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Database Regression Testing made easy with DbFit. Presented to the  BCS - SIGIST Conference, London : Dec 2008 Colin Moore-Hill Senior Technical Test Analyst @ RWE IT UK
Introduction. Database Regression testing. >Why Test Databases  >How to test the database  DbFit >Background  >Wiki design An Act of Regression >Worked Example of the Regression Testing Closing >Future Links and learning opportunities. Regression Testing Databases Overview:
What! Test the Database?  Why? That¨s what DBA¨s are for !!     DBA¨s, no more than Developers, are human and prone to error and  while the examples shown later on are quite simple, some SQL queries  and commands can be programmed in themselves. Having a simple  repeatable test requiring little programming knowledge to create would  be of great assistance.  Why test the Database?     For a lot of businesses today, the data held on the database are the  most vital commercial asset they have.  Business Critical functions will  run off this data so surely it is logical to have regression tests to  validate that the data is being stored correctly. Regression Testing Databases Database Regression testing .
What should we Test.   There are two main areas of concern around the database: White Box C Code internally within the Database.    Existence checks for database schema (Tables)    Triggers, Views Constraints, Referential Integrity and  Existing Data Quality. Black Box C At the Interfaces    Stored Procedure    Functions    Data values - Persistence    Data values C Retrieved Regression Testing Databases Database Regression testing .
What is this Db FIT?   Developed out of the Fitnesse Acceptance testing framework for unit  testing and acceptance testing. It also gives DBA a neat tool to express  and manage tests in a relational language without knowledge of .net or  Java.  How is it Easier than unit testing?   As it is built on a Wiki interface, the creation of tests are quite straight  forward and could almost be written by business analysts or even the  client themselves. Why do I promote its use? Purely because I find it to be quite a useful tool and wish to spread the  word around  Regression Testing Databases DbFit .
Showing by example: Testing the Metadata, The physical structure of the database tables. Testing the Business logic, Usually implemented through Stored Procedures, Triggers and the Like. Testing the Data, both derived and static Easy Execution of Tests and Suites of tests. Regression Testing Databases DbFit in ^An Act of Regression ̄ .
Home Page C DbFit Server Home Page of the DbFit Server Regression Testing made easy with DbFit.
Properties Page - DbFit Server Properties Page of the DbFit Server Regression Testing made easy with DbFit. Properties Page - DbFit Server
Quickly find out the structure of Procedures and Tables. Quickly find out the structure of Procedures and Tables. Regression Testing made easy with DbFit.
A complete Suite of tests A complete Suite of tests Regression Testing made easy with DbFit.
A single Suite of tests A single Suite of tests Regression Testing made easy with DbFit.
A single design of a test A single design of a test Regression Testing made easy with DbFit.
Successful test for the structure of the Database Metadata. Successful test for the structure of the Database Metadata. Regression Testing made easy with DbFit.
A correction made to Test A correction made to Test....(Int changed to a Char) Regression Testing made easy with DbFit.
Regression execution of the test,  showing the change as an error Regression execution of the test  shows the Change as an error Regression Testing made easy with DbFit.
?  DbFit Homepage C  Fitnesse.org  ?  In the Head Sessions C www.skillsmatter.com ?   Gojko Adzic C gojko.net ?   The Hairy Tester -  HairyTester.mazota.com (Currently Offline)   Opportunities for futher knowledge:

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Sigist Presentation 091208 V2.0

  • 1. Database Regression Testing made easy with DbFit. Presented to the BCS - SIGIST Conference, London : Dec 2008 Colin Moore-Hill Senior Technical Test Analyst @ RWE IT UK
  • 2. Introduction. Database Regression testing. >Why Test Databases >How to test the database DbFit >Background >Wiki design An Act of Regression >Worked Example of the Regression Testing Closing >Future Links and learning opportunities. Regression Testing Databases Overview:
  • 3. What! Test the Database? Why? That¨s what DBA¨s are for !! DBA¨s, no more than Developers, are human and prone to error and while the examples shown later on are quite simple, some SQL queries and commands can be programmed in themselves. Having a simple repeatable test requiring little programming knowledge to create would be of great assistance. Why test the Database? For a lot of businesses today, the data held on the database are the most vital commercial asset they have. Business Critical functions will run off this data so surely it is logical to have regression tests to validate that the data is being stored correctly. Regression Testing Databases Database Regression testing .
  • 4. What should we Test. There are two main areas of concern around the database: White Box C Code internally within the Database. Existence checks for database schema (Tables) Triggers, Views Constraints, Referential Integrity and Existing Data Quality. Black Box C At the Interfaces Stored Procedure Functions Data values - Persistence Data values C Retrieved Regression Testing Databases Database Regression testing .
  • 5. What is this Db FIT? Developed out of the Fitnesse Acceptance testing framework for unit testing and acceptance testing. It also gives DBA a neat tool to express and manage tests in a relational language without knowledge of .net or Java. How is it Easier than unit testing? As it is built on a Wiki interface, the creation of tests are quite straight forward and could almost be written by business analysts or even the client themselves. Why do I promote its use? Purely because I find it to be quite a useful tool and wish to spread the word around Regression Testing Databases DbFit .
  • 6. Showing by example: Testing the Metadata, The physical structure of the database tables. Testing the Business logic, Usually implemented through Stored Procedures, Triggers and the Like. Testing the Data, both derived and static Easy Execution of Tests and Suites of tests. Regression Testing Databases DbFit in ^An Act of Regression ̄ .
  • 7. Home Page C DbFit Server Home Page of the DbFit Server Regression Testing made easy with DbFit.
  • 8. Properties Page - DbFit Server Properties Page of the DbFit Server Regression Testing made easy with DbFit. Properties Page - DbFit Server
  • 9. Quickly find out the structure of Procedures and Tables. Quickly find out the structure of Procedures and Tables. Regression Testing made easy with DbFit.
  • 10. A complete Suite of tests A complete Suite of tests Regression Testing made easy with DbFit.
  • 11. A single Suite of tests A single Suite of tests Regression Testing made easy with DbFit.
  • 12. A single design of a test A single design of a test Regression Testing made easy with DbFit.
  • 13. Successful test for the structure of the Database Metadata. Successful test for the structure of the Database Metadata. Regression Testing made easy with DbFit.
  • 14. A correction made to Test A correction made to Test....(Int changed to a Char) Regression Testing made easy with DbFit.
  • 15. Regression execution of the test, showing the change as an error Regression execution of the test shows the Change as an error Regression Testing made easy with DbFit.
  • 16. ? DbFit Homepage C Fitnesse.org ? In the Head Sessions C www.skillsmatter.com ? Gojko Adzic C gojko.net ? The Hairy Tester - HairyTester.mazota.com (Currently Offline) Opportunities for futher knowledge: