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* GB780119 (A)
Description: GB780119 (A) ? 1957-07-31
Improved machine for winding tobacco in tobacco leaves
Description of GB780119 (A)
Date of Application and filing Comp, Specification: Oc
Application made In Sweden on Oct.
Complete Specification Published: J
Index at acceptance:-Class 130, D1(B1:C2:L).
International Classification:-A24c.
lete ct. 10, 1955.
29, 1954.
July 31, 1957.
780,119 No. 28842155.
Improved Machine for Winding Tobacco in Tobacco Leaves We, AaENCO
AKTIEBOLAG, a Swedish Joint-Stock Company, of 20, Alstrdmergatan,
Stockholm, Sweden, do hereby declare the invention, for which we pray
that a patent may be granted to us, and the method by which it is to
be performed, to be particularly described in and by the following
This invention relates to machines having a rolling table and a
rolling apron for winding tobacco in tobacco leaves, for example in
the manufacture of tobacco products having configurations like
In known such machines, which are similar to cigar bunch making
machines, the tobacco leaf is ordinarily pasted to produce a seam, and
paste is likely to adhere to the rolling apron so that the wound
article might stick thereto and be retracted by the rolling apron when
moving back into its initial position, or said article - will adhere
only slightly to said apron so that it will drop from same in an
irregular manner and be positioned incorrectly relative to means
provided for cutting its ends.
It is an object of the present invention to remove this drawback.
Accordingly, the invention provides a machine adapted for winding
tobacco in tobacco leaves, comprising a rolling table and a rolling
apron arranged for delivering the wound product directly to a support
located adjacent an edge of the rolling table, characterized in that
the support has a nozzle which is connected to suction means adapted
to retain the product on the support when the rolling apron is
retracted for the support.
An embodiment of the machine according to the invention is hereinafter
described, by way of example, with reference to the accompanying
drawings, in which: [Price 3/6] Fig. 1 is a vertical sectional view of
the front portion of the machine, Fig. 2 is a front elevational view
of said machine, and Fig. 3 is a vertical sectional view of 50 certain
features of the machine in other operative positions than in Fig. 1.
Referring to the drawings, the machine has a rolling apron 2 placed on
a perforated rolling table 1 and operated by a55 bunch roller 3 which,
in the same manner as in an ordinary cigar bunch machine, operates the
apron 2 to move forwardly and rearwardly over the rolling table 1 to
form a tobacco article 4 by winding 60 filler tobacco in a tobacco
leaf placed on the apron whereafter the roller 3 is retracted and the
apron 2 is moved back by means (not shown). The roller 3 is mounted on
a forked lever 5 which is 65 secured to a shaft 7 rotatably journalled
in the machine frame 6. The lever 5 is reciprocated by means of a cam
disc 13 secured to a rotatable shaft 14.
At the front edge of the rolling table 1, 70 the wound article 4 is
delivered by the apron 2 directly to a receiver 15, which consists of
a support located adjacent the edge and formed as a suction nozzle
conneeted to a suction conduit 16 which in75 turn is connected to any
suitable suction source, conveniently the one to which an interior
chamber of the perforated rolling table 1 is connected, so as to form
suction means which is adapted to retain the 8( article 4 on the
receiver 15 when the apron 2 is retracted from the receiver. Fig. 1
shows the position of the tobacco article 4 just before the rolling
apron 2 is about to project beyond the front edge of the 85 rolling
table 1 and be tensioned in Fig.
3 the article 4 has been sucke&z by the receiver 15 down from the
tensioned rolling apron. The mouth of the suction nozzle extends
lengthwise of the front 90 780,119 edge of the rolling table.
From the receiver 15 the tobacco article 4 is elevated by a carrier 17
consisting of a pair of legs and driven in well known manner by the
cam disc 13 actuating the lever 5. Said carrier 17 moves the article 4
against two stationary scissor legs 18 so that ifs ends will be cut
off, whereafter the article is moved further and delivered by the
carrier 17 to the second receiver 19 from which it can be transmitted
for further treatment.
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* Last updated: 08.04.2015
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*; 93p

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于舒仆 于舒仆仂于
亂-丐 丐 丐亊 丶丼弌丱 弌 弌亂 亅...
亂-丐 丐 丐亊 丶丼弌丱  弌 弌亂 亅...亂-丐 丐 丐亊 丶丼弌丱  弌 弌亂 亅...
