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Changing School Culture &
Student Achievement Through the
       9th Grade Academy
      Perth Amboy High School

         Mr. John M. Rodecker, Superintendent
   Dr. Vivian C. Rodriguez, Assistant Superintendent
              Ms. Rozalia Czaban, Principal

Ninth graders are adolescents undergoing the difficult transition from
middle school to high school. As they face the social,emotional, physical
and intellectual challenges of this stage of development, it is easy for
them to feel overwhelmed, confused and alone. Subsequently over the
last thirty years the national average for ninth grade non-promotion has
more than tripled from approximately four percent to thirteen percent.
This retention creates the ninth grade bulge and tenth grade dip as
fewer students are promoted to the next grade.

The increasing number of non-promoted ninth grade students both
nationally and locally has become a critical focus point among all
educators.   A d d i t i o n a l l y, s t a t i s t i c s i n d i c a t e t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f c r e a t i n g
Ninth Grade Academies, as schools with operational transition programs
reflect a dropout rate of only 8% in average compared to schools without
transition programs at an average of 24%.

E a s i n g t h e Tr a n s i t i o n t o H i g h S c h o o l : P r o j e c t 2 . 1 / O c t o b e r 2 0 0 8
B y C a r r i e C o o k , H o l l y F o w l e r & Ty H a r r i s                                                    2
Academy Roadmap

   Learn all there is to know about incoming 9th Graders

   Use what you learn to set up 9th Grade Teams

   Establish measurable Goals & Objectives

   Use data to drive innovative solutions

   Build Small Learning Communities

   Focus on improving student performance

   Expect resistance

9th      Grade Academy Goals

   Develop a sense of belonging

   Establish small learning communities

   Decrease the rate of retention in the ninth grade

   Reduce the gap in retention of subgroups

   Reduce the ninth grade dropouts

   Increase attendance rates in the 9th grade

9th    Grade Academy Goals

   Focus on data

   Support successful performance on the state assessments

   Improve academic skills and understanding

   Teach students to be successful and be self advocates

   Establish comprehensive support mechanisms for all students

9th       Grade Teams20092010
    TEAM A - Honors (4 Homerooms) at East
                                                            TEACHERS                   COMMON PLANNING
   1 Math (alg 2, geom.(2), alg. and math sem)        M - Barbara Lowry
            1 LA (4 eng and 1 la sem)               LA  Vanessa Martyniuk
                                                                                           Period 5
            1 SS (4 ss and 1 ss sem)                  SS  Franck Joseph
           1 Sci. (4 bio and 1 sci sem)                Bio  Dayna Glass
 TEAM B - Bio (5 Homerooms) in Main Building                TEACHERS                   COMMON PLANNING
              1 Algebra - 5 periods                     M  Tom Gorka
              1 English - 5 periods                LA  Christina Acquavella
                                                                                           Period 6
                1 SS - 5 periods                        SS  Toni Terrel
           1 Bio - 5 periods and labs                 Bio  Richard Kaier
TEAM C - General (heterogeneous group) in Main
                                                            TEACHERS                   COMMON PLANNING
         Building 3 homerooms all ICS

                                                           M  Randy Bailes
                                                          M  Girga Ponapalli
           1 Alg - 3 blocks (6 periods)                 LA  Meghan Muller (6)
           1 Alg - 2 blocks (4 periods)                        LA  New
          1 Eng - 3 blocks (6 periods)                    SS  Paul Bouchard
          1 Eng - 2 blocks ( 4 periods)                IPS  Michael Trombatore           Period 2
                1 SS - 5 periods                              ICS  TBD
                1 IPS - 5 periods                2 block Eng/1SS  Nephtaly Cardona
                 I CS teachers -                    1 block Eng/2SS  Tracy Soluri
                                                   2 block Math/1S  Lucille DeMarzo
                                                     2 block Math/1S  Joe Norbut

