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8 things learned along the way  the 834 associate
Rachael Crevier
Two weeks ago midterms arrivedand went at Grand ValleyState University,emotions are running high for seniors
graduating in December. The years of dreaming about life after college are about to become a reality.Before you can
receive your graduationgown and are handed that long awaited diploma its important to reflect uponon your time in
These are the 8 things I have learned frommy time at college,internships and from my life experiences.
Think, research,and ask  As a student you are taught how to research,from search terms to databases yet we still ask
before really exhausting our resources.Your professors and everyone at your internship will be grateful of your abilityto t hink,
research,and then ask. Take it from me, there is nothing worse than pissing off your boss because you asked a questionthat
you could of Googled. They say there are no stupidquestions but sometimes unfortunatelythere are.Dont get caught
looking like a fool because you werent paying attention,write downexact lywhat you are toldto do so you dont have to
ask that questionagain.
Say no  Working a job, joining clubs and organizations,spending time withfriends and homework are all-important but
dont overcommit yourself.If you have to work during college set aside a certainnumber of hours that you feel you can
handle, but when you start feeling overwhelmed,thenit may be time to make changes. Make a prioritylist of whats most
important to you including homework, and focus on that list,whatever doesnt make the list isnt that important.
Competitionis healthy  Dont get depressedbecause someone has their shit more together thanyou. It will only help drive
you to be a better student.It may piss you off that they know more about writing press releases,blogging, media kits etc.
but competitionwill motivate youto work harder on your weaknesses.
PRSSA  I trulyregret not making time and taking advantage of the groups and organizations at GVSU.The first organization
meeting I attendedwas PRSSA (Public RelationStudent Societyof America. It offers amazing opportunities like mentorship
programs, agency tours and resume critiques,but because of my own lack of motivationor fear of being uncomfortable;I
didnt take advantage of all that they offered. My suggestionto anyone is to get involvedinan organizationthat will help
you withyour career.
Start now  The number one thing I wish I would done fromthe beginning of my advertising and public relations classeswas
to fix my projects for my portfolio.Bychanging the mistakes you made right way it wouldnt be such a daunting task now.
This also goes for your resume; dont wait until you need for a job or internship to begin creating it.If you already have a
project createdthenit will be easier to update.
Ask for help in three ways  At The Economics Club of Grand Rapids event last month, JJ Ramberg suggestedthat you
should always ask for help in three ways because the person can choose what task would be easiest for them.Using this
strategywill also benefit you because you will get help withone out of the three problems.
Always say yes to social opportunities  Im a true believer of always saying yes to the uncomfortable.Since starting my
internship at 834 I have had multiple opportunities to attendto networking events,parties,awardshows, motivational
speakers, evenpre-release showings of art because I saidyes. I think this will hold true to many opportunities inyour life,you
never know what may lie ahead.
Branding  You are your only salespersonand you must be ready to represent yourself everytime you step out of the house.
I tryto live bythis rule, but sometimes it wouldjust be easier going to class in yoga pants. I tryto remember that my peers
and professors may be my future employer so looking your best will represent yourself inthe long run.
8.5  always a little extra!Write thank you notes  everyone at 834 has taught me the importance of writing thank you notes.
A hand writtenthank you note says something special.Taking those few extra minutes to say thank you or hello can change
someones mood or evenlead to a future job.
There you go. Eight and a half tips are what shaped my college career and over all have taught me numerous things about
myself. I plan to take these lessons into my career and use them to reflex upon for growthand improvement.I hope you will
take a moment and learn frommy mistakes and how they will help you in your future career or time at college.

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8 things I learned

  • 1. 8 things learned along the way the 834 associate Rachael Crevier Two weeks ago midterms arrivedand went at Grand ValleyState University,emotions are running high for seniors graduating in December. The years of dreaming about life after college are about to become a reality.Before you can receive your graduationgown and are handed that long awaited diploma its important to reflect uponon your time in college. These are the 8 things I have learned frommy time at college,internships and from my life experiences. Think, research,and ask As a student you are taught how to research,from search terms to databases yet we still ask before really exhausting our resources.Your professors and everyone at your internship will be grateful of your abilityto t hink, research,and then ask. Take it from me, there is nothing worse than pissing off your boss because you asked a questionthat you could of Googled. They say there are no stupidquestions but sometimes unfortunatelythere are.Dont get caught looking like a fool because you werent paying attention,write downexact lywhat you are toldto do so you dont have to ask that questionagain. Say no Working a job, joining clubs and organizations,spending time withfriends and homework are all-important but dont overcommit yourself.If you have to work during college set aside a certainnumber of hours that you feel you can handle, but when you start feeling overwhelmed,thenit may be time to make changes. Make a prioritylist of whats most important to you including homework, and focus on that list,whatever doesnt make the list isnt that important. Competitionis healthy Dont get depressedbecause someone has their shit more together thanyou. It will only help drive you to be a better student.It may piss you off that they know more about writing press releases,blogging, media kits etc. but competitionwill motivate youto work harder on your weaknesses. PRSSA I trulyregret not making time and taking advantage of the groups and organizations at GVSU.The first organization meeting I attendedwas PRSSA (Public RelationStudent Societyof America. It offers amazing opportunities like mentorship programs, agency tours and resume critiques,but because of my own lack of motivationor fear of being uncomfortable;I didnt take advantage of all that they offered. My suggestionto anyone is to get involvedinan organizationthat will help you withyour career. Start now The number one thing I wish I would done fromthe beginning of my advertising and public relations classeswas to fix my projects for my portfolio.Bychanging the mistakes you made right way it wouldnt be such a daunting task now.
  • 2. This also goes for your resume; dont wait until you need for a job or internship to begin creating it.If you already have a project createdthenit will be easier to update. Ask for help in three ways At The Economics Club of Grand Rapids event last month, JJ Ramberg suggestedthat you should always ask for help in three ways because the person can choose what task would be easiest for them.Using this strategywill also benefit you because you will get help withone out of the three problems. Always say yes to social opportunities Im a true believer of always saying yes to the uncomfortable.Since starting my internship at 834 I have had multiple opportunities to attendto networking events,parties,awardshows, motivational speakers, evenpre-release showings of art because I saidyes. I think this will hold true to many opportunities inyour life,you never know what may lie ahead. Branding You are your only salespersonand you must be ready to represent yourself everytime you step out of the house. I tryto live bythis rule, but sometimes it wouldjust be easier going to class in yoga pants. I tryto remember that my peers and professors may be my future employer so looking your best will represent yourself inthe long run. 8.5 always a little extra!Write thank you notes everyone at 834 has taught me the importance of writing thank you notes. A hand writtenthank you note says something special.Taking those few extra minutes to say thank you or hello can change someones mood or evenlead to a future job. There you go. Eight and a half tips are what shaped my college career and over all have taught me numerous things about myself. I plan to take these lessons into my career and use them to reflex upon for growthand improvement.I hope you will take a moment and learn frommy mistakes and how they will help you in your future career or time at college.