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of South Australia
A development
industry report
Working with South Australias
Development Industry
A Development Industry Report Working with South Australias Development Industry
Ourtransformation	 2
Wearechanging	 4
Wearedelivering	 6
Competitivemarket	 6
Businessstrategy	 6
Newwaysofworking	 6
Processdesign	 6
People	6
Milestones	9
Wearelistening	 10
Developmentindustryresearch	 10
Researchfindings	 11
CurrentdevelopersatisfactionwithSAWater	 13
Resultsforcostandvalueformoneyquestions	 14
futureimprovements,opportunitiesandchallenges	 14
Weareworkingwithyou	 16
End-to-end process	 19
Standardsandcommercialarrangements	 19
Businessandinnovation	 19
Feedbackfromtheworkshops	 20
UDIAExecutiveCouncilworkshop	 21
A development industry report
For almost 160 years SA Water has
played a pivotal role in building our
state. Our strength and our expertise
has been shaped throughout our history
by many challenges  the driest state,
the tyranny of vast distances, prolonged
drought conditions and many difficulties
posed by the quality and scarcity of our
source water.
Meeting all challenges, we have
continued to expand our water and
sewerage networks to support growth,
public health and prosperity in South
Australia. Every hour of every day
our services help to further the South
Australian Governments vision of a
strong, sustainable economy.
We are currently transforming our
business  increasing our commercial
focus and adapting to a competitive
and increasingly complex operating
environment. Our vision is to meet all
challenges by being responsive, resilient
and fit for the future.
SA Water will continue to work closely
with South Australias development
industry to strengthen existing
relationships and forge new ones.
We are committed to open, two-
way communication and to ongoing
engagement with you, our development
industry customers.
One of our biggest future challenges is
to ensure we deliver appropriate, cost-
effective services that balance the needs
of all our customers. We must remain
relevant, viable and competitive in the
future. We must fully understand our
customers expectations and embrace
change. We can only achieve this with
your ongoing input.
Research and focus groups held last
year have helped us to better understand
your perspectives at both an individual
and an industry level. This report
details the work underway to achieve a
significant shift in our business based on
your industrys priorities.
Thank you for your feedback and
participation to date. Were looking
forward to working with you to
benefit South Australia and its
many communities.
John Ringham
Chief Executive	 	
Lew Owens
We understand the value of being
connected to reliable water and sewerage
services. These services benefit both you
as a developer and many communities
spread right across the length and
breadth of our state.
We offer you trusted, quality, fit-for-
purpose products and services valued
by your customers. We have sought to
provide security of water supply, world-
class expertise and we are able to leverage
our extensive, established networks to
service new development areas.
We understand times are changing and in
the future you will have a greater choice
of water and sewerage retailers. We are
embracing this challenge and taking the
opportunity to transform our business.
Last year we received a substantial
amount of information from you
including how the development
application process could be
improved, as well as your ideas and
suggestions of how SA Water can be
supporting economic development in
South Australia.
We listened closely and we intend to act
on your suggestions. As a result, your
feedback has helped us sharpen our
focus and prioritise our projects for
2015 and beyond.
You told us were the provider of
necessity. Through our business
transformation, our commitment to
reducing costs for the development
industry and our efforts to improve our
service delivery, we aim to become your
supplier of choice.
Secondly you told us our people do a
good job. We have world-class expertise,
extensive experience, people with a
strong customer focus and technical
know-how. However, this alone is not
enough. You expressed the need for us
to improve our processes and proactively
foster innovation to better service your
business requirements.
To do this well need to review, challenge
and remodel our thinking. Well be
looking for opportunities to cut red tape,
to make our processes smoother and
swifter, and to provide you with the best
service at the lowest possible cost.
Through ongoing feedback you have
told us you prefer to have direct contact
with us. We acknowledge your preferred
way of working with SA Water and will
take this into account in our future work
with you.
As we act on your feedback, well
continue to provide opportunities for you
to engage, communicate and collaborate
with us.
A development industry report
We offer trusted,
quality, fit-for-purpose 
products and services
valued by your customers.
> Cost
> Consistency
> Transparency
> Communication
> Timeliness
> Innovation
Using these key themes as our
foundation, weve used your feedback
and priorities to develop tailored projects.
Competitive market
> We are committed to embracing the
emerging competitive water industry
 We understand developers choose the
retailers and we are committed to be
your supplier of choice.
 We will improve processes and
procedures to ensure smoother delivery.
 We will review our infrastructure
standards to ensure they are
Business strategy
 We will review our fees and charges
for major developments. These will be
transparent, competitive and applied
 We will review how augmentation
charges are to be calculated and we will
also apply this new methodology to the
existing augmentation charges. There
will be greater transparency of revenue
received and delivery of prescribed
works will also occur.
 We will review our network
capabilities and provide information
on where development can occur
without incurring additional costs
e.g. augmentation of the network at
developers expense.
New ways of working
 We will identify new opportunities
and work with you to provide
innovative solutions.
 We will look at new opportunities on
how the delivery of large developments
can be improved. The introduction
of a Master Developer Agreement is
one opportunity which will be further
investigated in the coming months.
 We will also investigate the possibility
of a commercial arrangement between
developers and SA Water for the
delivery of infrastructure.
Process Design
 We will review our existing process and
procedures to see where we can make
improvements in delivery and have
agreed service delivery timeframes.
 We will review our current way of
working and identify where there is
lack of transparency, delivery impacts
and where time and financial savings
can be achieved.
 Once this work has been done and
improvements implemented we will
inform you of these changes and invite
you to comment on the extent of
service delivery improvement.
 We will have dedicated account
managers to ensure you have a great
customer experience with us.
 Large developers will have a direct
contact within SA Water who will
help deliver your projects effectively
and efficiently.
 We acknowledge SA Waters staff are
key to ensuring we can achieve change.
 We will work with our people to upskill
and train where necessary to ensure
they are able to provide you with
exemplary service.
 We will work together to develop
innovative and creative solutions.
 We will continue to improve our
customer service to the development
We are
A development industry report
We will improve
processes and
procedures to ensure
smoother delivery.
Development industry benefits
Certainty in investment decisions 3 3 3 3
Value for money 3 3
Time - will result in reduced handling costs 3 3 3
Effort - avoid double handling 3 3 3
Efficiency - ability to monitor applications
and have real time responses
3 3 3
Lower cost of development 3 3
No surprises in development  lower risk 3 3 3 3
Competitive Market
Standards Review 3 3 3 3 3 3
Standards  Consulting Engineers 3 3 3 3 3 3
Business Strategy
Pricing  Fees and Charges 3 3 3 3
Augmentation 3 3 3 3 3 3
Dynamic Modelling 3 3 3 3 3 3
new ways of working
Master Plan Developer Arrangement 3 3 3 3 3
Commercial Arrangements  Free Assets 3 3 3 3
process design
Business process mapping 3 3 3 3 3 3
account management
Managing Customer Experience 3 3 3 3 3 3
High Performance Culture 3 3 3 3 3 3
We are
A development industry report
Delivery of an Augmentation Policy - 1 July 2015
Review priority existing augmentation charges -
31 December 2015, remaining charges December 2016
Review of the major end-to-end development
application process resulting in improved delivery
timeframes - March 2016
Development of an organisational design to support
Account Management structure - September 2015
Development of a Master Developer Agreement -
August 2015 for implementation - December 2015
Review and updating of standard drawings for the
Water Supply Construction Manual (WSCM)  Sewer
Construction Manual (SCM) - March 2016
Review of Fees and Charges - June 2016
Ensure our people have the right skills and
capabilities to service development industry needs -
June 2016
Review of engineering and civil construction audit
methodology - March 2016
Provide a future roadmap of network capacity -
March 2016
Will align
with and exceed
Improved business
through dedicated
Account Managers
Improved usage of our
existing network capacity
Phase Segment Sample Size
Surveyors 6
Consultants/Consulting engineers 8
Developers 6
Total 20
Surveyors 6
Consultants/Consulting engineers -
Developers 4
Total 10
With research partner
newfocus, we conducted
research in July and
August 2014 to:
 Gauge current levels of development
industry customer satisfaction,
 Identify issues of importance and areas
for improvement,
 Better understand developer customer
values, particularly in relation to future
needs and expectations.
All development industry stakeholders
were invited to participate in research
through two key phases:
 Qualitative in-depth interviews with the
development industry (20 participants).
This methodology reveals detail-rich
insights and allows greater exploration
of participants attitudes, perceptions
and motivations.
 An online survey sent to the remaining
77 development industry stakeholders
who did not participate in the
qualitative phase (10 participants). The
online survey asked both satisfaction
scale questions (respondents
indicate whether they are very
satisfied, satisfied, neither satisfied
nor dissatisfied, dissatisfied or very
dissatisfied) and open-ended questions
allowing additional feedback from
In total, 30 out of 97 development
industry stakeholders took part in the
research. A summary of participant
segments is provided below.
We are
A development industry report
Research findings
A summary of the key research findings
and development industry customer
quotes are provided below.
Overall six themes emerged from the
development industry research:
Cost A desire for lower costs and alternative
fee structures associated with all areas of
Consistency Consistency and clarity of approach,
standards and processes throughout
SA Water.
Transparency The need to understand how fees
and charges are calculated, to have
transparent and equitable processes
in place.
Timeliness Streamlined, efficient and effective
processes in place to minimise overall
application time.
Innovation A desire for SA Water to embrace and
lead water services innovation and
technology application.
Communication A desire for stronger customer
relationships through improved
communication and engagement
activities with SA Water both, at an
individual and an industry level.
SA Water is working with
you to achieve growth
through innovation.
We are
A development industry report
Current developer
satisfaction with
SA Water
Developers consistently praised the
human elements of SA Waters service.
High levels of satisfaction were reported
for staff professionalism and accessibility,
the quality of customer service, staff
helpfulness and efforts to resolve queries.
In addition, participants stated SA Water
was an easier authority to deal with
compared to other utilities.
 I have their direct number and Im
able to get in touch with no problems.
 They are arguably one of the best
authorities in regards to contactability,
timeliness and getting through to
the right person and following things
 The area I deal with (land
development) is very helpful and
keep in touch.
However, there was a strong sense that
SA Waters processes put barriers and
constraints in the way of development
in South Australia. The majority of
participants felt our processes needed to
be improved, more efficient and timely.
We are often described as bureaucratic
and providing gold plated standards
and solutions  as well as being cautious
and conservative in relation to new
technology and innovation.
In addition, respondents thought
SA Waters customer service was let
down by internal approval processes
and a lack of efficiency.
Satisfaction with
the development
application process
Participants were asked how satisfied
they were with SA Waters current
major development process and their
suggestions for improvement.
Feedback stated the length of time taken
to get approvals hinders development.
 It would be better if they returned the
costings to us faster, in a more timely
 A lot more tedious than in the past to
get approvals  seemed to take a lot
longer these days, approval does come
through but takes longer.
Suggestions for improvement included
improving efficiency and timeliness.
Research participants expressed a desire
for more engagement with SA Water
and with other government agencies and
authorities where possible.
 More engagement is needed,
particularly in relation to new growth
development should be coordinated
engagement with other infrastructure
(roads, sewer, power)
Results for cost
and value for money
There were mixed views from participants
on whether SA Water provided value for
money. Developers expressed the need
for much greater transparency around
SA Waters fees and charges. When
participants were asked if SA Water
would be their supplier of choice, the
primary factor affecting their choice
was cost.
 Be more visionary to be ahead of
development and look for more realistic
costs of supply of infrastructure.
Development industry
suggestions for
future improvements,
opportunities and
Participants suggested diverse
opportunities for the future. There were
many suggestions related to improving
our processes. These included providing
responses and answers quickly to
developers, adopting a more flexible
attitude, being more proactive, improving
commercial thinking and providing
effective feedback.
Overall, developers saw the need for
SA Water to reduce costs, simplify and
speed up processes, apply consistent
standards and increase transparency
with opportunities for increased
communication and engagement with
the development industry. In addition,
research participants stated that we
should embrace technology (both
online and in the context of water and
sewerage service innovation).
 SA Water needs to be more proactive
and entrepreneurial about new
 Some of the standard requirements
of SA Water are gold plated and
exploring new technology will improve
the process.
 Many different opportunities exist
for partnership / joint ventures to be
a model for future success. This will
happen with or without SA Water.