9th          Grade Teams20092010
Team D - General in Main Building - ICS for SS and IPS            TEACHERS             COMMON PLANNING
                                                               M  Dave Johnson
             1 Algebra  3 blocks (6 periods)                  M  Ilona Minchuk
             1 Algebra  2 blocks (4 periods)                   LA  Bob Tarr (6)
             1 English  3 blocks (6 periods)                 LA  (Replacement)
             1 English  2 blocks (4 periods)                SS  Ernest Kregoloh          Period 8
                    1 SS  5 periods                          IPS  Arlene Roncin
                    1 IPS  5 periods                              ICS  TBD
ICS  1 teacher 3 IPS and 1 teacher 3 SS if we need more     2 or 3 per SCI  TBD
                     classes will add                         2 or 3 per SS  TBD
       TEAM E  General in TCUs (Technology)                     TEACHERS             COMMON PLANNING

                                                             M  Greg Cavanaugh
            1 Algebra  3 blocks (6 periods)                  M  Neve Mataliano
            1 Algebra  2 blocks (4 periods)                LA  Crystal Conners (6)
            1 English  3 blocks (6 periods)                                               Period 5
                                                              LA  (Replacement)
            1 English  2 blocks (4 periods)                 SS  Dale Thompson
                   1 SS  5 periods                           IPS  Robert Craig
                   1 IPS  5 periods
            TEAM F  Bilingual Education                          TEACHERS             COMMON PLANNING

           1 Algebra  3 blocks (6 periods)                      M  Ruth Roca
            1 Algebra  1 block (2 periods)                     M  Jose Pizarro
       1 ELA/ESL  2 blocks / 1 class (5 periods)            LA  Dolores Rodriguez
                                                             LA  Danny Rodriguez          Period 5
       1 ELA/ESL  2 blocks/ 1 class (5 periods)
                   1 SS  4 periods                             SS  Larry Bello
            2 Fr. Sem/1 SpLA  3 periods                       IPS  Tom Amador
                                                                 Marlin Guzman
Ninth Grade Program Components
    Designated 9th grade counselor and assistant principals

    Teacher teams  four core subjects, 100 students

    Housed in parts of buildings to isolate as much as possible

    Pro active approach to discipline and academics

    First time freshman only

    Team meetings:

        Principal, counselor, and academic specialist meet to ensure consistency

        Focus on student issues

        Address programmatic problems in a systematic way                          8
Pre Ninth Grade Transitions

        Visible presence from the High School on
         middle school campus beginning in October

        Eight Grade Fair

        Campus Tours

        Adopt a Freshman Program

        Welcome Day September 3rd

Vertical Collaboration Middle/
         High School

   Yearly Combined Meetings of Core Subject Teachers

   Shared Staff Development Focus

       SIOP  Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol

       Differentiated Instruction


       Improving Achievement in the Content Areas

High School Transition Data

   Select Students for Summer Academy

   Select Students for After-School Academy the 1st six
    weeks of school

   Identify student history of failing scores on state
    tests from grade 5 on up-used to set up additional
    pullouts and individual tutoring on skills

Academy Personnel Selection

     Recruit the right teachers

         Care about students

         Try new and innovative strategies

         Energetic/hard working

         Team players

         Want to make a difference

         Willing to work together
Academic Support

   Reference Library for teaming for all 9th grade teachers

   Designated area for teachers to meet

   Teacher resource coach to work with teachers on teaming

   Copy machine on third 鍖oor

   Kean University Partnership on 21st Century Technology

Administrative Support

   Vice Principal located on third 鍖oor

   9th Grade Guidance Counselor located on third 鍖oor

   Assemblies every marking period for students

       Students of the Month (Grades)

       Citizen of the Month (Behavior)

           With Bulletin Boards

   Vice Principal & Counselor meets with teachers during
    common planning one day a month
                                                                        Tentative Days: July 27th  July 30th
                                                               Total # of Teachers, Counselors, & Vice Principal - 45
                                                                        Location: Perth Amboy High School

