These are the slides that accompany the webinar found at:
Operating with clear processes makes or breaks organizational performance and it's an aspect of operations that is often fairly weak. Measuring organizational performancewhether overall performance or the performance of a small work teamis another area that we find often organizations struggling with.
In this webinarthe 3rd of 5 webinars based on content from my latest book, Clarity Firstyou'll learn the five criteria for robust process management and best practices for measuring and managing performance at any level in the organization. Additional topics will include creating and using standard work, how to properly roll out process changes, and avoiding measurement that drives the wrong behaviors.
We've Had it All Wrong: Manage Processes, Not peopleTKMG, Inc.
Recorded webinar:
Karens Books:
For decades now, "management" has been synonymous with managing people. Meanwhile, processes, the lifeblood of an organization, remain largely unmanaged. In this webinar, Karen shares her views on why we need to change our thinking and her practical how-to's for making this vital pivot.
Value stream mapping is a lean management tool used to analyze and improve the flow of materials and information required to bring a product or service to a customer. It involves mapping the current state of the value stream and designing a future state with less waste. Key steps in value stream mapping include specifying value from the customer perspective, identifying the value stream, making products flow through pull systems, and continuously improving toward perfection. Value stream mapping helps organizations connect improvement activities by providing a vision and plan to eliminate waste across the entire process of delivering value to customers.
The document discusses lean transformation and provides guidance on implementing lean principles at the enterprise level. It begins with the origins and basis of lean thinking. It then outlines lean principles and challenges of implementation. The remainder of the document provides examples and templates for developing an enterprise-level roadmap, assessing lean progress, and implementing specific lean initiatives and principles throughout the organization.
Value Stream Transformation: Achieving Excellence through Leadership Alignmen...TKMG, Inc.
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These are slides from a talk given on 1/8/14 in San Diego, California at SME Connect's Operations Roundtable.
Too many organizations today suffer from silo-centric behavior and intra-organizational conflict. And yet most dont understand whats holding them back from achieving outstanding performance. This is where Karen Martins new book Value Stream Mapping comes into play.
Value stream mapping can unleash the full potential of an organization and deliver greater customer value, increased profit margins, and create fulfilling work environments.
In this talk, Karen discussed how to:
Prepare and engage your leadership team in the transformation process
Gain a deep understanding about your current work systems and the related barriers to delivering value
Design a future state that enables outstanding performance on all fronts
Adopt a new design and lay the foundation for continued improvement
This presentation provides an exective overview of how to plan and implement lean improvements in manufacturing. It identifies and discusses the seven elements considered critical to lean implementation success.
Gemba kaizen focuses on continuous incremental improvement through small changes. It involves identifying issues or opportunities for improvement at the source of operations ("gemba"), determining the root cause, developing and testing countermeasures, and standardizing successful changes. The goal is to continuously improve processes by reducing waste and non-value-added activities to better meet customer needs in terms of quality, cost and delivery.
Recorded webinar:
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These are slides from a webinar done with APICS Heartland on the topic of Value Stream Mapping.
This webinar covers:
How to use value stream mapping as an organizational transformation & leadership alignment tool
How to plan for a value stream mapping activity
The mechanics of mapping, including key metrics
for office/service/knowledge work
How to create an actionable Value Stream Transformation Plan
This document provides information about gemba walks, which are observations of processes done on the shop floor. It describes gemba walks as a core Lean tool practiced by management to understand processes and identify issues. The document outlines how to conduct gemba walks, including following rules of going to see, asking why, and showing respect. It also discusses identifying and addressing the seven types of waste observed during walks.
These are the slides for the webinar delivered on 8-9-2016. The recording is available at
Over the 16 years that we've been providing support to organizations at nearly every stage of the Lean journey, leadership has consistently emerged as the single most important determinant of success. Those organizations with deep leadership engagement soar, while those who don't fail to experience significant transformation.
In this first of three webinars, Karen shares the perspective and content that she and her team use when working with executives and senior leadership teams within the firm's clients.
