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                                                              Annika far ahead in Far East
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                                              www.golfweek.com I 11.15-22.03

                                                                           Read it. Live it.

Destination special

Scotland                 Where ye can play til
                         the cows come home

                                    A menu fit for a King
                                               LA QUINTA, CALIF.

              rnold Palmer, all meatloaf and mashed
              potatoes, said a mouthful this time.
              Such as: He has given an engagement
     rock to girlfriend Kit Gawthrop, who owns an
     upscale stationery business in San Francisco.
     Such as: He prefers plain old American food
     to any other cuisine he has encountered in
     the world.
       The engagement was rumored, the food
     commentary was unexpected. I dont like fancy
     food, all those sauces and everything, the king said
     emphatically. With all the traveling Ive done, Ive
     learned where to go to get good, plain food.
                                                                   COURTESY/THE TRADITION GOLF CLUB

       It was Nov. 1. For the first time, Palmer was
     touring his newest namesake, Arnold Palmers
     Restaurant. Three days later, the restaurant would
     stage its grand opening. Transformed into the social
     highlight of the fall season, this event attracted
     desert societys cr竪me de la cr竪me (or, using Palmers
     food guidelines, maybe it was catsup de la catsup).
     An invitation became the hottest ticket in town,
     and there were multimillionaires who didnt make                                                                    The famous Indian Wells dance: Jack and Arnie.
     the cut.
       Palmer is golf royalty, whether he is blasting a tee
                                                                                                                         Palmer died in November 1999, and now, four
     shot or eating creamed corn, and this pilgrimage led S-Ninety-One, Charger, Charger II and the Arnold
                                                                                                                         years later, Arnold says he will marry again.
                                                                Palmer Wilson steel center. These golf ball boxes are
     right to his restaurant. Indeed, one of the early ads,
                                                                                                                            Palmer, 74, and Gawthrop, 65, have known each
                                                                                      part of a Palmer parade of golf
     penned by publicist Carol
                                                                                                                         other more than 20 years. They have been dating
     Ackerman, read, The only
                                                                                                                         for the past two years.
                                                                                        Palmer and IMG have fielded
     place in America to eat like
                                                                                                                            We havent set a date, Gawthrop said. When
                                                                                      dozens, if not hundreds, of
     the King.
                                                                                                                         it happens, it will be small and quiet.
                                                                                      restaurant proposals in the past
       What does this king eat?
                                                                                                                            With his future unfolding in front of him, Palmer
                                                                                      45 years, since he won his first
     From the menu, try these
                                                                                                                         knew that the restaurant opening was all about his
                                                                                      Masters title in 1958. Until
     selections: homemade macaroni
                                                                                                                         past. It was all about memories.
                                                                                      now, all had been rejected.
     and cheese, creamy and buttery
                                                                                                                            There was that famous dance in the dining room
                                                                                        This one is special. The
     mashed potatoes, garlic saut辿ed
                                                                                                                         at Indian Wells (Calif.) Country Club, with Palmer
                                                                                      concept was put together by
     spinach, creamed corn, pot pie
                                                                                                                         leading Jack Nicklaus, wearing a blonde wig,
                                                                                      David Chapman, a longtime
     of the day, traditional meatloaf,
                                                                                                                         around the dance floor. How did that happen?
                                                                                      collector of Palmer memorabilia
     spaghetti and meatballs,
                                           James Achenbach                                                                  It was very crowded in the dining room, Palmer
                                                                                     and developer of The Tradition
     spit-roasted chicken, pot roast,
                                                                                                                         recalled. I was returning to my table when I
                                                                                     Golf Club in La Quinta. The
     baby back ribs with French fries,
