This document provides outlines for 13 potential essay topics with key points for each. It discusses topics such as the international economic crisis, IMF and Pakistan, education in Pakistan, environmental pollution, the Pakistani economy, Indo-Pak relations, socio-economic problems in Pakistan, terrorism, globalization, the role of IT, security in Pakistan, the role of media, and Pakistan's vision for 2020. For each topic, it lists the main ideas and supporting points that could be discussed in an essay.
4. 英语教学法 訓練 ESL 兒童英語專業教師: a. 八種主要外語教學的理論與實務 ( 語音引導教學法,直接教學法,聽說教學法,默示教學法,反暗示教學法,群體語言學習法,肢體反應教學法,互動式教學法。 ) b. 教導如何引導學生突破字彙、發音、文法、對話、閱讀…的學習障礙。 c. 教案、教具本土化。 d. 藉由評量與測驗的設計,輔助教師確實瞭解兒童英語學習盲點。