6. 적정기술(Appropriate Technology) 의 역사
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi
<작은 것이 아름답다> E.F. Schumacher (1973)
→ Intermediate Technology Development Group
1973 energy crisis and the environmental movement of the 1970s.
⇒ (美) National Center for Appropriate Tech.,
The office of Appropriate Tech.
Design for the Other 90%
7. 적정기술의 개념
Alternative technology
:It is technology that, as an alternative to resource-intensive
and wasteful industry, aims to utilize resources sparingly, with minimum
damage to the environment, at affordable cost and with a possible degree of control over the processes.
Intermediate technology
This intermediate technology is conducive to decentralization, compatible with
the laws of ecology, gentle in its use of scarce resources, and designed to
serve the human person instead of making him the servant of machines
Appropriate Technology
The idea of appropriate technology is that local people, struggling on a daily basis with their needs, understand
those needs better than anyone and can therefore suggest or in fact, invent the technological innovations
necessary to meet those needs..
8. Principle of Appropriate Technology (AT)
It meets people's needs
It helps protect the environment
It uses local skills and materials
It helps people earn a living
It is affordable
It is Sustainable Development
It paves the way for a better future
“해당기술을 사용할 때 개인의 자유가 확대되고, 그 사용이 환경이나
타인에게 가하는 피해를 최소화 하는 기술” (에딧더월드, 김정태 대표)
“인간의 얼굴을 한 기술”
“적정기술은 기술이라는 편리함에 따뜻함이라는 옷을 입힌 것과 같다.”
(이수원 특허청장)
25. 추진 프로세스
1단계 : 현지
수요조사 2단계: 선행기술조사 3단계: 기술연구개발 4단계:기술보급 및 현지화
현지의 어려움, 관련 선행기술 조사 적정기술 고안 및 설계 적정기술 고안 및 설계
필요, 환경 관련 특허현황 조사 적정기술 개발 및 테스트 적정기술 개발 및 테스트
생활양식, 피드백 반영 및 제품화 피드백 반영 및 제품화
26. 적정기술 업무협력 체계 구축
<특허청-굿네이버스 업무협약(’09.9)> <특허청-삼성전자 업무협약(’11.1)>
28. 추진 사례 (사탕수수 숯, 건조망고, 적정 건축기술 등)
Sugar Cane Charcoal (in Chad)
: to Improve their quality of life
Dry Mango (in Chad)
: to Increase their income
A block of dried mud (in Nepal)
: to Improve their quality of life