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Your Faith Has Healed You
(馬太福音9:20-22 / Matthew 9:20-22)
懷恩堂 / March 10 2024 / Ben Lin
馬太福音9:20-22/Matthew 9:20-22
20 Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind
him and touched the edge of his cloak.
21 She said to herself, “If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed.”
22 Jesus turned and saw her. “Take heart, daughter,” he said, “your faith has healed you.”
And the woman was healed at that moment.
Questions from Harvard Students!
1. 聖經中的醫治神蹟是真的嗎?
Are the healing miracles in the Bible real?
2. 這跟道德對錯的價值觀有甚麼關係?
What does this have to do with values of moral
right and wrong?
3. 這對我的職場跟生命有甚麼幫助?
How will this help my career and life?
Looking for a Modern Jesus
1. 現代還會有醫治的神蹟嗎?
2. 我如何能夠得到神的醫治?
3. 這對我的生命有甚麼幫助?
1. Are there still miracles of healing in modern times?
2. How can I receive God’s healing?
3. How will this help my life?
故事: 患血漏婦人
The Woman with the Issue of Blood
1. 患血漏病的婦人從十二年前就開始了,這疾病讓她長期受苦。
2. 這個婦人花光了一切財產來醫這病(可5:26)。
3. 在猶太人的律法中,她是被視為不潔淨的(利15:19,25-27)。
4. 她不顧眾人的歧視與恥笑眼光,在擁擠的人群中努力靠近耶穌。
5. 她”相信”只要摸到耶穌的衣服就可以得醫治。
1. The woman with the hemorrhage had been suffering from the disease for a long time since twelve years
2. This woman spent all her wealth to cure the disease (Mark 5:26).
3. In Jewish law, she was considered unclean (Leviticus 15:19,25-27).
4. Regardless of the discrimination and ridicule of everyone, she tried to get close to Jesus in the crowded
5. She "believed" she could be healed just by touching Jesus' clothes.
Faith Brings Healing
1. 她是個絕望卻又謙卑的人。
2. 她承認自己生命中有一個嚴重的問題需要被解決。
3. 她知道有一個人可以救她。
4. 她跨出”信心的行動”,勇敢的去找耶穌。
5. 最終她的”信”救了她!
1. She is a desperate but humble person.
2. She admitted that she had a serious problem in her life
that needed to be addressed.
3. She knew there was someone who could save her.
4. She took an “act of faith” and boldly went to Jesus.
5. In the end her "letter" saved her!
信心就像…. Faith is like….
*無人島沙灘發現巨幅SOS: 在他
*When they sent out the SOS signal, they
didn't know if they could be saved, but
they still did it with faith.
Jesus’ Response
1. 耶穌的醫治常從困苦潦倒者開始
2. 疾病是失序的世界所造成的
3. 孤立是病患最痛苦的事情
4. 醫治不是特定的神蹟,而是一個全新世界的前奏
1. Jesus’ healing often begins with the poor and needy.
2. Disease is caused by a disordered world.
3. Isolation is the most painful thing for patients.
4. Healing is not a specific miracle, but the prelude to a
whole new world.
Healing is not a specific miracle, but the prelude to a whole new world
Healing original text:
To Make Whole
原文SOZO 這個詞包含三種「完全」:救贖、醫治和釋放
The original word SOZO contains three kinds of "perfection": redemption,
healing and deliverance.
Searching for a Modern Jesus: Brother Joseph’s Testimony Story
The touching scene of Brother Joseph being baptized by the sea.
Don't give up looking for Jesus!
For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds;
and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.(Luke
Questions from Harvard Students!
1. 聖經中的醫治神蹟是真的嗎?
Are the healing miracles in the Bible real?
2. 這跟道德對錯的價值觀有甚麼關係?
What does this have to do with values of moral
right and wrong?
3. 這對我的職場跟生命有甚麼幫助?
How will this help my career and life?
Looking for a Modern Jesus
1. 現代還會有醫治的神蹟嗎?
2. 我如何能夠得到神的醫治?
3. 這對我的生命有甚麼幫助?
1. Are there still miracles of healing in modern times?
2. How can I receive God’s healing?
3. How will this help my life?
Your Faith Has Healed You
平安安地去吧!」(路加福音 8:48)
Then he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed
you. Go in peace.” (Luke 8:48)

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  • 1. 你的信救了你 Your Faith Has Healed You (馬太福音9:20-22 / Matthew 9:20-22) 懷恩堂 / March 10 2024 / Ben Lin
  • 2. 馬太福音9:20-22/Matthew 9:20-22 20.有一個女人,患了十二年的血漏,來到耶穌背後,摸他的衣裳繸子; 21.因為他心裡說:我只摸他的衣裳,就必痊癒。 22.耶穌轉過來,看見他,就說:女兒,放心!你的信救了你。從那時候, 女人就痊癒了。 20 Just then a woman who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak. 21 She said to herself, “If I only touch his cloak, I will be healed.” 22 Jesus turned and saw her. “Take heart, daughter,” he said, “your faith has healed you.” And the woman was healed at that moment.
