Tom Maddrey presents information about the Eclipse Photography Institute, an online photography school. The document covers photography fundamentals like exposure, aperture, shutter speed, ISO, and digital basics. It provides tips for improving portraits, nature, wildlife and travel photos. It also discusses choosing camera gear, post-production workflow, and upcoming Eclipse Photography Institute events and training titles.
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A Digital Jumpstart
1. A Digital Jumpstart
Tom Maddrey :: Eclipse Photography Institute
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
3. Eclipse Photography Institute
! An Online University for learning
! Find us at
! Courses and Seminars
! Local I-on-I tutoring (in DFW)
! Line of Training DVDs
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
7. All About Light
! Light is our only medium!
! Without Light, we cannot create
anything whatsoever
! The whole of photography stem
from the idea of capturing and
controlling Light
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
8. Light + Camera = Exposure
! Exposure is the exact level of Radiant Energy (light) used to expose a
photographic medium (鍖lm or sensor)
! Exposure is determined by three key ideas
! Aperture
! Shutter Speed
! Film Speed (ISO)
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
9. Aperture (cont.)
! The Aperture is the hole in the lens that allows light through
! It directly a鍖ects the Intensity of the Light
! Is the 鍖rst tool we have to control Light
! Primary determinant of Depth of Field (or, how much of an image is in
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
12. Shutter Speed (cont.)
! Shutter Speed controls the Duration of Light
! Shutter Speed controls the amount of Motion Blur seen in the 鍖nal image
! In conjunction with Aperture, these two items make an Exposure
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
14. Exposure in Practice
! Aperture x Shutter Speed = Exposure
! Intensity x Duration = Exposure
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
15. Film Speed (ISO)
! Film Speed refers to the Sensitivity of the light-sensitive medium
! Notated in whole numbers
! 100, 200, 400, 800, 1600, 3200
! Once again, these Stops refer to 2x as much or 1/2 as much light
! Increased Film Speed result in Grain (鍖lm) or Noise (Digital)
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
16. The Ultimate Formula
! The interplay of Aperture, Shutter Speed, and Film Speed is the whole of
! These are the only Primary Tools we have to control the light
! Everything else in Photography (Filters, Lenses, any other modi鍖ers) work
as a result of a鍖ecting these three functions
! In the Digital Age, exposure often gets overlooked!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
17. Your Camera Settings
! Cameras o鍖er many di鍖erent modes for basic shooting
! P = Program Mode
! The camera selects both the Shutter Speed and Aperture to create a
Correct Exposure
! Av or A = Aperture Priority Mode
! You select the Aperture, and the camera sets the Shutter Speed to
create a Correct Exposure
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
18. Your Camera Settings (cont.)
! Tv or S = Shutter Speed Priority Mode
! You set the Shutter Speed, the camera sets the Aperture to create a
Correct Exposure
! M = Manual Exposure Mode
! You set the Shutter Speed and the Aperture, no help from the Camera
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
19. Scene Modes
! Portrait - Camera tries to blur the background (larger aperture)
! Party / Indoor - Camera uses a longer shutter speed to include more
ambient light in dark settings
! Beach / Snow - Camera tries to make snow / sand the correct color
(exposure compensation)
! Landscape - Camera focuses at in鍖nity and stays locked on with a maximum
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
20. Scene Modes (cont.)
! Sunset - Camera tries to slightly underexpose using exposure compensation
! Night Portrait - Camera uses Flash plus Long Exposure to expose both
subject and background
! Night Landscape - Similar to Landscape but uses a longer exposure
! Sports - Uses Fast Shutter Speed
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
21. Lenses and Lens Choice
! Lenses come in di鍖erent Focal Lengths, for di鍖erent Situations
! Wide Angle
! Standard
! Telephoto
! Super Telephoto
! Zooms
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
23. Lenses and Lens Choice (cont.)
! Lens Focal Length also plays a factor in the Depth of Field
! Wider Lenses naturally have less DOF
! Telephotos are often used to isolate subjects using both length and Depth of
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
24. Depth of Field
! Depth of Field (DOF) refers to how much of a given image appears in focus
! A鍖ected by Aperture and Focal Length
! One of your most powerful Compositional tools
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
25. Real World Examples
! Lets look at some example images of the di鍖erences in:
! Aperture
! Shutter Speed
! Film Speed
! Lens Choice
! Depth of Field
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
31. Digital Basics
The New World of Photography
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
32. Introduction to Digital Basics
! The idea of Digital Photography has exploded
! Along with these changes have come more work, and more problems
! Today, we are going to look at the absolute basics of Digital Imaging, and
touch on some more advanced features
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
33. The Pixel
! Pixel (short for Picture Element)
are the building blocks of images
! Cameras are measured by
MegaPixels (1,000,000 pixels)
