"Откроем древний фолиант"Tashka_75Данное внеклассное мероприятие может быть использовано в 5-6 кл. Мероприятие носит межпредметный характер. Форма - путешествие.
Zakirov kazanГимназия 122 КазаньKazan is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, located at the confluence of the Volga and Kazanka Rivers. With a population of over 1 million people, it is home to 44 institutes of higher education and over 140,000 students. Some prominent universities include Kazan Federal University, Kazan State Technical University, and Kazan State Medical University. Kazan is considered a major educational center in Russia due to its large student population and significant contributions to scientific fields like non-Euclidean geometry, chemistry, and physics.
Tatar national cuisinГимназия 122 КазаньTatar cuisine has been influenced by its position along trade routes, adapting dishes from neighboring cultures over centuries. Key features of Tatar cuisine include horsemeat roasted with potatoes and herbs, pelmeni or meat dumplings boiled in broth, and pilaf influenced by Central Asian cuisine. Traditional dishes also make use of seasonal vegetables and fruits in salads and jams. Sweet pastries like koshtel, made from eggs and flour, are popular desserts. Maintaining culinary traditions through family meals is an important folk tradition.
Kazan sitdikova aliyaГимназия 122 КазаньKazan is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Tatarstan in Russia, with a population over one million. It is located at the confluence of the Volga and Kazanka rivers. Some of Kazan's most prominent features include the Kazan Kremlin, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the Suyumbike Tower, seen as the city's architectural symbol. Kazan has a long history and is an important educational and cultural center, with over 40 universities and various museums, theaters, and festivals held there annually. The city also serves as a major transportation hub in Russia.
Kamila holidaysГимназия 122 КазаньKazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan in Russia. It is one of the largest economic, political, scientific, cultural and sports centers in Russia. The Kazan Kremlin, located in the city, is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Kurbun-bairam is one of the most important Muslim holidays. It follows a 30-day fast and involves early morning prayers at mosques, visiting cemeteries to pray for the dead, sacrificing a sheep with the meat donated to others, and visiting relatives while eating traditional foods.
The story of Abraham and his son illustrates the origins of the Muslim holiday of sacrifice. God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, but stopped him at
Zakirov kazanГимназия 122 КазаньKazan is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, located at the confluence of the Volga and Kazanka Rivers. With a population of over 1 million people, it is home to 44 institutes of higher education and over 140,000 students. Some prominent universities include Kazan Federal University, Kazan State Technical University, and Kazan State Medical University. Kazan is considered a major educational center in Russia due to its large student population and significant contributions to scientific fields like non-Euclidean geometry, chemistry, and physics.
Tatar national cuisinГимназия 122 КазаньTatar cuisine has been influenced by its position along trade routes, adapting dishes from neighboring cultures over centuries. Key features of Tatar cuisine include horsemeat roasted with potatoes and herbs, pelmeni or meat dumplings boiled in broth, and pilaf influenced by Central Asian cuisine. Traditional dishes also make use of seasonal vegetables and fruits in salads and jams. Sweet pastries like koshtel, made from eggs and flour, are popular desserts. Maintaining culinary traditions through family meals is an important folk tradition.
Kazan sitdikova aliyaГимназия 122 КазаньKazan is the capital and largest city of the Republic of Tatarstan in Russia, with a population over one million. It is located at the confluence of the Volga and Kazanka rivers. Some of Kazan's most prominent features include the Kazan Kremlin, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and the Suyumbike Tower, seen as the city's architectural symbol. Kazan has a long history and is an important educational and cultural center, with over 40 universities and various museums, theaters, and festivals held there annually. The city also serves as a major transportation hub in Russia.
Kamila holidaysГимназия 122 КазаньKazan is the capital of the Republic of Tatarstan in Russia. It is one of the largest economic, political, scientific, cultural and sports centers in Russia. The Kazan Kremlin, located in the city, is a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Kurbun-bairam is one of the most important Muslim holidays. It follows a 30-day fast and involves early morning prayers at mosques, visiting cemeteries to pray for the dead, sacrificing a sheep with the meat donated to others, and visiting relatives while eating traditional foods.
The story of Abraham and his son illustrates the origins of the Muslim holiday of sacrifice. God asked Abraham to sacrifice his son, but stopped him at
5. Детский вопрос
О ком так сказал маленький мальчик:
“А тетя совсем как я,-любит книжки и
мороженое”. Разумеется, «эту тетю» вы
все прекрасно знаете.
Статуя свободы
6. Банковская защита.
Некоторые банки пытаются помешать
грабителям при помощи небольших
взрывных капсул. Что в прямом смысле
приходится делать грабителям после
срабатывания такой банковской защиты?
Отмывать деньги
7. Австралийские аборигены делают
лодки из древесной коры. В экипаж
такой лодки обычно входят 6-8
человек. Причём гребут только
половина из них. А чем занимаются
Вычерпывают воду
8. В 2000 году в Южной Корее был
построен комплекс, состоящий из
космодрома и конференц-зала. А для
кого предназначен этот комплекс?
9. Люди никак не хотели верить в его
смерть. Одни считали, что он просто
поссорился с Брежневым, другие, что
его похитили инопланетяне, а Ванга
сказала, что он жив и скрывается в
США. О ком идет речь?
Для инопланетян, Юрий Гагарин
10. Пассажиры Титаника.
М. Артемьев писал, что племянник
президента Гаити с супругой были
единственными «необремененными»
пассажирами Титаника. Какой слово
заменено на «необремененными» ?
11. Коренное население называло свою страну
Ибуэрас. Испанцы, завоевавшие ее в
первой половине века, дали ей имя,
характеризующее глубину ее прибрежных
вод. В конце двадцатого века в России
было высказано субъективное мнение об
ошибке, допущенной испанцами. Назовите
«Не ту страну назвали Гондурасом»,- В.
12. Владимир Набоков писал: «…Как же
повезло нашему воображению!- Пушкин
не состарился и никогда не должен носить
эту мрачную одежду наших прадедов с
маленьким черным галстуком и
пристегивающимся воротничком…
Подумать только, проживи Пушкин еще 2-3
года и у нас была бы …». Закончите
Его фотография
13. В начале 20-х годов прошлого века врач,
изучив рентгенограмму 80-летнего старика,
диагностировал у него рак толстой кишки.
Денег, по тем временам немалых, со своего
полунищего пациента врач брать не стал.
Какая фамилия у пациента?
14. ЕГО добавили в 2001 году в связи с
развитием технологий, а остальные были
уменьшены на 2, 3 градуса. Назовите ЕГО.
13-ый сектор. Интернет против знатоков.