1. The document describes the biblical story of a woman who suffered from bleeding for 12 years and was healed after touching Jesus' cloak.
2. It discusses how faith can bring healing, using this story as an example of having faith in God during difficult times.
3. The document answers questions from Harvard students about whether biblical miracles are real, how faith relates to morality, and how faith can help one's life.
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1. 你的信救了你
Your Faith Has Healed You
(馬太福音9:20-22 / Matthew 9:20-22)
懷恩堂 / March 10 2024 / Ben Lin
3. 哈佛大學生的疑問!
Questions from Harvard Students!
1. 聖經中的醫治神蹟是真的嗎?
Are the healing miracles in the Bible real?
2. 這跟道德對錯的價值觀有甚麼關係?
What does this have to do with values of moral
right and wrong?
3. 這對我的職場跟生命有甚麼幫助?
How will this help my career and life?
4. 尋找現代的耶穌
Looking for a Modern Jesus
1. 現代還會有醫治的神蹟嗎?
2. 我如何能夠得到神的醫治?
3. 這對我的生命有甚麼幫助?
1. Are there still miracles of healing in modern times?
2. How can I receive God’s healing?
3. How will this help my life?
5. 故事: 患血漏婦人
The Woman with the Issue of Blood
1. 患血漏病的婦人從十二年前就開始了,這疾病讓她長期受苦。
2. 這個婦人花光了一切財產來醫這病(可5:26)。
3. 在猶太人的律法中,她是被視為不潔淨的(利15:19,25-27)。
4. 她不顧眾人的歧視與恥笑眼光,在擁擠的人群中努力靠近耶穌。
5. 她”相信”只要摸到耶穌的衣服就可以得醫治。
1. The woman with the hemorrhage had been suffering from the disease for a long time since twelve years
2. This woman spent all her wealth to cure the disease (Mark 5:26).
3. In Jewish law, she was considered unclean (Leviticus 15:19,25-27).
4. Regardless of the discrimination and ridicule of everyone, she tried to get close to Jesus in the crowded
5. She "believed" she could be healed just by touching Jesus' clothes.
6. 信心,帶來醫治
Faith Brings Healing
1. 她是個絕望卻又謙卑的人。
2. 她承認自己生命中有一個嚴重的問題需要被解決。
3. 她知道有一個人可以救她。
4. 她跨出”信心的行動”,勇敢的去找耶穌。
5. 最終她的”信”救了她!
1. She is a desperate but humble person.
2. She admitted that she had a serious problem in her life
that needed to be addressed.
3. She knew there was someone who could save her.
4. She took an “act of faith” and boldly went to Jesus.
5. In the end her "letter" saved her!
7. 信心就像…. Faith is like….
*無人島沙灘發現巨幅SOS: 在他
*When they sent out the SOS signal, they
didn't know if they could be saved, but
they still did it with faith.
8. 耶穌對血漏婦人的回應
Jesus’ Response
1. 耶穌的醫治常從困苦潦倒者開始
2. 疾病是失序的世界所造成的
3. 孤立是病患最痛苦的事情
4. 醫治不是特定的神蹟,而是一個全新世界的前奏
1. Jesus’ healing often begins with the poor and needy.
2. Disease is caused by a disordered world.
3. Isolation is the most painful thing for patients.
4. Healing is not a specific miracle, but the prelude to a
whole new world.
9. 醫治不是特定的神蹟,而是一個全新世界的序曲
Healing is not a specific miracle, but the prelude to a whole new world
Healing original text:
To Make Whole
原文SOZO 這個詞包含三種「完全」:救贖、醫治和釋放
The original word SOZO contains three kinds of "perfection": redemption,
healing and deliverance.
10. 尋找現代的耶穌:Joseph弟兄的見證故事
Searching for a Modern Jesus: Brother Joseph’s Testimony Story
The touching scene of Brother Joseph being baptized by the sea.
12. 哈佛大學生的疑問!
Questions from Harvard Students!
1. 聖經中的醫治神蹟是真的嗎?
Are the healing miracles in the Bible real?
2. 這跟道德對錯的價值觀有甚麼關係?
What does this have to do with values of moral
right and wrong?
3. 這對我的職場跟生命有甚麼幫助?
How will this help my career and life?
13. 尋找現代的耶穌
Looking for a Modern Jesus
1. 現代還會有醫治的神蹟嗎?
2. 我如何能夠得到神的醫治?
3. 這對我的生命有甚麼幫助?
1. Are there still miracles of healing in modern times?
2. How can I receive God’s healing?
3. How will this help my life?
14. 你的信救了你
Your Faith Has Healed You
平安安地去吧!」(路加福音 8:48)
Then he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed
you. Go in peace.” (Luke 8:48)
#7: Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed.
不管你的生命現在碰到多大的困難,如果你想要得醫治,血漏婦人的謙卑但卻又勇敢的行動值得我們學習! 信心,帶來醫治