She review the system of Lean principles, management practices, and tools, and then focuses on 6 of the topics leaders most commonly misunderstand or are unaware of:
1. Three of the core values that underlie Lean management
2. Key performance indicators
3. Visual management
4. Work standardization
5. Go and see (Gemba) management
6. The one environmental "don't" that destroys all Lean effort
Not a subscriber? To receive automatic notification of future webinars, gain access to our library of free assessments and templates, and receive our occasional newsletter with improvement tips:
Kaizen is a system of continuous improvement in various aspects of a company. It was developed in 1950s Japan based on the Deming Cycle/PDSA cycle. The document discusses the introduction of Kaizen, 7 types of wastes, benefits of Kaizen culture, Toyota Production System, and how to implement a process of continuous improvement through small, incremental changes. The goal of Kaizen is to eliminate waste and improve productivity, quality and customer satisfaction through engaged employees continuously proposing improvements.
The document discusses lean transformation and the lean global network. It provides:
1) An overview of the Lean Global Network which is a network of institutes working to bring lean thinking and practices to their countries to improve organizational performance, raise living standards, and enable more fulfilling work.
2) A model for lean transformation which involves aligning an organization's purpose, processes, and people development to create value. It emphasizes clear communication of purpose, continuous process improvement, and building capabilities.
3) Questions organizations should consider around clearly defining their purpose and problem to solve, improving processes, developing employee capabilities, exhibiting the right leadership behaviors, and assessing underlying assumptions.
Process Change: Communication & Training TipsTKMG, Inc.
Recorded Webinar:
Rolling out process improvements is a common point of failure in organizations.
Recorded webinar:
Purchase the book:
This webinar presents case studies for several client engagements that involved value stream mapping. For each case, you'll learn:
What the driver was for value stream improvement.
What the planning process consisted of.
The discoveries and challenges that surfacedand the shifts that occurredduring the 3-day activity.
Transformation results.
During the webinar, Karen also answers participant questions about facilitation, transformation plan ownership, team composition, going to the Gemba, and collecting data that's not easily measured.
This document provides an executive overview on how to implement Lean/TPS. It discusses Toyota's philosophy of putting people first and emphasizing continuous improvement. The Toyota Production System aims for the highest quality, lowest cost and shortest lead times through stability, standardized work, JIT production, and more. Implementing Lean requires transforming both tools and mindsets, with a focus on problem-solving. Leaders must spend time on the front lines, ask why, and show respect. The ultimate goal is meeting customer requirements through operational stability and continuous process improvements.
Hoshin Kanri: Creating a Strategy Deployment Plan That Gets Results TKMG, Inc.
Recorded webinar:
To purchase the book:
Hoshin Kanri (also known as strategy deployment) is a highly effective way for organizations to select and prioritize the important work they need to do to realize their business goals. Done properly, the approach results in organization-wide alignment about what matters and a more focused approach for realizing results.
In this webinar, you'll learn how strategy deployment can help your organization, department, or work team accomplish far more in a given year, with far less stress and far better results. The approach also leads to far higher levels of employee engagement.
This document outlines many of the core components and principles of Lean Management, including analytical tools, value stream analysis, metrics-based process mapping, root cause analysis techniques, waste elimination strategies, standard work, visual management, pull systems, cellular layouts, level loading, work balancing, batch size reduction, setup reduction, cross-training, strategy deployment, key performance indicators, daily kaizen, problem solving processes, gemba walks, and continuous improvement of processes, products and services to deliver value to customers. The overall goal is to eliminate waste and create continuous flow to maximize efficiency, quality and customer value.
The document describes a workshop on introducing lean principles to software development. It begins with an agenda and introduction to lean concepts. Participants then take part in hands-on exercises simulating production processes to experience issues like waste, uneven workflow, and inflexibility without lean. The exercises demonstrate how lean tools like kanban, pull systems, and multitasking can address these issues and improve flow. The workshop emphasizes that lean is not just tools but a long-term philosophy of continuous improvement respecting people.
