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Healing Continues An expansion program by Family Life Solutions
Agenda   About Family Life Solutions Our Core Values About  Healing Begins What is  Healing Continues ? Need for the Program Addressing the Need Goals and Objectives Program Model and Staff Annual Program Budget Program Outcomes Questions
About Family Life Solutions Mission Statement Family Life Solutions provides counseling, therapy and educational services to children who have been impacted  by domestic violence in order to improve the  quality of their lives  now and in the future.
Our Core Values Safety Healing Service Education Ethics Diversity
About  Healing Begins The  Healing Begins  Program was developed to serve children ages 5-11 who have been affected by domestic violence.  Services include age-appropriate counseling, therapy and mentoring as well as educational, medical and dental services through strategic partnerships.  The non-abusive parent is assisted with resources and referrals to partner agencies.
What is  Healing Continues ? Healing Continues seeks to serve youth as they exit the Healing Begins program.  We propose serving 50 youth ages 12-17 and their non-abusive parent during the 2008 program year.
The Need for the Program Statistics Developmental Challenges  Behavioral Challenges
The Statistics In 2004, there were 195,042 victims of family violence in Texas. In 2004, an estimated 24, 899 children experienced violence in their homes. 13 cases of domestic violence in Dallas County resulted in homicide.  As a result, there were 8 children left parentless and homeless. There are significant direct and indirect costs associated with a child whose mother or mother figure is a victim of domestic violence.
Developmental Challenges Youth often develop health, emotional, psychological, and developmental problems. Studies show that youth internalize trauma symptoms, such as aggression, phobia, insomnia, low self-esteem and depression.
Behavioral Challenges Studies have indicated that both boys and girls externalize behavioral problems. Internalizing and externalizing trauma experienced during childhood increases the risk for juvenile delinquency.
Addressing The Need The Statistics  The  Healing Continues  program seeks to serve youth and their non-abusive parents through: Counseling and therapy Partnerships with local school districts to follow the youth outside the program Education regarding domestic violence for the youth, their family and the community.
Addressing The Need 2.  Developmental Challenges The Healing Continues program will embrace the youth as a whole and guide the youth in working toward complete healing. Individual and group counseling sessions create a safe environment for youth to explore their trauma.  Strategic partnerships create a system of support in every aspect of the youths daily interactions.
Addressing The Need 3.  Behavioral Challenges Our program seeks to bring healing to youths affected by domestic violence through: Volunteer mentors guide and inspire youth to attain positive behaviors. Counselors will teach skills necessary to overcome their trauma and flourish as well-adjusted adults.
Goals and Objectives Organizational G1:  All staff members working with youth in the program will attend seminars and/or workshops to increase their knowledge and training needed to respond appropriately to youth exposed to domestic violence. O1:  To have 50% of staff members working with youth in the program successfully complete Domestic Violence Counseling as it Pertains to Children certification by the end of the Program Year.
Goals and Objectives Activity G2:  To provide comprehensive counseling services that instill non-violence to youth and their non-abusive parent that have been impacted by domestic violence that will address their individual needs. O2:  To provide counseling services to 50 youth and their non-abusive parent in Dallas County during the first year of the program year.
Goals and Objectives Outcome G3:  By the end of the program year, 70% of youth served in the Healing Continues program will increase at least two levels on the Childrens Global Assessment Scale. O3:  To effectively increase the general level of functioning of youth ages 12-17 on a health-illness continuum through group and individual counseling sessions to address their specific need.
Program Staff Executive Director,  Family Life Solutions Program Director,  Healing Begins Program Program Director,  Healing Continues Program Counselor, Healing Continues Program Counselor,  Healing Begins Program Intern  Healing Continues Program Intern  Healing Continues Program Intern  Healing Begins Program Intern  Healing Begins Program Administrative Assistant,  Family Life Solutions
Program Budget Annual Salary   FTE  Months  Cost  Executive Director $50,000   1  12  $50,000 Program Manager $34,000   2  12  $68,000 Administrative Assistant $24,960     0.5  6  $12,480 Counselors $32,000   2  12  $64,000   Total Personnel  $194,480 Supplies, Materials, etc.  $5,400 TOTAL EXPENSES   $199,880 To support this budget and the delivery of counseling services to 50 youth and their non-abusive parent in Dallas County.  Funding is currently supported by a grant through the Texas Department of Health and Human Services, and a grant from XO communications, Inc. as well as the Crystal Charity Ball Foundation.  Family Life Solutions is requesting a grant of $130,000 from the Federal Department of Health and Human Services.
Measuring Our Outcomes Our goal is that each participant advance two levels on the Childrens Global Assessment Scale (C-GAS) as a result of the program. Additionally, we seek to see an improvement in every participants score as determined by the Childrens Domestic Violence Assessment Tool.