We are
A development industry report
South australia
 the best place
to do business
In October 2014, a series of three
workshops were held with representatives
from the development industry.
Building on the key themes, issues
and opportunities identified by the
research activities, the workshops invited
participants to voice issues and concerns,
opportunities and suggestions.
Two workshops were held with
representatives from the development
industry, and the third workshop was
held with Urban Development Institute of
Australia (UDIA) Executive Council.
The workshops were specifically created
to address all themes identified in the
research and tailored to foster open and
robust discussion.
Common themes
identified in
Focus Group Discussion Topics
End-to-end Process Commercial Arrangements
and Standards
Business and
Innovation Initiatives
Cost 3 3 3
Timing 3 3 3
Transparency 3 3 3
Communication 3 3 3
Consistency of
3 3
Innovation 3 3
working with you
A development industry report
At Sa Water
At each session, participants discussed:
 The end-to-end process  the entire
development industry process from
enquiry to approval.
 Commercial arrangements and
standards  current concerns and
areas of frustration, potential solutions
and alternative arrangements for
the future.
 Business and innovation 
SA Waters role in supporting economic
development, new technologies and
An independent facilitator from Aurecon
conducted the workshops to ensure
independence and impartiality.
working with you
A development industry report
End-to-end process
Analysis of the research results and
ongoing customer and staff feedback
indicated elements throughout the entire
development application process from
initial point of enquiry to completion
required improvement. As a result, a large
proportion of the workshop time was
dedicated to examining the end-to-end
process in detail.
Workshop participants identified areas
within the current development process:
 For improvement
 For increased transparency
 Where delays are encountered and
 Where the process works well
These areas were identified in groups,
with additional detail and explanations
captured on large process maps. This
method provided a visual snapshot of the
entire development application process 
complete with identified pain points and
opportunities for improvement.
Workshop participants collectively ranked
their top priorities. Overall key priorities
for the end-to-end process are:
 Long term infrastructure assessment
is required  including timeframes,
transparency and innovation
 Account Management should have
greater authority
 Consultation between SA Water,
developers and the development
industry as a whole should be improved
 SA Water should undertake a review
of processes including costs and
 SA Water should review the accessibility
and usability of its AquaMap system for
its customers
Standards and
commercial arrangements
Participants commented on standards and
commercial arrangements in the second
session of the workshop and asked to
discuss the impacts and opportunities
brought about following the introduction
of the Water Industry Act 2012.
The development industrys overall key
priorities included:
 Augmentation charges should be
scrutinised, including the timeliness and
transparency of costings
 Innovative options should be reviewed
and developed with the development
industry  for example, joint venture
opportunities, third party access and
fee structure
 A review should be undertaken on
SA Waters infrastructure standards to
determine why they differ from other
 The practice of gifting assets should
be examined and a rebate model
was requested
Business and innovation
In the final section of the workshop,
participants discussed business and
innovation. This section focused on what
new, innovative products and services
SA Water could offer and what it could
do to improve its business in the future.
A number of areas for investigation were
identified as key priorities including:
 The development of a commercial
business centre for developers
 Both SA Water and the development
industry to be committed to working
together to make changes
 The development of an on-line web
portal to track progress of applications
 Regular SA Water and development
industry forums
working with you
Discussions were most beneficial,
but only if prompt action can happen.
Good to have points of view
from developers and others.
I thought the focus group worked
well and brought out many of the
issues. I would participate in similar
forums again.
If it results in real outcomes, then it
will be beneficial to all parties and
South Australians.
It is only beneficial if issues raised are
addressed in the immediate and longer-
term future depending on the issue.
Feedback from the workshops
Feedback from workshop participants has been positive.
