008.safetymanagement v3Mohammad Ashfaqur RahmanThe document discusses employees welfare co-operative credit societies. It notes that most workers and employees in government, commercial, or industrial organizations need credit to meet expenses for customary events like weddings and funerals, purchasing or building a house, medical care, education, and supporting their families. The co-operative credit society is financed through non-repayable entrance fees, transferable shares, and deposits from members and non-members. The role of the credit society is to assist members in solving their common problem of accessing credit and it may create an additional income source.
Truck drivingdylanjohnston1This document contains a bibliography listing 20 different digital images from Flickr.com along with their source URLs and dates accessed. The images include photos of buildings, vehicles, scenery, and more. Each reference is formatted consistently with the photographer or image name, date posted, website, and hyperlink to the original image.
Cloudstat Startup Weekend Singapore 2012 DemoKai ChewCloudstat is an online platform for interactive statistical analysis learning and practice. It aims to generate $18 million in annual revenue through partnerships that provide the platform to 30 million users per month at an average $30 per user. Currently, Cloudstat is seeking sponsorship to increase server capacity as it rolls out through partnerships with e-commerce, social media, and other sites.
ECB+ACAPS CNA interactive, Feb 2012 ACAPSprojectThis document outlines the objectives and key lessons learned from coordinated needs assessments through the Joint Needs Assessment (JNA) approach in Bangladesh. It identifies the value of coordinated assessment in providing timely, credible information to inform humanitarian decision making and aid allocation. The document discusses the scenario of a cyclone and flooding hitting Bangladesh, and examines what decisions need to be made. It provides an overview of the qualitative and quantitative aspects of assessment, and compares the Bangladesh JNA to previous assessments as an example of learning by doing.
I spy (fearless phil)MrsChanJennyThis document contains a series of passages where a character named Fearless Phil spies words with their eyes and provides definitions. In each passage, Phil spies a word and its definition is provided. The words spied include fearless, rumbled, grumbled, growl, snarl, menacing, shake, shiver, quake, quiver, invincible, flexed, bolted, and stumbled.
CloudStat Pitch Your Way to Silicon Valley (StartupMalaysia.org)Kai ChewCloudStat http://www.cloudstat.org is a cloud platform to help making Statistical Apps Easier to Build, Maintain and Scale.
010.safetymanagement v3Mohammad Ashfaqur RahmanLabour welfare aims to promote workers' physical, social, psychological, and general well-being beyond just wages. It has become more important with industrialization. There are various definitions of labour welfare but it generally refers to voluntary efforts by employers to improve workers' conditions and lives. The scope of welfare varies between industries and countries but commonly includes amenities to improve workers' working and living conditions. Objectives include increasing efficiency, improving loyalty, attracting workers, and reducing union influence. Welfare can be statutory, voluntary, or mutual and includes intramural activities within the workplace and extra-mural activities outside of it. There is a need for welfare due to workers' needs, ethical considerations, and benefits to employers like improved
Ww2 slidecastkailam14Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933 and took rights away from Jews, forcing them to wear yellow stars, as he believed Jews were bad and anything non-German should be forbidden, shown through Nazi and Jewish symbols.
Faber Factory Plus Sales PresentationSandstone PressThis document provides a summary of Sandstone Press's publishing plans from September 2012 through August 2013. It outlines several fiction and non-fiction titles being released each month, including details on genres, anticipated coverage in magazines or festivals, and notable quotes or author backgrounds. The publishing schedule shows a variety of genres including crime, historical fiction, travel writing, and biography being released consistently each month.
005.safetymanagement v3Mohammad Ashfaqur RahmanThe document discusses emergency planning and outlines the key components of an Emergency Action Plan (EAP). An EAP should include procedures for reporting emergencies, evacuation policies, emergency escape routes and safe areas. It should also provide contact information for individuals both within and outside the company who are responsible for emergency response. Establishing an emergency response team is also recommended to prepare for and respond to any emergency incidents.
Senior project paper NickLogstonFirearms cabinets have been used for hundreds of years to store and secure guns. When building a firearms cabinet, the most important considerations are the type of wood, tools used, and finishing/staining. Oak, hickory, beech, and mahogany are common wood types that are strong and durable. Necessary tools include a table saw, drill, jigsaw, belt sander, and wood plane. Applying a stain and protective finish not only improves the cabinet's appearance, but also protects the wood from damage over time. Safety is also key, and cabinets can be locked using traditional locks, dials, or electronic keypads to restrict access.
El marketing del futuroAsociación de Marketing Bancario ArgentinoPanel integrado por:
Alberto Aveleyra, Gerente de Marketing de Santander Río.
Pablo Blanco, Gerente de Marketing de Efectivo Sí.
Oscar Gemignani, Gerente de Banca Individuos de BBVA Francés.
Corina Marozof, Gerente de Marketing de BIND.
Modera: Marcela Fernie, Gerente de Marketing de Banco Galicia.