This document discusses the concepts of value, waste, and lean manufacturing. It defines value-added activities as those that directly change a product to meet customer needs, while non-value added activities are necessary but do not increase value. The main types of waste are identified as muda (non-value added work), mura (unevenness), and muri (overburdening work). Specific examples of muda include transportation, inventory, motion, waiting, overproduction, overprocessing, and defects. The document emphasizes that eliminating waste through lean principles can improve flow and reduce costs for companies.
Walking the Gemba is a process of developing your people.
In today's world, business is growing rapidly; corporates are becoming mammoth in terms of number of employees. It is at times getting somewhat difficult for senior leaders of large corporate houses to stay connected with their employees. Practice The Gemba Walk techniques effective way means almost to get connected with employees.
These are the slides for the webinar
Since releasing her book, Clarity First, Karen has continued to analyze, experiment, and reflect on the strong connection between operating with clarity and successfully deploying Lean managementor any improvement-centric management philosophy. Shes learned that addressing the need for clarity head-on is an accelerant.
In this webinar, Karen discusses:
The personal and organizational benefits of operating with clarity
The three ways people approach clarity
How to use Lean Management practicesthe 5 Psto cultivate clarity
With a strong appetite for and courage to operate with clarity, there's no limit to individual and organizational performance!
To supplement the webinar, visit -- take our free quiz to assess how you and your organization currently rate, download the first chapter of the book or the CLEAR Problem Solving card mentioned in the webinar, and more.
If youre interested in learning more about the clarity practices Karen discussed in the webinar, check out, our online learning arm.
Lean manufacturing aims to maximize customer value and minimize waste. It involves identifying the value stream and eliminating non-value adding activities. The core principles of lean are specifying value from the customer's perspective, establishing a continuous flow of materials, and having production pulled by customer demand rather than being pushed based on forecasts. Implementing lean seeks to reduce costs, shorten lead times, improve quality, and increase flexibility through techniques like just-in-time production and continuous improvement.
Crystal Clear Concepts is a management consulting firm that provides human resources, organizational development, and training services to help clients improve employee performance and increase profitability. They offer a wide range of consulting services including leadership development, team building, strategic planning, and lean manufacturing training. The document provides details on Crystal Clear Concepts' mission and values, services, training programs, client list, and biographies of the owners.
This document outlines an introduction to lean leadership workshop hosted by Lean Enterprise Academy. The purpose is to help leaders develop organizational and individual capabilities to sustain and expand lean transformation. The workshop aims to engage leaders in understanding lean thinking fundamentals and lean transformation processes. It also encourages reflection on organizational and individual lean efforts and identifies gaps to close between the current and desired states. The workshop covers lean principles, defining a lean vision and strategy, the roles of leaders and employees, and lean tools like A3 problem solving and PDCA.
Recorded webinar:
Purchase the book:
These are slides from a webinar done with APICS Heartland on the topic of Value Stream Mapping.
This webinar covers:
How to use value stream mapping as an organizational transformation & leadership alignment tool
How to plan for a value stream mapping activity
The mechanics of mapping, including key metrics
for office/service/knowledge work
How to create an actionable Value Stream Transformation Plan
This document provides information about gemba walks, which are observations of processes done on the shop floor. It describes gemba walks as a core Lean tool practiced by management to understand processes and identify issues. The document outlines how to conduct gemba walks, including following rules of going to see, asking why, and showing respect. It also discusses identifying and addressing the seven types of waste observed during walks.
These are the slides for the webinar delivered on 8-9-2016. The recording is available at
Over the 16 years that we've been providing support to organizations at nearly every stage of the Lean journey, leadership has consistently emerged as the single most important determinant of success. Those organizations with deep leadership engagement soar, while those who don't fail to experience significant transformation.
In this first of three webinars, Karen shares the perspective and content that she and her team use when working with executives and senior leadership teams within the firm's clients.