亂-丐 丐 丐亊 丶丼弌丱 弌 弌亂 亅...
于舒仆 于舒仆仂于
亳从仂仗仂亠仂 亳 仄亳从仂亅 于 亳亠仄舒 亠仆亳亠从仂亞仂 仂弍仍亢亳于舒仆亳 亠亟于 于磶亳
亳从仂仗仂亠仂 亳 仄亳从仂亅 于 亳亠仄舒 亠仆亳亠从仂亞仂 仂弍仍亢亳于舒仆亳 亠亟于 于磶亳亳从仂仗仂亠仂 亳 仄亳从仂亅 于 亳亠仄舒 亠仆亳亠从仂亞仂 仂弍仍亢亳于舒仆亳 亠亟于 于磶亳
亳从仂仗仂亠仂 亳 仄亳从仂亅 于 亳亠仄舒 亠仆亳亠从仂亞仂 仂弍仍亢亳于舒仆亳 亠亟于 于磶亳
于舒仆 于舒仆仂于
舒从仂于亳仆 . . 仂仆亳仂于舒仆亳亠 亅 亠仂仄 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亠亶 从仗仍舒舒亳亳
舒从仂于亳仆 . . 仂仆亳仂于舒仆亳亠 亅  亠仂仄 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亠亶 从仗仍舒舒亳亳舒从仂于亳仆 . . 仂仆亳仂于舒仆亳亠 亅  亠仂仄 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亠亶 从仗仍舒舒亳亳
舒从仂于亳仆 . . 仂仆亳仂于舒仆亳亠 亅 亠仂仄 仂仂弍亠仆仆仂亠亶 从仗仍舒舒亳亳
于舒仆 于舒仆仂于
豫仆从仂于 .. 亳 亟. 丕仆亳亳亳仂于舒仆仆亠 亳亠仄 亳亳仂仆仂亞仂 仍亠从仂仗亳于仂亟舒 仗仂仂礌...
豫仆从仂于 .. 亳 亟. 丕仆亳亳亳仂于舒仆仆亠 亳亠仄 亳亳仂仆仂亞仂 仍亠从仂仗亳于仂亟舒 仗仂仂礌...豫仆从仂于 .. 亳 亟. 丕仆亳亳亳仂于舒仆仆亠 亳亠仄 亳亳仂仆仂亞仂 仍亠从仂仗亳于仂亟舒 仗仂仂礌...
豫仆从仂于 .. 亳 亟. 丕仆亳亳亳仂于舒仆仆亠 亳亠仄 亳亳仂仆仂亞仂 仍亠从仂仗亳于仂亟舒 仗仂仂礌...
于舒仆 于舒仆仂于
亊亠仆亠于 .. 仗仗舒舒 仗舒于仍亠仆亳 舒于仂仄舒亳亰亳仂于舒仆仆仄 仍亠从仂仗亳于仂亟仂仄
亊亠仆亠于 .. 仗仗舒舒 仗舒于仍亠仆亳 舒于仂仄舒亳亰亳仂于舒仆仆仄 仍亠从仂仗亳于仂亟仂仄亊亠仆亠于 .. 仗仗舒舒 仗舒于仍亠仆亳 舒于仂仄舒亳亰亳仂于舒仆仆仄 仍亠从仂仗亳于仂亟仂仄
亊亠仆亠于 .. 仗仗舒舒 仗舒于仍亠仆亳 舒于仂仄舒亳亰亳仂于舒仆仆仄 仍亠从仂仗亳于仂亟仂仄
于舒仆 于舒仆仂于
丐舒仆从亳亶 .., 仂亰亟仂于 .., 仂于亳从仂于 .. 亳 亟. 弌亳亠仄舒 舒弍亳仍亳亰舒亳亳 从仂仂亳 ...
丐舒仆从亳亶 .., 仂亰亟仂于 .., 仂于亳从仂于 .. 亳 亟. 弌亳亠仄舒 舒弍亳仍亳亰舒亳亳 从仂仂亳 ...丐舒仆从亳亶 .., 仂亰亟仂于 .., 仂于亳从仂于 .. 亳 亟. 弌亳亠仄舒 舒弍亳仍亳亰舒亳亳 从仂仂亳 ...
丐舒仆从亳亶 .., 仂亰亟仂于 .., 仂于亳从仂于 .. 亳 亟. 弌亳亠仄舒 舒弍亳仍亳亰舒亳亳 从仂仂亳 ...
