by the enterprise.        collaboration with other
                                      Capacity building of members        institutions to access
                                      on entrepreneurial and group        support/service.
                                      management skills.                  Lobby with Government to
                                      Maintaining standards and the       include rural-community
                                      reputation of the enterprise as     enterprise members in
                                      well as sustaining bio-diversity.   international promotional tours
                                      Increase access to the tourism      and fares on tourism.
                                      market to sell products/services    Creation of Regional network of
                                      of the enterprise.                  community based eco-tourism
                                      Installation of solar energy        programme to be able to
                                      lightening system                   coordinate prices, joint
                                                                          promotional campaign and
                                                                          sharing of operational cost.
                                                                          Securing tenure over the
                                                                          remaining forest areas on
                                                                          village customary land
The future  Opportunities, Challenges and

                                      General Options Cont.

                                     Key opportunities:
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                        Availability of land for expansion, rich bio-diversity and culture.
                                        Securing tenure over the remaining forest cover on customary land
                                        through CF programme.
                                        Creation of a webpage about the enterprise and provision of internet
                                        Procurement of transport for easy access to and from the village.
                                        Possibility for the village to benefit from the rural electrification and
                                        water programmes from the local council.
                                        Continuous capacity building of IG members for effective service
                                        Availability of communal labour and resources to implement planned
The future  Opportunities, Challenges and General
                                     Options Cont.

                                     NGO and international organizations could continue to

                                     play the following roles as partners in development:
                                        Capacity building programs for entrepreneurs,
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                        Provision of micro-finance opportunities with low interest rates.
                                        Facilitating tenure arrangements on land and forest to guarantee
                                        long term ownership over the resources.
                                        Patronizing community based eco-tourism structures by conducting
                                        workshops and seminars to boost the incomes of the enterprises.
                                        Creation of linkages with other actors along the chain
                                        Supplementing the efforts of the enterprise in community
                                        development activities.
                                        Creation of enabling policy framework for the effective operation of
                                        community based enterprises.
The future  Opportunities, Challenges and
General Options Cont

                                     Case Study 2: Sibac Honey and Honey by-product
                                     Enterprise, Buram village
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The
General Enterprise Information

                                        Enterprise owned by the community of Buram village

                                        Registered with FD & NBAG IN 2003
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                        Location Sibac CF (31.8 Ha.)
                                        Enterprise Dev. & Market Assistance Programme
General Enterprise Information Cont.

                                     Organizational structure:
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                       VDC  CFCs- Product based groups
                                       Labour - Community contribution

                                     Infrastructure, Assets, Partners, and Community Ties
                                        List of equipment:

                                     Hives, pair of gloves, uniforms, pair of gum boots, knives,
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                     smokers & plastic containers
Offer and Value Proposition  How the
                                     Enterprise Makes Money

                                              Production value 2003  2008

                                                  2007        2006        2005        2004       2003
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                                  2008        2007        2006        2005       2004
                                     Sieved       36,000.00   21,000.00   18,200.00    4000.00   4000.00
                                     Body          1280.00      740.00       887.50     0          0
                                     Candle         480.00      279.00       292.00     0          0
                                     Soap          1280.00      750.00       885.00     0          0
                                     Total        39,040.00   22,769.00   20,264.50    4000.00   4000.00
Customers  The End  Users, Customers and
market that the Enterprise Services
Customers  The End  Users, Customers and
                                     market that the Enterprise Services
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The
Finance  Flow of Money in and out of the Enterprise
                                      Cash Flow Projection 2007  2008

                                                                    First harvest   Second harvest
                                        Cash in Hand                      0         18,824.00

                                        Sales                       19,520.00       19,520.00
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                        Transport                      260.00         260.00
                                        Plastic containers             150.00         150.00
                                        Soap                             8.00            8.00
                                        Torch light                     25.00             0
                                        Battery                           8.00           8.00
                                        Perfume                         25.00           25.00
                                        Caustic soda                    10.00           10.00
                                        Candle                          10.00           10.00
                                        Sign board                     200.00            0
                                        Total expenses                 696.00          471.00
                                        Total  cash          less    18,824.00      37,873.00
The future  Opportunities, Challenges and