A development industry report
Our final workshop was held with the
UDIA Executive Council. The Council
commented on the priorities created in
the other workshops and identified
these additional priorities:
End to end process
 Infrastructure planning delivery
 The creation of Master Development
Plan Agreements
 Increased accountability
Commercial arrangements
and standards
 Review of augmentation charges
 Consideration of financial impacts on
the development industry
Business and innovation
 Increased communication at individual
and industry level
 All parties must be committed to
making change
UDIA Executive Council
SA Water Corporation
ABN 69 336 525 019
Head Office
250 Victoria Square /
Adelaide SA 5000
Postal Address
GPO Box 1751
Adelaide SA 5001
Business Development 7424 1144

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A Development Industry Report Working with South Australias Development Industry

  • 1. Government of South Australia A development industry report Working with South Australias Development Industry
  • 3. Ourtransformation 2 Wearechanging 4 Wearedelivering 6 Competitivemarket 6 Businessstrategy 6 Newwaysofworking 6 Processdesign 6 People 6 Milestones 9 Wearelistening 10 Developmentindustryresearch 10 Researchfindings 11 CurrentdevelopersatisfactionwithSAWater 13 Resultsforcostandvalueformoneyquestions 14 Developmentindustrysuggestionsfor futureimprovements,opportunitiesandchallenges 14 Weareworkingwithyou 16 End-to-end process 19 Standardsandcommercialarrangements 19 Businessandinnovation 19 Feedbackfromtheworkshops 20 UDIAExecutiveCouncilworkshop 21 CONTENTS
  • 5. For almost 160 years SA Water has played a pivotal role in building our state. Our strength and our expertise has been shaped throughout our history by many challenges the driest state, the tyranny of vast distances, prolonged drought conditions and many difficulties posed by the quality and scarcity of our source water. Meeting all challenges, we have continued to expand our water and sewerage networks to support growth, public health and prosperity in South Australia. Every hour of every day our services help to further the South Australian Governments vision of a strong, sustainable economy. We are currently transforming our business increasing our commercial focus and adapting to a competitive and increasingly complex operating environment. Our vision is to meet all challenges by being responsive, resilient and fit for the future. SA Water will continue to work closely with South Australias development industry to strengthen existing relationships and forge new ones. We are committed to open, two- way communication and to ongoing engagement with you, our development industry customers. One of our biggest future challenges is to ensure we deliver appropriate, cost- effective services that balance the needs of all our customers. We must remain relevant, viable and competitive in the future. We must fully understand our customers expectations and embrace change. We can only achieve this with your ongoing input. Research and focus groups held last year have helped us to better understand your perspectives at both an individual and an industry level. This report details the work underway to achieve a significant shift in our business based on your industrys priorities. Thank you for your feedback and participation to date. Were looking forward to working with you to benefit South Australia and its many communities. John Ringham Chief Executive Lew Owens Chairman 3
  • 6. WE ARE changing We understand the value of being connected to reliable water and sewerage services. These services benefit both you as a developer and many communities spread right across the length and breadth of our state. We offer you trusted, quality, fit-for- purpose products and services valued by your customers. We have sought to provide security of water supply, world- class expertise and we are able to leverage our extensive, established networks to service new development areas. We understand times are changing and in the future you will have a greater choice of water and sewerage retailers. We are embracing this challenge and taking the opportunity to transform our business. Last year we received a substantial amount of information from you including how the development application process could be improved, as well as your ideas and suggestions of how SA Water can be supporting economic development in South Australia. We listened closely and we intend to act on your suggestions. As a result, your feedback has helped us sharpen our focus and prioritise our projects for 2015 and beyond. You told us were the provider of necessity. Through our business transformation, our commitment to reducing costs for the development industry and our efforts to improve our service delivery, we aim to become your supplier of choice. Secondly you told us our people do a good job. We have world-class expertise, extensive experience, people with a strong customer focus and technical know-how. However, this alone is not enough. You expressed the need for us to improve our processes and proactively foster innovation to better service your business requirements. To do this well need to review, challenge and remodel our thinking. Well be looking for opportunities to cut red tape, to make our processes smoother and swifter, and to provide you with the best service at the lowest possible cost. Through ongoing feedback you have told us you prefer to have direct contact with us. We acknowledge your preferred way of working with SA Water and will take this into account in our future work with you. As we act on your feedback, well continue to provide opportunities for you to engage, communicate and collaborate with us. A development industry report