于舒仆 于舒仆仂于
丕亂弌乘 丕丕乘 亅丐 弌 个乘 亅丐丐亊
丕亂弌乘 丕丕乘 亅丐 弌 个乘 亅丐丐亊丕亂弌乘 丕丕乘 亅丐 弌 个乘 亅丐丐亊
丕亂弌乘 丕丕乘 亅丐 弌 个乘 亅丐丐亊
于舒仆 于舒仆仂于


  • 1. * GB780119 (A) Description: GB780119 (A) ? 1957-07-31 Improved machine for winding tobacco in tobacco leaves Description of GB780119 (A) PATENT SPECIFICATION Date of Application and filing Comp, Specification: Oc Application made In Sweden on Oct. Complete Specification Published: J Index at acceptance:-Class 130, D1(B1:C2:L). International Classification:-A24c. lete ct. 10, 1955. 29, 1954. July 31, 1957. 780,119 No. 28842155. COMPLETE SPECIFICATION Improved Machine for Winding Tobacco in Tobacco Leaves We, AaENCO AKTIEBOLAG, a Swedish Joint-Stock Company, of 20, Alstrdmergatan, Stockholm, Sweden, do hereby declare the invention, for which we pray that a patent may be granted to us, and the method by which it is to be performed, to be particularly described in and by the following statement:- This invention relates to machines having a rolling table and a rolling apron for winding tobacco in tobacco leaves, for example in the manufacture of tobacco products having configurations like cigarettes. In known such machines, which are similar to cigar bunch making machines, the tobacco leaf is ordinarily pasted to produce a seam, and paste is likely to adhere to the rolling apron so that the wound article might stick thereto and be retracted by the rolling apron when moving back into its initial position, or said article - will adhere only slightly to said apron so that it will drop from same in an irregular manner and be positioned incorrectly relative to means provided for cutting its ends. It is an object of the present invention to remove this drawback.
  • 2. Accordingly, the invention provides a machine adapted for winding tobacco in tobacco leaves, comprising a rolling table and a rolling apron arranged for delivering the wound product directly to a support located adjacent an edge of the rolling table, characterized in that the support has a nozzle which is connected to suction means adapted to retain the product on the support when the rolling apron is retracted for the support. An embodiment of the machine according to the invention is hereinafter described, by way of example, with reference to the accompanying drawings, in which: [Price 3/6] Fig. 1 is a vertical sectional view of the front portion of the machine, Fig. 2 is a front elevational view of said machine, and Fig. 3 is a vertical sectional view of 50 certain features of the machine in other operative positions than in Fig. 1. Referring to the drawings, the machine has a rolling apron 2 placed on a perforated rolling table 1 and operated by a55 bunch roller 3 which, in the same manner as in an ordinary cigar bunch machine, operates the apron 2 to move forwardly and rearwardly over the rolling table 1 to form a tobacco article 4 by winding 60 filler tobacco in a tobacco leaf placed on the apron whereafter the roller 3 is retracted and the apron 2 is moved back by means (not shown). The roller 3 is mounted on a forked lever 5 which is 65 secured to a shaft 7 rotatably journalled in the machine frame 6. The lever 5 is reciprocated by means of a cam disc 13 secured to a rotatable shaft 14. At the front edge of the rolling table 1, 70 the wound article 4 is delivered by the apron 2 directly to a receiver 15, which consists of a support located adjacent the edge and formed as a suction nozzle conneeted to a suction conduit 16 which in75 turn is connected to any suitable suction source, conveniently the one to which an interior chamber of the perforated rolling table 1 is connected, so as to form suction means which is adapted to retain the 8( article 4 on the receiver 15 when the apron 2 is retracted from the receiver. Fig. 1 shows the position of the tobacco article 4 just before the rolling apron 2 is about to project beyond the front edge of the 85 rolling table 1 and be tensioned in Fig. 3 the article 4 has been sucke&z by the receiver 15 down from the tensioned rolling apron. The mouth of the suction nozzle extends lengthwise of the front 90 780,119 edge of the rolling table. From the receiver 15 the tobacco article 4 is elevated by a carrier 17 consisting of a pair of legs and driven in well known manner by the cam disc 13 actuating the lever 5. Said carrier 17 moves the article 4 against two stationary scissor legs 18 so that ifs ends will be cut off, whereafter the article is moved further and delivered by the carrier 17 to the second receiver 19 from which it can be transmitted for further treatment.
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