This document discusses time management methods in workflow management systems. It outlines 6 time constraints that can be applied to activities in a workflow model including time duration, forced start time, deadline, fixed date constraint, time difference, and time distance. It then describes how to calculate the critical path of a workflow both at build time and runtime by using forward and backward calculations while considering these time constraints. Finally, it discusses how identifying the critical path can benefit workflow designers and managers and provides solutions for handling potential time constraint violations.
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92131562-Time Management Method(slides only)
Pegah Hamidkhani Mianji
Student no: 92131562
In the name of God
BPR Presentation
Thought by: Dr. Alireza Hashemi
2. Intro
Competition In Market Environment
Change from Cost and Quality to Flexibility and
Workflow management systems provides the foundation
for defining and executing business Processes
The time constraints and time management are very
3. Overview
In this Presentation will see:
6 time constraints in workflow modeling
Workflow routing and Control Condition
Calculate critical Path in build time
Forward Calculation
Backward Calculation
Calculate critical Path in run time
Forward Calculation
Backward Calculation
A solution for uncertainty of execution time
4. Workflow Model
A collection of activities and dependencies among
Some Model definition Tools: Petri Nets , XPDL
Here we use directed graph:
N: Activity
C: Edge
The activity is denoted by:
D: I/O Data
E: executor
R: resource
T: time constraint
In this presentation we focus on time constraints
5. Timed constraints
Time Duration: The time span from the activity is inactive
state to completed => Compulsory
Forced start time: Is the time that an activity should be
executed after it
Deadline: Is a time that an activity be completed
Fixed Date Constraint: An activity can only be executed
on certain fixed dates. For example: every Monday
left bound of constraint
right bound of constraint
6. Timed constraints
Time Difference: the time difference between two
activities is caused by different time zones
Time Distance: the time duration between activity A1 and
A2, where A1 is the predecessor of A2
We show them like :
The Value of each time constraint, if exist, is assigned by
the workflow designer according to the experience value in
build time.
8. Iteration Time Duration
Probability of iteration: p
Total average execution time: T
A1 A3
9. Workflow Critical path
We use extended Critical Path Method (CPM) with time
constraints considered
: earliest start time of an activity
: earliest finish time of an activity
: latest start time of an activity
: latest finish time of an activity
Depending on control dependencies between activities in workflow these
are calculated
10. Rules In Critical Path Computation
Assume A and B are two adjacent activities and A is the
predecessor of B
乞 of B is 乞 of A plus the time duration of A
If some time distance required the 乞 of B is:
If they are in different time zones, the time difference must be taken
into account
If time zone B is in the working hours
Or, time zone B is not in working hours
11. Rules In critical path computation
If there is a fixed date constraint on activity B, we have
two situations:
If the time 乞 + is located in the space of the fix date
12. Build Time Calculation Considerations
Time constraints according to the experience or estimated
We treat all routing controls as AND-Split / AND-Join
The forced start time, deadline and time difference cant
be identified because workflow is static
15. Runtime Calculation Considerations
Start time is real and the time information of all the other
Activities can be Identified
All six time constraints should be taken into account
All OR-Split/ OR-Join pair will be checked
So a new graph is given for calculation
ゐ (for time difference constraint) and ゐ (for fixed date
constraint) can be figured out exactly
20. Benefits Of Time Management
After Identifying the critical path of a workflow process we
can benefit from it
Workflow designers:
Find bottlenecks and try to optimize the process
Find any potential time constraint conflict and resolve error
Workflow managers:
Adjust the time plan according to time constraints
Schedule the activities in the work in the work list to enhance the
Monitor the execution and be alerted about potential time error
Adjust the execution of workflow instance if any time constraint is
21. Time Constraint Violation
Deadline violation: the activity cant be complete before its
Four methods to overcome
Adjust the time durations of activities that are under
Try to postpone the deadline of the very activity that will
be violated
Try to find another path to replace current path
If the former 3 methods cant work the system will arouse
time exception and use exception handling
Forced start time error: system has to wait for certain time
22. Uncertainty of execution Time
We previously used experience or previous estimation but
this approach is very static
Estimate at process instantiation based on
Try to calculate the time extracted from history data or
logs of existing WFMSs
If no log exist get the time from who take charge of the
related job
23. Conclusion
We defined 6-tuple time constraints, to ensure that the
business process can be executed properly
The algorithm of identifying the critical path of certain
workflow process is given based on 6 time constraints
Benefits of time management described
How to face time constraint violation
24. Refrence
Weiping Li ; Sch. of Software & Microelectronic, Peking
Univ., Beijing ; Yushun Fan (2009) A Time Management
Method in Workflow Management System, Grid and
Pervasive Computing Conference.