This document presents a case study on merging multiple adaptation strategies for authoring adaptive hypermedia. It identifies common problems that can occur when combining strategies, such as variable clashes and type conflicts. The document proposes a method for addressing these issues by defining adaptation behaviors as separate strategies and using a meta-strategy to control strategy execution. It applies this method to a case study involving quality-of-service and media-mixing adaptation strategies, defining individual strategies for setup, quality-of-service adaptation, and media-mixing adaptation.
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A Case Study on Merging Strategies for Authoring QoE-based Adaptive Hypermedia
1. A Case Study on Merging Strategies for Authoring
QoE-based Adaptive Hypermedia
Joshua Scotton, S. Moebs, J. McManis, A. I. Cristea
September 29th, 2009
2. A Case Study
Multiple Adaptation Behaviours
Combining Multiple Adaptation Strategies
Ease of Reuse and further Modification
3. Outline
Overview of the Technology
General Problems with Combining Strategies
A Proposed Method
Application to the Case Study
6. Strategy for Quality of Service (QoS)
Adaptation of content based on Network Conditions
1 Assess network conditions
2 Map these to a performance profile
3 Use the profile to select the content
7. Strategy for Quality of Service (QoS)
if(enough(PM.bandwidth_profile <= PM.loss_profile
PM.bandwidth_profile <= PM.delay_profile
PM.bandwidth_profile <= PM.jitter_profile,3))
then (PM.QOS = 0)
else (PM.QOS = (0.5 * PM.bandwidth_profile) + (0.5*((0.4*(PM.loss_profile + PM.delay_profile))
+ (0.2 * PM.jitter_profile))))
if (PM.QOS <= 0.2) then (
if (GM.Concept.label LIKE *text*) then ( = True )
) else if (PM.QOS <= 0.5) then (
if (GM.Concept.label LIKE *audio*) then ( = True )
) else if (PM.QOS <= 0.8) then (
if (GM.Concept.label LIKE *video-low*) then ( = True )
) else (
if (GM.Concept.label LIKE *video-high*) then ( = True )
8. Strategy for Media Mix
Continual variation of Media Content displayed to the Learner
1 Track the history of the Learner in a User Model
2 Alternate the Multimedia type based on the last accessed type
if (UM.history == video)
then ( if (GM.Concept.label LIKE *audio*)
then ( = True ))
else if (UM.history == audio)
then ( if (GM.Concept.label LIKE *text*)
then ( = True ))
9. General Problems when Combining Strategies in LAG
Some problems...
Execution Order
Variable Clashes
UM.GM.Concept.beenthere += 1
Type Conflicts
Strategy 1: UM.GM.Concept.accessed = True
Strategy 2: if (UM.GM.Concept.accessed > 2) then (...
10. Why Not One Big Strategy???
Limited Reuse
Difficult to Modify
12. A Proposed Method
1 Identify the Adaptation Behaviour Tasks
2 Identify areas where the tasks might cause problems
3 Create an adaptation strategy for each task
4 Create the controlling meta-strategy
13. Application to the Case Study
The main tasks for the Case Study are:
1 Initialise the Course Content
2 Create a default state for the lesson being viewed
3 Show or hide content to ensure the best quality for the
current network
4 Show or hide content so that only one media type is viewable
based on the MediaMix rules
14. Problems Areas in the Case Study
1 Too much content
2 Duplicate content
3 Showing wrong content
15. Strategy for the Case Study - Setup Strategy
while true (
if(GM.Concept.label==introduction OR GM.Concept.label==conclusion)
then ( = True)
if (GM.Concept.label LIKE *video-high*) then ( = True )
else if (GM.Concept.label LIKE *text*) then ( = True )
else if (GM.Concept.label LIKE *audio*) then ( = True )
else if (GM.Concept.label==introduction OR GM.Concept.label==conclusion)
then ( = True )
else ( = False )
16. Strategy for the Case Study - QoS
if (GM.Concept.label LIKE *video-low*)
then ( = True )
else if (GM.Concept.label LIKE *video-high*)
then ( = False )
17. Strategy for the Case Study - MediaMix
if (UM.history == video) then (
if (GM.Concept.label LIKE *video* OR
GM.Concept.label LIKE *text*)
then ( = False )
else ( = True )
18. Future Research
Identification of Adaptation Behaviour in a Strategy
Problem Detection and Resolution
Automatic Creation of Output Strategies from Multiple Input
19. Conclusion
Combining and reusing strategies can be problematic
Proposed a generic method for combining strategies
Further research is to investigate automating the method
20. Conclusion
A Case Study on Merging Strategies for Authoring QoE-based
Adaptive Hypermedia
Joshua Scotton, Sabine Moebs, Jennifer McManis, Alexandra I. Cristea
The University of Warwick and Dublin City University
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