  • 3. 哈佛大學生的疑問! Questions from Harvard Students! 1. 聖經中的醫治神蹟是真的嗎? Are the healing miracles in the Bible real? 2. 這跟道德對錯的價值觀有甚麼關係? What does this have to do with values of moral right and wrong? 3. 這對我的職場跟生命有甚麼幫助? How will this help my career and life?
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  • 5. 故事: 患血漏婦人 The Woman with the Issue of Blood 1. 患血漏病的婦人從十二年前就開始了,這疾病讓她長期受苦。 2. 這個婦人花光了一切財產來醫這病(可5:26)。 3. 在猶太人的律法中,她是被視為不潔淨的(利15:19,25-27)。 4. 她不顧眾人的歧視與恥笑眼光,在擁擠的人群中努力靠近耶穌。 5. 她”相信”只要摸到耶穌的衣服就可以得醫治。 1. The woman with the hemorrhage had been suffering from the disease for a long time since twelve years ago. 2. This woman spent all her wealth to cure the disease (Mark 5:26). 3. In Jewish law, she was considered unclean (Leviticus 15:19,25-27). 4. Regardless of the discrimination and ridicule of everyone, she tried to get close to Jesus in the crowded crowd. 5. She "believed" she could be healed just by touching Jesus' clothes.
  • 6. 信心,帶來醫治 Faith Brings Healing 1. 她是個絕望卻又謙卑的人。 2. 她承認自己生命中有一個嚴重的問題需要被解決。 3. 她知道有一個人可以救她。 4. 她跨出”信心的行動”,勇敢的去找耶穌。 5. 最終她的”信”救了她! 1. She is a desperate but humble person. 2. She admitted that she had a serious problem in her life that needed to be addressed. 3. She knew there was someone who could save her. 4. She took an “act of faith” and boldly went to Jesus. 5. In the end her "letter" saved her!
  • 7. 信心就像…. Faith is like…. *無人島沙灘發現巨幅SOS: 在他 們發出求救訊號的時候,他們也 不知道能不能得救,但是他們還 是憑著信心去做了。 *When they sent out the SOS signal, they didn't know if they could be saved, but they still did it with faith.
  • 8. 耶穌對血漏婦人的回應 Jesus’ Response 1. 耶穌的醫治常從困苦潦倒者開始 2. 疾病是失序的世界所造成的 3. 孤立是病患最痛苦的事情 4. 醫治不是特定的神蹟,而是一個全新世界的前奏 1. Jesus’ healing often begins with the poor and needy. 2. Disease is caused by a disordered world. 3. Isolation is the most painful thing for patients. 4. Healing is not a specific miracle, but the prelude to a whole new world.
  • 9. 醫治不是特定的神蹟,而是一個全新世界的序曲 Healing is not a specific miracle, but the prelude to a whole new world 醫治原文:使完全 Healing original text: To Make Whole 原文SOZO 這個詞包含三種「完全」:救贖、醫治和釋放 The original word SOZO contains three kinds of "perfection": redemption, healing and deliverance.
  • 10. 尋找現代的耶穌:Joseph弟兄的見證故事 Searching for a Modern Jesus: Brother Joseph’s Testimony Story Joseph弟兄在海邊受洗的感人鏡頭(Example) The touching scene of Brother Joseph being baptized by the sea.
  • 11. 因為,凡祈求的,就得著;尋找的,就尋 見;叩門的,就給他開門。(路加福音11:10) 不要放棄尋找耶穌! Don't give up looking for Jesus! For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.(Luke 11:10)
  • 12. 哈佛大學生的疑問! Questions from Harvard Students! 1. 聖經中的醫治神蹟是真的嗎? Are the healing miracles in the Bible real? 2. 這跟道德對錯的價值觀有甚麼關係? What does this have to do with values of moral right and wrong? 3. 這對我的職場跟生命有甚麼幫助? How will this help my career and life?
  • 13. 尋找現代的耶穌 Looking for a Modern Jesus 1. 現代還會有醫治的神蹟嗎? 2. 我如何能夠得到神的醫治? 3. 這對我的生命有甚麼幫助? 1. Are there still miracles of healing in modern times? 2. How can I receive God’s healing? 3. How will this help my life?