  • 7. We offer trusted, quality, fit-for-purpose products and services valued by your customers. 5
  • 8. FROM OUR RESEARCH WORK LAST YEAr with YOU, SIX KEY THEMES EMERGED: > Cost > Consistency > Transparency > Communication > Timeliness > Innovation Using these key themes as our foundation, weve used your feedback and priorities to develop tailored projects. Competitive market > We are committed to embracing the emerging competitive water industry market. We understand developers choose the retailers and we are committed to be your supplier of choice. We will improve processes and procedures to ensure smoother delivery. We will review our infrastructure standards to ensure they are fit-for-purpose. Business strategy We will review our fees and charges for major developments. These will be transparent, competitive and applied consistently. We will review how augmentation charges are to be calculated and we will also apply this new methodology to the existing augmentation charges. There will be greater transparency of revenue received and delivery of prescribed works will also occur. We will review our network capabilities and provide information on where development can occur without incurring additional costs e.g. augmentation of the network at developers expense. New ways of working We will identify new opportunities and work with you to provide innovative solutions. We will look at new opportunities on how the delivery of large developments can be improved. The introduction of a Master Developer Agreement is one opportunity which will be further investigated in the coming months. We will also investigate the possibility of a commercial arrangement between developers and SA Water for the delivery of infrastructure. Process Design We will review our existing process and procedures to see where we can make improvements in delivery and have agreed service delivery timeframes. We will review our current way of working and identify where there is lack of transparency, delivery impacts and where time and financial savings can be achieved. Once this work has been done and improvements implemented we will inform you of these changes and invite you to comment on the extent of service delivery improvement. We will have dedicated account managers to ensure you have a great customer experience with us. Large developers will have a direct contact within SA Water who will help deliver your projects effectively and efficiently. People We acknowledge SA Waters staff are key to ensuring we can achieve change. We will work with our people to upskill and train where necessary to ensure they are able to provide you with exemplary service. We will work together to develop innovative and creative solutions. We will continue to improve our customer service to the development industry. We are delivering A development industry report
  • 9. We will improve processes and procedures to ensure smoother delivery. 7
  • 10. Development industry benefits Certainty in investment decisions 3 3 3 3 Value for money 3 3 Time - will result in reduced handling costs 3 3 3 Effort - avoid double handling 3 3 3 Efficiency - ability to monitor applications and have real time responses 3 3 3 Lower cost of development 3 3 No surprises in development lower risk 3 3 3 3 Competitive Market Standards Review 3 3 3 3 3 3 Standards Consulting Engineers 3 3 3 3 3 3 Business Strategy Pricing Fees and Charges 3 3 3 3 Augmentation 3 3 3 3 3 3 Dynamic Modelling 3 3 3 3 3 3 new ways of working Master Plan Developer Arrangement 3 3 3 3 3 Commercial Arrangements Free Assets 3 3 3 3 process design Business process mapping 3 3 3 3 3 3 account management Managing Customer Experience 3 3 3 3 3 3 culture High Performance Culture 3 3 3 3 3 3 Efficiencies consistency Innovation Transparency Timeliness cost We are delivering A development industry report
  • 11. Milestones Delivery of an Augmentation Policy - 1 July 2015 Review priority existing augmentation charges - 31 December 2015, remaining charges December 2016 Review of the major end-to-end development application process resulting in improved delivery timeframes - March 2016 Development of an organisational design to support Account Management structure - September 2015 Development of a Master Developer Agreement - August 2015 for implementation - December 2015 Review and updating of standard drawings for the Water Supply Construction Manual (WSCM) Sewer Construction Manual (SCM) - March 2016 Review of Fees and Charges - June 2016 Ensure our people have the right skills and capabilities to service development industry needs - June 2016 Review of engineering and civil construction audit methodology - March 2016 Provide a future roadmap of network capacity - March 2016 07/15 09/15 08/15 10/15 11/15 12/15 01/16 02/16 03/16 04/16 05/16 06/16 Will align with and exceed customer expectations Improved business relationships through dedicated Account Managers Improved usage of our existing network capacity 9
