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                ©2008 Dawson Consulting Group
www.DawsonConsult.com 650 773 2925 cdawson@DawsonConsult.com
Investors face many risks in seeking an above-market return:
 – Financial, Technical, Market risk get the most attention

Human capital risk is no ‘less’ a risk, but commonly assigned less importance
 – Only because it is less easy to assess and manage, not because it is truly less of a risk
 – People and Culture are the most common root causes for business failure – yet
   investors typically address this entire universe of risk with a single, simple tool: hire or
   fire the CEO

Dawson Consulting Group offers proven, research-based solutions in the human
capital space in the area of: strategy implementation, organization design, culture
optimization, individual and team executive effectiveness
When execution capabilities do not support business plan requirements, risk
     How many ‘A-players’ do you have managing your investment?
     Is the right team culture in place to execute the ‘pitch’ you bought?
     Are performance metrics and rewards aligned with execution objectives?
     Does the leadership team have a disciplined execution roadmap?
     Is the executive team functioning as a high performance team?

                            ©2008 Dawson Consulting Group www.DawsonConsult.com
©2008 Dawson Consulting Group www.DawsonConsult.com
Values & Strategy Drift
                                                                                                                                 Misalignments in Structure,
                                                                                                                                 Culture, Process Requiring
                                                                                         Leadership Continuity                   Significant Transformation
                                                                                         Following Founder Exit
                                                                                                                                 Mergers, Acquisitions,
                                                                                         Culture Re-Alignment with               Divestitures
                                                                                         New Business Challenges
                                                                                         IPO Accounting and
                                                                                         Process Rigor
                                                      New Talent for Different
                                                      Business Challenges                Acquisitions
                                                      Executive Transition,
                                                      Search, and Integration
                                                      Operational Processes,
                            Team Optimization
                                                      Infrastructure & Metrics
                            Culture Definition
                                                      Focus on building strategic
                            Goodness of Fit in        organizational capabilities
Organization Design         Hiring Key Players
Role Definition             Stable Structures
Strategic Roadmap
Talent Selection
                                                                                                         Liquidity                         Re-Assessment and
Human Capital
Roadmap Linked to
                                                                                                                                           based on external
Strategy                                                                                                Return on
                                                                     Scale Up                                                              realities and vision of
                                                                                                        investment for initial
                                                                                                                                           new leadership
                                         Stable                      Production capability
                                                                                                        Founding team
                                                                     and execution
                                                                                                        transition or exit
       Formation                       Formation of
                                       competent team well
          New venture                  suited to product
          requiring                    launch
          business plan &
                                                    ©2008 Dawson Consulting Group www.DawsonConsult.com
Phase    Formation           Stable                  Scale Up           Liquidity         Performance
              •Leadership        •Product offering      •Production        •Investor ROI       •New strategy
                                 validated by           capability
              •Business Plan                                               •IPO? or new        •New offerings,
Challenge                        sales growth           •Reliable          accounting rigor    markets
                                                        execution          •Acquisitions?      •Merger/acquisition
                                                        •New growth                            •Innovative growth
                   Design                               •Execution         •Process            •Define & fill new
Human         •Org               •Functioning
                                 team                   discipline         discipline          executive
              •Role Definition
Capital                                                                    required for        competency
                                                        •Building stable
              •Right Talent
Challenge                                                                  public scrutiny     requirements
                                 management             capabilities
              •Key Metrics
                                                                           •Founder            •Define revitalized
                                 •Defined culture       •Professional
                                                                           transition & exit   or blended M&A

              •Missing           •Tolerance of          •Failure to        •Complacency        •Missing capability
              capability         mediocre talent        develop or         about raising the   or executive talent
Risk                                                    replace            bar                 for the new
              •Wrong talent      •Increased team
                                                        executive talent                       strategy
                                 conflict                                  •Mismanaged
              •Fuzzy metrics
                                                        •Unmanaged         founder exit        •Unintegrated
                                                        executive                              acquisitions
                                 culture                                   •Bad or chaotic
                                                        transition         acquisitions        •Transformation

                                        ©2008 Dawson Consulting Group



                 GROWTH                                                                                                          DECLINE
                                                                                        Arrogance     Dominance

