This experiment aims to plot the output characteristics of a bipolar junction transistor (BJT) connected in common emitter configuration. The output current (IC) is measured at varying voltages (VCE) across different input currents (IB) to generate a family of curves showing the BJT's cutoff, active, and saturation regions. The procedure involves sweeping the DC voltage source from 0-2V and current source from 0-40uA while recording the output current to plot IC versus VCE for different values of IB.
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BJT characteristics
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BJT Characteristics
Aim is to plot the characteristics of a BJT
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This experiment is designed to plot the output characteristics of a generic BJT. The given BJT is connected in the
common emitter configuration. The plot is of the output current against the voltage for the various values of input
current. In other words, it is the plot of IC against VCE for different IB. For a constant IB the current increases as the
voltage increases till it reaches saturation. The characteristics are made up of three regions: cutoff, active and
saturation regions. At saturation, the VCE is almost zero and very high current flows. At cutoff, the output current
will be zero. At the active region, the IC increases linearly with the VCE.
1. Connect the circuit as shown.The values of the DCsources dont matter as they will be changed throughout the
2. Click on Run and select the DC with Sweep. We are going to sweep two parameters. DCSource0 from 0 to 2V,
Medium Accuracy. DCSource1 is configured as a current source. (This can be selected on the DC source by clicking
on the Voltage/Current button). IB is supplied by DCSource1 and it is varied from 0 to 40 亮A. And the VCE is
varied from 0 to 2 V by varying DCSource0.
3. Run the simulation and observe results on the plotter.
As VCE is varied the ammeter reading varies and becomes steady. The plots for each IB value are shown as varied
from 0 to 40 亮A. The operating regions are as shown in the plot.