  • 12. Phase Segment Sample Size Qualitative Surveyors 6 Consultants/Consulting engineers 8 Developers 6 Total 20 Quantitative Surveyors 6 Consultants/Consulting engineers - Developers 4 Total 10 Development Industry Research With research partner newfocus, we conducted research in July and August 2014 to: Gauge current levels of development industry customer satisfaction, Identify issues of importance and areas for improvement, Better understand developer customer values, particularly in relation to future needs and expectations. All development industry stakeholders were invited to participate in research through two key phases: Qualitative in-depth interviews with the development industry (20 participants). This methodology reveals detail-rich insights and allows greater exploration of participants attitudes, perceptions and motivations. An online survey sent to the remaining 77 development industry stakeholders who did not participate in the qualitative phase (10 participants). The online survey asked both satisfaction scale questions (respondents indicate whether they are very satisfied, satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, dissatisfied or very dissatisfied) and open-ended questions allowing additional feedback from participants. In total, 30 out of 97 development industry stakeholders took part in the research. A summary of participant segments is provided below. We are listening A development industry report
  • 13. Research findings A summary of the key research findings and development industry customer quotes are provided below. Overall six themes emerged from the development industry research: Cost A desire for lower costs and alternative fee structures associated with all areas of development. Consistency Consistency and clarity of approach, standards and processes throughout SA Water. Transparency The need to understand how fees and charges are calculated, to have transparent and equitable processes in place. Timeliness Streamlined, efficient and effective processes in place to minimise overall application time. Innovation A desire for SA Water to embrace and lead water services innovation and technology application. Communication A desire for stronger customer relationships through improved communication and engagement activities with SA Water both, at an individual and an industry level. 11
  • 14. SA Water is working with you to achieve growth through innovation. We are listening A development industry report
  • 15. Current developer satisfaction with SA Water Developers consistently praised the human elements of SA Waters service. High levels of satisfaction were reported for staff professionalism and accessibility, the quality of customer service, staff helpfulness and efforts to resolve queries. In addition, participants stated SA Water was an easier authority to deal with compared to other utilities. I have their direct number and Im able to get in touch with no problems. They are arguably one of the best authorities in regards to contactability, timeliness and getting through to the right person and following things through. The area I deal with (land development) is very helpful and keep in touch. However, there was a strong sense that SA Waters processes put barriers and constraints in the way of development in South Australia. The majority of participants felt our processes needed to be improved, more efficient and timely. We are often described as bureaucratic and providing gold plated standards and solutions as well as being cautious and conservative in relation to new technology and innovation. In addition, respondents thought SA Waters customer service was let down by internal approval processes and a lack of efficiency. Satisfaction with the development application process Participants were asked how satisfied they were with SA Waters current major development process and their suggestions for improvement. Feedback stated the length of time taken to get approvals hinders development. It would be better if they returned the costings to us faster, in a more timely manner. A lot more tedious than in the past to get approvals seemed to take a lot longer these days, approval does come through but takes longer. Suggestions for improvement included improving efficiency and timeliness. Research participants expressed a desire for more engagement with SA Water and with other government agencies and authorities where possible. More engagement is needed, particularly in relation to new growth development should be coordinated engagement with other infrastructure (roads, sewer, power) 13
  • 16. Results for cost and value for money questions There were mixed views from participants on whether SA Water provided value for money. Developers expressed the need for much greater transparency around SA Waters fees and charges. When participants were asked if SA Water would be their supplier of choice, the primary factor affecting their choice was cost. Be more visionary to be ahead of development and look for more realistic costs of supply of infrastructure. Development industry suggestions for future improvements, opportunities and challenges Participants suggested diverse opportunities for the future. There were many suggestions related to improving our processes. These included providing responses and answers quickly to developers, adopting a more flexible attitude, being more proactive, improving commercial thinking and providing effective feedback. Overall, developers saw the need for SA Water to reduce costs, simplify and speed up processes, apply consistent standards and increase transparency with opportunities for increased communication and engagement with the development industry. In addition, research participants stated that we should embrace technology (both online and in the context of water and sewerage service innovation). SA Water needs to be more proactive and entrepreneurial about new technologies. Some of the standard requirements of SA Water are gold plated and exploring new technology will improve the process. Many different opportunities exist for partnership / joint ventures to be a model for future success. This will happen with or without SA Water. We are listening A development industry report
  • 17. South australia the best place to do business 15
