This is a revised and updated version of an earlier presentation, "A Biblical Perspective on Evangelism & Witnessing," as my understanding and practice continue to evolve and adapt.
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A Fresh Old Understanding of Evangelism & Witnessing
1. Updated: April 2019
A Fresh Old Perspective on
Evangelism & Witnessing
Prepared by Jack Kooyman
2. Old or Familiar Western/U.S. Model New (Old) Model__________
Evangelism model = sales Evangelism as more show than tell
Sales Call/Closing the Deal Conversations with Friends
Conversion as Event Conversion as Journey or Process鰹
View people primarily as sinners View people primarily as image
Formula/Script oriented Relationship/interest oriented
Agenda based relationships Friendship based relationships
Salvation = afterlife/individual Salvation/New Life begins now;
includes all of creation/culture (see
John 3:16; Rom. 8:22-23)
Saving /Rescuing /Winning Inviting/Welcoming/Introducing
Gospel as fire escape Gospel as Good News of Gods
3. People are In or Out Moving toward or away from Jesus***
Witness only as individuals Witness primarily as community
Share the way of salvation Be aware of Holy Spirit provided
opportunities in conversations
with others.
Proving; convincing; defending Sharing transformation/grace stories
Same starting point for everyone Meet people where they are
Believing before belonging Belonging before believing鰹
4. Some Relevant New Testament Scripture
Questions to consider and discuss after reading each of the
following Scripture passages:
What does the passage teach us about how people come to know
and follow Jesus
Which, if any, of the previous models are represented in the
following passages?
Jesus and the Samaritan woman: John 4:7-30
Jesus and the man blind from birth: John 9 1-11 / 24-38
Jesus prayer for those who will follow him: John. 17:20-23
Paul in Athens: Acts 17: 22-23
Peter & Cornelius: Acts 10:1-48
I Peter 3:15 (NIV)
5. The Role & Work of the Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is always and everywhere the first and primary Witness.
We are partners and collaborators with the Holy Spirit.[Our] first
tasksare learning to listen to God and collaborate with the Holy
(p. 34 in Re-Imagining Evangelism, by Rick Richardson)
Acts 1:8
. . . you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be
my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.
6. Prayer & Witnessing
Pray for opportunities to have spiritual conversations.
Pay attention to Holy Spirit promptings/nudgings.
Ask and depend on the Holy Spirit to speak through you
and to the heart of the person with whom you are having
a conversation.
Pray for those with whom you have had spiritual