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  • 1. Healing Continues An expansion program by Family Life Solutions
  • 2. Agenda About Family Life Solutions Our Core Values About Healing Begins What is Healing Continues ? Need for the Program Addressing the Need Goals and Objectives Program Model and Staff Annual Program Budget Program Outcomes Questions
  • 3. About Family Life Solutions Mission Statement Family Life Solutions provides counseling, therapy and educational services to children who have been impacted by domestic violence in order to improve the quality of their lives now and in the future.
  • 4. Our Core Values Safety Healing Service Education Ethics Diversity
  • 5. About Healing Begins The Healing Begins Program was developed to serve children ages 5-11 who have been affected by domestic violence. Services include age-appropriate counseling, therapy and mentoring as well as educational, medical and dental services through strategic partnerships. The non-abusive parent is assisted with resources and referrals to partner agencies.
  • 6. What is Healing Continues ? Healing Continues seeks to serve youth as they exit the Healing Begins program. We propose serving 50 youth ages 12-17 and their non-abusive parent during the 2008 program year.
  • 7. The Need for the Program Statistics Developmental Challenges Behavioral Challenges
  • 8. The Statistics In 2004, there were 195,042 victims of family violence in Texas. In 2004, an estimated 24, 899 children experienced violence in their homes. 13 cases of domestic violence in Dallas County resulted in homicide. As a result, there were 8 children left parentless and homeless. There are significant direct and indirect costs associated with a child whose mother or mother figure is a victim of domestic violence.
  • 9. Developmental Challenges Youth often develop health, emotional, psychological, and developmental problems. Studies show that youth internalize trauma symptoms, such as aggression, phobia, insomnia, low self-esteem and depression.
  • 10. Behavioral Challenges Studies have indicated that both boys and girls externalize behavioral problems. Internalizing and externalizing trauma experienced during childhood increases the risk for juvenile delinquency.
  • 11. Addressing The Need The Statistics The Healing Continues program seeks to serve youth and their non-abusive parents through: Counseling and therapy Partnerships with local school districts to follow the youth outside the program Education regarding domestic violence for the youth, their family and the community.
  • 12. Addressing The Need 2. Developmental Challenges The Healing Continues program will embrace the youth as a whole and guide the youth in working toward complete healing. Individual and group counseling sessions create a safe environment for youth to explore their trauma. Strategic partnerships create a system of support in every aspect of the youths daily interactions.
  • 13. Addressing The Need 3. Behavioral Challenges Our program seeks to bring healing to youths affected by domestic violence through: Volunteer mentors guide and inspire youth to attain positive behaviors. Counselors will teach skills necessary to overcome their trauma and flourish as well-adjusted adults.
  • 14. Goals and Objectives Organizational G1: All staff members working with youth in the program will attend seminars and/or workshops to increase their knowledge and training needed to respond appropriately to youth exposed to domestic violence. O1: To have 50% of staff members working with youth in the program successfully complete Domestic Violence Counseling as it Pertains to Children certification by the end of the Program Year.
  • 15. Goals and Objectives Activity G2: To provide comprehensive counseling services that instill non-violence to youth and their non-abusive parent that have been impacted by domestic violence that will address their individual needs. O2: To provide counseling services to 50 youth and their non-abusive parent in Dallas County during the first year of the program year.
  • 16. Goals and Objectives Outcome G3: By the end of the program year, 70% of youth served in the Healing Continues program will increase at least two levels on the Childrens Global Assessment Scale. O3: To effectively increase the general level of functioning of youth ages 12-17 on a health-illness continuum through group and individual counseling sessions to address their specific need.
  • 17. Program Staff Executive Director, Family Life Solutions Program Director, Healing Begins Program Program Director, Healing Continues Program Counselor, Healing Continues Program Counselor, Healing Begins Program Intern Healing Continues Program Intern Healing Continues Program Intern Healing Begins Program Intern Healing Begins Program Administrative Assistant, Family Life Solutions
  • 18. Program Budget Annual Salary FTE Months Cost Executive Director $50,000 1 12 $50,000 Program Manager $34,000 2 12 $68,000 Administrative Assistant $24,960 0.5 6 $12,480 Counselors $32,000 2 12 $64,000 Total Personnel $194,480 Supplies, Materials, etc. $5,400 TOTAL EXPENSES $199,880 To support this budget and the delivery of counseling services to 50 youth and their non-abusive parent in Dallas County. Funding is currently supported by a grant through the Texas Department of Health and Human Services, and a grant from XO communications, Inc. as well as the Crystal Charity Ball Foundation. Family Life Solutions is requesting a grant of $130,000 from the Federal Department of Health and Human Services.
  • 19. Measuring Our Outcomes Our goal is that each participant advance two levels on the Childrens Global Assessment Scale (C-GAS) as a result of the program. Additionally, we seek to see an improvement in every participants score as determined by the Childrens Domestic Violence Assessment Tool.