This document announces a new career development book by Hammad Siddiqui aimed at helping people excel in their careers and take advantage of growth opportunities. The book draws on the author's 25 years of experience learning from career experts and mentoring others, and contains practical career advice. It is targeted at both people looking to advance their careers as well as those suffering from career stagnation. The book will be published in August 2013.
3. For everyone who wants to excel in their career
and avail themselves of millions of growth
opportunities around them, and for sufferers
of Career Stagnation Syndrome, a chronic
condition translating into a stumbling block
in career development.
4. A handbook to keep forever, this book is written
from the practical point of view, containing
over 25 years worth of my experiences:
learning from top career enthusiasts, human
resource experts and most interestingly I have
covered experiences, concerns and questions
shared with me during mentoring sessions on
social media.
5. Book Will be Published in August
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