We make sure that our clients have a real presence! Strategic concepts for product/crisis/financial market PR, the dramaturgy of the measures and the selection of media are what is needed for successful opinion forming:
Print media Whether its the business press, special interest magazines or the trade press, we implement successful theme setting and agree media collaborations.
Online media The online editions of the print media require special tailoring of themes. FAKTUM guarantees integrated communication across all levels of publication.
New Media Social media marketing has long been a part of successful B2B communication strategies. FAKTUM makes their clients part of the community and the community part of company marketing!
El documento resume el sistema de medidas en la ley penal juvenil espa単ola. Introduce el modelo educativo-responsabilizador de la L.O. 5/2000 y las novedades de la L.O. 8/2006, incluyendo las medidas privativas de libertad como el internamiento en r辿gimen cerrado y las no alternativas. Tambi辿n describe estrategias de diversi坦n y alternativas al proceso, as鱈 como notas sobre el funcionamiento real del sistema en Espa単a.
Este documento describe el sistema de aplicaci坦n de sanciones en el derecho penal de menores en Espa単a tras la Ley Org叩nica 8/2006. Se considera que el objetivo principal es educar, corregir y reinsertar socialmente al menor. Al imponer las medidas, el juez debe considerar las circunstancias del hecho, la personalidad y situaci坦n del menor, as鱈 como su entorno familiar y social. La naturaleza jur鱈dica de las medidas se deriva de criterios previstos para su imposici坦n, sin tener en cuenta expresamente la peligrosidad criminal.
This pitch document proposes an unnamed film idea but does not provide details on the story, characters, setting, or tone. It asks how credits will be presented but does not give an answer. Influences on the idea are not mentioned. The intended audience is not described.
El documento habla sobre c坦mo las personas a menudo no se dan cuenta de la importancia de algo hasta que tropiezan con ello o experimentan una p辿rdida. Menciona que a veces es necesario tropezar o caer para comprender realmente el valor de algo.
This document summarizes XWiki, an open source collaboration platform, and its suitability for use in open cloud environments. It notes that XWiki has over 30,000 downloads per month, 50% of its user base is international, and it has received positive references from analysts like Gartner. The document advocates that collaboration is now essential for business and XWiki provides adequate systems to support flexible, distributed collaboration. It highlights benefits like preserving all information and the ability to create structured content. Further, it states that XWiki offers an open cloud that is flexible, affordable, and allows users to freely extend and develop the wiki without proprietary constraints.
This document discusses the 802.11 wireless LAN standards. It provides an overview of 802.11 basics such as the basic service set, distributed coordinated function using CSMA/CA, and point coordinated function. It then discusses the 802.11e amendment which introduced mechanisms for quality of service such as enhanced distributed channel access with prioritized access categories and hybrid coordinated function controlled channel access. The purpose of 802.11e is to provide quality of service capabilities for applications with time-critical traffic over wireless LANs.
Corporate Publishing steht im Wettbewerb um die Aufmerksamkeit des Lesers.
Gerade einmal 20 Minuten besch辰ftigt er sich t辰glich mit der Lekt端re gedruckter Medien.
W辰hrend der Groteil dieser Medien freiwillig erworben wird, erreicht die Kundenzeitschrift ihre potenziellen Leser in der Regel unaufgefordert.
Wer in diesem Spannungsfeld bestehen will muss journalistisch begeistern, die richtigen Inhalte bieten und gestalterisch 端berzeugen.
Online-Publishing verlangt dar端ber hinaus nach einem speziellen Informationsmehrwert. Aktualit辰t, Verlinkung und Interaktion sind gefordert.
Print, Web und Mobile verbinden sich so zu einem starken Informationstool.