                                     DAY 1                                               DAY 2                                DAY 3                        DAY 4

                                                                       Establish the foundation for effective
                                                                        teams: grade level department.
                                                                       What roles do Team, Teachers,
                                                                        Administrators, Coaches, Counselors,
9:00 a.m.             Individual Personality Preferences
                                                                        Tech, Coordinator, and IR & S play?              Freshman Seminar              Planning 1st Day
10:00 a.m.                        (True Colors)                        Identify common academic, social
                                                                        behavioral expectations
                                                                       Code of Conduct, Policy
                                                                       Parental Involvement

10:00 a.m. 
                                     Break                                               Break                                Break                         Break
 10:15 a.m.

10:15 a.m.                                                                                                         11:00 a.m.  How to use
                                 Team Norms
 12:00 p.m.                                                                                                      Freshman Seminar in 9th Grade
                             Team Decision Making

12:00 p.m. 
                             Lunch  On Your Own                                 Lunch  On Your Own                    Lunch  On Your Own         Lunch  On Your Own
 1:00 p.m.

                  What is the Philosophy?                                       Team Work Sessions
                  Why Freshman Academy Vision?
                  Consider the emotional, social,
1:00 p.m.                                                                                                        Choose activities by teams and
                  What are the characteristics?
 3:00 p.m.                                                                                                        when they will get accomplish
                  How is a freshman similar?
                  How is a freshman different from a middle            Reflection & Sharing Sessions by each                                             2:00 p.m.
                   school student?                                                      team.                                                      Celebration & Next Steps
9th     Grade Academy Schedule


  2                              TEAM



  5        TEAM                                        TEAM       TEAM
         PLANNING                                    PLANNING   PLANNING

  6                   TEAM


  8                                         TEAM

Academy Teacher
Professional Development
    Summer Institute

        Plan interdisciplinary units

        Team Building

        Freshman Seminar

        Common Assessments

        Parental Involvement

    Throughout the Course of the Year
Most eighth graders arent prepared for the discipline of high
school and dont know what to expect. They dont realize that
high school requirements for attendance and grades are stricter,
says Resides.
They really need the structure and individual attention that
were able to give them in the Academy.
An orientation course, a focus on core courses language arts,
social sciences , and mathematics -limited electives, assignment
of each student to a team of core teachers, and freshman
guidance counselors are key elements in a more personalized
environment that takes the whole student into account.

Principal of Bridgeton High School
   Southern New Jersey

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9th Grade Academy Presentation

