The 78th Aviation Troop Command (ATC) is the aviation branch of the Georgia Army National Guard stationed at Clay National Guard Center in Marietta, Georgia. In 2011, the 78th ATC supported operations in Haiti, Iraq, Afghanistan, and fought forest fires in Georgia. Their missions involve providing aviation support for combat operations worldwide and responding to domestic emergencies. Their most recent deployment was Detachment 2 of Company C, 1-169th Medevac to Afghanistan in February 2012 to provide medical evacuation support.
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78th atc
1. 78th Aviation now involved in Operation Enduring
Troop Command Among the 78th ATCs
accomplishments in 2011 was
Stationed at Clay National Guard Company C, 1-151st Service and
Center in Marietta, the Georgia Supports support of Operation New
Army National Guards 78th Horizons in the Haiti earthquake
Aviation Troop Command (ATC) is relief efforts.
the aviation branch of the Georgia Our Chinooks were also busy
Army Guard. Colonel Robert B. this past year. On three different
Gaston, with Command Sgt. Major occasions they fought forest fires in
Claude Ray as his senior enlisted Southeast Georgia using helicopter
leader, commands the 78th ATC. buckets to assist in the efforts. They
The mission of the 78th ATCs also provided aviation support to the
more than 700 pilots, aircrew, Joint Readiness and Training Center
maintenance, and support personnel in Fort Polk, La. Additionally, the
is to mobilize and deploy aviation 78th Aviation Troop Command
forces for providing command and fielded four new Unmanned Aircraft
control, air movement, and air assault System aircraft, trained the Soldiers,
operations in support of combat and deployed them to Afghanistan to
operations worldwide, as well as to support the Global War on Terror.
provide aviation support during state
and national emergencies in response
to homeland defense operations. Col. Brock Gaston
The 78th ATCs major Commander
deployments and redeployments in 78th Aviation Troop Command
2011 included: UH-60 Blackhawk Ga. Army National Guard
helicopters of Detachment 1,
Company C, of the 1-185th
deploying to Iraq in support of 78th ATC Units Company C, 1st of the 185th Assault
Helicopter Battalion, Winder
Operation New Dawn; UH-60 Black Company B, 935th Division Support
Hawk helicopters of the 1-171st 78th Aviation Troop Command Aviation Battalion, Hunter Army
mobilizing in November for their Headquarters, Clay National Guard Airfield, Savannah
second deployment to Iraq, this time Center, Marietta Detachment 9, Operational Airlift
1st of the 171st General Support Authority, Clay National Guard Center,
in support of Operation New Dawn;
Aviation Battalion, Clay National Marietta
and UH-60 Black Hawk helicopters
Guard Center, Marietta Army Fixed Wing Support Activity,
of the Detachment 1, Company Company H, 171st Aviation
C, 1-111 Medevac mobilizing for Robins Air Force Base, Warner Robins
Regiment, Clay National Guard Center, Army Aviation Support Facility No.
deployment to Iraq in support of Marietta 1, Winder Barrow Airport, Winder
Operation New Dawn. Company C, 2nd of the 151st Service Army Aviation Support Facility No.
The most recent aviation unit to and Support Battalion, Clay National 2, Dobbins Air Reserve Base, Marietta
deploy involved the UH-60 Black Guard Center, Marietta Army Aviation Support Facility No.
Hawks of Detachment 2, Company Company B, 1st of the 169th General 3, Hunter Army Airfield, Savannah
C, 1-169th Medevac, which left Support Aviation Battalion, Hunter
February 5, 2012, for deployment Army Airfield, Savannah
Company C, 1st of the 169th General
in Afghanistan. There, under the
Support Aviation Battalion, Clay
Armys 49th and 29th Aviation National Guard Center, Marietta
brigades, its 21 pilots, aircrew, flight Company C, 1st of the 111th General
medical and support personnel, will Support Aviation Battalion, Clay
provide Medevac support to troops National Guard Center, Marietta
2011 Annual Report | 14