7. Front End
Web Standards: HTML 4.0 CSS 2.0 JavaScript
JavaScript Library: jQuery
Makes JavaScript enjoyable!
Django Templates
Tools: Eclipse Web Tools Project: HTML Editor
Syntax highlighting, tag completion, block matching, ...
Zero visual editor support
8. Server Side
URL Dispatching
Middleware, File Uploads, Forms Support
Unit testing w/ db fixtures, site automation
Python Code Editor
Code completion, syntax analysis, Syntax
highlighting, Refactoring
Full static analysis suite
Executed on file save (since no compile)
9. Data
Django ORM
full object-oriented data access
only write SQL when you need to
Django Admin
complete interface for accessing &
updating data
Administered by django or command-
line tools
Hardest to scale on cloud platforms
Sharding is hard, so scale up
In-memory keyvalue store ideal for
Significantly improves response times,
Distributed across all front-end boxes
10. Deploy
EC2 Compute Cluster for web
servers, task processing, db server
S3 for data storage
Apache: app web server
Nginx: static files, round robin load
Open source community Linux
sponsored by Red Hat
Extensible server monitoring
Large community of plugins
Subversion hosted on Webfaction
shared hosting
svnX: Mac client for SVN