                                                                                                                         bumped into a woman. I hit her hard enough to
                                                                                     Tradition is where Palmers golf
     and many other beef and
                                                                                                                         knock the wig off her head. It fell on the floor, so
                                                                course design firm created a showcase layout,
     seafood selections.
                                                                                                                         there she was with her hair in curlers. I felt awful
                                                                snug against the mountains, and where Palmer has
       Of course, dont forget dessert: Latrobe banana
                                                                                                                         about it. To try to take some of the attention away
                                                                a residence.
     split (the ice cream historians at IMG, the agency
                                                                                                                         from her, I picked up the wig and put it on my head.
                                                                   Chapman lured Palmer and other investors,
     that represents Palmer, say the banana split was
                                                                                                                            I saw Jack blow me a kiss from across the room,
                                                                including former LPGA commissioner Charlie
     invented in Arnolds hometown of Latrobe, Pa.),
                                                                                                                         so I went over and asked him to dance. When we
                                                                Mechem, into the project. The restaurant is a
     homemade pie of the day, root beer float, or a
                                                                                                                         got to the dance floor, I real quick took the wig off
                                                                5-iron away from The Tradition. It also is within
     build-your-own ice cream sundae.
                                                                                                                         my head and put it on his.
                                                                short-iron distance of the ambitious Old Town La
       Sure, I had some input into the menu, Palmer
                                                                                                                            At the restaurant, the main topic of conversation
                                                                Quinta development that soon will boast the second
     said. It has my name on it.
                                                                                                                         was a jacket and not a wig  a green Masters jacket
                                                                Hogs Breath restaurant (the original, owned by
       The cost of dining? Its moderately expensive, but
                                                                                                                         hanging in a display case. What gives? Everybody
                                                                Clint Eastwood, is in Carmel, Calif.).
     the memorabilia in the restaurant is worth the price
                                                                                                                         knows these jackets are never supposed to leave
                                                                   La Quinta is serious about golf and attracting
     of the food. Observing Palmer, even if it is through
                                                                                                                         Augusta National Golf Club.
                                                                golfers. Home to PGA West and its five courses, La
     photos and paintings, is a thoroughly engaging
                                                                                                                            I dont know, said Palmer, a four-time Masters
                                                                Quinta recently embarked on its first municipal golf
     experience. The restaurant boasts five dining rooms
                                                                                                                         champion, in mock seriousness. Do you think
                                                                facility, SilverRock Ranch, where the initial course
      U.S. Open, British Open, Masters, PGA
                                                                                                                         well hear from Hootie (Johnson, chairman of
                                                                is being designed by Palmer and his salty
     Championship, Palmer  and each is filled with
                                                                                                                         Augusta National) about this?
                                                                architectural partner, Ed Seay.
     collected memories.
                                                                                                                            Yes. As sure as beans are green and corn is
                                                                   Palmer was visibly moved when he toured the
       How many golf balls have been sold with
                                                                                                                         creamed, Hootie will call. Everybody pays attention
                                                                restaurant and saw what is fondly labeled the
     Palmers name? At least six  the XL 90 Plus,
                                                                                                                         to the King.
                                                                Winnie Wall in memory of his late wife. Winnie
     Arnold Palmer Cutlass, Arnold Palmer                                                                                                                                     