Les solutions Visiativ, permettent l'entreprise d'aligner sa strat辿gie et sa strat辿gie num辿rique :
- Innovation collaborative
- Proximit辿 clients
- Contribution des collaborateurs
Este documento describe la naturaleza y caracter鱈sticas de los equipos de trabajo. Define un equipo de trabajo como un grupo de personas que comparten responsabilidades para lograr metas comunes a trav辿s de la sinergia. Explica que los miembros de equipos efectivos comparten informaci坦n de manera neutral, asumen responsabilidades individuales y colectivas, y producen resultados de manera complementaria. Tambi辿n identifica algunos tipos de equipos y caracter鱈sticas como la valoraci坦n de la diversidad, la creatividad, la autorregulaci坦n, la interdependencia y el lideraz
This document discusses how many people are pursuing new careers later in life through examples of individuals who changed careers or started new pursuits after age 50. Some of the examples mentioned include Laura Ingalls Wilder publishing her first book at age 65, Ina Garten opening her specialty food store at age 50 after working in government, and Ernestine Shepherd beginning competitive bodybuilding at age 73. The document provides encouragement for pursuing new careers later in life and emphasizes skills and experience gained over time that can benefit new pursuits.
Este documento presenta una secuencia did叩ctica sobre el tema de la energ鱈a el辿ctrica y las l鱈neas de alta tensi坦n. La secuencia incluye actividades introductorias como la construcci坦n de mapas de redes el辿ctricas, un debate sobre un caso de una represa propuesta, y la producci坦n de material informativo para presentar en la escuela. El objetivo es profundizar la comprensi坦n de los estudiantes sobre c坦mo se genera, transmite y distribuye la energ鱈a el辿ctrica, e indagar las diferentes posturas frente a proyectos de infraestructura
Dashboards and Data Visualization using Xamarin and ShinobiControlsXamarin
The document appears to contain monthly numerical values from January 2011 to June 2013, possibly representing percentages or rates. It also includes URLs and component/class names possibly related to a Xamarin/C# mobile app referencing GitHub data.
Presentaci坦n Economia espa単ola, BankiaManfredNolte
El documento resume la situaci坦n econ坦mica espa単ola en abril de 2013. Se単ala que la trayectoria recesiva se est叩 moderando, con una desaceleraci坦n de la ca鱈da del empleo y la producci坦n industrial. Sin embargo, el consumo sigue muy negativo. La construcci坦n y la industria parecen haber superado el punto m叩s bajo, mientras que los servicios muestran un perfil m叩s negativo. La morosidad empresarial est叩 acelerando su avance, concentrada principalmente en la construcci坦n y el sector inmobiliario.
Raymark Purchasing provides complete purchasing control to generate and track orders from vendor quoting, order processing, and master allocations through to receiving, inspection, vendor payment to final distribution. Raymark Distribution Center allows users to unload, receive merchandise, place in inventory, and then pick and pack from multiple bins for store distribution. Raymark Distribution Center is an easy-to-use system that also manages cross-dock and pack management as a complement to Raymark Purchasing.
The document discusses rain gardens, which are sustainable landscaping features that treat stormwater runoff. A rain garden is a planted depression that collects runoff from impervious surfaces like roofs, driveways, and sidewalks. The collected water is absorbed into the ground within 48 hours through plants and soil amendments. Rain gardens help remove pollutants from stormwater and reduce flooding by detaining and infiltrating runoff on-site. The document provides tips on designing and installing rain gardens, including considerations for location, size, plants, soil, and overflow systems. Retrofitting existing landscapes for rain gardens is also addressed.
This document discusses the 802.11 wireless LAN standards. It provides an overview of 802.11 basics such as the basic service set, distributed coordinated function using CSMA/CA, and point coordinated function. It then discusses the 802.11e amendment which introduced mechanisms for quality of service such as enhanced distributed channel access with prioritized access categories and hybrid coordinated function controlled channel access. The purpose of 802.11e is to provide quality of service capabilities for applications with time-critical traffic over wireless LANs.
Corporate Publishing steht im Wettbewerb um die Aufmerksamkeit des Lesers.
Gerade einmal 20 Minuten besch辰ftigt er sich t辰glich mit der Lekt端re gedruckter Medien.
W辰hrend der Groteil dieser Medien freiwillig erworben wird, erreicht die Kundenzeitschrift ihre potenziellen Leser in der Regel unaufgefordert.