  • 1. Changing School Culture & Student Achievement Through the 9th Grade Academy Perth Amboy High School Mr. John M. Rodecker, Superintendent Dr. Vivian C. Rodriguez, Assistant Superintendent Ms. Rozalia Czaban, Principal 1
  • 2. Background Ninth graders are adolescents undergoing the difficult transition from middle school to high school. As they face the social,emotional, physical and intellectual challenges of this stage of development, it is easy for them to feel overwhelmed, confused and alone. Subsequently over the last thirty years the national average for ninth grade non-promotion has more than tripled from approximately four percent to thirteen percent. This retention creates the ninth grade bulge and tenth grade dip as fewer students are promoted to the next grade. The increasing number of non-promoted ninth grade students both nationally and locally has become a critical focus point among all educators. A d d i t i o n a l l y, s t a t i s t i c s i n d i c a t e t h e i m p o r t a n c e o f c r e a t i n g Ninth Grade Academies, as schools with operational transition programs reflect a dropout rate of only 8% in average compared to schools without transition programs at an average of 24%. E a s i n g t h e Tr a n s i t i o n t o H i g h S c h o o l : P r o j e c t 2 . 1 / O c t o b e r 2 0 0 8 B y C a r r i e C o o k , H o l l y F o w l e r & Ty H a r r i s 2
  • 3. Academy Roadmap Learn all there is to know about incoming 9th Graders Use what you learn to set up 9th Grade Teams Establish measurable Goals & Objectives Use data to drive innovative solutions Build Small Learning Communities Focus on improving student performance Expect resistance 3
  • 4. 9th Grade Academy Goals Develop a sense of belonging Establish small learning communities Decrease the rate of retention in the ninth grade Reduce the gap in retention of subgroups Reduce the ninth grade dropouts Increase attendance rates in the 9th grade 4
  • 5. 9th Grade Academy Goals (continued) Focus on data Support successful performance on the state assessments Improve academic skills and understanding Teach students to be successful and be self advocates Establish comprehensive support mechanisms for all students 5
  • 6. 9th Grade Teams20092010 TEAM A - Honors (4 Homerooms) at East TEACHERS COMMON PLANNING Campus: 1 Math (alg 2, geom.(2), alg. and math sem) M - Barbara Lowry 1 LA (4 eng and 1 la sem) LA Vanessa Martyniuk Period 5 1 SS (4 ss and 1 ss sem) SS Franck Joseph 1 Sci. (4 bio and 1 sci sem) Bio Dayna Glass TEAM B - Bio (5 Homerooms) in Main Building TEACHERS COMMON PLANNING 1 Algebra - 5 periods M Tom Gorka 1 English - 5 periods LA Christina Acquavella Period 6 1 SS - 5 periods SS Toni Terrel 1 Bio - 5 periods and labs Bio Richard Kaier TEAM C - General (heterogeneous group) in Main TEACHERS COMMON PLANNING Building 3 homerooms all ICS M Randy Bailes M Girga Ponapalli 1 Alg - 3 blocks (6 periods) LA Meghan Muller (6) 1 Alg - 2 blocks (4 periods) LA New 1 Eng - 3 blocks (6 periods) SS Paul Bouchard 1 Eng - 2 blocks ( 4 periods) IPS Michael Trombatore Period 2 1 SS - 5 periods ICS TBD 1 IPS - 5 periods 2 block Eng/1SS Nephtaly Cardona I CS teachers - 1 block Eng/2SS Tracy Soluri 2 block Math/1S Lucille DeMarzo 2 block Math/1S Joe Norbut 6
  • 7. 9th Grade Teams20092010 (continued) Team D - General in Main Building - ICS for SS and IPS TEACHERS COMMON PLANNING M Dave Johnson 1 Algebra 3 blocks (6 periods) M Ilona Minchuk 1 Algebra 2 blocks (4 periods) LA Bob Tarr (6) 1 English 3 blocks (6 periods) LA (Replacement) 1 English 2 blocks (4 periods) SS Ernest Kregoloh Period 8 1 SS 5 periods IPS Arlene Roncin 1 IPS 5 periods ICS TBD ICS 1 teacher 3 IPS and 1 teacher 3 SS if we need more 2 or 3 per SCI TBD classes will add 2 or 3 per SS TBD TEAM E General in TCUs (Technology) TEACHERS COMMON PLANNING M Greg Cavanaugh 1 Algebra 3 blocks (6 periods) M Neve Mataliano 1 Algebra 2 blocks (4 periods) LA Crystal Conners (6) 1 English 3 blocks (6 periods) Period 5 LA (Replacement) 1 English 2 blocks (4 periods) SS Dale Thompson 1 SS 5 periods IPS Robert Craig 1 IPS 5 periods TEAM F Bilingual Education TEACHERS COMMON PLANNING 1 Algebra 3 blocks (6 periods) M Ruth Roca 1 Algebra 1 block (2 periods) M Jose Pizarro 1 ELA/ESL 2 blocks / 1 class (5 periods) LA Dolores Rodriguez LA Danny Rodriguez Period 5 1 ELA/ESL 2 blocks/ 1 class (5 periods) 1 SS 4 periods SS Larry Bello 2 Fr. Sem/1 SpLA 3 periods IPS Tom Amador Marlin Guzman 7