                                     General Options

                                       Internal challenges           External challenges
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                       Continues protection of the   Sustainability of NBAGs
                                       area against forest fires.    activities as an umbrella
                                       Protection of hives against   body.
                                       theft and pest outbreaks.     Unfair competition between
                                       Building the capacity of IG   illegal and legal producers of
                                       members to explore other      honey.
                                       business ideas in adding      Negative climatic impacts
                                       value to wax.                 (drought)
                                       Packaging and labeling of     Access to micro-finance
                                       products                      credit at reasonable interest
                                       Inadequate information        rates
                                       about the enterprise

                                     The future  Opportunities, Challenges and
                                     General Options Cont.

                                     Some of the key opportunities for the enterprise in the future
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                       include the following:
                                       Increased production capacity through the procurement of
                                       additional hives;
                                       Acquisition of legal ownership status over the remaining forest
                                       cover to establish more hives;
                                       Availability of local skills on bee farming;
                                       Capacity building of individual bee farmers for improved
                                       production and income earning capacities of community
                                       members and
                                       Change of wooden hive stands to metallic, used tires or
The future  Opportunities, Challenges and
                                      General Options Cont.

                                     GOs, NGOs and international organizations supporting the development of

                                     small- scale forest based enterprises should facilitate the following:
                                       Support capacity building programmes for local entrepreneurs;
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The

                                       Link local entrepreneurs to micro-finance service and support providers;
                                       Help communities to secure long term tenure over the land and forest to
                                       guarantee communal ownership over the resources;
                                       Create enabling policy environment for the effective operation of the
                                       enterprises (tax incentives);
                                       Support Government efforts to meet the policy goals targeted for the forestry
                                       Facilitate Regional experience sharing workshops for small scale forest-
                                       based entrepreneurs;
                                       GOs should review their current forest policies and legislations to enhance
                                       popular participation in forest management and
                                        The National Authorities should enforce forest regulations to reduce illegal
                                       and unfair competition in the markets.
Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The   Gambia

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Kanimang Camara: Alternative tenure & enterprise models for pro-poor growth : Non-timber and timber enterprises in the Gambia