008.safetymanagement v3Mohammad Ashfaqur RahmanThe document discusses employees welfare co-operative credit societies. It notes that most workers and employees in government, commercial, or industrial organizations need credit to meet expenses for customary events like weddings and funerals, purchasing or building a house, medical care, education, and supporting their families. The co-operative credit society is financed through non-repayable entrance fees, transferable shares, and deposits from members and non-members. The role of the credit society is to assist members in solving their common problem of accessing credit and it may create an additional income source.
Truck drivingdylanjohnston1This document contains a bibliography listing 20 different digital images from Flickr.com along with their source URLs and dates accessed. The images include photos of buildings, vehicles, scenery, and more. Each reference is formatted consistently with the photographer or image name, date posted, website, and hyperlink to the original image.
Cloudstat Startup Weekend Singapore 2012 DemoKai ChewCloudstat is an online platform for interactive statistical analysis learning and practice. It aims to generate $18 million in annual revenue through partnerships that provide the platform to 30 million users per month at an average $30 per user. Currently, Cloudstat is seeking sponsorship to increase server capacity as it rolls out through partnerships with e-commerce, social media, and other sites.
ECB+ACAPS CNA interactive, Feb 2012 ACAPSprojectThis document outlines the objectives and key lessons learned from coordinated needs assessments through the Joint Needs Assessment (JNA) approach in Bangladesh. It identifies the value of coordinated assessment in providing timely, credible information to inform humanitarian decision making and aid allocation. The document discusses the scenario of a cyclone and flooding hitting Bangladesh, and examines what decisions need to be made. It provides an overview of the qualitative and quantitative aspects of assessment, and compares the Bangladesh JNA to previous assessments as an example of learning by doing.
I spy (fearless phil)MrsChanJennyThis document contains a series of passages where a character named Fearless Phil spies words with their eyes and provides definitions. In each passage, Phil spies a word and its definition is provided. The words spied include fearless, rumbled, grumbled, growl, snarl, menacing, shake, shiver, quake, quiver, invincible, flexed, bolted, and stumbled.
CloudStat Pitch Your Way to Silicon Valley (StartupMalaysia.org)Kai ChewCloudStat http://www.cloudstat.org is a cloud platform to help making Statistical Apps Easier to Build, Maintain and Scale.
010.safetymanagement v3Mohammad Ashfaqur RahmanLabour welfare aims to promote workers' physical, social, psychological, and general well-being beyond just wages. It has become more important with industrialization. There are various definitions of labour welfare but it generally refers to voluntary efforts by employers to improve workers' conditions and lives. The scope of welfare varies between industries and countries but commonly includes amenities to improve workers' working and living conditions. Objectives include increasing efficiency, improving loyalty, attracting workers, and reducing union influence. Welfare can be statutory, voluntary, or mutual and includes intramural activities within the workplace and extra-mural activities outside of it. There is a need for welfare due to workers' needs, ethical considerations, and benefits to employers like improved
Ww2 slidecastkailam14Hitler became Chancellor of Germany in 1933 and took rights away from Jews, forcing them to wear yellow stars, as he believed Jews were bad and anything non-German should be forbidden, shown through Nazi and Jewish symbols.
Faber Factory Plus Sales PresentationSandstone PressThis document provides a summary of Sandstone Press's publishing plans from September 2012 through August 2013. It outlines several fiction and non-fiction titles being released each month, including details on genres, anticipated coverage in magazines or festivals, and notable quotes or author backgrounds. The publishing schedule shows a variety of genres including crime, historical fiction, travel writing, and biography being released consistently each month.
005.safetymanagement v3Mohammad Ashfaqur RahmanThe document discusses emergency planning and outlines the key components of an Emergency Action Plan (EAP). An EAP should include procedures for reporting emergencies, evacuation policies, emergency escape routes and safe areas. It should also provide contact information for individuals both within and outside the company who are responsible for emergency response. Establishing an emergency response team is also recommended to prepare for and respond to any emergency incidents.
Senior project paper NickLogstonFirearms cabinets have been used for hundreds of years to store and secure guns. When building a firearms cabinet, the most important considerations are the type of wood, tools used, and finishing/staining. Oak, hickory, beech, and mahogany are common wood types that are strong and durable. Necessary tools include a table saw, drill, jigsaw, belt sander, and wood plane. Applying a stain and protective finish not only improves the cabinet's appearance, but also protects the wood from damage over time. Safety is also key, and cabinets can be locked using traditional locks, dials, or electronic keypads to restrict access.
El marketing del futuroAsociación de Marketing Bancario ArgentinoPanel integrado por:
Alberto Aveleyra, Gerente de Marketing de Santander Río.
Pablo Blanco, Gerente de Marketing de Efectivo Sí.
Oscar Gemignani, Gerente de Banca Individuos de BBVA Francés.
Corina Marozof, Gerente de Marketing de BIND.
Modera: Marcela Fernie, Gerente de Marketing de Banco Galicia.
1. 03 марта в нашем структурном подразделении
прошли яркие красочные утренники в первой
младшей, второй младшей и средней группах,
посвящённые Международному женскому дню 8
Марта. Ребята поздравили своих мам, бабушек,
сестёр весёлыми песнями, танцами, стихами.