Flexitimers is a platform that connects companies needing flexible work arrangements with skilled independent professionals available for part-time, contract, or freelance work. It allows companies to cut costs and complete projects while maintaining competitiveness during economic downturns. Flexitimers disrupts the traditional recruitment industry model by offering a quick, direct, and low-cost alternative. The founders have extensive experience in technology, marketing, and the flexible workforce industry.
2. Elevator Pitch Flexitimers facilitates smart companies to cut costs and remain competitive by hiring flexible professionals. Our platform provides the solution to companies facing headcount cuts but who still have projects to complete to remain competitive. Flexitimers connects these employers to a pool of highly skilled experienced professionals who are available for part time, contract and freelance positions or projects. Flexitimers disrupts the recruitment industry which is synonymous with overcharging and under delivering by offering a platform that is quick, direct and low cost .
3. Presentation Outline Introduction to Flexitimers & Team Environment: Recession Competitive Environment How it Works Delivery Model: Web 2.0 Target Markets Funding Summary
4. About Flexitimers Flexitimers the smart work platform connects businesses and professionals to flexible projects and positions. We’re NOT a recruitment company People to People Platform Everyone can join Flexitimers Your real name or pseudo name What are Flexible Professionals? Skill based - context is irrelevant
5. Management Team Dervla Cunningham - MD 3rd venture (Zartis.com and Arekibo) 15+ yrs IT sales (public & private sector) Joy Redmond - Marketing & Operations Working in Web industry since 1996 13+ yrs online marketing & sales Advisors
6. Recession = Opportunities Slashed HR budgets, zero recruitment budgets BUT............ People are still needed or rather things still need to get done. Companies need to be Agile, Adaptable and Aligned. Flexitimers offers efficiency, low cost and is fully on the terms of the employer.
7. Competitive Environment Traditional Agencies Clunky, expensive, slow Service is ‘Patchy’ Pain Point Online Players Receive hundreds of returns Job titles Vs Skills Typically early career FLEXITIMERS DISRUPTS INDUSTRY
8. The Big Debate , City Hall Unanimous Agreement that companies must outsource and use flexible staff to stay in business Word on the street
10. Delivery Model: Web 2.0 Radically different Your Flexitimers Page We’re not sitting still, Version 3 will be live in 3 weeks
11. Target Markets Employers: SME’s Large Companies Public Sector Both: Apathy, Habit and PSLs We’re Good News in BAD news environment We can compete on Cost
12. Funding Self funded (cash and in kind) EI Funding (CORD) Raised additional funding from 2 sources purely for marketing Steady growing sales projections Funding will be sought in Q2 2009 to facilitate faster growth and to go international.
13. Summary Right delivery model – Web 2.0 Cost Saving - attractive in this climate Strong cash flow & a low overhead base Right offering at the right time