  • 1. Forest Tenure, Governance and Enterprise Non-Timber and Timber Enterprises in The Gambia Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The Gambia Kanimang Camara Cameroon, May 25th 29th, 2009
  • 2. General Country context: Gambia Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The The Gambia is a sub-tropical country in West-Africa with a total land area of approximately 10,689km族. Population of about 1.4 million (Gambia Population Profile 2003) people and population growth rate of 4.2% per annum. Climate Sudano-sahelian type (rainy season June-October & dry season November-May)
  • 3. Gambia General Country context Cont. The Gambia with a GNP of about US $ 37.5 M Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The The economy is characterized by its small size, narrow economic base, low level of literacy and overall skills Re-distributive trade, agriculture and tourism build the main sectors of the economy. Tourism contributes 16% of the GDP
  • 4. Gambia General Country context Cont. 43% of total area is forested 460,000 ha. Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The (excluding mangroves) 78% of this is tree and shrub savannah Since central control did not work, Gambia moved to participatory management approaches in 1990s Gambia Forest Management Concept and National Forestry Fund made state forests nuclei of knowledge for community forest management Goal of 30% forest cover, 200,000 Ha. of it community owned and managed.
  • 5. Steps of passing land and tree tenure rights to local communities the Regional forest officer approves Gambia the management plan and the Director approves the PCFMA application. Upon Villagers and local authorities approval the PCFMA is concluded Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The agree on setting land aside for and the forest committee is the purpose of community forestry and testify that this land registered with the FD is free from any individual claims and is subject to the forest committee may common management establish by-laws and agreements with the local authorities on a final villagers establish a formal community forest boundary body or forest committee acting on their behalf the Regional forest officer in the forest committee collaboration with the PFM unit establishes a preliminary forest conducts the PCFMA evaluation management plan and applies with other stakeholders for PCFMA conclusion
  • 6. Gambia Steps of passing land and tree tenure rights to local communities Cont. The final survey of the The order is published and Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The concerned CF is conducted announced in the gazette The notice of the CF is concluded and gazetted the CFMA is concluded between the forest committee, on behalf of the community or group of communities and the Director, on behalf of the SoS, provided that the committee performed well and that the community forest boundaries are fixed
  • 7. Gambia Case Study 1: Jombong Bantang Cultural Camp, Berefet village Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The
  • 8. General Enterprise Information Gambia Jombong Bantang Cultural camp owned by Berefet Village Registered with FD, AG Chambers & GTA Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The Located on Folonkojang CF (63.5Ha.)
  • 9. Gambia General Enterprise Information Cont. The Ecotourism enterprise has set goals which are to: Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The improve the livelihoods of the community members; fight against rural urban drift; build the capacity of members of the enterprise in group management and entrepreneurial skills; create economic benefits for the community through Sustainable Forest Management as well as providing access to micro credit facilities at community level.
  • 10. General Enterprise Information Cont. Gambia Seed money of 5,600 Euros German Grant Profits from Log Enterprise Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The VDC main umbrella body CFC Environmental issues (CF) IG Members mgt. Forest-based Enterprises Profits generated equally divided in 2 parts ( vill. & ent. dev. )
  • 11. Gambia Infrastructure, Assets, Partners, and Community Ties Enterprise owns the following: - boat and out boat engine, generator, water pump and Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The - tank, freezer, refrigerator, plastic chairs, tables, buildings, kitchen utensils, video, television and telephone.
  • 12. Offer and Value Proposition Production value (GMD) 2003 -2008 Gambia 2007-2008 2006-2007 2005-2006 2004-2005 2003-2004 Accommodation 427,500.00 248,750.00 121,500.00 31,125.00 16,000.00 Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The Food 1,852,500.00 1,400,000.00 1,020,000.00 627,750.00 323,000.00 Soft drinks 142,500.00 130,875.00 96,000.00 19,800.00 10,500.00 Mineral water 299,250.00 211,225.00 135,000.00 95,850.00 80,000.00 Beer 34,200.00 29,400.00 33,000.00 30,000.00 2,400.00 Boat trips 18,000.00 12,500.00 8,000.00 6,000.00 1,500.00 Paddling 1,800.00 1,500.00 700.00 400.00 200.00 Forest walk 21,000.00 16,800.00 13,750.00 11,000.00 7,500.00 Tailoring 2,400.00 1,925.00 1,050.00 0 0 Total 2,799,150.00 2,040,475.00 1,429,000.00 821,925.00 425,100.00 Exchange rate 1US$ = 19.30 Gambian Dalasis (D)
  • 13. Customers & Market that the Enterprise Services Gambia Major customers of the Enterprise are: Group researchers, European students on educational tours (arts and culture), musicians, eco- Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The friendly visitors, birdwatchers, GOs and NGO Promotional Strategies: Sign boards, media, participation in National Tourism fares & promotional trips to the TDA Markets: Domestic market
  • 14. Finance Flow of Money In and Out of the Enterprise Gambia Profit margin 2007-2008 projected at D2,799,150.00 (US$139,957.50) 56.16% Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The 50% salaries for IG members & 50% ROI & Village Dev.
