1. MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) is the National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary thesaurus used for indexing articles in MEDLINE/PubMed.
2. MeSH contains descriptors that are arranged hierarchically and alphabetically, along with publication types, qualifiers, and supplementary concept records.
3. MeSH has been continually expanded and updated since the 1960s to improve coverage and allow for deeper indexing of the growing body of medical literature.
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804 Project Me Sh
1. MeSH Medical Subject Headings Rhonda Altonen Elise Blas Barbara Blum Juliann Brant LI 804 Theory of the Organization of Information
2. MeSH Defined Me dical S ubject H eadings National Library of Medicine's controlled vocabulary thesaurus. Descriptors are arranged in both an alphabetic and a hierarchical structure.
3. How is it constructed? MeSH Browser Newest Version Updated weekly Searches conceptual relationships Restricted or limited
4. MeSH Record Types Descriptors Publication Characteristics (Publication Types) Geographic's Qualifiers Supplementary Concept Records
5. Descriptors AKA Main Headings Special Uses Annual Reports Dissertations
11. Example of the relations in Medical Subject Headings (from Jakob Voss: Collaborative thesaurus tagging the Wikipedia way ).
12. History of MeSH 1818 Army Medical Library 1840 Army Medical list in notebook 1864 Civil War catalog 1879 Index Medicus published 1880 Index-Catalog printed 1961
13. 1927 Index Medicus merge - Quarterly Cumulative Index Medicus 1954 NLM Subject Heading Authority List 1960 Index Medicus 1963 Medical Subject Headings
23. Who uses it? Searchers of MEDLINE/PubMed NLM Indexers Catalogers Medical Students Medical/Health Science Librarians Researchers Medical Professionals
24. How COULD it be used? PubMed Subject headings Cataloging Taxonomy/Indexing Metadata Search Engine Retrieval Dictionary Authors Keyword Reference Interview
25. Evaluation The Good Standardized Translations UMLS A Work in Progress!
26. Evaluation The Bad Issues Knowledge of terms End Users Incorrect usage Database indexing Translations Acronyms
27. Effectiveness I think it is one of the best controlled vocabularies in medicine. Its really an excellent tool and it can be taught to others. Karen Wells, EDM, MSLIS, Manager, Medical Library Services, Exempla Lutheran Medical Center
30. Additional information Its FREE 12 minute video - http://www.nlm.nih.gov/bsd/disted/video Websites that index using MeSH CliniWeb Diseases, Disorders and Related Topics (DDRT) OMNI