Test antipatternsJiří KimlI am big fan of automated testing, but tests themselves can be buggy or badly written. This presentation covers some of the major anti-patterns that have been observed in test cases.
Jpa & hibernateJiří KimlThis document discusses JPA and Hibernate. It begins with an agenda that includes motivation, descriptions of JPA and Hibernate, features missing in JPA 2.0, best practices, and questions. It then explains that JPA is a specification for ORM APIs while Hibernate is a JPA implementation. Features like @BatchSize and @Fetch(FetchMode.SUBSELECT) that are missing from JPA 2.0 are described. Best practices recommend using JPA annotations where possible and Hibernate annotations if there is no JPA equivalent. The summary states that Hibernate annotations will continue to be used and some may be replaced by JPA 2.1 annotations, but Hibernate will likely
Agile Test Automation Anti-patterns and Rescue StrategiesKarthik SirasanagandlaA lot of them going by the catchy buzz-words adopt practices and end-up paying a lot of price either in terms of un-sustainability or cost-heavy maintenance. This talk is all about learning the things that go wrong in automation testing strategies. We'll then go on to learn how to go the right way about automation testing. Lastly, how do we recover from the elephantine automation test-suite that is killing the team. We'll learn theory. Reflect on our practices to see where we stand. Finally walk away with techniques for theory meeting practice.
F L O O D S M IqaddyFloods are an annual occurrence in Pakistan due to its topography and climate. The 2010 floods were particularly devastating, affecting over 15 million people, damaging or destroying over 800,000 homes, and killing over 1,400 people. Poor disaster management by the government exacerbated the damages, as systems for early warning, risk assessment, and mitigation were not adequately developed or implemented by the National Disaster Management Authority. Without proper rehabilitation and improved disaster management systems, Pakistan will continue to suffer from the direct and indirect impacts of flooding.
TestNG & JPA ValidationJiří KimlThis document discusses JPA validation, TestNG vs JUnit, and best practices for testing. It covers how JPA can validate entity fields, the advantages of TestNG such as support for exception testing, data providers, and dependency testing. TestNG is more powerful than JUnit but the testing framework is not as important as writing extensive tests. The document recommends using JPA validation and annotating string fields with @Size when using @Column to validate column lengths. It concludes that the features of TestNG and JUnit are mostly equivalent while TestNG is slightly more powerful and elegant.
GIS for Search & Rescue Strategies & ConceptsWV Assocation of Geospatial ProfessionalsThis document summarizes Don Ferguson's presentation on using geospatial modeling to optimize search and rescue strategies. It discusses defining a theoretical search area based on how far a subject could travel, as well as statistical search areas based on data from past searches. Ferguson presents methods for developing probability regions within the search area and segmenting them based on likelihood, then searching segments from most to least likely. The goal is to minimize probability of containment for each segment to reduce the search area over time.
Test antipatternsJiří KimlI am big fan of automated testing, but tests themselves can be buggy or badly written. This presentation covers some of the major anti-patterns that have been observed in test cases.
Jpa & hibernateJiří KimlThis document discusses JPA and Hibernate. It begins with an agenda that includes motivation, descriptions of JPA and Hibernate, features missing in JPA 2.0, best practices, and questions. It then explains that JPA is a specification for ORM APIs while Hibernate is a JPA implementation. Features like @BatchSize and @Fetch(FetchMode.SUBSELECT) that are missing from JPA 2.0 are described. Best practices recommend using JPA annotations where possible and Hibernate annotations if there is no JPA equivalent. The summary states that Hibernate annotations will continue to be used and some may be replaced by JPA 2.1 annotations, but Hibernate will likely
Agile Test Automation Anti-patterns and Rescue StrategiesKarthik SirasanagandlaA lot of them going by the catchy buzz-words adopt practices and end-up paying a lot of price either in terms of un-sustainability or cost-heavy maintenance. This talk is all about learning the things that go wrong in automation testing strategies. We'll then go on to learn how to go the right way about automation testing. Lastly, how do we recover from the elephantine automation test-suite that is killing the team. We'll learn theory. Reflect on our practices to see where we stand. Finally walk away with techniques for theory meeting practice.
