This document certifies that Mayuresh Athalekar and Saket Bansal of iZenBridge Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. have successfully completed the learning and evaluation requirements to become ICAgile Certified Professionals in Agile Coaching. They are now recognized by the International Consortium for Agile as having acquired knowledge in Agile Coaching and can display the ICP-ACC designation.
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1. Ahmed Sidky, Ph.D.
Founder, ICAgile
The International Consortium for Agile (ICAgile) hereby certifies that, having successfully completed the learning and evaluation
for this Continuing Learning Certification (CLC), the holder shall be recognized as an ICAgile Certified Professional in Agile
Coaching, with rights to affix and display the letters ICP-ACC. This certification signifies that the student has acquired
knowledge (as assessed by instructors) in the Agile Coaching discipline.
ICAgile Certified Professional
Agile Coaching
Mayuresh Athalekar
Saket Bansal
Saket Bansal
iZenBridge Consultancy Pvt. Ltd.
Sunday, September 25, 2016