                                                Scalability     Structures
                                                                                                 Loss of     Complacency
                                     “The Chasm”

                                        Go-Go         Sales
                                                                                                    Risk Aversion

                           Infancy           Survival                                                                            Eclipse

                                                                  REVENUE & SIZE

                                                       ©2008 Dawson Consulting Group www.DawsonConsult.com
Start-Up              Infancy                   Go-Go                  Scalability                   Stability


                                                                                                       Growth                   Creation
                    Concept              Survival              Sales                     Planned                   Value

                    Family     culture   Action-oriented,                   trap – ‘one                to                               of major
                                                                 Founder’s                 Transition                Systematization
                                          opportunity-driven     man show’                  professional               organizational processes
Challenge                                                                                   organization
                                          Few systems or                      bottleneck                              Process discipline
                    Labor  of love
                                          rules                                             Conflict between
                                                                             outstrips                                 Clarification of mission
                    Negative cash flow
                                                                                            ‘new’ and ‘old’ cultures
                                          Management by         infrastructure                                        and vision
                    Everyone does
                                          crisis                                            Values crisis
                                                                 Reactive marketing                                   Performance focus
                                          Get it done           and sales                  Focus on profitability
                    Fluid & ambiguous
                                                                                            and sustaintability
                                          People more           Problems become
                                          important than         crises rapidly

                     Entrepreneur,         Deal-maker             Hard-Driver,               Delegation,   planning,    Executive level
                    Entrepreneur,        Deal-maker            Hard-Driver,              Delegation,               Executive
                    visionary                                    competitor                 and process                managerial skills
Competencies                                                                                management
                                          partnerships                                                                 Leadership style
                    Product                                     Decisiveness
                    development                                                             Strategic focus – out     dependent on strategy
                                          Active involvement            clarity and
                                                                                            of the tactics
                                selling   in all parts of the    differentiation
                                          business                                            Professional
                    Personal energy                             Selecting the right
                                                                 people – talent
                                                                 upgrade                    Team selection &

                                                      ©2008 Dawson Consulting Group
©2008 Dawson Consulting Group www.DawsonConsult.com
Founded in 1989 – Silicon Valley, California

Value Proposition: Increase shareholder value through application of research-
based human capital tools and methods

Pragmatic, business-oriented, not touchy-feely. Rapid-cycle engagements

Seasoned, senior professionals with background in psychology and human
resources. Average 20+ years of experience as trusted advisors to C-Suite

Office locations in Honolulu, Silicon Valley and New York

     Strategy implementation
     Organization Design
     Culture Change
     Individual and Team Executive Effectiveness

                            ©2008 Dawson Consulting Group www.DawsonConsult.com

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Human Capital Risk For Investors ©2008 Chris Dawson