  • 15. The future Opportunities, Challenges Gambia and General Options Internal challenges External challenges Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The Proper management of revenue Establish and maintain generated by the enterprise. collaboration with other Capacity building of members institutions to access on entrepreneurial and group support/service. management skills. Lobby with Government to Maintaining standards and the include rural-community reputation of the enterprise as enterprise members in well as sustaining bio-diversity. international promotional tours Increase access to the tourism and fares on tourism. market to sell products/services Creation of Regional network of of the enterprise. community based eco-tourism Installation of solar energy programme to be able to lightening system coordinate prices, joint . promotional campaign and sharing of operational cost. Securing tenure over the remaining forest areas on village customary land
  • 16. The future Opportunities, Challenges and Gambia General Options Cont. Key opportunities: Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The Availability of land for expansion, rich bio-diversity and culture. Securing tenure over the remaining forest cover on customary land through CF programme. Creation of a webpage about the enterprise and provision of internet services. Procurement of transport for easy access to and from the village. Possibility for the village to benefit from the rural electrification and water programmes from the local council. Continuous capacity building of IG members for effective service delivery. Availability of communal labour and resources to implement planned activities.
  • 17. The future Opportunities, Challenges and General Options Cont. Gambia NGO and international organizations could continue to play the following roles as partners in development: Capacity building programs for entrepreneurs, Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The Provision of micro-finance opportunities with low interest rates. Facilitating tenure arrangements on land and forest to guarantee long term ownership over the resources. Patronizing community based eco-tourism structures by conducting workshops and seminars to boost the incomes of the enterprises. Creation of linkages with other actors along the chain Supplementing the efforts of the enterprise in community development activities. Creation of enabling policy framework for the effective operation of community based enterprises.
  • 18. The future Opportunities, Challenges and General Options Cont
  • 19. Gambia Case Study 2: Sibac Honey and Honey by-product Enterprise, Buram village Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The
  • 20. General Enterprise Information Gambia Enterprise owned by the community of Buram village Registered with FD & NBAG IN 2003 Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The Location Sibac CF (31.8 Ha.) Enterprise Dev. & Market Assistance Programme
  • 21. General Enterprise Information Cont. Gambia Organizational structure: Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The VDC CFCs- Product based groups Labour - Community contribution
  • 22. Gambia Infrastructure, Assets, Partners, and Community Ties List of equipment: Hives, pair of gloves, uniforms, pair of gum boots, knives, Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The smokers & plastic containers
  • 23. Offer and Value Proposition How the Enterprise Makes Money Gambia Production value 2003 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 Sieved 36,000.00 21,000.00 18,200.00 4000.00 4000.00 honey Body 1280.00 740.00 887.50 0 0 cream Candle 480.00 279.00 292.00 0 0 Soap 1280.00 750.00 885.00 0 0 Total 39,040.00 22,769.00 20,264.50 4000.00 4000.00
  • 24. Customers The End Users, Customers and market that the Enterprise Services
  • 25. Customers The End Users, Customers and market that the Enterprise Services Gambia Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The
  • 26. Finance Flow of Money in and out of the Enterprise Cash Flow Projection 2007 2008 Gambia First harvest Second harvest Cash in Hand 0 18,824.00 Sales 19,520.00 19,520.00 Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The Expenses Transport 260.00 260.00 Plastic containers 150.00 150.00 Soap 8.00 8.00 Torch light 25.00 0 Battery 8.00 8.00 Perfume 25.00 25.00 Caustic soda 10.00 10.00 Candle 10.00 10.00 Sign board 200.00 0 Total expenses 696.00 471.00 Total cash less 18,824.00 37,873.00 expenses
  • 27. The future Opportunities, Challenges and Gambia General Options Internal challenges External challenges Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The Continues protection of the Sustainability of NBAGs area against forest fires. activities as an umbrella Protection of hives against body. theft and pest outbreaks. Unfair competition between Building the capacity of IG illegal and legal producers of members to explore other honey. business ideas in adding Negative climatic impacts value to wax. (drought) Packaging and labeling of Access to micro-finance products credit at reasonable interest Inadequate information rates about the enterprise
  • 28. Gambia The future Opportunities, Challenges and General Options Cont. Some of the key opportunities for the enterprise in the future Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The include the following: Increased production capacity through the procurement of additional hives; Acquisition of legal ownership status over the remaining forest cover to establish more hives; Availability of local skills on bee farming; Capacity building of individual bee farmers for improved production and income earning capacities of community members and Change of wooden hive stands to metallic, used tires or concrete.
  • 29. The future Opportunities, Challenges and General Options Cont. Gambia GOs, NGOs and international organizations supporting the development of small- scale forest based enterprises should facilitate the following: Support capacity building programmes for local entrepreneurs; Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The Link local entrepreneurs to micro-finance service and support providers; Help communities to secure long term tenure over the land and forest to guarantee communal ownership over the resources; Create enabling policy environment for the effective operation of the enterprises (tax incentives); Support Government efforts to meet the policy goals targeted for the forestry sector; Facilitate Regional experience sharing workshops for small scale forest- based entrepreneurs; GOs should review their current forest policies and legislations to enhance popular participation in forest management and The National Authorities should enforce forest regulations to reduce illegal and unfair competition in the markets.
  • 30. Timber and NTFP Enterprises in The Gambia