! Obviously, pixels are very small
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
34. The Pixel (cont.)
! Pixels are arranged in a digital
camera according to a Bayer
! This pattern uses Red, Blue, and
Green pixels to make a
! 50% Green, 25% Blue, 25% Red
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
35. File Formats
! There are countless 鍖le formats, but two main ones we will be speaking
about today
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
36. JPEG Files
! These are images where the camera does all of the processing from pixel
information to 鍖nal image
! Bene鍖ts include, small 鍖le size, speed, ease of use
! Negatives include, loss of quality, subpar conversions, loss of information
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
37. RAW Files
! RAW 鍖les are the raw, untouched data directly o鍖 the sensor
! The processing of these 鍖les are done in a computer in a separate step by a
RAW Processor
! Bene鍖ts include, ultimate image quality, personal control over images
! Negatives include, large 鍖le sizes, more space and processing power needed
for working with RAW Files
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
38. White Balance
! White Balance refers to the color of whites in your image
! White Balance is measured in degrees Kelvin, a temperature scale
! 5000K is sunlight, 3200K is tungsten light
! The lower the number, the warmer the light
! White Balance is of great importance when shooting JPEGs, less so when
shooting RAWs
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
40. White Balance (cont.)
! White Balance can be set by choosing the correct symbol for the lighting
situation you are in
! i.e. daylight, cloudy, 鍖ash, tungsten, 鍖uorescent
! On some cameras, white balance can be set by choosing the correct Kelvin
! Auto White Balance is better, but gets very confused in mixed lighting
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
42. Tips and Tricks for Better Images
! This next section will cover some popular types of photography and how we
can make some quick changes to improve our images
! We will cover Portraits, Nature, Wildlife, and Travel Photography
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
43. Portraits
! Simplify Your Backgrounds
! Be Aware of Body Position (Make it Interesting!)
! Use a Medium to Telephoto Lens, Wide Angle Lenses exaggerate features
! Change Your Camera Position
! Get Low
! Get High
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
51. Wildlife
! Make sure the eyes are in focus
! Become best friends with your camera
! Get both Portraits and Behavior shots
! Always maintain your ethics
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
58. What Now?
After the Shoot
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
59. Post - Production?
! Post - Production is everything you do with an image after you take it
! The cornerstone of Post - Production is a streamlined work鍖ow
! There are many software programs designed to assist with work鍖ow
! I use Adobe Lightroom
! All Cameras come with Software
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
60. Printing at a Store
! You can take your memory cards to any store (Arlington Camera) and they
can print your photos for you almost instantly
! High Quality, easy, less cost e鍖ective
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
61. Lets Go Shopping
Camera Acquisition Syndrome
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
62. The Tools In Every Photographers Bag
! Every photographer should have some basic tools:
! Camera
! Tripod
! Bag
! Various Lenses
! Filters
! Flash
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
63. Choosing a Camera
! When Choosing a camera, use this progression
! Does it have the resolution I need?
! Does it accept the lenses I want to use?
! Is it in my budget?
! Can I rent accessories locally?
! How does it handle noise?
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
64. Choosing a Tripod
! With tripods more than anything else, you get what you pay for
! Choose a tripod at least as tall as you are without using the center column
! Make sure it is light enough and small enough you will actually carry it
around and use it
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
65. Other Accessories
! Flash - O鍖 Camera Flash is a great investment. Stick with your camera
brand, powerful and great quality
! Bag - Buy a bag slightly bigger than you ever think you will will
鍖ll it up!
! Lenses - Lenses are more important than bodies (IMO), invest in the best,
and the will last a lifetime
! Filters - UV, Polarizing for sure (for each lens)
! Memory Cards - Always one more than you think you need!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
66. Our Training Titles
! Beyond the Camera :: Tom Maddrey
! Seeing Light :: Neill Whitlock
! Naturally Modern Portraiture :: Jack Hollingsworth
! Photographing the Games :: Rick Rickman
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
67. Upcoming Events
! January 29th - Lightroom and Work鍖ow Workshop
! February 12th - Untangling Light Workshop
! April 29th - May 1st - Hill Country Weekend Workshop
! June 28th - July 2nd - The Inside Passage, Juneau, AK (3 Spots Left)
! July 3rd - July 8th - Denali 2011 (1 Spot Left)
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
68. Our Info
! Tom Maddrey ::
! Eclipse Photography Institute ::
! Telephone: 214.749.7990
! Twitter: @eclipseinst
! Facebook:
Tuesday, May 31, 2011