F L O O D S M IqaddyFloods are an annual occurrence in Pakistan due to its topography and climate. The 2010 floods were particularly devastating, affecting over 15 million people, damaging or destroying over 800,000 homes, and killing over 1,400 people. Poor disaster management by the government exacerbated the damages, as systems for early warning, risk assessment, and mitigation were not adequately developed or implemented by the National Disaster Management Authority. Without proper rehabilitation and improved disaster management systems, Pakistan will continue to suffer from the direct and indirect impacts of flooding.
TestNG & JPA ValidationJiří KimlThis document discusses JPA validation, TestNG vs JUnit, and best practices for testing. It covers how JPA can validate entity fields, the advantages of TestNG such as support for exception testing, data providers, and dependency testing. TestNG is more powerful than JUnit but the testing framework is not as important as writing extensive tests. The document recommends using JPA validation and annotating string fields with @Size when using @Column to validate column lengths. It concludes that the features of TestNG and JUnit are mostly equivalent while TestNG is slightly more powerful and elegant.
GIS for Search & Rescue Strategies & ConceptsWV Assocation of Geospatial ProfessionalsThis document summarizes Don Ferguson's presentation on using geospatial modeling to optimize search and rescue strategies. It discusses defining a theoretical search area based on how far a subject could travel, as well as statistical search areas based on data from past searches. Ferguson presents methods for developing probability regions within the search area and segmenting them based on likelihood, then searching segments from most to least likely. The goal is to minimize probability of containment for each segment to reduce the search area over time.
2. 1.
Что собой представляет испарение?
2.Что нужно , чтобы произошло испарение?
3.От чего зависит скорость испарения?
3. Испарение-Это
процесс , при котором
с поверхности
жидкости или
твердого тела
Отрываются частицы (
атомы, молекулы)
4. Для этого особых
усилий прикладывать
не стоит, лишь потому
что Испарение
происходит без
влияния человека на
это. В большей
степени своей
испарение происходит
само, но постепенно.
Часто влияет на это
температура! Обычно
это так Чем t> тем
Скорость испарения
выше , а чем t< тем
5. От чего же еще зависит
испарение? Ну мне
кажется от плотности
вещества! Потому что
наверно Если взять воду и
масло, понадобиться
больше температуры
чтобы масло начало
испаряться! А чтобы это
доказать проведем
маленький опыт!
Смотрим следующий
6. Проведем маленький
опыт, чтобы
доказать, что испарение
зависит и от
температуры и от
плотности вещества!
Нальем в Первую
ѐмкость масло , а
Вторую ѐмкость воду
, кол-во Воды и Масла в
ѐмкостях почти
одинаково!!! Ну начнем
наш опыт!
7. Мы поставим эти две ѐмкости на плиту, и затем включим ее
на максимальную температуру! Прошло пять минут и уже
начали происходить физические изменения! Стали
появляться первые пузыри в воде, она начала кипеть, а
масло все еще оставалось неизменным хоть и в нем они тоже
стали проявляться только по чуть-чуть
8. Как только стали
появляться пузыри, то
где-то через минуту
пошел Пар в Воде, а
это значит , что
Началось Испарение!
Вот только пар был
еще не совсем
сильным и мы его на
картинке не увидим
четко! Но мы уже
доказали, что Вода по
своей плотности будет
испаряться быстрее
чем масло!!!
9. Но на этом фото мы уже
видим , что из ѐмкости, где
Вода, оттуда выходит пар,
а значит она испаряется!
А вот масло, хоть
испаряется , но медленно,
Так, что мы доказали
зависимость испарения от
плотности вещества!
10. Мы поставили ѐмкость с
водой на плиту и стали
повышать температуру и
затем увидели , когда
температура больше, то и
вода испаряется быстрее
чем при меньшой
На этом конец
11. Вывод!
узнали лучше, что такое испарение!
2.Мы доказали, Испарение зависит от
плотности вещества!
3.И еще мы доказали, что испарение
зависит от температуры, то есть чем t> тем
быстрее происходит испарение