This document discusses carbon sequestration through plantstones, which are silicified structures formed in many plants. Plantstones contain organic carbon that is stored for thousands of years. The document examines over 500 plant samples and finds that some plants can sequester over 6% of their weight in carbon within plantstones. It proposes that agricultural soils, degraded lands, and wetlands could be used to sequester carbon through the cultivation of plant species found to produce high levels of carbon-containing plantstones, providing a long-term solution for carbon storage.
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1. Carbon Sequestration in Plantstones
The next generation of carbon sequestration solutions
Jeff Parr and Leigh Sullivan
Southern Cross University
& Plantstone Pty Ltd
9/18/2005 1
2. Tradable carbon sequestered in Australia is currently
restricted to the carbon that is accumulated in woody
Eucalypt Plantations Pine Plantations
Mallee tree strips between grain crops
CO2 Australia
9/18/2005 2
3. A slight problem
Forests are very important carbon sinks, however, the land area
covered by old growth forest and available for farm-forestry,
plantation timber and strip plots is limited due to our needs for land
to produce food.
Forests cover 7% of People use 25% of
world land mass world land mass
The introduction of new methods of emission free energy production
is also going to play a major role in CO2 reduction but, this will be a
slow and long-term process to implement.
CO2 needs to be reduced ASAP by a range of processes.
All deserving equal attention.
9/18/2005 3
4. Agricultural Approach
One solution to the shortage of landscape for sequestering carbon
is to increase this process in agricultural soils.
Agricultural grain crops cover an area of 20 million hectares
annually in Australia alone. We cannot afford to aside this land for
woody plant production because we need to eat as well as
sequester more carbon.
We can introduce no-till direct drill agriculture to lock up carbon.
9/18/2005 4
5. The Plantstone Approach
Our contribution/solution to the shortage of landscape for sequestering
carbon is to increase this process in:
Agricultural soils
Degraded lands (acid sulfate or salinity affected) and,
Wetland areas (natural or constructed).
9/18/2005 5
6. Agricultural soils, (1)
Can be important
areas of herbaceous
plant production.
Acid sulfate soils, (2)
All herbaceous plants
particularly grasses
produce Plantstones.
Saline soils and,
Plantstones of many
grasses and other
Wetland areas herbaceous plants
efficiently sequester
9/18/2005 6
7. So what are Plantstones?
Plantstones are also referred to as phytoliths or plant opal.
They are silicified cell structures formed within many plants
as a result of silicic acid Si(OH4) uptake from soil.
Si(OH)4 uptake into vegetation
9/18/2005 7
8. This hydrated silica moves throughout the plant impregnating
cell walls forming thick coatings of silica opal that encapsulates
the organic carbon content.
9/18/2005 8
9. The organelles of a plant cell are composed of
organic material - carbon.
This organic carbon is encased within the plant
cell by silica forming a plantstone.
This organic carbon occluded in plantstones we
call PhytOC
Phyto = plant
OC = organic carbon
9/18/2005 9
10. Scanning electron micrograph of
a solid bilobate type plantstone.
The microprobe analysis for
Carbon and Silica.
The green line represents the
silica content.
The red line represents the
carbon content.
Scanning electron micrograph of
epidermal long cell plantstones.
9/18/2005 10
11. Proof of concept ?
Proven in the natural laboratory
Proven in Field trials
Proven by extensive laboratory
9/18/2005 11
12. Our research to date
Radiocarbon dated the carbon in the
Plantstones themselves.
Plantstones - resistant to decomposition
in a range of soils to at least 35,000 yrs.
9/18/2005 12
13. We have examined over 500 samples to
date from modern soils and paleosols.
9/18/2005 13
14. West New Britain PNG
Volcanic sediments
3590+/- 40
W-K1T 5820+/-90
5o cm
9/18/2005 14
15. Byron Bay NSW
Acid sulphate soils
PNG and
Byron Bay
5cm intervals
9/18/2005 15
16. Data for these modern soils and
paleosols revealed that up to
82% of total carbon occurring
after 2000 years is PhytOC.
Plantstone organic carbon
Plantstone concentrations ranged
from 15% to 44.88% of soil weight
under a range of vegetative
9/18/2005 16
17. We have screened the abundance of Plantstones in
over 230 plant species native to PNG and eastern
9/18/2005 17
18. Abundance of Plantstones in over 230 plant species
native to PNG and eastern Australia. e.g.(Parr and Sullivan 2005)
9/18/2005 18
19. Observations on plants
Plantstones occur in many plants particularly grasses.
There is a huge variation in the amount of carbon
occluded in the plantstones of different plant species.
Ongoing research
We are currently screening economic plant species and
varieties to establish those that are the most prolific
producers of Plantstones and PhytOC.
The best at sequestering carbon for the long-term.
9/18/2005 19
23. With the exception of two varieties of one species
the mean organic carbon locked up in Plantstones
(PhytOC) ranged from 0.5% to 6% of Plantstone
One variety of one cereal crop had PhytOC levels
5 times higher than other varieties of this crop.
No apparent loss in grain or biomass yield.
Tall Wheatgrass and Salt
PhytOC content for Tall
Wheatgrass was 6% of
Plantstone wt.
Change in vegetation &
land-use + significant
increases in long-term
sequestered Plantstone
9/18/2005 23
Picture supplied by George Truman Catchment Management Authority & Lachlan Rowling NSW Ag.
24. Summary
Many plants contain Plantstones i.e.
phytoliths or plant opal
Many Plantstones contain carbon
Carbon in Plantstones is stored for
thousands of years
With no apparent loss in grain or
biomass yield.
Carbon stored in Plantstones can be used
for the long term secure sequestration
of carbon in agriculture and
environmental remediation.
Carbon sequestration in Plantstones can be
optimized by selection of plant types
or crop variety.
9/18/2005 24
25. Agricultural soils,
Acid sulfate soils,
The next generation of
Saline soils and, Carbon Sequestration
Wetland areas
9/18/2005 25