She review the system of Lean principles, management practices, and tools, and then focuses on 6 of the topics leaders most commonly misunderstand or are unaware of:
1. Three of the core values that underlie Lean management
2. Key performance indicators
3. Visual management
4. Work standardization
5. Go and see (Gemba) management
6. The one environmental "don't" that destroys all Lean effort
Not a subscriber? To receive automatic notification of future webinars, gain access to our library of free assessments and templates, and receive our occasional newsletter with improvement tips:
Kaizen is a system of continuous improvement in various aspects of a company. It was developed in 1950s Japan based on the Deming Cycle/PDSA cycle. The document discusses the introduction of Kaizen, 7 types of wastes, benefits of Kaizen culture, Toyota Production System, and how to implement a process of continuous improvement through small, incremental changes. The goal of Kaizen is to eliminate waste and improve productivity, quality and customer satisfaction through engaged employees continuously proposing improvements.
The document discusses lean transformation and the lean global network. It provides:
1) An overview of the Lean Global Network which is a network of institutes working to bring lean thinking and practices to their countries to improve organizational performance, raise living standards, and enable more fulfilling work.
2) A model for lean transformation which involves aligning an organization's purpose, processes, and people development to create value. It emphasizes clear communication of purpose, continuous process improvement, and building capabilities.
3) Questions organizations should consider around clearly defining their purpose and problem to solve, improving processes, developing employee capabilities, exhibiting the right leadership behaviors, and assessing underlying assumptions.
Process Change: Communication & Training TipsTKMG, Inc.
Recorded Webinar:
Rolling out process improvements is a common point of failure in organizations.
Recorded webinar:
Purchase the book:
This webinar presents case studies for several client engagements that involved value stream mapping. For each case, you'll learn:
What the driver was for value stream improvement.
What the planning process consisted of.
The discoveries and challenges that surfacedand the shifts that occurredduring the 3-day activity.
Transformation results.
During the webinar, Karen also answers participant questions about facilitation, transformation plan ownership, team composition, going to the Gemba, and collecting data that's not easily measured.
This document provides an executive overview on how to implement Lean/TPS. It discusses Toyota's philosophy of putting people first and emphasizing continuous improvement. The Toyota Production System aims for the highest quality, lowest cost and shortest lead times through stability, standardized work, JIT production, and more. Implementing Lean requires transforming both tools and mindsets, with a focus on problem-solving. Leaders must spend time on the front lines, ask why, and show respect. The ultimate goal is meeting customer requirements through operational stability and continuous process improvements.
Hoshin Kanri: Creating a Strategy Deployment Plan That Gets Results TKMG, Inc.
Recorded webinar:
To purchase the book:
Hoshin Kanri (also known as strategy deployment) is a highly effective way for organizations to select and prioritize the important work they need to do to realize their business goals. Done properly, the approach results in organization-wide alignment about what matters and a more focused approach for realizing results.
In this webinar, you'll learn how strategy deployment can help your organization, department, or work team accomplish far more in a given year, with far less stress and far better results. The approach also leads to far higher levels of employee engagement.
This document outlines many of the core components and principles of Lean Management, including analytical tools, value stream analysis, metrics-based process mapping, root cause analysis techniques, waste elimination strategies, standard work, visual management, pull systems, cellular layouts, level loading, work balancing, batch size reduction, setup reduction, cross-training, strategy deployment, key performance indicators, daily kaizen, problem solving processes, gemba walks, and continuous improvement of processes, products and services to deliver value to customers. The overall goal is to eliminate waste and create continuous flow to maximize efficiency, quality and customer value.
The document describes a workshop on introducing lean principles to software development. It begins with an agenda and introduction to lean concepts. Participants then take part in hands-on exercises simulating production processes to experience issues like waste, uneven workflow, and inflexibility without lean. The exercises demonstrate how lean tools like kanban, pull systems, and multitasking can address these issues and improve flow. The workshop emphasizes that lean is not just tools but a long-term philosophy of continuous improvement respecting people.