64    Golfweek  November 15-22, 2003  www.golfweek.com

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Golfweek Arnold Palmer's Restaurant

  • 1. LPGA | P18 PGA TOUR | P8 PRESIDENTS CUP | P12-17 Annika far ahead in Far East Campbells super finish Who wants it more? www.golfweek.com I 11.15-22.03 速 Read it. Live it. Destination special Scotland Where ye can play til the cows come home p32-62
  • 2. PERSPECTIVE A menu fit for a King LA QUINTA, CALIF. A rnold Palmer, all meatloaf and mashed potatoes, said a mouthful this time. Such as: He has given an engagement rock to girlfriend Kit Gawthrop, who owns an upscale stationery business in San Francisco. Such as: He prefers plain old American food to any other cuisine he has encountered in the world. The engagement was rumored, the food commentary was unexpected. I dont like fancy food, all those sauces and everything, the king said emphatically. With all the traveling Ive done, Ive learned where to go to get good, plain food. COURTESY/THE TRADITION GOLF CLUB It was Nov. 1. For the first time, Palmer was touring his newest namesake, Arnold Palmers Restaurant. Three days later, the restaurant would stage its grand opening. Transformed into the social highlight of the fall season, this event attracted desert societys cr竪me de la cr竪me (or, using Palmers food guidelines, maybe it was catsup de la catsup). An invitation became the hottest ticket in town, and there were multimillionaires who didnt make The famous Indian Wells dance: Jack and Arnie. the cut. Palmer is golf royalty, whether he is blasting a tee Palmer died in November 1999, and now, four shot or eating creamed corn, and this pilgrimage led S-Ninety-One, Charger, Charger II and the Arnold years later, Arnold says he will marry again. Palmer Wilson steel center. These golf ball boxes are right to his restaurant. Indeed, one of the early ads, Palmer, 74, and Gawthrop, 65, have known each part of a Palmer parade of golf penned by publicist Carol other more than 20 years. They have been dating history. Ackerman, read, The only for the past two years. Palmer and IMG have fielded place in America to eat like We havent set a date, Gawthrop said. When dozens, if not hundreds, of the King. it happens, it will be small and quiet. restaurant proposals in the past What does this king eat? With his future unfolding in front of him, Palmer 45 years, since he won his first From the menu, try these knew that the restaurant opening was all about his Masters title in 1958. Until selections: homemade macaroni past. It was all about memories. now, all had been rejected. and cheese, creamy and buttery There was that famous dance in the dining room This one is special. The mashed potatoes, garlic saut辿ed at Indian Wells (Calif.) Country Club, with Palmer concept was put together by spinach, creamed corn, pot pie leading Jack Nicklaus, wearing a blonde wig, David Chapman, a longtime of the day, traditional meatloaf, around the dance floor. How did that happen? collector of Palmer memorabilia spaghetti and meatballs, James Achenbach It was very crowded in the dining room, Palmer and developer of The Tradition spit-roasted chicken, pot roast, jachenbach@golfweek.com recalled. I was returning to my table when I Golf Club in La Quinta. The baby back ribs with French fries, bumped into a woman. I hit her hard enough to Tradition is where Palmers golf and many other beef and knock the wig off her head. It fell on the floor, so course design firm created a showcase layout, seafood selections. there she was with her hair in curlers. I felt awful snug against the mountains, and where Palmer has Of course, dont forget dessert: Latrobe banana about it. To try to take some of the attention away a residence. split (the ice cream historians at IMG, the agency from her, I picked up the wig and put it on my head. Chapman lured Palmer and other investors, that represents Palmer, say the banana split was I saw Jack blow me a kiss from across the room, including former LPGA commissioner Charlie invented in Arnolds hometown of Latrobe, Pa.), so I went over and asked him to dance. When we Mechem, into the project. The restaurant is a homemade pie of the day, root beer float, or a got to the dance floor, I real quick took the wig off 5-iron away from The Tradition. It also is within build-your-own ice cream sundae. my head and put it on his. short-iron distance of the ambitious Old Town La Sure, I had some input into the menu, Palmer At the restaurant, the main topic of conversation Quinta development that soon will boast the second said. It has my name on it. was a jacket and not a wig a green Masters jacket Hogs Breath restaurant (the original, owned by The cost of dining? Its moderately expensive, but hanging in a display case. What gives? Everybody Clint Eastwood, is in Carmel, Calif.). the memorabilia in the restaurant is worth the price knows these jackets are never supposed to leave La Quinta is serious about golf and attracting of the food. Observing Palmer, even if it is through Augusta National Golf Club. golfers. Home to PGA West and its five courses, La photos and paintings, is a thoroughly engaging I dont know, said Palmer, a four-time Masters Quinta recently embarked on its first municipal golf experience. The restaurant boasts five dining rooms champion, in mock seriousness. Do you think facility, SilverRock Ranch, where the initial course U.S. Open, British Open, Masters, PGA well hear from Hootie (Johnson, chairman of is being designed by Palmer and his salty Championship, Palmer and each is filled with Augusta National) about this? architectural partner, Ed Seay. collected memories. Yes. As sure as beans are green and corn is Palmer was visibly moved when he toured the How many golf balls have been sold with creamed, Hootie will call. Everybody pays attention restaurant and saw what is fondly labeled the Palmers name? At least six the XL 90 Plus, to the King. Winnie Wall in memory of his late wife. Winnie Arnold Palmer Cutlass, Arnold Palmer 64 Golfweek November 15-22, 2003 www.golfweek.com