  • 18. In October 2014, a series of three workshops were held with representatives from the development industry. Building on the key themes, issues and opportunities identified by the research activities, the workshops invited participants to voice issues and concerns, opportunities and suggestions. Two workshops were held with representatives from the development industry, and the third workshop was held with Urban Development Institute of Australia (UDIA) Executive Council. The workshops were specifically created to address all themes identified in the research and tailored to foster open and robust discussion. Common themes identified in research Focus Group Discussion Topics End-to-end Process Commercial Arrangements and Standards Business and Innovation Initiatives Cost 3 3 3 Timing 3 3 3 Transparency 3 3 3 Communication 3 3 3 Consistency of approach 3 3 Innovation 3 3 WE ARE working with you A development industry report
  • 19. At Sa Water Were COMMITTED TO COLLABORATING WITH BUSINESS At each session, participants discussed: The end-to-end process the entire development industry process from enquiry to approval. Commercial arrangements and standards current concerns and areas of frustration, potential solutions and alternative arrangements for the future. Business and innovation SA Waters role in supporting economic development, new technologies and innovation. An independent facilitator from Aurecon conducted the workshops to ensure independence and impartiality. 17
  • 20. WE ARE working with you A development industry report
  • 21. End-to-end process Analysis of the research results and ongoing customer and staff feedback indicated elements throughout the entire development application process from initial point of enquiry to completion required improvement. As a result, a large proportion of the workshop time was dedicated to examining the end-to-end process in detail. Workshop participants identified areas within the current development process: For improvement For increased transparency Where delays are encountered and Where the process works well These areas were identified in groups, with additional detail and explanations captured on large process maps. This method provided a visual snapshot of the entire development application process complete with identified pain points and opportunities for improvement. Workshop participants collectively ranked their top priorities. Overall key priorities for the end-to-end process are: Long term infrastructure assessment is required including timeframes, transparency and innovation Account Management should have greater authority Consultation between SA Water, developers and the development industry as a whole should be improved SA Water should undertake a review of processes including costs and timeframes SA Water should review the accessibility and usability of its AquaMap system for its customers Standards and commercial arrangements Participants commented on standards and commercial arrangements in the second session of the workshop and asked to discuss the impacts and opportunities brought about following the introduction of the Water Industry Act 2012. The development industrys overall key priorities included: Augmentation charges should be scrutinised, including the timeliness and transparency of costings Innovative options should be reviewed and developed with the development industry for example, joint venture opportunities, third party access and fee structure A review should be undertaken on SA Waters infrastructure standards to determine why they differ from other standards The practice of gifting assets should be examined and a rebate model was requested Business and innovation In the final section of the workshop, participants discussed business and innovation. This section focused on what new, innovative products and services SA Water could offer and what it could do to improve its business in the future. A number of areas for investigation were identified as key priorities including: The development of a commercial business centre for developers Both SA Water and the development industry to be committed to working together to make changes The development of an on-line web portal to track progress of applications Regular SA Water and development industry forums 19
  • 22. WE ARE working with you Discussions were most beneficial, but only if prompt action can happen. Good to have points of view from developers and others. I thought the focus group worked well and brought out many of the issues. I would participate in similar forums again. If it results in real outcomes, then it will be beneficial to all parties and South Australians. It is only beneficial if issues raised are addressed in the immediate and longer- term future depending on the issue. Feedback from the workshops Feedback from workshop participants has been positive. A development industry report
  • 23. Our final workshop was held with the UDIA Executive Council. The Council commented on the priorities created in the other workshops and identified these additional priorities: End to end process Infrastructure planning delivery The creation of Master Development Plan Agreements Increased accountability Commercial arrangements and standards Review of augmentation charges Consideration of financial impacts on the development industry Business and innovation Increased communication at individual and industry level All parties must be committed to making change UDIA Executive Council workshop THANK YOU TO SOUTH AUSTRALIAS DEVELOPMENT INDUSTRY FOR YOUR VALUABLE INSIGHTS AND YOUR ONGOING COLLABORATION WITH SA WATER. 21
  • 24. SA Water Corporation ABN 69 336 525 019 Head Office 250 Victoria Square / Tarntanyangga Adelaide SA 5000 Postal Address GPO Box 1751 Adelaide SA 5001 Business Development 7424 1144 www.sawater.com.au