This document discusses the concepts of value, waste, and lean manufacturing. It defines value-added activities as those that directly change a product to meet customer needs, while non-value added activities are necessary but do not increase value. The main types of waste are identified as muda (non-value added work), mura (unevenness), and muri (overburdening work). Specific examples of muda include transportation, inventory, motion, waiting, overproduction, overprocessing, and defects. The document emphasizes that eliminating waste through lean principles can improve flow and reduce costs for companies.
Walking the Gemba is a process of developing your people.
In today's world, business is growing rapidly; corporates are becoming mammoth in terms of number of employees. It is at times getting somewhat difficult for senior leaders of large corporate houses to stay connected with their employees. Practice The Gemba Walk techniques effective way means almost to get connected with employees.
These are the slides for the webinar
Since releasing her book, Clarity First, Karen has continued to analyze, experiment, and reflect on the strong connection between operating with clarity and successfully deploying Lean managementor any improvement-centric management philosophy. Shes learned that addressing the need for clarity head-on is an accelerant.
In this webinar, Karen discusses:
The personal and organizational benefits of operating with clarity
The three ways people approach clarity
How to use Lean Management practicesthe 5 Psto cultivate clarity
With a strong appetite for and courage to operate with clarity, there's no limit to individual and organizational performance!
To supplement the webinar, visit -- take our free quiz to assess how you and your organization currently rate, download the first chapter of the book or the CLEAR Problem Solving card mentioned in the webinar, and more.
If youre interested in learning more about the clarity practices Karen discussed in the webinar, check out, our online learning arm.
Lean manufacturing aims to maximize customer value and minimize waste. It involves identifying the value stream and eliminating non-value adding activities. The core principles of lean are specifying value from the customer's perspective, establishing a continuous flow of materials, and having production pulled by customer demand rather than being pushed based on forecasts. Implementing lean seeks to reduce costs, shorten lead times, improve quality, and increase flexibility through techniques like just-in-time production and continuous improvement.
Crystal Clear Concepts is a management consulting firm that provides human resources, organizational development, and training services to help clients improve employee performance and increase profitability. They offer a wide range of consulting services including leadership development, team building, strategic planning, and lean manufacturing training. The document provides details on Crystal Clear Concepts' mission and values, services, training programs, client list, and biographies of the owners.
This document outlines an introduction to lean leadership workshop hosted by Lean Enterprise Academy. The purpose is to help leaders develop organizational and individual capabilities to sustain and expand lean transformation. The workshop aims to engage leaders in understanding lean thinking fundamentals and lean transformation processes. It also encourages reflection on organizational and individual lean efforts and identifies gaps to close between the current and desired states. The workshop covers lean principles, defining a lean vision and strategy, the roles of leaders and employees, and lean tools like A3 problem solving and PDCA.
Revisit performance management to achieve peak team performanceDavid Perks
Old ways of managing performance don't work. Ratings demoralize and disengage employees. What should leaders do instead and how can a 100 year old approach be rapidly modernized. We provide the travel guide to take you to peak performance.
Building on the Introduction to Lean for small businesses, Louise further explores the ideas behind Continuous Improvement and the various tools businesses can use to benefit from Continuous Improvement practice.
As ever - keeping it simple will be at the heart of the presentation!
The document discusses the role of HR in supporting lean transformation efforts. It identifies five key variables for successful lean transformation: 1) developing teams, 2) calculating and communicating metrics, 3) ensuring communication across the organization, 4) clarifying employee roles, and 5) celebrating successes. The document provides recommendations for how HR can help develop these variables, such as establishing lean leadership development programs and reward structures that encourage teamwork over individual performance.
This document discusses various topics related to leadership and quality management. It defines total quality management as a business strategy that embeds quality awareness into all organizational processes. It also discusses different leadership styles like autocratic, democratic, and delegative leadership. Additionally, it covers Deming's 14 points for quality management philosophy and emphasizes the importance of communication, change management, and service in leadership.