Wer in diesem Spannungsfeld bestehen will muss journalistisch begeistern, die richtigen Inhalte bieten und gestalterisch 端berzeugen.
Online-Publishing verlangt dar端ber hinaus nach einem speziellen Informationsmehrwert. Aktualit辰t, Verlinkung und Interaktion sind gefordert.
Print, Web und Mobile verbinden sich so zu einem starken Informationstool.
Les solutions Visiativ, permettent l'entreprise d'aligner sa strat辿gie et sa strat辿gie num辿rique :
- Innovation collaborative
- Proximit辿 clients
- Contribution des collaborateurs
Este documento describe la naturaleza y caracter鱈sticas de los equipos de trabajo. Define un equipo de trabajo como un grupo de personas que comparten responsabilidades para lograr metas comunes a trav辿s de la sinergia. Explica que los miembros de equipos efectivos comparten informaci坦n de manera neutral, asumen responsabilidades individuales y colectivas, y producen resultados de manera complementaria. Tambi辿n identifica algunos tipos de equipos y caracter鱈sticas como la valoraci坦n de la diversidad, la creatividad, la autorregulaci坦n, la interdependencia y el lideraz
This document discusses how many people are pursuing new careers later in life through examples of individuals who changed careers or started new pursuits after age 50. Some of the examples mentioned include Laura Ingalls Wilder publishing her first book at age 65, Ina Garten opening her specialty food store at age 50 after working in government, and Ernestine Shepherd beginning competitive bodybuilding at age 73. The document provides encouragement for pursuing new careers later in life and emphasizes skills and experience gained over time that can benefit new pursuits.
Este documento presenta una secuencia did叩ctica sobre el tema de la energ鱈a el辿ctrica y las l鱈neas de alta tensi坦n. La secuencia incluye actividades introductorias como la construcci坦n de mapas de redes el辿ctricas, un debate sobre un caso de una represa propuesta, y la producci坦n de material informativo para presentar en la escuela. El objetivo es profundizar la comprensi坦n de los estudiantes sobre c坦mo se genera, transmite y distribuye la energ鱈a el辿ctrica, e indagar las diferentes posturas frente a proyectos de infraestructura
Dashboards and Data Visualization using Xamarin and ShinobiControlsXamarin
The document appears to contain monthly numerical values from January 2011 to June 2013, possibly representing percentages or rates. It also includes URLs and component/class names possibly related to a Xamarin/C# mobile app referencing GitHub data.
Presentaci坦n Economia espa単ola, BankiaManfredNolte
El documento resume la situaci坦n econ坦mica espa単ola en abril de 2013. Se単ala que la trayectoria recesiva se est叩 moderando, con una desaceleraci坦n de la ca鱈da del empleo y la producci坦n industrial. Sin embargo, el consumo sigue muy negativo. La construcci坦n y la industria parecen haber superado el punto m叩s bajo, mientras que los servicios muestran un perfil m叩s negativo. La morosidad empresarial est叩 acelerando su avance, concentrada principalmente en la construcci坦n y el sector inmobiliario.
Raymark Purchasing provides complete purchasing control to generate and track orders from vendor quoting, order processing, and master allocations through to receiving, inspection, vendor payment to final distribution. Raymark Distribution Center allows users to unload, receive merchandise, place in inventory, and then pick and pack from multiple bins for store distribution. Raymark Distribution Center is an easy-to-use system that also manages cross-dock and pack management as a complement to Raymark Purchasing.
The document discusses rain gardens, which are sustainable landscaping features that treat stormwater runoff. A rain garden is a planted depression that collects runoff from impervious surfaces like roofs, driveways, and sidewalks. The collected water is absorbed into the ground within 48 hours through plants and soil amendments. Rain gardens help remove pollutants from stormwater and reduce flooding by detaining and infiltrating runoff on-site. The document provides tips on designing and installing rain gardens, including considerations for location, size, plants, soil, and overflow systems. Retrofitting existing landscapes for rain gardens is also addressed.