  • 1. Proprietary Material Do Not Copy or Distribute ©2008 Dawson Consulting Group 1 www.DawsonConsult.com 650 773 2925 cdawson@DawsonConsult.com
  • 2. Investors face many risks in seeking an above-market return: – Financial, Technical, Market risk get the most attention Human capital risk is no ‘less’ a risk, but commonly assigned less importance – Only because it is less easy to assess and manage, not because it is truly less of a risk – People and Culture are the most common root causes for business failure – yet investors typically address this entire universe of risk with a single, simple tool: hire or fire the CEO Dawson Consulting Group offers proven, research-based solutions in the human capital space in the area of: strategy implementation, organization design, culture optimization, individual and team executive effectiveness When execution capabilities do not support business plan requirements, risk increases: How many ‘A-players’ do you have managing your investment? – Is the right team culture in place to execute the ‘pitch’ you bought? – Are performance metrics and rewards aligned with execution objectives? – Does the leadership team have a disciplined execution roadmap? – Is the executive team functioning as a high performance team? – 2 ©2008 Dawson Consulting Group www.DawsonConsult.com
  • 3. 3 ©2008 Dawson Consulting Group www.DawsonConsult.com
  • 4. Values & Strategy Drift Misalignments in Structure, Culture, Process Requiring Leadership Continuity Significant Transformation Following Founder Exit Mergers, Acquisitions, Culture Re-Alignment with Divestitures New Business Challenges IPO Accounting and Process Rigor New Talent for Different Business Challenges Acquisitions Executive Transition, Search, and Integration Operational Processes, Team Optimization Infrastructure & Metrics Culture Definition Focus on building strategic Goodness of Fit in organizational capabilities Organization Design Hiring Key Players Role Definition Stable Structures Performance Strategic Roadmap Talent Selection Liquidity Re-Assessment and Human Capital transformation Roadmap Linked to based on external Strategy Return on Scale Up realities and vision of investment for initial new leadership investors Stable Production capability Founding team and execution transition or exit Momentum Formation Formation of competent team well New venture suited to product requiring launch business plan & leadership 4 ©2008 Dawson Consulting Group www.DawsonConsult.com team
  • 5. Phase Formation Stable Scale Up Liquidity Performance Momentum Challenge •Leadership •Product offering •Production •Investor ROI •New strategy Business validated by capability •Business Plan •IPO? or new •New offerings, Challenge sales growth •Reliable accounting rigor markets •Funding execution •Acquisitions? •Merger/acquisition •New growth •Innovative growth Design •Execution •Process •Define & fill new Human •Org •Functioning team discipline discipline executive •Role Definition Capital required for competency •Building stable •Performance •Right Talent Challenge public scrutiny requirements management capabilities •Key Metrics •Founder •Define revitalized •Defined culture •Professional transition & exit or blended M&A management culture •Missing •Tolerance of •Failure to •Complacency •Missing capability Investor capability mediocre talent develop or about raising the or executive talent Risk replace bar for the new •Wrong talent •Increased team executive talent strategy conflict •Mismanaged •Fuzzy metrics •Unmanaged founder exit •Unintegrated •Misaligned executive acquisitions culture •Bad or chaotic transition acquisitions •Transformation failure 5 ©2008 Dawson Consulting Group www.DawsonConsult.com
  • 6. RE-INVENTION Resilience Maturity Value INFRASTRUCTURE Stability Creation GROWTH DECLINE Arrogance Dominance Scalability Structures Loss of Complacency Discipline “The Chasm” Go-Go Sales Security Risk Aversion Infancy Survival Eclipse Startup REVENUE & SIZE 6 ©2008 Dawson Consulting Group www.DawsonConsult.com
  • 7. Start-Up Infancy Go-Go Scalability Stability Phase Challenge Growth Creation Concept Survival Sales Planned Value Business Challenge Family culture Action-oriented, trap – ‘one to of major Founder’s Transition Systematization Cultural opportunity-driven man show’ professional organizational processes Entrepeneurialism Challenge organization Few systems or bottleneck Process discipline Delegation Labor of love rules Conflict between outstrips Clarification of mission Revenue Negative cash flow ‘new’ and ‘old’ cultures Management by infrastructure and vision Everyone does crisis Values crisis Reactive marketing Performance focus everything Get it done and sales Focus on profitability Fluid & ambiguous and sustaintability People more Problems become roles important than crises rapidly processes Entrepreneur, Deal-maker Hard-Driver, Delegation, planning, Executive level Entrepreneur, Deal-maker Hard-Driver, Delegation, Executive Leadership visionary competitor and process managerial skills and Alliance Competencies management partnerships Leadership style Product Decisiveness development Strategic focus – out dependent on strategy Active involvement clarity and Role of the tactics selling in all parts of the differentiation Persuasive business Professional Professional Personal energy Selecting the right management people – talent upgrade Team selection & leadership ©2008 Dawson Consulting Group 7 www.DawsonConsult.com
  • 8. 8 ©2008 Dawson Consulting Group www.DawsonConsult.com
  • 9. Founded in 1989 – Silicon Valley, California Value Proposition: Increase shareholder value through application of research- based human capital tools and methods Pragmatic, business-oriented, not touchy-feely. Rapid-cycle engagements Seasoned, senior professionals with background in psychology and human resources. Average 20+ years of experience as trusted advisors to C-Suite Office locations in Honolulu, Silicon Valley and New York Services: Strategy implementation – Organization Design – Culture Change – Individual and Team Executive Effectiveness – 9 ©2008 Dawson Consulting Group www.DawsonConsult.com