The PPTTM Coaching System is designed to help organizations develop high performance in the modern workplace. It focuses on continuous performance development rather than annual evaluations. The system assesses employees across 5 Areas of Effectiveness and provides diagnostic reports and coaching conversations to help individuals and teams improve. Clients report benefits like improved communication, especially across generations, and an easier time achieving targets. The system is meant to be agile, fast, and light compared to traditional performance management processes.
Powerpoint created for Holland Management ConsultantBarbara Smith
This document discusses implementing Lean in organizations. It begins with Dutch and Duke introducing topics on the implementation mechanics and people side of change. It then discusses that Lean potential means nothing without implementation, which requires communicating a vision, altering processes and equipment, and altering performance management to train employees. The four levels in an organization that are required for change are discussed: executive management, senior management, middle management, and supervisors/workers. The roles of each level are outlined, including senior management constructing capabilities, middle management validating and authorizing change, and supervisors preparing workers. Questions from a previous audience on engaging executives and incentivizing employees are also addressed.
The document provides information about World Class Manufacturing training and consulting services offered by Lean & Mean Consulting. The services include 16 editable training modules on Lean tools, techniques and best practices, as well as over 40 hands-on Lean tools and templates. The training covers topics such as Lean thinking, value stream mapping, Kanban, production leveling, 5S, visual management, Kaizen, and problem solving. The goal is to help companies establish a Lean management system to drive operational excellence based on automotive Lean standards and practices.
E20 Summit: Accelerate Your Path to Value with Adoption Best Practices Claire Flanagan, MBA
This document discusses best practices for driving adoption and business value through social strategy management with a focus on organization change. It emphasizes that merely installing social tools is not enough and that 80% of efforts will fail without leadership and an emphasis on changing norms, behaviors and processes. It outlines key roles for a social program strategist and community managers to drive adoption. It also provides an example of mapping out an organization change plan to engage executives by defining new processes, incentives, communications, training and identifying role models. The goal is to activate different levers to transform the organization and how people work.
This document outlines a course to help small and medium enterprises (SMEs) transform from chaos to success within 90 days. The course will teach entrepreneurs to identify their main constraints using tools from the Theory of Constraints. Participants will then learn how to exploit and elevate these constraints to increase throughput and results. The course involves analyzing businesses, identifying leverage points, developing action plans, and implementing changes while monitoring progress. The goal is to help SMEs significantly grow their revenue, reduce costs, and move the Indian economy from third world to first world status.
Generic Six Sigma Overview.Short Version For Webjohnbesaw
Six Sigma is a data-driven methodology for improving processes and reducing defects that can result in significant financial returns. It employs a problem-solving approach using tools like DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) to close the gap between current and desired performance. Leadership commitment and engaging employees are essential to achieving the benefits of Six Sigma, which include total customer satisfaction, improved efficiency and effectiveness, and bottom-line impact.
9 Keys to Increasing Competitiveness through LeanVative
The document outlines 9 keys to successfully implementing Lean principles to increase competitiveness. It discusses the importance of leadership commitment, developing a clear vision, strategic planning, engaging employees, standardizing processes, continuous improvement culture, visual management systems, pull-based production, and maintaining the changes over time. The overall message is that Lean requires organizational change that must be carefully planned and led from the top to realize benefits like increased efficiency, quality, and engagement.
Natalie Yadrentseva - Fix the process not the problem publicAgileLAB
This document discusses fixing processes rather than problems by using process visualization. It recommends visualizing the current process using workshops to understand how work is done. This helps establish a shared understanding and identify challenges. The next steps are to pilot improvements, learn through experiments, and establish feedback loops to continuously learn and prevent future problems. The goal is to shift from "fixing as it fails" to anticipating issues through understanding customers, training, and small improvements to maximize value while increasing stability and predictability.
Better Software, Florence'15
- Benefits of the processes visualization in an organization
- How to synchronize teams, get all departments at the same page and understand the responsibility
- How to start: build a Process Map step-by-step at the Process Visualization workshop (phases, people, timing)