11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics
HIC 2014, New York City, USA
S9-01: Special Session: Information Exchange Standard
Data Protocols within the Global Earth System of Systems
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A FOSS based web geo-service architecture for data management in complex water resources contexts
1. C.Arias1, M.Brovelli1, C. Giuliani2, S.Corti2
1 HydroinformaticsLab@POLIMI, Dept. Electronics, Information, and Bioengineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
2 HydroinformaticsLab@POLIMI, Dept. Civil and Environmental Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
A FOSS based web geo-service architecture for
data management in complex water resources
11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics
HIC 2014, New York City, USA
S9-01: Special Session: Information Exchange Standard
Data Protocols within the Global Earth System of Systems
2. 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics
HIC 2014, New York City, USA
Amount and types of data available at local and global scale at
increasingly higher temporal and spatial resolution
Accessing and integrating these data for modeling and decision making
purposes can be challenging and highly time consuming
Enable collection and sharing of data coming from complex water
resources domains and managed by multiple institutions
Platform for comparatively analyzing alternative water management
3. 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics
HIC 2014, New York City, USA
Lake Como and Muzza irrigation district
Hydropower reservoir
Power plant
Como city
River Adda
River Adda
Lario catchment
Irrigated area
0 10 20 30 40 505
4. 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics
HIC 2014, New York City, USA
Complex water resources contexts
The participation and interaction of all
the stakeholders affected by the system
management (e.g., water managers,
hydropower companies, farmers)
through the use the web geo-server has
indeed the potential for enhancing the
efficiency of water management
5. 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics
HIC 2014, New York City, USA
The case study focuses on the analysis of the main
components of the Lake Como system and the different
water-related interests involved. In other words,
understanding of the reciprocal feedbacks between the
decisions made in the system, such as modifications of
the upstream reservoirs or Lake Como operations, or
changes in the crops type cultivated in the downstream
agricultural districts
6. 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics
HIC 2014, New York City, USA
How to access and exploit all this
7. 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics
HIC 2014, New York City, USA
A web geo-service can allow the exploration of the
potential benefits achievable by adopting coordination
strategies between the actors involved. Significant
advantages can be obtained through a coordinated
management of Lake Como and the upstream reservoirs,
as well as by tuning the lake releases to match the actual
water demand of the crops cultivated in the irrigation
districts downstream.
Web geo-service
8. 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics
HIC 2014, New York City, USA
Web geo-service architecture
Web Client
Drupal core modules
Drupal istSOS module
Drupal OpenLayers module
Drupal GeoServer module
9. 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics
HIC 2014, New York City, USA
Why ?
Previous experience
Most popular, well documented, large community CMS between
joomla and wordpress
More advanced geospatial funzionalities (Geoserver and
OpenLayers modules)
Why a CMS ?
Administration: user account, permissions and roles
Extendibility : modules or plugins
Data and content management: organize, structure, find and re-
use content
Accessibility on multiple devices
10. 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics
HIC 2014, New York City, USA
OGC services
KML, shp
Observed properties
Units of measure
13. 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics
HIC 2014, New York City, USA
Drupal Module
Editor source variant
Add and manage layers
Add and manage maps (OpenLayers instances)
Add and manage map projections
Add and manage map styles
Add behaviors Clustering Behaviuor
17. 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics
HIC 2014, New York City, USA
Drupal Module
Connect with Geoserver via url
Define a workspace
Add and manage layers
Add and manage layers styles
19. 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics
HIC 2014, New York City, USA
Management from Drupal
Connect with a istSOS installation via url
Associate a contect type with the istSOS module
Add a service in the IstSOS service and set the EPSG code
Choose a service from a list of already connected services
Add observed properties
Add the units of measure of a property
Upload observational data ( all types of files)
24. 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics
HIC 2014, New York City, USA
25. 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics
HIC 2014, New York City, USA
Final remarks
The use of the CMS is crucial for collection, storage, sharing and
visualization of geodata in complex water resources management
contexts, especially for its user permission and content management
The proposed architecture combines different software that answers
the need of an easy, self-explainable access interface for a multiple
variety of users demands
In the future, the web geo-service architecture can be enriched with
the use of Web Processing Service (WPS). This could allow the users
to run the model through the web, changing some predefined model
26. Further Readings
Giuliani, M., Li, Y., Mainardi, M., Arias Munoz, C., Castelletti, A., &
Gandolfi, C. (2013, December). Co-Adapting Water Demand and
Supply to Changing Climate in Agricultural Water Systems, A Case
Study in Northern Italy. In AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts (Vol. 1, p.
Giuliani, M. (2014). Agent-based water resources management in
complex decision-making contexts.
27. Thank you for your
Carolina Arias Mu単oz
PhD Student
Politecnico di Milano
Skype: krolinarias
Linkedin: http://www.carolinaariasmunoz.com/linkedin
Google Scholar: http://scholar.google.it/citations?user=tk6o5WUAAAAJ
Research Gate : Researchgate.net/
ResearchID: ResearcherID B-9274-2013