  • 14. 你的信救了你 Your Faith Has Healed You 耶穌對她說:「女兒,你的信救了你,平 平安安地去吧!」(路加福音 8:48) Then he said to her, “Daughter, your faith has healed you. Go in peace.” (Luke 8:48)

Editor's Notes

  • #4: *哈佛大学由清教徒创始于1636年,位于麻州剑桥(Cambridge)市,哈佛大学最早的校徽上有拉丁文“Ve-ri-tas”(真理),即“为基督及教会(的真理)”。 *哈佛畢業生: 內線交易,司法黑幕,科學家捏造實驗資料…等,為什麼我們教過的學生卻做了許多壞事? *決定開一門跟耶穌有關的課程,上一次開跟耶穌相關的課程是1912年前,也就是一百多年前
  • #5: 对於我们现代的基督徒同样面临这些问题的挑站:
  • #6: 你可能會被這個婦人的勇氣所感動,但是在看結果前,你可能會痴笑她的迷信,怎麼可能? 她一定是做了甚麼壞事,才遭到這個報應。 這個不潔淨的婦人不值得任何人接近她,甚至於幫助她
  • #7: Then the woman, seeing that she could not go unnoticed, came trembling and fell at his feet. In the presence of all the people, she told why she had touched him and how she had been instantly healed. 不管你的生命現在碰到多大的困難,如果你想要得醫治,血漏婦人的謙卑但卻又勇敢的行動值得我們學習! 信心,帶來醫治
  • #8: * *這3人原本駕船在Pulawat和Pulap的環礁之間航行,他們航行了43公里之後燃料用光。他們被救的地方距離他們出發地達190公里遠。 * 信心跟行動,是我們面臨絕境時最缺乏的兩樣東西,但是耶穌真的能救我們嗎?耶穌真的願意救我們嗎? 前面的問題懷疑耶穌的能力,後面的問題懷疑耶穌的恩典,也許我們可以從耶穌對血漏婦人的回應,來看看耶穌如何回答我們的疑問!
  • #9: 1. 馬太福音 9:36 他看見許多的人,就憐憫他們,因為他們困苦流離,如同羊沒有牧人一般。 2. 疾病不等於天譴/
  • #10: *「救」的希臘字原文是「Sozo」。 「Sozo」的意思豐富,其中最常見的有兩個:「救贖」(Salvation)與「醫治」(Healing)。 救贖,給人永生;醫治,使人健全。 * 所以醫治不是一個過去式,而是一個現在進行式,而我們每一個人都在這個完全醫治的過程中。 * 因為罪,我們都成為不完全的人,耶穌當然有能力可以救我們, 也有莫大的恩典願意救我們,因為這就是耶穌被釘十字架的原因,神對我們的救贖計畫是永恆與不改變的! 讓我們破碎的身心靈回到神當初創造我完全完美的樣子,阿門
  • #11: *參加一個訓練課程,我跟他是同班同學 Joseph是個富二代,一出生就是人人羨慕的有為青年/年輕的時候便被送到國外知名的寄宿學校就讀/放縱情慾/妻子多次鬧離婚/醉酒/多次想要自殺/跟父親鬧翻/他多次發出絕望求救的訊號,卻沒有人能夠幫助他/親自到精神病院要求住院治療/到底誰才能救Joseph呢? *Joseph背了100多節的經文,他的靈修分享令人感動又驚嘆,他整個人的生命完全改變過來,神醫治他的身體,讓他戒了酒,與妻子還有父親和好,看到他我就看到了神的榮耀。
  • #13: 1. 學生反應熱烈,以至於每學期甚至有6, 700百人來參加這個課程,科學無法解釋神蹟,不代表神蹟就沒有存在 2. 這是一個被罪污染的世界,對錯由神決定,而不是由人決定,你可以決定成為罪的幫兇,而造成自己跟別人的傷害,也可以決定成為黑暗中的燈塔,造亮自己的生命,也造亮別人的生命, 3.讓你的生命更加的有價值與意義。
  • #14: 神是憐憫慈悲的神,祂愛我們,一定會把最好的給我們! 想想剛剛我所分享Joseph弟兄的見證,若沒有耶穌的醫治,他可能早已經在精神病院裡了,或者早已經不在這個世界上了,神愛我們,遠超過我們可以想像的愛,神當然可以醫治我們! * 我們在神完全醫治的進行式之中! 2. 我也不知道,這是神的主權。A. 她是個絕望卻又謙卑的人。B. 她承認自己生命中的問題。(我們是個不完全的人)C. 她相信耶穌可以救她(人子來,為要尋找、拯救失喪的人。路加福音 19:10)/醫治就是要使我們成為完全,這就是耶穌來的目的。D. 她跨出”信心的行動”,came trembling and fell at his feet 4勇敢的去找耶穌。 3. 神蹟是個指標,引導你走出人生的絕境,你不孤單,神與你同在
  • #15: **我禱告,為什麼神要我傳講這個訊息,為什麼? 因為神實在是看見我們的悲傷,困難,與辛苦,因為神實在是太愛我們了! *這世代還有許許多多願意改變,尋求耶穌拯救的見證故事,吸毒,離婚,姦淫,自虐,被性侵,偷竊,殺害,破產,色情成癮等 *信心,就是相信,就好像你現在被關在一個寒冷的黑暗屋子中,雖然你看不到,也感受不到屋外的陽光,但是神溫暖的陽光就在那裡,神呼喚你走出來,而你也憑著信心走出來,這就是我們需要做的! *神拯救的手已經伸出來了,你的手也願意伸出來,讓神來幫助你嗎?