This document describes A Few Quiet Yarns (AFQY), a unique networking event that focuses on personal relationships rather than sales pitches. AFQY has no speeches or presentations and the host introduces all attendees to facilitate peer-to-peer networking. The goal is for attendees to get to know each other as individuals, not representatives of their companies, and build social and personal relationships that can lead to business opportunities. Key values of AFQY include treating all people equally, with respect and integrity, and focusing on personal connections in an obligation-free environment.
3. Personalising Business.
AFQY is different.
Meet people you can get on with.
AFQY is a unique event, as it has no speeches, no presentations and
is all about peer to per networking facilitated by the host introducing
the whole room making the focus on personal relationships.
7. Personalising Business.
AFQY is a
≒ Movement : AFQY Explained Blog
≒ Event: 1 Minute video
≒ Community Blog
≒ Club Membership option coming.
≒ Social Social networking in real time
≒ Network Social Networking in real time.
≒ Marketplace AFQY referrals coming
9. Personalising Business.
AFQY Values
A Few Quiet Yarns is built around doing business in a personal manner. Hence this
event/group/movement is all about creating an environment of trust based on
relationships built through understanding the character of a person before doing
business with them, or not, pending the characteristics you see in them.
≒ We are all human: We are all equal regardless of experience, position, race, age,
≒ Respect and integrity: No Selling, this is their time as equally as it is yours
≒ Personal: Build a social/personal relationship and allow the business to flow naturally
when asked.
≒ Obligation free come and go as you please, and get involved on any level due to
≒ Good attitude: Pay it forward
≒ OTAAAGOOO Very cheeky, a lot of fun, life is short, enjoy it as well.
10. Personalising Business.
Chief Yarner: Ryan the Lion.
AFQY is a networking event; where the only speech or
presentation is; myself introducing every attendee so
they can more comfortably network with each other.
An important difference is the NO SELLING rule; no
giving out cards, no ipad pitches, or else you will get
kicked out this is what the event culture as been built
on, enabling people to get to know each other as
people .
As part of getting to know each other initially socially
and personally one may ask for another business card,
to get their help based on both their ability to do the
work and the fact theyve found them to be alright.
AFQY empowers they buyer, and if the cut of gib is
alright. This is personalising busines by knowing who
you are doing busines with and choosing so based on
the connection you make as people.