JCI Design is a communications design firm that offers a wide range of services including logo design, brochures, annual reports, direct mail, packaging, advertising, publications, signage, interactive media, and website design. They pride themselves on creative and unexpected design solutions that produce defined objectives and results. They have over 200 local and national awards and provide proven design work for start-ups, health care groups, e-newsletters, restaurants, non-profits, and businesses looking to improve their online presence and results.
2. In today's message-saturated environment, communication programs that produce positive results must stand out in order to get noticed.
3. What we do Corporate identity Logo design Brochures Annual reports Direct mail Package design Advertisements Publications Signage Interactive media Web site design Electronic communications Exhibits and displays And more
4. Why JCI Design Creative - UNEXPECTED Experienced Reputation Proven results Diverse industry base Over 200 local and national awards for excellent design that produce the defined objectives and results
19. Good Referrals Start up businesses: logo & identity Health care related: surgery centers, large physician groups E-newsletter: restaurants, insurance companies, non-profit groups Specialty markets Businesses looking to improve their web presence and their web results
20. Good design is design that not only achieves a desired effect, but shapes our expectation of what the experience will be. Astrida Valligorsky, Manager of New Media, Museum of Modern Art