Here's Everything You Need To Know About Sending The Perfect EmailHubSpot
Do you plan email campaigns? Or, as it may feel, cam-pains? Wipe those pains away with Marketing Box, a free, virtual box that contains everything you need to send the perfect email.
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Serious Work How to Facilitate Meetings and Workshops Using the LEGO? SERIOUS...Marko Rillo
Free preview of the book "Serious Work How to Facilitate Meetings and Workshops Using the LEGO? SERIOUS PLAY? Method"
Authors: Sean Blair and Marko Rillo. Published in 2016 by ProMeet.
LEGO? Serious Play? is thriving. How is it that a child's toy, has become a serious strategy tool used by some of the worlds best-known organizations? And what might be the relevance of this method in your work? LEGO? Serious Play? is the result of 15 years development. A powerful method to solve problems, explore ideas and achieve objectives based on management theory using a toy.
Serious Work enables readers to understand what LEGO? Serious Play? is and how it works. This practical and well-designed workbook helps people have better meetings; it shows how LEGO? Serious Play? is used in five common kinds of meeting and workshop, enabling improvement in communication, collaboration and outcomes.
It is intended for people who run meetings. Leaders, managers, facilitators, and coaches who are seeking ways to help teams work-together well, will find this book especially helpful.
Readers who are interested in or responsible for coaching, problem-solving, visioning, team building or strategy will find the ideas challenge conventional meeting norms (thankfully) and offer a different and better way to achieve great meeting outcomes.
The book offers case studies, step-by-step guides, and templates from a range of common applications that you can download and adapt to your own needs.
Our hope is this book gives you the knowledge and confidence to try basic LEGO? Serious Play? techniques before learning more.
The book features advice and case studies from nine other respected LEGO? Serious Play? facilitators from countries including USA, Singapore, Sweden, Russia, Switzerland, Germany, and China. List of co-authors: Patrizia Bertini, Eli De Friend, Mercedes Hoss, Camilla Jensen, Oliver Knapman, Kim Pong Lim, Kristina Nyzell, Dieter Reuther and Maria Stashenko.
This is a preview of the book that was published in 2016. Purchase your full paperback copy via Amazon: or in eBook format directly via Serious.Global website:
Attend the LEGO? SERIOUS PLAY? facilitator certification training with the authors of the book. Marko Rillo training: or Sean Blair training:
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This was a presentation done for Netstarter PTY Ltd Sri Lankan staff during an internal training session the content has been modified to relate the content to a wider audience. This basically takes myself as the example model and how I did things in order to get my self started.
Want to make better presentations at work? Here are 12 timeless principles. Applied by Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and other impactful presenters. Use the principles and your audience will love you!
For the one-page guide, go to
Dokumen tersebut memberikan penjelasan tentang teknik anchoring yang dapat digunakan untuk menimbulkan emosi tertentu secara cepat melalui stimulus sensorik seperti gerakan tubuh, visualisasi, dan pengulangan. Teknik ini dapat membantu mengakses kembali "state" atau kondisi emosional yang kuat secara langsung.
Want to make better presentations at work? Here are 12 timeless principles. Applied by Steve Jobs, Elon Musk and other impactful presenters. Use the principles and your audience will love you!
For the one-page guide, go to
Dokumen tersebut memberikan penjelasan tentang teknik anchoring yang dapat digunakan untuk menimbulkan emosi tertentu secara cepat melalui stimulus sensorik seperti gerakan tubuh, visualisasi, dan pengulangan. Teknik ini dapat membantu mengakses kembali "state" atau kondisi emosional yang kuat secara langsung.
4. 「5DAYSでなりたい姿」 Will / Can / Mustで整理してみよう!
Can Must
?WII ? CAN ? MUST で発表しましょう