Este documento presenta la información sobre una serie de carreras de caballos que se llevarán a cabo en el Club Hipico de Antofagasta el domingo 9 de octubre de 2011. Se detallan 6 carreras programadas, con la información de cada caballo participante como su jockey, entrenador, fecha de última carrera y comentarios sobre su desempeño. La tercera carrera es el clásico "Pedro Martinic Radic" sobre 1500 metros con un premio de $1,5 millones para el ganador.
9 consejos para disfrutar al máximo tu estancia en un crucero Mari Gil
The document discusses the potential for telehealth and health information technologies to improve healthcare access and outcomes. It outlines how telehealth can be used for clinical consultations, direct patient care, education, research, and administrative purposes. The document also discusses how health information exchange can complement telehealth and support healthcare transformation goals like meaningful use. Blended telehealth and health information exchange approaches may help address major public health issues in rural communities by improving access to services for conditions like hepatitis C, behavioral health issues, diabetes and more.
This lesson plan focuses on teaching students about fractions. The key learning goals are for students to understand fractions and fractional amounts. Expected learning outcomes are that all students will be able to write fractions to represent parts of a whole and compare the size of fractions. Formative assessment opportunities include checking students' work on practice problems and pages 22-26 of their textbooks. Cognitive challenges for all ability levels include collaborative learning and summarizing. Resources include worksheets and textbooks. As homework, students will complete additional practice problems and questions. The lesson will begin with an introduction to fractions, followed by an activity where students represent fractions using shapes. Students will then work through practice problems in their textbooks before finishing with a formative assessment of questions.
O editorial discute sobre viver na graça divina e como o amor, o perdão e a não-julgação podem nos levar a esse estado. Outros artigos abordam temas como espiritualidade, terapias alternativas, projetos sociais e biografias de grandes mestres como Gandhi.
This document certifies that Sukanta Manna has passed the Oracle9i Database Administrator Certified Professional exam. The certification is valid and was issued on April 13, 2010. The certification number is 215341271DBA9I.
9 Foundations of Youth Fitness and Physical Literacybklika
The document outlines the nine foundations of youth coordination according to SPIDERfit Kids: perceptual motor skills including body awareness, directional awareness, spatial awareness, temporal awareness, visual awareness, auditory awareness, tactile awareness, vestibular awareness, and proprioceptive awareness. It provides examples of activities and games to develop each skill, and discusses assessing skills and integrating them into programming to create lifelong movers. The key takeaways are that physical literacy and coordination can be developed through understanding developmental levels and using engaging coaching strategies.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang mata pelajaran Motor Diesel dan Instalasi Tenaga Kapal Perikanan (MDITKP) yang mencakup pengertian, rasional, tujuan, ruang lingkup materi, prinsip-prinsip belajar dan pembelajaran serta asesmen mata pelajaran tersebut. Mata pelajaran ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan siswa dalam mengoperasikan dan memelihara motor diesel serta instalasi tenaga kapal perikan
The document reports on testing of modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture, internal bonding, thickness swelling, and water absorption for particleboard with variations in resin content (7%, 9%, 11%) and particle size (1.0mm, 2.0mm). ANOVA analysis found significant differences between resin contents for all properties tested, but only found significant differences between particle sizes for internal bonding, thickness swelling, and water absorption. Particle size and resin content both affected internal bonding and thickness swelling.
We are 9dotz... a small, San Francisco based group of marketers who started a unique brand strategy firm based on the following beliefs:
1 - the future of marketing is not about how we reach people but why they should reach for us
2 - the ability to interrupt people with messages are less and less available or acceptable
3 - we must earn people's attention by intersecting with their interests
4 - attraction will always trump promotion
5 - marketing can change the world if we tell the right stories... so long as the stories are true
These pages explain who we are, what we believe and the work we do. We hope you join us. We invite you to debate us.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones para georreferenciar y graficar calles y casas en una imagen obtenida de Google Earth usando ArcGIS. Los pasos incluyen obtener coordenadas de puntos de control en Google Earth, georreferenciar la imagen en ArcMap usando esos puntos, crear shapefiles de calles y casas, y luego graficar las calles y casas directamente sobre la imagen georreferenciada.
Dokumen tersebut membahas tentang mata pelajaran Motor Diesel dan Instalasi Tenaga Kapal Perikanan (MDITKP) yang mencakup pengertian, rasional, tujuan, ruang lingkup materi, prinsip-prinsip belajar dan pembelajaran serta asesmen mata pelajaran tersebut. Mata pelajaran ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan keterampilan siswa dalam mengoperasikan dan memelihara motor diesel serta instalasi tenaga kapal perikan
The document reports on testing of modulus of elasticity, modulus of rupture, internal bonding, thickness swelling, and water absorption for particleboard with variations in resin content (7%, 9%, 11%) and particle size (1.0mm, 2.0mm). ANOVA analysis found significant differences between resin contents for all properties tested, but only found significant differences between particle sizes for internal bonding, thickness swelling, and water absorption. Particle size and resin content both affected internal bonding and thickness swelling.
We are 9dotz... a small, San Francisco based group of marketers who started a unique brand strategy firm based on the following beliefs:
1 - the future of marketing is not about how we reach people but why they should reach for us
2 - the ability to interrupt people with messages are less and less available or acceptable
3 - we must earn people's attention by intersecting with their interests
4 - attraction will always trump promotion
5 - marketing can change the world if we tell the right stories... so long as the stories are true
These pages explain who we are, what we believe and the work we do. We hope you join us. We invite you to debate us.
Este documento proporciona instrucciones para georreferenciar y graficar calles y casas en una imagen obtenida de Google Earth usando ArcGIS. Los pasos incluyen obtener coordenadas de puntos de control en Google Earth, georreferenciar la imagen en ArcMap usando esos puntos, crear shapefiles de calles y casas, y luego graficar las calles y casas directamente sobre la imagen georreferenciada.