  • 8. Ninth Grade Program Components Designated 9th grade counselor and assistant principals Teacher teams four core subjects, 100 students Housed in parts of buildings to isolate as much as possible Pro active approach to discipline and academics First time freshman only Team meetings: Principal, counselor, and academic specialist meet to ensure consistency Focus on student issues Address programmatic problems in a systematic way 8
  • 9. Pre Ninth Grade Transitions Visible presence from the High School on middle school campus beginning in October Eight Grade Fair Campus Tours Adopt a Freshman Program Welcome Day September 3rd 9
  • 10. Vertical Collaboration Middle/ High School Yearly Combined Meetings of Core Subject Teachers Shared Staff Development Focus SIOP Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol Differentiated Instruction Teaming Improving Achievement in the Content Areas 10
  • 11. High School Transition Data Select Students for Summer Academy Select Students for After-School Academy the 1st six weeks of school Identify student history of failing scores on state tests from grade 5 on up-used to set up additional pullouts and individual tutoring on skills 11
  • 12. Academy Personnel Selection Recruit the right teachers Care about students Try new and innovative strategies Energetic/hard working Team players Want to make a difference Willing to work together 12
  • 13. Academic Support Reference Library for teaming for all 9th grade teachers Designated area for teachers to meet Teacher resource coach to work with teachers on teaming Copy machine on third 鍖oor Kean University Partnership on 21st Century Technology 13
  • 14. Administrative Support Vice Principal located on third 鍖oor 9th Grade Guidance Counselor located on third 鍖oor Assemblies every marking period for students Students of the Month (Grades) Citizen of the Month (Behavior) With Bulletin Boards Vice Principal & Counselor meets with teachers during common planning one day a month 14
  • 15. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT FOR 9TH GRADE ACADEMY TEACHERS Tentative Days: July 27th July 30th Total # of Teachers, Counselors, & Vice Principal - 45 Location: Perth Amboy High School DAY 1 DAY 2 DAY 3 DAY 4 Establish the foundation for effective teams: grade level department. What roles do Team, Teachers, Administrators, Coaches, Counselors, 9:00 a.m. Individual Personality Preferences Tech, Coordinator, and IR & S play? Freshman Seminar Planning 1st Day 10:00 a.m. (True Colors) Identify common academic, social behavioral expectations Code of Conduct, Policy Parental Involvement 10:00 a.m. Break Break Break Break 10:15 a.m. Teambuilding 10:15 a.m. 11:00 a.m. How to use Team Norms 12:00 p.m. Freshman Seminar in 9th Grade Team Decision Making Academy 12:00 p.m. Lunch On Your Own Lunch On Your Own Lunch On Your Own Lunch On Your Own 1:00 p.m. What is the Philosophy? Team Work Sessions Why Freshman Academy Vision? Consider the emotional, social, 1:00 p.m. Choose activities by teams and What are the characteristics? 3:00 p.m. when they will get accomplish How is a freshman similar? How is a freshman different from a middle Reflection & Sharing Sessions by each 2:00 p.m. school student? team. Celebration & Next Steps 15
  • 17. Academy Teacher Professional Development Summer Institute Plan interdisciplinary units Team Building Freshman Seminar Common Assessments Parental Involvement Throughout the Course of the Year 17
  • 18. Most eighth graders arent prepared for the discipline of high school and dont know what to expect. They dont realize that high school requirements for attendance and grades are stricter, says Resides. They really need the structure and individual attention that were able to give them in the Academy. An orientation course, a focus on core courses language arts, social sciences , and mathematics -limited electives, assignment of each student to a team of core teachers, and freshman guidance counselors are key elements in a more personalized environment that takes the whole student into account. Principal of Bridgeton High School Southern New Jersey 18