Texting Etiquette InfographicFCOPslideshareEver wonder how texting is affecting society? This infographic gives us the dirt on what texting is really doing to us. You'll never guess what texting abbreviations have been added to the Oxford English Dictionary. You'll be OMG-ing until tomorrow morning!
Cuadro resumen de factores de riesgoInstitución Educativa Académico Este documento resume los factores de riesgo identificados en diferentes áreas y secciones. Evalúa cada factor de riesgo en términos de probabilidad, repercusión e impacto general para determinar las prioridades de control. Los factores de riesgo incluyen contaminantes ambientales, peligros locativos y mecánicos. Se recomiendan acciones como remodelar andenes, mejorar mantenimiento de vehículos y estufas, y agregar señalización para mejorar la seguridad.
Cartelera cines roxy valladolid equinoccio zaratan ocio y rutas valladolidOcio y Rutas ValladolidEl documento presenta la cartelera de películas de los cines UGC Cine Cité y Equinoxio Zaratán en Valladolid del 18 al 24 de enero, incluyendo títulos como Crepúsculo: Amanecer 2, Argo, El Hobbit: Un viaje inesperado y Los Miserables, con su género, calificación y un enlace para consultar los horarios.
Texting Etiquette InfographicFCOPslideshareEver wonder how texting is affecting society? This infographic gives us the dirt on what texting is really doing to us. You'll never guess what texting abbreviations have been added to the Oxford English Dictionary. You'll be OMG-ing until tomorrow morning!
Cuadro resumen de factores de riesgoInstitución Educativa Académico Este documento resume los factores de riesgo identificados en diferentes áreas y secciones. Evalúa cada factor de riesgo en términos de probabilidad, repercusión e impacto general para determinar las prioridades de control. Los factores de riesgo incluyen contaminantes ambientales, peligros locativos y mecánicos. Se recomiendan acciones como remodelar andenes, mejorar mantenimiento de vehículos y estufas, y agregar señalización para mejorar la seguridad.
Cartelera cines roxy valladolid equinoccio zaratan ocio y rutas valladolidOcio y Rutas ValladolidEl documento presenta la cartelera de películas de los cines UGC Cine Cité y Equinoxio Zaratán en Valladolid del 18 al 24 de enero, incluyendo títulos como Crepúsculo: Amanecer 2, Argo, El Hobbit: Un viaje inesperado y Los Miserables, con su género, calificación y un enlace para consultar los horarios.
What it takes to be an EntrepreneurDkIT-Student_EnterpriseThis document outlines the key traits and skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur. It discusses qualities like caring, character, courage, credibility and clarity. It also addresses the importance of creativity, curiosity, embracing change, developing a strong organizational culture and collaborating with others. Additional skills mentioned include networking, developing strong business concepts, understanding customers, managing costs, controlling finances, contingency planning and celebrating successes. The overall message is that entrepreneurs must possess a diverse set of both soft skills and business acumen to achieve their vision and legacy.
Transformada de fourierRoniel BalanLa transformada de Fourier es una transformación matemática que convierte señales entre el dominio del tiempo y el dominio de la frecuencia. Transforma una función periódica en el tiempo en un conjunto de coeficientes de Fourier que representan el espectro de frecuencia de la señal original. La transformada de Fourier básicamente descompone una función en sus componentes de frecuencia, similar a lo que hace el oído humano al percibir sonidos.
How to pack in 10 daysFCOPslidesharePacking for a trip in 10 days requires preparation and organization. Make a checklist of all items needed and begin gathering them together. Sort items into piles for each suitcase or bag based on where they will be worn or used, and pack carefully to fit everything needed into the allowed luggage before the trip begins.
Эволюция коммерческого ТВ в современном медиа пространствеTugan.TVБорис Подольский, СТС Медиа
«Эволюция коммерческого ТВ в современном медиа пространстве»
ICC-Education ProfileicceducationICC-Education is an educational solutions and services company based in Jeddah Saudi Arabia.
This presentation is an overview of our company and its history as well as customers and partners
Typhoon Frank (Fengshen)-TashfeenTashfeen SiddiqueTyphoon Frank hit the Philippines in June 2008, causing widespread damage. Forecasts incorrectly predicted the storm would not affect the Philippines and change direction, providing little advance warning. Over 958,000 families were affected across 15 regions, with 100,000 families sheltering in 1,650 evacuation centers. Total damages were estimated at 13.52 billion Philippine pesos, with over 82,000 houses destroyed. Field interviews found many affected families in provinces like Iloilo, Aklan, and Antique who did not receive adequate warning about the storm. Inaccurate forecasts and lack of advance notice limited preparation and response efforts.
Social issue powerpointangelastgelaisYounger generations are more comfortable with communicating via electronic devices rather than in person, resulting in weaker social skills and a loss of personal connection. Additionally, constant cell phone use has been linked to increasing male infertility rates due to electromagnetic wave emission and higher temperatures near the reproductive organs. Technology is also replacing many jobs with automated robots and making people overly dependent on electronics for work, school, and leisure, further eroding communities and social interaction. This rapid technological change has disrupted social norms and left societies without a clear consensus on technology use.
Mass movement , Wind & GlaciersAnnie C. CloutierThe document discusses different types of mass movement and erosion caused by wind and glaciers. It describes mass movement as the downslope movement of loose materials due to gravity, which can include processes like creep, slump, mudflow, avalanche, and landslide. It also discusses variables that influence mass movement, such as material weight, resistance to movement, earthquakes, water, and slope angle. The document then covers different types of wind movements including deflation, abrasion, ventifacts, dunes, and loess. It concludes by describing the two types of glaciers and various glacial erosion and deposition features including hanging valleys, cirques, U-shaped valleys, horns, aretes, outwash plains, drum