The document summarizes the history and objectives of TFOCIS (Task Force on Consortia and Institutional Sales). TFOCIS was formed in November 2002 to address issues small publishers faced with library consortia negotiations. Its objectives were to 1) create an open package with common pricing and licensing for small publishers and 2) contract sales representatives for multi-publisher subscription sales and consortia negotiations. As of today, 32 publishers participate with 68 journal titles offered through a common online shop, though challenges remain in increasing participation and collections.
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1. TFOCIS—Task Force on
Consortia and
Institutional Sales
Jennifer Pesanelli
Director of Publications
Federation of American Societies
for Experimental Biology
l November 2002
l Mark Patterson from the Company of Biologists
l Issue—Library consortia and the small publisher
l Libraries want large collections, package
l Small publisher options
l Ignore consortia
l Negotiate through third parties
l Collaborate with other publishers—large or small
l Small publishers included in consortia
l Improve understanding of the marketplace
and our customers
l Improve access to our journals
l Stabilize revenues
2. Considerations
l Journal collections?
l How many journals? Subject-based? Titles in
multiple collections? Non -HighWire affiliated
l Licenses
l Governing law, warranties, local loading, post-
termination access
l Pricing
l Single model? Current holdings? Size of
consortium? Etc.
TFOCIS is Born:
January 2003
Task Force on Consortia and
Institutional Sales
The Players
l Michael Clarke from the American Academy
of Pediatrics
l Bonnie Zavon from HighWire Press
l 43 societies/publishers (initially)
l International
l Clinical and research
3. Objectives
l Phase 1—Create a web-based open package
l Same pricing model
l Same licensing guidelines
l Phase 2—Contract for group sales representation
l Third party representative(s)
l Multi-site/Multi-publisher subscription sales
l Consortia negotiations
l Getting anyone to agree on anything
l Devising a pricing model to fit the majority
l Approving terms and conditions as a group
But we managed…
Phase 1—Shop for Journals
6. Is it working?
l As of today:
l 32 publishers participating
l 68 titles being offered (862 titles on HW)
l (more data to come from Bonnie)
l Problems
l Still a small collection
l HighWire viewed as publisher
Phase 2: Sales Representation
l RFP for sales representation—March 2004
l 12 proposals
l Decision in May 2004
l Some publishers had existing contract
l Publishers negotiated license individually
7. Selling Our Titles
l Librarians and consortia can pick and choose
l Emphasis on up-selling
l Prices negotiated title-by-title
l Payment made to sales representative
l Representative pays publishers, less
Status of TFOCIS Today?
Status of TFOCIS Today?